Worst character name nominee
Worst character name nominee
When you are reading about a flu-like virus that is killing everyone and you come across this word 😳
Best #bookmailday to date. I have literally been waiting for this beautiful woman to write another beautiful book since I finished #homegoing. That book wrecked me in the best way possible.
That moment when you realize what a weird vibe you're presenting with your current reads...
Happy Friday friends
Not bad. There were some minor characters (still very important to the story) that I wished had been fleshed out more. But overall an enjoyable book I wanted to finish and I'll definitely be picking up the next in the series.
Didn't scare me as much as Bird Box and I felt like the main "threat" was resolved too quickly but other than that would definitely recommend.
Still very "Twilight" but I appreciated the alternate ending. Took me a minute to realize she was changing things up. If you liked the original you'll like this. Now if only Midnight Sun would hurry I can go back to pretending I don't like this series ?
I'm not normally this nitpicky but I just feel like for a book that has essentially been published and assumedly edited twice this kind of error is just ridiculous.
What my husband sees #alwaysreading #dogchewedmybook #yesitsatradgedy
Took a bit of a fiction hiatus due to some existential crises and future-altering life events. Not to worry. Stupid #stephaniemeyer gently coaxed me back with this reimagining of #twilight.
This book was SO GOOD. Very interesting look at memory and how it shapes our lives. Too sciencey at son points for me, just had to kind of power through those. But overall super good. Makes me want to go read Dark Matter again!
This was so good! Different, quick paced, surprisingly good character development for the style. Definitely recommend.
Disappointing. Little to no character development. A lot of choices Abby made left me wondering what in the world would make her do such a thing. She was also a total Mary Sue. Not worth it. MUCH better romances are out there in my opinion.
Back porch reading is a way of life y'all #raisethemright #littlereaders
Digging this so far. 80 degrees and kid-free Saturday morning porch reading may be swaying my opinion 👏🏻 #kidfreemorning #timetoread
Bout to pay two whole dollars to rent this because I'm too impatient for my hold, too cheap to buy it, the pollen is finally gone and I can read on my porch, it feels like summer, and I have one week left of school. #daisyjonesandthesix #taylorjenkinsreid #summer #summerreading
I really liked this book. Katie is a fantastic human being and follower of Christ. I listened to the audiobook and didn't care for the narrator. She unfortunately took it from a sincere story of faith and saying yes no matter what to a little preachy and overly sweet. I recommend reading rather than listening.
Can you really like a book even if you seriously want to shake some sense into basically all the characters?! It was well written and I was HOOKED. And even though the prologue gave away the ending I was still shaken.
The last time I read this in high school I had very little to compare it to. This time…not so much 😳 #woke
I‘m having such a fun time going back through these classics I read at a younger age – I have so much more of an appreciation for them now!
This is the kind of morning I live for. Got to sleep in a little, there's a continuous breeze on the back porch, it's currently in the low 70's, I got my book and coffee, and when I find the energy to get out of my comfy chair I'm gonna get my laptop and get some writing and querying in.
Not the best but gave it pick rather than so-so because I related to this book on a ridiculously personal level. As a child of divorce the utter selfishness of cheaters and the way they don't even seem to consider for a second that it'll leave children with lifelong scars is too real.
I didn't expect to like this as much as I did. While I personally disagreed with a couple parts the ending saved it for me obviously #greatendingjunkie
I'm not a huge re-reader but I make an exception for works like this. So tragic, lyrical, and beautiful. I have such a better appreciation for it now than I did in high school.
I'm in the middle of a major #bookhangover (looking at you The Raven Cycle Series). So I decided to reread an old favorite to help get me through. Anyone else do this? On a side note I was actually supposed to reread this months ago for book club and just got around to it. #somanybookssolittletime #childrensbooks
I mean what can I say?! This series is most excellent and the book hangover started before I even finished this one. What do I read now?! Send help!
So-so for three reasons. 1) I felt like this was useless as a novella. It should've just been the beginning of the next full length novel. 2) While I enjoyed getting a glimpse at the other characters through the changing perspectives it threw me off that some were first and others third person. And 3) MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE.
I'm only 30 pages in but I'm a little thrown. Rhys and Feyre's parts are first person. Cassian is third. Flipped forward a little, Rhys and Feyre still first, Cassian and Mor third person. Why?! Has this bugged anyone else?!
To be honest I was burned by In the Woods. It was soooo good and then it wasn't. I tried to explain to someone the other day. It was like being in the middle of a great conversation and having the other person just walk away mid-thought. I took it personally. #booknerdalert How could an author develop such a compelling premise, couple it with the most amazing writing, and then neglect to include any semblance of an ending?! BUT...to be continued
They just keep getting better! So far this one is my favorite! I love how some of the loose ends were both tide up but not. On to the next!!! I'm so excited to see how this all comes together!
Giving this one a shot next. I read that one agent said this book was as close to perfection as she'd ever seen 🤔 so how can I not read it?!
I read this over four months while reading others. I don't recommend doing that because of the different characters that need a little focus to keep up with. I found myself flipping back and asking "ok who was this?!" But very well written. Characters and story were richly developed. And though some of them made poor choices I still liked them!
If you like twisty psychological mysteries then this is for you. This was exactly the book I needed to get me out of a reading slump I could feel coming on. Loved it. Highly recommend.
So so good! Almost perfect except for the fact that some of the significant parts were rushed to a conclusion but still so good. I'm already moving on to the third 😍
I read In the Woods & I very much enjoyed it up until the very end, that is to say where the end should've been. One of my biggest pet peeve's is a story that doesn't wrap up at all & I felt like this one completely left me hanging. I was so torn because I absolutely loved the story & the writing but the lack of an ending just ruined it for me. So my question is, does this one actually have an ending or does it just kind of stop like ITW?
One of the best YA fantasies ever imo. So well written. And so good I immediately borrowed the second in the series. Went the audiobook route since I was doing lots of driving. I wasn't 100% sure about Will Patton narrating but ended up believing him to be perfect for it!
Porch reading is my favorite (aside from beach reading) and it just got an upgrade with new furniture! Bring on the warmer weather and longer days! #porchreading #wineandbook
My feelings for this book are so strong I don't even know where to begin. Let me start by saying that I am a slow reader and a mom of two little boys and I still read the entire thing in one day. And I don't normally love the "stream of consciousness" style but it actually worked and probably is further proof of what an amazing writer Jaime Quatro is. I wanted to hate the main character a little but I just couldn't....continued ??
This is the story of a woman named Anna who recently found out she had a book due back at the library in two days and really wanted to read it first and then started reading it and found it was so amazing that she couldn't put it down and ate the most random leftovers ever for dinner and managed to burn her husband's dinner in the process. #sorrynotsorry
Wild Saturday night over here #dontjudgeme #happyplace