…And we know now that it‘s not over, and we get to do the same thing again… #thedivider #peterbaker #donaldtrump #susanglasser #americanpresidency #uspolitics #ushistory #history #politicalscience #impeachment
…And we know now that it‘s not over, and we get to do the same thing again… #thedivider #peterbaker #donaldtrump #susanglasser #americanpresidency #uspolitics #ushistory #history #politicalscience #impeachment
“You knew the house was burning down.”__Alex Warren #thedivider #donaldtrump #peterbaker #susanglasser #january6 #americanpresidency #alexwarren #uspolitics #politicalscience #ushistory #history #insurrection #impeachment #burningdown
But is it a high crime though?… That is the question… #thedivider #peterbaker #susanglasser #donaldtrump #impeachment #ukraine #volodimirzelensky #foreignaid #uspolitics #politicalscience #history #ushistory
I could honestly repost Mulvaney‘s entire conversation, but I think I‘ll just highlight this. #mulvaney #mickmulvaney #thedivider #peterbaker #susanglasser #ukraine #russia #foreignpolicy #corruption #donaldtrump #impeachment #presidency #internationalpolitics #worldhistory #history #politicalscience
I have no words 💔
A great and detailed review of impeachment, what it is, and what the process has looked like through the years. Would definitely recommend to those studying the topic
And with that, that‘s a wrap! Stay tuned for our next book! #impeachment #jeffreyengel #politics #uspolitics #politicalscience #history #ushistory #president #executivebranch #truecrime #houseofrepresentatives #senate
Short version: it‘s not over and may never be over, but that‘s why we have systems in place. #impeachment #jeffreyengel #futurepredictions #spoilers #president #presidentialelections #trump2024 #donaldtrump #uspolitics #politicalscience #elections
I just love this quote from our author, Jeffrey Engel! #impeachment #jeffreyengel #richardnixon #politicalscience #uspolitics #history #ushistory