Just started this tonight and enjoying it more then I expected. Pride and Prejudice is one of my most reread books.... Can feel the itch to crack it open again starting now.
Just started this tonight and enjoying it more then I expected. Pride and Prejudice is one of my most reread books.... Can feel the itch to crack it open again starting now.
Thought the #pemberlittens might be interested in this interview with Jo Baker about her book Longbourn that the #hashtagbrigade read last year
Also I highly recommend this podcast in general, they just finished their read-through/discussion of P&P and I learned so much!
🎶🎵 On the eighth day of #12BooksOf2022 my book log gave to me… my favorite book of August 2022!
I went to the #SHPL used book store and I came across these Jane Austen inspired titles! #PemberLittens
P&P will always be my favorite! So interested in hearing the story from the servants POV! #pemberlittens
I loved reading this one with the #pemberlittens - it was a nice look at behind the scenes of my favorite Austen novel. The lives of the servants are just as interesting and dramatic, even though they have less freedom in the every day. I enjoyed watching Sarah grow as a character and learn a bit more about the realities of the world.
So glad I finally read this book. It was my first long chapter-a-day read with the #pemberlittens and won't be my last. I liked getting to know the staff and thinking about everything that was going on “downstairs“ while the well-loved events of Pride and Prejudice unfolded “upstairs.“ I did not like how one of my favorites from upstairs acted completely out of character toward the end of the book. The pic is called Sewing Maid by Alexis Vollon.
4.5⭐️ I really enjoyed the book and noticed much more of the story the second time I read it. I really liked the behind the scenes of the book, while still having a lot of familiar characters around. #2022 #historicalfiction #retellings #fiction #bookreview #bookstagram #pemberlittens
Read this as my #doublespin for August
Finally! This book has been on my Kindle for ages now so I‘m happy to have finally read it with my #PemberLittens friends. The story of Pride and Prejudice, but more as it‘s told from the perspective of the Bennet‘s servants with their own stories mixed in. Although it paints some favorite characters in a less flattering light, it was well done & the end satisfied. I found a #chapteraday was a great way to read it. Thanks to @BarkingMadRun ! 🤗💙
If you like Jane Austen-inspired books, this one is great. It's the story of the Bennets' servants at Longbourn, the ones in the background of Pride & Prejudice. Here, their stories are told. #Pemberlittens
Chapter 20: Mary is the last chick in the nest and she‘s finally happy….. poor Mr Hill died….. Polly wants to be a teacher…. And Sarah has gone off to look for James….. let me know what you thought of the book! I am at a Book Lovers Convention, so I finished it during the week! #jaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #andtheylivedhappilyeverafter
Chapter 19: Tol comes to Pemberley and he‘s seen James! A pregnant Lizzy wants Sarah to stay, but Sarah wants to go search for James! #runSarahrun #jaaaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #willsarahfinallyfindjames #staytuned #onemorechapter #hallmarklastminuteending
Chapter 18: Sarah hates Pemberley and Lizzy is still not a happy camper! #notenoughtodo #homesick #jaaaaaaaames #chapteraday #pemberlittens #wheretheheckisjames #thisisgonnahavealasttenminuteshallmarkending #ifeelitinmybones
Chapter 17: a nervous Lizzy is taking Sarah with her to Pemberley. #whatifjamescomesback #poorsarah #jaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #almostthere #jaaaames #whereareyou
Chapter 16: Bingley and Darcy are back! Which also means Tol is back. Tol ❤️ Sarah but Sarah ❤️ James, so Tol is invisible. Polly blames herself for James leaving. Basically, everyone but Bingley and Jane are miserable. #unmitigatedass #jaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortchapterssuck
Chapter 15: Mrs Hill calls out Mr Bennet for not being as supportive of James #youtellhim #beabetterhuman #notafanofmrbennetorshortchapters #wheresjames #jaaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 14: Wickham is back, but he seems to be behaving himself…. Until he suggests bringing Polly to Newcastle with them 🙄🙄🙄 #hellno #creeper #stayawayfromPolly #runPollyrun #jaaaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 13: Lydia is married, everything is back to normal, and Wickham will never come back 🙄 #foreshadowing #hescomingback #hidePolly #whatatrainwreck #shortchaptersarekillingme #jaaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 12: Mr Bennet is back without Lydia and everyone is in an uproar. Sarah wants to go find James but Mrs Hill convinces her to stay…… #mrbennetcaneathisapology #toolittletoolate #poorsarah #comehomejames #wickhambetternottouchpolly #thesechaptersaretooshort #enoughisenough #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 11: Colonel Forster arrives with bad news, Mrs Hill becomes the latest victim of the Post Mistress, and Sarah asks the colonel if he‘s seen James….. #ihatethatpostmistress #colonelforstertoo #bullies #poorsarah #poormrshill #lydiaandwickham #rosemary #pemberlittens #shortchapters #chapteraday #wheresjames #tellusalready
Chapter 10: Jane sends Sarah to the post office with a letter to Lizzy, and Sarah asks if there are any letters for her…. #hatethatPOlady #sorude #bekind #poorsarah #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortestchaptersever #letsgetthisstorymoving
Chapter 9: a letter arrives Express in the middle of the night, and Sarah hopes it‘s from James #itsnot #lydiaandwickham #poorlydia #mrsbennetswooning #poorsarah #comehomejames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortchaptersallweek
