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It just couldn't keep my attention for the first half. I'm usually interested in stories of infinite universes & traveling btwn them. But I was frustrated that Marguerite didn't think through anything she was told, & the "everything would be fixed faster if we all just spoke to each other" trope. Once revelations happened, things got more interesting. What I did like was that it wrapped up the whole story by the end, & left me feeling satisfied.

jmtrivera I do like this cover, which is what attracted me in the first place. It was my #JudgedbyitsCover for #HalfBloodBingo! 5y
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Passing Strange | Ellen Klages
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When book you purchased because of a stunning cover is a stunning read. 😍 #judgedbyitscover #loveislove #mymotherwouldnotapprove #p #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia

Jess7 #CoverLovers !! 😍😍 7y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Jess7 #CoverLovers I need to remember that one. 🤓 7y
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Favorite find from our trip to Chamblin's Bookmine. Always check the overstock shelf!
This book was definitely #judgedbyitscover. 😄

Lmstraubie That is an intriguing cover ☺ 7y
tpixie Great cover! Maybe I need to read it again! 7y
jmtrivera Love that cover! 7y
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Gina This book was interesting to listen to. Boy they didn't hold back the gore and heartbreak back then. 7y
KCorter @Lmstraubie @tpixie @jmtrivera I agree! I haven't read this yet, but I feel like the graphics capture the satirical nature of the book. 7y
KCorter @Gina That makes me even more intrigued. The cover makes this book seem fanciful and silly, but I've always been intimidated by even the idea of reading Voltaire. Now I *have* to read this. Whoever designed this Penguin Classic Deluxe Edition deserves a raise. 7y
Gina @KCorter I am usually intimidated by the classics as you really need to understand that time period to get the between the line references. This one was fairly easy to follow but yeah his life is not easy for sure! 7y
KCorter @Gina Exactly! Classic authors usually work on the assumption that their readers are educated and have a wode knowledge base. Sometimes that feels like a compliment, and sometimes it just feels intimidating. I am trying to focus on "catching up" this year by reading philosophy and poetry and other foundational works that classics assume you know. It is an uphill battle... but it also means more reading. ? 7y
Gina @KCorter Nice! I am lazy. I buy cliff notes when I am just plain lost. :) 7y
KCorter @Gina I totally did that with Brave New World and Atlas Shrugged!! I wouldn't have survived otherwise. P.S. I also have to correct "wode" to "wide" in my previous comment. Why, Litsy, can we not edit comments?! 7y
Gina @KCorter hahahaha I am so with you on the edit thing (but I understood ;) I have the cliff notes for Atlas Shrugged too. Oh if you want to see how, ummm, odd Ayn Rand was look up her interviews on you tube. 7y
KCorter @Gina Will do. That woman was just odd in general in my opinion. Haha 7y
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Our Chemical Hearts | Krystal Sutherland
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Another #marchintoreading entry, this one #judgedbyitscover. I knew nothing about this recent YA book, but was intrigued by the cover and the title and as it turned out, I really liked the book!

Alaska | James A Michener
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There's just something so breathtaking and beautiful about snow covered mountains. I bought this as a Kindle deal a while ago mainly for the setting of the novel and that cover. Hoping it's good! #judgedbyitscover #latepost #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading

Suzze I bought this book in hardcover in 1990. I started it in 2008. In 2009 I took it to Texas with me when I went to stay with my new grand twins for a month. Foolish. Who has time to read with newborn twins? It is now 2017 and I am on page 376. 8y
underthebelljar @Suzze I can imagine with twins you had your hands full! And I know this book is a doorstopper. How did you like what you read of it? 8y
Suzze @BookishJess I loved it! I'm still in the 1800's. You have spurred me to get it off the shelf again. 8y
underthebelljar @Suzze 😁 I'm glad it's good! 8y
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Promise of Blood | Brian McClellan
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I bought the first one in the series because I thought the cover was really cool. Of course I liked the blurb but I wouldn't have picked the book if not for that cover 😍
#JudgedbyItsCover #marchingintoreading @RealLifeReading

Claireluana This is an excellent series! Enjoy! 8y
JoRead @Claireluana That's good to know, thanks! 8y
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The Devourers | Indra Das
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#marchintoreading this book choice was initially all about the cover...& the book did not disappoint! #judgedbyitscover

Donna_sBookMinute Quite an alluring cover. 8y
AmandaL Yes! The cover is gorgeous, and the story is the kind that you wake up thinking about. 8y
Redjewel_7734 @Donna_sBookMinute it definitely drew me in ☺ @AmandaL It definitely is such an original take, & the storytelling in it is soooo hypnotic 8y
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Library find #judgedbyitscover and title :)
The Lady Who Liked Clean Restrooms: The Chronicle Of One Of The Strangest Stories Ever To Be Rumoured About Around New York by J. P. Donleavy

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I missed yesterday so this is my #judgedbyitscover and also #recentnonfictionread. Luvvie Ajayi is so funny and honest, get the audiobook! #marchintoreading #day2 #day3 #imjudgingyou

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