Chapter 17: a nervous Lizzy is taking Sarah with her to Pemberley. #whatifjamescomesback #poorsarah #jaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #almostthere #jaaaames #whereareyou
Chapter 17: a nervous Lizzy is taking Sarah with her to Pemberley. #whatifjamescomesback #poorsarah #jaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #almostthere #jaaaames #whereareyou
Chapter 12: Mr Bennet is back without Lydia and everyone is in an uproar. Sarah wants to go find James but Mrs Hill convinces her to stay…… #mrbennetcaneathisapology #toolittletoolate #poorsarah #comehomejames #wickhambetternottouchpolly #thesechaptersaretooshort #enoughisenough #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 11: Colonel Forster arrives with bad news, Mrs Hill becomes the latest victim of the Post Mistress, and Sarah asks the colonel if he‘s seen James….. #ihatethatpostmistress #colonelforstertoo #bullies #poorsarah #poormrshill #lydiaandwickham #rosemary #pemberlittens #shortchapters #chapteraday #wheresjames #tellusalready
Chapter 10: Jane sends Sarah to the post office with a letter to Lizzy, and Sarah asks if there are any letters for her…. #hatethatPOlady #sorude #bekind #poorsarah #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortestchaptersever #letsgetthisstorymoving
Chapter 9: a letter arrives Express in the middle of the night, and Sarah hopes it‘s from James #itsnot #lydiaandwickham #poorlydia #mrsbennetswooning #poorsarah #comehomejames #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortchaptersallweek
Chapter 5: the Bennet girls are avoiding Mr Collins, prepping for the Netherfield Ball, and realize they need shoe roses. Since it‘s raining, Sarah has to go…… #poorSarah #nobodycaresaboutyourshoes #ptolemysighting #poorJames #bepatient #thebingleysleavesoonanyway #pemberlittens #chapteraday #parttwo
Chapter 4: Sarah spends the whole morning trying to “bump into” the new guy, and finally does…. 💩💩💩 #anotherrudeguy #literalpoop #poorsarah #shedidgetwhatshewantedthough #pemberlittens #chapteraday