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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Cuilin We need to keep an eye on Mr. Bellingham. He‘s not to be trusted. On another note the writing is beautiful, I loved the description of the ball. 1mo
AllDebooks Poor Jenny. I'm getting Helen (Jane Eyre) vibes. 1mo
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BarkingMadRead @Cuilin I 💯 agree! @AllDebooks yessss I‘m worried for Jenny! 1mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Bellingham: OMG Poor people! 1mo
BarkingMadRead @Crinoline_Laphroaig such a jerk! 🙄🙄 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly Eeeee I do not like Bellingham. He has the superficial trappings of a hero but he‘s all about Ruth just because she‘s pretty, when he must know their status in life is too different for any romance! And then he literally calls a poor person‘s house a pigsty! He‘s so thoughtless. 1mo
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin Bellingham can not be trusted 1mo
mcctrish Bellingham was half okay when he seemed shook at his supposed betrothed lack of regard for Ruth helping her but is absolutely clueless to how little time Ruth has to herself 🤷🏻‍♀️ like it takes a village for him to have tea, what does he think it takes for actual full time living?! 1mo
currentlyreadinginCO Getting Tess vibes, personally 🙄. Love the writing, though, and I've never read this one before so I'm interested 1mo
KAO @currentlyreadinginCO I agree about Tess vibes! Also already very aware of red flags with Bellingham. 1mo
rubyslippersreads @currentlyreadinginCO Definitely Tess vibes. 1mo
dabbe Your summary today was STUPENDOUS!!! You know, there's a book there re: your witty hashtags. 🤔🤩🤗 1mo
dabbe @currentlyreadinginCO #tessheretoo But I cared about Tess, and now I care about Ruth. Damn. 😂 1mo
rubyslippersreads I have a feeling Mr. Bellingham is as respectful of women as Mr. Wickham. 😏 1mo
currentlyreadinginCO Same 😍😍😭 @dabbe 1mo
Ruthiella @AllDebooks Yes, I‘m afraid Jenny is a goner. I see it coming! 😢 1mo
julieclair Only two chapters in and my heart is already breaking in advance for Ruth. 🥹 1mo
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