Foreshadowing at its finest. #thedivider #susanglasser #peterbaker #foreshadowing #ushistory #uspolitics #history #politicalscience #presidency #election #defeat #donaldtrump
Foreshadowing at its finest. #thedivider #susanglasser #peterbaker #foreshadowing #ushistory #uspolitics #history #politicalscience #presidency #election #defeat #donaldtrump
#Appalachianstrong #foreshadowing
This book was written before the hurricane that destroyed many parts of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina.
Thank you to the author for donating all proceeds of this book to Hurricane Helene relief!
I now have power and water.🙌 internet service is still down. This is week 3 I have been unable to work. ( I work from home)
Thank you to everyone who has donated, prayed or volunteered to help in any way.
Interesting how Hillary wrote a memo and did research on presidential impeachment- I love foreshadowing in history. #foreshadowing #irony #hillaryrodham #hillaryclinton #richardnixon #billclinton #impeachment #uspolitics #ushistory #history #politicalscience #presidency #peterbaker
Part 1: we meet the characters #notafanofthemom #christophineiswaybetter #thatpoorhorsethough #tiawasabrat #isawthattrickamileaway #thenewluttrellsseemsketchy #momispartyinglikearockstar #findsanewhubby #whatcouldgowrong #mamawantstoleavebutmasonwantstostay #noisesinthebamboo #whatcoulditbe #FIRE #houseisburning #poorCoco #soscary #tia 😳#whyamisurpised #heartbroken #ripPierre #somuchtragedy #momdoesnttwanther #offtotheconvent #corapeacesout ⬇️⬇️
Ch 17: poor Jan, what a disaster #beatriceisagoodfriend #maxisanass #asifjanwoulddothatonpurpose #frankisadarling #hetriessohard #firstandlastballatmanderley #foreshadowing #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 1: #shortchapter #notmuchelsetosay #whatadrearymanderley #foreshadowing #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
I love foreshadowing in history. What did Iraq become? Well, it became another Vietnam with Afghanistan that destroyed a Bush presidency. If you would like to read about the Iraq war that I consider another Vietnam that destroyed a Bush presidency, feel free to look back on what we posted and reread Days of Fire also by Peter Baker. #themanwhoranwashington #peterbaker #susanglasser #daysoffire #iraq #conflict #history #foreshadowing #bush
Chapter 48: y‘all. I‘m going straight to hell, every time there is a chapter with this guy in, my first thought is “isn‘t he dead yet?” #foreshadowing #whoasksforanopenendedpromise #karma #RIP #poordodo #pemberlittens
Chapter 13: Lydia is married, everything is back to normal, and Wickham will never come back 🙄 #foreshadowing #hescomingback #hidePolly #whatatrainwreck #shortchaptersarekillingme #jaaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Not sure how I feel about WHAT I read or how to fit any of it into the context of the now-infamous Oscar slap. And I‘m skeptical of Will Smith‘s take on some events because it differs from the public record. I feel sorry for Jada—it can‘t be easy navigating his giant ego. I don‘t like Will Smith any better for getting through this. But I have to say it was a helluva read. I couldn‘t put it down.
Prompt: I‘m a Rule Breaker