Chapter 12: Mr Bennet arrives just in time……. #anotherproposal #poorjames #jamesloveskittylovesprice #butdoespricewantkitty #staytuned #teamJames #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 12: Mr Bennet arrives just in time……. #anotherproposal #poorjames #jamesloveskittylovesprice #butdoespricewantkitty #staytuned #teamJames #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 5: everyone knows James is gone and Mr Bennet refuses to search for him #whoistherealbastard #whatajerk #theydidthemath #theyknowhedeserted #poorJames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 3: now we know where the shells came from! #poorjames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 11: Mrs Hill is sucking up to Charlotte, and makes her a reticule as a wedding gift. Sarah takes a crazy next step with James….. #poorJames #wherearethescarsfrom #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 9: Sarah and her wooden box go on a little adventure… but end up back at Longbourne. #jamesandsarahsittinginatree #actuallyitwastheroad #therewasstillkissing #poorjames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 5: the Bennet girls are avoiding Mr Collins, prepping for the Netherfield Ball, and realize they need shoe roses. Since it‘s raining, Sarah has to go…… #poorSarah #nobodycaresaboutyourshoes #ptolemysighting #poorJames #bepatient #thebingleysleavesoonanyway #pemberlittens #chapteraday #parttwo
Chapter 2: did this chapter remind anyone else of this? At least this one was happier until Mrs Hill showed up….. #busted #poorjames #sarahandptolemy #troubleahead #pemberlittens #chapteraday
I suspect Kitty will come around to James in the end but frankly #hecoulddobetter. 2y