Chapter 8: the Gardiners take Lizzy on vacay and leave the kids with the Bennets, which means more work for Sarah and Mrs Hill #shortestchapterever #nothinggoodhappened #wheresJames #letsgo #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 7: Sarah and Mrs Hill talk about James and then Sarah takes Polly to see where Sarah was born… #shortchapters #nobabyjamesontheway #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Finished two books this past week
📚Still working my way through Longbourn for the #pemberlittens readalong and A Promised Land
📚 Started Where the Crawdads Sing and am almost finished; very engrossing
📚Will pick up Booth this week
📚Need to start Good Neighbors for my library book meeting on the 10th
📚Will also start my #lpmbc closer to the end of the week or whenever I get it
Chapter 6: Lydia‘s letters to the fam arrive, giving Sarah the idea of asking Elizabeth to enquire after James…. #smithnotmrsmith #upstairsdownstairs #justafootman #sigh #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 5: everyone knows James is gone and Mr Bennet refuses to search for him #whoistherealbastard #whatajerk #theydidthemath #theyknowhedeserted #poorJames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 4: James spends a little time on a trade ship before heading back home….. #pemberlittens #chapteraday #nottooexciting #whatcomesnext #comebackJames
Chapter 3: now we know where the shells came from! #poorjames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 2: my heart breaks for James! I‘m finding it harder and harder to stop at the end of the chapter!! #iknewhewouldntgoawol #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 1: are.you.kidding.me. Poor Mrs Hill! #pemberlittens #chapteraday
This is a rather unfair sentence.Jane Austen herself, for instance,never married.If she had related this to privilege,that would make more sense.What it is to be privileged enough,as a woman in the Regency(or indeed,even now)to have independent means of income and not rely on a man.
Chapter 14…. Lydia is going to Brighton and one last party brings Wickham to the house. He approaches Polly, James approaches him, and all hell breaks loose! And now James is gone…… again?!? #whattheheckMrsHill #jamessmithisjameshill #neversawthatcoming #comebackjames #wickhamsucks #pemberlittens #chapteraday
#bookreport Finished The Giver of Stars for #lmpbc and will put it in the mail on Tuesday.
📚Am almost finished The Duke and I and should be done in a day or two
📚Continuing with the #pemberlittens #readalong for Longbourn
📚Am picking my way through A Promised Land; hope to get Pt. 3 done this week
📚Will be starting to work on Booth a bit more this week
📚I will be starting Where the Crawdads Sing this week
Chapter 13: Sarah gets to accompany Elizabeth to Kent by way of London, which is not at all what she thought it would be. #sarahmissesjames #jamesmissessarah #theyresocute #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Sorry #pemberlittens this book just wasn‘t it. I mostly stay away from Austen reimaginations because they either stray away from the plot or modernize it too much that it barely fits the time.
This was the latter.
I liked the plot line but i couldn‘t stand the pace. Also as i read further, Sarah just got on my nerves. She‘s whiny and extremely impulsive. Not my cup of tea.
Rating: 2/5
Chapter 12: this guy again 🙄 #stayoutofthekitchen #jamesknowssomething #runPollyrun #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 11: Mrs Hill is sucking up to Charlotte, and makes her a reticule as a wedding gift. Sarah takes a crazy next step with James….. #poorJames #wherearethescarsfrom #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 10…. And it‘s Advent…. Mr Collins proposes to Charlotte, Sarah makes eyes at James, Wickham makes eyes at everyone, and it getting way too close to Polly… and to James #somuchmystery #wickhamisacreeper #runPollyrun #ptolemywho #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 9: Sarah and her wooden box go on a little adventure… but end up back at Longbourne. #jamesandsarahsittinginatree #actuallyitwastheroad #therewasstillkissing #poorjames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 8: my head is reeling from this one! Everyone is hungover 🍷 Lizzie turns down Mr Collins, the soldiers are visiting, and The Bingleys are leaving. And just when you think it can‘t get worse…. #wickhamisapig #stayawayfromPolly #runPollyrun #somuchdrama #jameswilbethrilled #pemberlittens #chapteraday
#Pemberlittens this book is quite devastating. I've never quite thought of hunger that way
Recently for the #Longbourn buddy read we discussed shoe bows/flowers/adornments.
These are my RenFest boots and I added some artificial flowers to them! ☺️
Chapter 7: Sarah, full of 🍷, decides to dash over to Netherfield to watch the Ball, and meets up with Tol and his flask of rum….. #thiscannotendwell #mrsHillwillfreakout #peepingsarah #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 6: the Bennets are off to the Ball and Sarah is having a pity party 🍷 #mrshillisnthelping #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortchapters
Chapter 5: the Bennet girls are avoiding Mr Collins, prepping for the Netherfield Ball, and realize they need shoe roses. Since it‘s raining, Sarah has to go…… #poorSarah #nobodycaresaboutyourshoes #ptolemysighting #poorJames #bepatient #thebingleysleavesoonanyway #pemberlittens #chapteraday #parttwo
Chapter 4: Mrs Hill tells Sarah to stay away from Tol, and Mr Collins grills her about Elizabeth. All in all, a very excellent day for Sarah 🙄💩 #worstjobever #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 2: did this chapter remind anyone else of this? At least this one was happier until Mrs Hill showed up….. #busted #poorjames #sarahandptolemy #troubleahead #pemberlittens #chapteraday