#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin
Thoughts, Sherlockians?

#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin
Thoughts, Sherlockians?
Ch 2: Ruth meets Bellingham #theballisfuntowatch #thebelletreatsruthlikecrap #bellinghamgivesruthaflower #hehasalittlecrush #masonisonarampage #ruthfinallyescapestorunerrands #shestopstowatchboysplayingintheriver #onefallsin 😳 #shetriestohelp #bellinghamtotherescue #heevenpaysthedoc #whilelookingdownhisnose 🙄 #whew #hemakesplanstomeetruth ⛪️ #whatcouldgowrong #hashtagbrigade
#TLT @dabbe
Now, to some music, starting with #s 500-401 (even though the list will say 1-100).
1. Take the survey at https://bit.ly/46e2uSi
2. Share your results (if you wanna). 😊
3. Share three favorites from the list or three you hate (just to be different). 😀
4. Tag 3 people, and yer done! 🤩
Link to Spotify Playlist for these songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MabJCLMyvcBHHT0zSUHdJ
Tagging 3 people below. I'll post my answers, too!
3. Thinking of adventurous episodes in this book, they seemed more psychological than dangerous, with the bad guy (Edgar Nixon 1968) being one step ahead of her...at least to me!
However, Nancy unwittingly becomes entangled in a Lonely Hearts Club mail scheme, and she does track down the lost mail and Nancy Smith Drew. She also faces the awful Mrs. Skeets.
What do you think of her adventures this time? #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives
Part 1: we meet the characters #notafanofthemom #christophineiswaybetter #thatpoorhorsethough #tiawasabrat #isawthattrickamileaway #thenewluttrellsseemsketchy #momispartyinglikearockstar #findsanewhubby #whatcouldgowrong #mamawantstoleavebutmasonwantstostay #noisesinthebamboo #whatcoulditbe #FIRE #houseisburning #poorCoco #soscary #tia 😳#whyamisurpised #heartbroken #ripPierre #somuchtragedy #momdoesnttwanther #offtotheconvent #corapeacesout ⬇️⬇️
My husband is half Swedish, and in Sweden they celebrate name days ( definitely not the only country to do this 😉) and I‘m celebrating by having chips and wine with my reading time on a Tuesday. I‘ve spent 3 days in the same grade 5 classroom and I have never been so ‘childsplained‘ to in my life #treatmyself