I‘ve been reading a ton of ebooks lately, and I never think they‘re picture-worthy... Here‘s a print book and wow is it easier on the eyes to read in print again, haha. This series is so damn good.
I‘ve been reading a ton of ebooks lately, and I never think they‘re picture-worthy... Here‘s a print book and wow is it easier on the eyes to read in print again, haha. This series is so damn good.
Beat a personal record in 2021! Happy new year y‘all! 🎉🎉🎉
Literally shaking reading this. This plot twist was so unexpected and the last half of the book has been impossible to put down. I can‘t believe the double entendre of the book title.
Finally giving this one a try after owning it for years!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️A quick, phenomenal read. You can really see Le Guin‘s interest in anthropology. Seems particularly potent 50 years later as humans continue to colonize each other on Earth.
Le Guin always blows me away with her writing—what a paragraph. You know his exact thought process & inclinations of his character laid bare here and how he became a scientist-turned-activist in the story. Just beautiful.
This book has had so much hype that I was scared it‘d let me down, but a third of the way through it‘s turning out to be really good!
I‘ve heard nothing but good things about this novella so here we go!
I was enjoying this so much that I bought it when I saw what the new cover looked like. Love the blues and greens.
Finished 2020 off with a really good ARC. This is the most books I‘ve read since keeping track and the most pages! Happy new year everyone!
Cozy Sunday morning with kitty snuggles and a new book. This is supposed to be one of DWJ‘s more serious books, so we‘ll see if I like it!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mostly filler, but it was very pleasant, atmospheric filler. I think this series is going to be better as a whole when the third comes out than individual entries as the books aren‘t too long — I‘m ready for the next one to actually progress the plot!
Caught this little old lady being funny this morning...
Starting on this one! I‘ve never read a book by Kiersten White that I didn‘t like.
I‘ve had this book since I was 16 and lost track of how many times I‘ve read it — it may be the most beat up book I own since usually I try to take good care of them. Paperbacks weren‘t meant to be read this much 😅
The sequel to this just came out a few days ago so I‘m rereading it to refresh my memory first. I remember liking it a lot!
Cozy morning view on this dreary day... I post a lot less pictures because most ARCs I read are in e-format due to COVID.
Finished my challenge with a wonderful coming of age novel. Time to up my goal!
Ordered two books I really enjoyed the ARCs of from Bookshop.org, which is quickly becoming my favorite website to get new books from!
About to start on this one!
Enjoying the leftovers of a scrumptious Sunday brunch this gloomy morning!
Have to work today later, but enjoying my Saturday morning with a book, Irish breakfast tea, and a kitty for now. ☕️
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was pretty good, and often funny. Some stark revelations about human nature along with the workings of love, marriage, and the pursuit of happiness. Like a Shakespearean comedy, all the characters seem to love the wrong person and fall in and out of love on a whim, which was a lot of fun.
A very bleak view on love! Anyone agree with this? 🤨
Not feeling well at all today and I‘ve basically been in-and-out of sleep, but while I have this moment of feeling awake enough I‘m going to sneak some pages in.
I said a while back I wanted to read Virginia Woolf‘s novels in chronological order, and only made it through the first. Onto the second a couple years later—her signature style hasn‘t developed yet but hoping for a good read anyhow.
My partner is vegan, so I eat vegan around her and occasionally we pull off a delicious brunch with fresh fruits & veggies from the farmer‘s market. Is this the lesbian dream or what?
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ to the whole series. The prose is breathtaking, the characters real, the feeling of magic present in every page—always feel a little empty when it‘s over.
And again, onto the last. I like this cover the most. This series is even better than I remember from the last time I listened to the audiobooks.
And onto the next one again. Funny how it can take me a week to finish a book I have to read but the favorites go by so quickly.
Aaand we are already on the next one. The second book has always been my favorite in the series.
Someone wants attention this morning!
It‘s been a minute since I reread this series in its entirety—I got Call Down the Hawk when it initially released but haven‘t read it yet.
A kitty looking pensive against a bookshelf backdrop 🌱 #catsoflitsy
My girlfriend & I got a French press when we‘ve been drinking pourover coffee for the longest time and it‘s definitely a noticeable improvement (if a little harder to clean up).
It‘s sad to not celebrate Pride with others this month, but I‘m making do at home. 🏳️🌈
We had a new couch delivered the other day and the cats seem to like it! I‘ve been reading ebooks for work instead of physical copies for the most part, which doesn‘t always make for the best pictures.
Go follow my friend Missy, who‘s new to Litsy - she blogs about books a lot and loves sci fi & fantasy! @MissyB.blio
I didn‘t actually plan on reading this on my own time, but I got assigned to review it for work! Pressure‘s on.