A great coming of age story. The characters are learning about finding themselves and their sexuality. The storyline drew me in and the characters were great, even those I didn‘t like, made the story great.
A great coming of age story. The characters are learning about finding themselves and their sexuality. The storyline drew me in and the characters were great, even those I didn‘t like, made the story great.
Current reads: Akata Warrior, Slay, Finding Yvonne 📚
Rainbow cover: Bright Lines 🌈
Last lgbt book: Speak No Evil 🏳️🌈
I loved this story about a family from Bangladesh who lives in Brooklyn. It had everything- love, loss, happy times, bad times. The descriptions of Brooklyn and Bangladesh are artful, and the characters are wonderful. The culture was previously not well known to me, and I felt like I got a truthful look into the complexities of that experience. Anwar, Charu, El, Maya and all of the other characters will stay with me for a long time.
I had a hard time deciding what to read for the Underdog Hero challenge prompt so I went to some sources online and found this book. It was a unique take on this packed with diversity and young adult issues. I‘m glad that I took a step outside the box on this one and tried something new! #booked2018 #underdoghero
I liked this book. It is very rare that I like books with alternating p.o.v. but this is another book that challenged that dislike. I enjoyed reading about a culture that we don‘t have a lot of books about. My only regret is that while I enjoyed it I often forgot about it. It was a good book but nothing compelled me to want to pick it up. I probably would‘ve forgotten about it if there wasn‘t a timeline to read it.
I'm in the minority here, but I didn't love this book. It lacks cohesiveness and I felt that the characters weren't developed enough. But, that's just me! It has excellent reviews from everyone else on Litsy. This will be going in the mail to you tomorrow @sweetpealsd - I hope you like it!
P.S. I really like the cover, so pretty! 🌈
Received my #bookmail package from @mklong last night! Can't wait for round two of #LMPBC - Bright Lines looks really interesting and the cover is so pretty! I'm glad everyone enjoyed my pick for round one. ☺️
This book does not only have a #colorful cover but also deals with very important topics. #readingresolutions @Jess7
Snow day! So I finished this book this morning since I don't have to go in to work. If you like multi generational family sagas, this is a pretty good one. Sometimes I thought maybe the author was trying to do too much, but I still enjoyed this book.
Why did I let this book languish on my shelf for two years before I read it? Why? Now I will say it was before I figured out that multigenerational sagas about immigrants was my jam, but still.
Bright Lines is the beautiful story of a family that seems completely broken and disjointed. But they don‘t give up on each other. They dig deep. They reach out. They miss the mark and hurt each other more. Then they get it right. Love prevails.
I‘m used to a little fictional incest.
#BeenThere #GRRMruinedUs
Whew, ain‘t that the truth!
Had a fantastic brunch date with my best friend this morning. Set my attitude back right after the atrocities of yesterday. Back in bed now with a blueberry fritter and my book.
Respect your friends‘ boundaries fellow Littens. Seriously.
#Happiness #PlightOfIntroverts #24in48
I am really fed up and exhausted. I‘ve said I‘m fed up and exhausted. No one is respecting my boundaries. I‘m about to throw the biggest tantrum.
Such a pretty cover design. Praying that my friend forgets we have dinner plans so I can keep reading tonight. 🤞🏾
Readathoners: how are we doing? Here‘s your reminder to stop and drink some water.
This stack includes two books for the #bookriotreadharderchallenge and some books from book boxes. And one from a series that I don't want to end. #bookwormproblems #septembermostanticipated #fallintobooks
I couldn't find a book with a shape in the title but lines are close enough, right?😄 #Junebookbugs #ashapeinthetitle
When your salad matches the cover of your book #asianlitbingo
I love bright colors and I love riding my bike!
#JudgedByItsCover #MarchIntoReading
Day 21 - the coolest spines on my bookshelf 📚 #riotgrams #riotgram #bookstagram
My #RiotGrams #shelfie is my reminder to buy more bookshelves (and find room for them).
Today on Bustle, I'm recommending essential reads by Muslim women. Because I'm feeling helpless, and this is part of my activism. https://www.bustle.com/p/11-books-by-muslim-women-that-show-the-many-facets-of-i...
Switching to an audiobook because I was trudging through the book I was trying to read and I have some errands to run. #24in48
Books, cats, and bae. Three of my favorite things in one picture, and how I'm spending my New Year's Eve. He's healing up nicely from his surgery and she's been the best little kitty nurse keeping him company. The downtime has meant both of us have done a lot of reading this week (and I guess the cats, too, by extension). ❤📚💜📚❤
And another great book sitting unread on my shelf. #silhouettesoncovers #seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading
The story of immigrants living in Brooklyn.
There is Charu, biological daughter of Hari and Anwar; Ella, adopted daughter of Hari and Anwar; and Maya, who is Charu's friend. The story has us dip into these 5 lives telling a story that ranges from Bangladesh to Brooklyn. The reader sees the prejudices against immigrants, lesbians, women, and it's not just white Americans.
It is a story about finding your place and being happy with your choice.
Really struggled to get going with this book, but so glad that I trusted the recommendations and kept reading. ALL the feels with this one! ❤❤❤
#hellooctober #brightlines #familysecrets #dysfunctionismywheelhouse #bookhangoverbegins
Settling in for a bit of reading while beauty is 'in process'. #hellooctober
Salt lamps and a few spare minutes to read make me happy 😊
Still chipping away at this book - the craziness of teaching both co-op and student re-engagement in September is eliminating almost all of my reading time!
Last week I reviewed one of the opening rounds for alt.TOB (alternate Tournament of Books, a spinoff of my fave March Madness for books). I was opening round no. 7, Bright Lines vs What is Not Yours, Is Not Yours! It's on the Goodreads discussion group if you'd like to check out the full judgment. http://bit.ly/2dlOAT2
"It was interesting to him that her never thought of his wife as a scientist...her chosen path, beauty an cosmetics were experimentations in uncovering a person's true nature."
LOVE how this moment in the book represents both the awkwardness of someone trying to understand a concept that is foreign to them, at the exact time that it makes varying self-identifications seem like the totally natural thing it is.
Starting the day with some reading, a coffee and #RheoThompson #mintsmoothie #chocolate. #breakfastofchampions
For anyone even remotely close to Stratford Ontario, it is worth the drive for the chocolate alone!
I really loved this book. It wasn't always what I was expecting but I liked the turns it took. I stayed up till 2am the day before I met the author and it was worth every minute of lost sleep.
I really loved this book. It wasn't always what I was expecting but I liked the turns it took. I stayed up till 2am the day before I met the author and it was worth every minute of lost sleep.
I have a "rule" that, when I have to put books sideways on the TBR shelf, I have to find some books I may never get to, and donate them. I am about 22 books past the donating point and I can't bring myself to do it! Oh, and these shelves have double rows of books.
This wasn't what I was expecting. A slow burn. But interesting and something that I think will stay with me for awhile.
I love that the book is really diverse and inclusive but I found it hard to follow and get into.
Steinbeck, underwhelmed by books since 2011. 💕