There's a giveaway for this one over at @bookriot - http://bit.ly/2rgdkCa. It seems the perfect sort of book for this chilly gray summer day.
There's a giveaway for this one over at @bookriot - http://bit.ly/2rgdkCa. It seems the perfect sort of book for this chilly gray summer day.
I've been reading (and DNF'ing) so many duds lately, but THIS book. It reads like an instant classic. Allegorical and ancient, of-the-moment and heartfelt. I gobbled it up in the span of a day. An important and unforgettable read. Powerfully magical.
#NowReading Literary Sci-Fi (?) with a Czech/Prague/Space setting and a spider with Rocky Horror lips; it's a delight so far. AND today's the last day to enter the giveaway for the book on @bookriot http://bookriot.com/2017/03/11/weekend-giveaway-spaceman-bohemia/ #spidersinspaaaaaace
The Addams Family meets Downton Abbey meets Edward Gorey...meets Monty Python. Simon Vance is a new favorite narrator. #Recommendsday
What a strange strange book. Even my crazed imagination had a little difficulty keeping up. I listened to the audiobook and wasn't sure how so many narrators (166!) would work for my personal reading experience, but in this very special case, it totally did. Lovers of the surreal, the historical, and stark macabre come and get it.
Been kind of ambivalent about social lately...but not about audiobooks! I've been tearing through them. Homegoing was my most recent. And man did it redefine EPIC for me. This book is everything. I have never felt so emotionally satisfied and so torn up. Homegoing is a world apart from anything else I've read recently. Debut novel?!
I got this book by 💌 yesterday. THAT COVER THO. Here's the Book Riot giveaway link in case you want a swing at winning it! http://bookriot.com/2017/02/01/giveaway-caraval-stephanie-garber/
My #RiotGrams #shelfie is my reminder to buy more bookshelves (and find room for them).
Currently reading. I know I know. How did I manage to wait this long? It's a skill I like to call spaciness.
My first Tamora Pierce! Alanna is fearless, no-nonsense, and so refreshing. Pre-teen me, up to her neck in tropey 80s/90s fantasy would have been shocked and delighted by ALANNA. Adult me continues to appreciate YA sans romance and fearless girl MCs who know what they want and do what they want. This book went by in no time.
Between the terrible acne, spousal abuse in the family, and the way the justice system treated his mother, Noah's memoir dredged up a lot of bad memories, but I was all ears. I didn't know much about the author other than his Daily Show hosting, and a few sentences about the book from podcasts, but I don't regret coming to his story mostly fresh and hearing it from him.
Epic and painful. I braced myself and finally read the book. It was as amazing and timely as everyone said, and I'm glad I squeezed it into 2016.
🎄🎄🎄 books books books! I have a weakness for gorgeous covers and don't my friends know it. For your consideration, a Russian historical fiction in translation, and a Woolf bio. And a coffee.
I lost control and now I have a bunch of ARCs to get through.
I'm done. It's over. I have a lump in my throat and I feel a bit lost. I usually say you can read a Discworld book in any order, but save this for the middle. It's the right sort of goodbye, and a call to read on.
This book is completely mad and I cannot look away.
Lycanthropy enthusiasts unite! What a fun read. This put me in mind of a sort of YA Ghost World meets Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (not just bc I love that movie). A really enjoyable read, def one for older Harriet the Spy fans.
Mulder and Scully would have a field day. I rocketed (looool terrible) through this book. It was framed in a really interesting format with files/documents creating the narrative, which complemented its geopolitical sci-fi intrigue slant. I'm sure I'll pick up the next book.
Roads & Kingdoms #bookmail from @HarperCollins !! And it just so happens I love Spanish cuisine.
Comic fantasy joy! Tiffany knows how to take care of herself, the needy and ailing, and even the impossible Nac Mac Feegle. But when an evil blows into town, inspiring fear and hatred of witches in the very people she's dedicated her life to helping, sassy britches Tiffany decides it's time to level up again. Only one more of these to go--happens to be Pratchett's final book. 😭😭
I saw this book via @Liberty and it was one of those moments where I thought it'd disappear immediately if I didn't get it now now now. I have it as an ebook from the library. Mind you, I will have a hardcopy SOON. #cakesandwine
#Bookmail from @Sourcebooks 📚 A mystery in a sleepy town sounds just right. I'll be over here reading and guzzling hot tea. ❄️
I got my monster fix with the Corsi, Malchi, and Sunai. And I didn't have to suffer a love triangle. A fun read with MCs that reminded me of Kell and Delilah from Schwab's other series, SHADES OF MAGIC. I hope the next book gives us some diversity though. There's one POC plunked in the background sometimes and that's it.
I'm so late in talking about so many books! 😓 This one made me cry. So sweet and sad. I wanted to duck into the book and give the MC a big hug. Also, a super quick read.
Children of England's blitz are evacuated to a Scotland haunted castle governed by a shady woman (played by Cate Blanchett in my head). This turned out to be a great rainy day read, which would've been perfect if it ever rained here. A bit of a popcorn read. All the anticipated themes and elements I like in creepy YA castle books.
I was nearly driven crazy by hunger, but I persevered, frequented my local pho shop until they knew my order by heart, and got through this funny, beautiful book. I loved the voice of whip smart Mai, and her story made me chuckle as I recalled memories of visiting my family in Singapore as a teen.
I had so much fun laughing and screaming "YES" at my phone. And I'm so glad I was convinced to listen to the audiobook version, narrated by Phoebe. Funny and smart from start to finish.
Gorgeous. That's what this book is. A wonderful female friendship, a strong-willed (sometimes stubborn) protagonist who knows who she is and doesn't care what you think, and a rich, brooding setting. Also a couple of pretty, ahem, spicy scenes in here. I highly recommend Uprooted for readers who enjoyed Howl's Moving Castle. 🐲
I just want to keep reading and will the rain to come and have a hot cocoa with marshmallows and bourbon. ☕️
It's still disgustingly hot in L.A. but I'll get my shivers wherever I can.
I read this book imagining the story of Melanie Tamaki's grotesque field trip into the broken limbo that is Half World as animated by Studio Ghibli. I know I'm not alone. A visually compelling story in many ways (Jillian Tamaki woot). A reluctant hero. Disturbing imagery. Animal companions!
These books sent me back to my teens, i.e. I recklessly read into the wee hours instead of being a responsible adult and saving some for the morning. This series about a group of students clawing their way to the top at a prestigious NY ballet academy is full of page-turning scandal, mean girls, and ballet drama. Loved it!
Speaking of WHITE IS FOR WITCHING, I wish I had saved this book for October! So haunting and visually arresting, I had to draw it. I wish I could capture the dread and the stark terror that made this story so compelling. Serious talk through the supernatural.
I was so ready to be scared and it just didn't happen for me! :/ I found WHITE IS FOR WITCHING more frightening. HEX felt a bit Stephen King, which I liked, but I think I had high expectations. I wasn't a fan of the narration on audiobook either so that might have been part of the problem.
Well. I don't know what to say. Speechless. I loved this book. So many twists and turns. I feel like I've witnessed an incredible, surprising journey. I need more Magary.
It has the right level of couchant creep so far.
I got a pre-birthday gift!
Never say no to a pretty book cover at the library.
I want to read graphic novels by the Tamakis all day every day. Their ability to capture the ethereal spirit of growing up makes me feel inadequate and I can't even hate them.
My #Recommendsday pick! I haven't read poetry in probably a decade, but Bestiary sent me on a poetry quest. Gorgeous imagery (nature fans rejoice) and heartbreak. This collection is as deep as it is magical.
I'm not 100% on the privilege train aspects of the artisanal movement present, but I loved reading the stories of people who took a chance to make exceptional food, and learning about some of America's earliest food processes. The only prob with this book is that I wanted to eat all the bread, cheese, and BBQ. #nonfiction #food #history #dontreadwhilehungry