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War and Peace
War and Peace: Volume I | Leo Tolstoi
Reproduction of the original: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi
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My reading time has been consumed reading War and Peace for the past few months. Wonderful book. It‘s proof we just keep making the same mistakes about war century after century!
#historical #literary #fiction #classics

Bookwormjillk I‘m impressed! 2mo
Hazel2019 Love W&P ☺️ 2mo
Freespirit Thanks @Bookwormjillk it took 4 months but I‘m a slowish reader😊 1mo
Freespirit It‘s a marvellous book @Hazel2019 it will be in my Top 20 I think!!❤️ 1mo
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War and Peace | Leo Nikolayevich 1828-1910 Tolstoy
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"The conversation seemed to be interesting and he remained there, waiting for an opportunity to express his own ideas, as young people are so fond of doing." - Book I, Chapter 2

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Each year I try to read a huge classic..a masterpiece! This year it‘s War and Peace, and I‘m only 200 pages in and reading about war which is not usually something I enjoy. But I love Tolstoys writing. I love learning about Russian history. I‘m alternating reading and sewing my latest project❤️
#chunkster #literature #classics #tolstoy

Ruthiella Good luck! 👍 3mo
BarbaraBB Good luck! I read this one and enjoyed it! 3mo
Freespirit Thanks @Ruthiella @BarbaraBB I am enjoying reading it. It‘s just so heavy to hold😊 3mo
CarolynM I enjoyed it when I read it. It‘s long but not hard. I remember really enjoying the the descriptions of the battle tactics. (edited) 3mo
Freespirit It‘s amazing how he makes war so interesting @CarolynM 3mo
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs 😊
Thanks for the tag @Yuki_Onna 💕

1) Tricky. So many to choose from. I love a golden age crime novel, but also Victoriana, gothic novels, Tudor settings, and medieval fantasy!

2) The Five by Hallie Rubenhold

3) I'd guess War & Peace

Yuki_Onna You've really read War and Peace? 🤯 In its entirety?!? Wow - Kudos!!!👏 8mo
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Yup. Took me about 18 months I think... Although looking through the hashtag it seems everyone else has read it too 😋 8mo
Yuki_Onna Wooof... Wow - that you managed THAT... I find most Russian authors really tough to read and intimidating. 8mo
Eggs Impressive Reading👏🏻👏🏻 Thanks for playing 🥰🙏🏻🥳 8mo
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War and Peace | graf Leo Tolstoy, Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky
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Nights like these

Sparklemn Looks like a lovely night! 8mo
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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I found this pristine, used copy of War and Peace online. It came yesterday. I am getting ready for 2024. The goal is to take my time and read a little every month and finish by this time next year.

@dabbe You inspired me to finally tackle this chunkster.


Amiable Yay for chunksters! #chunksterchallenge2024 9mo
TheSpineView @Amiable Yes! I hope to get to a few in 2024. 9mo
IndoorDame Love this copy! I‘m super into finding used classics! 9mo
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Ruthiella You can do it! 👍 9mo
Roary47 You got this! 9mo
Librarybelle This cover is gorgeous! 9mo
Graywacke Fantastic goal 9mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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I think I‘m all caught up after this 🤣 #wintergames #snowflakesquad #decemberdreams #holidayromance #memories #peace I stretched a bit on that memory one, but it has good memories for me and the ending has to do with memory 🤷🏻‍♀️

PuddleJumper 💙💙 9mo
Eggs Well played! 9mo
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#DecemberDreams #Peace

In honor of @dabbe for sticking to it 💞🩶🤍

dabbe Many, many thanks! It only took 11 months! 🤩😍🤗 9mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe 💚❤️ I love that you didn't give up! 9mo
Eggs 👏🏻🕊️🩵 9mo
dabbe @TheBookgeekFrau 😍🤗😘 9mo
dabbe @Eggs 💙❄️💙 9mo
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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IndoorDame Good luck! I‘m not brave enough for this one yet. 9mo
Eggs Sounds amazing but daunting 🤍🤍 9mo
dabbe If I can do it, so can you! Just a few pages a day ... 🤩😍🤗 9mo
TheSpineView @dabbe Totally. I figure my goal is to finish my December 31st 2024. 9mo
dabbe @TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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Drum roll, please. 🥁 Started: January 8th. Finished: November 23rd. 😳 How to describe this tome? Epic. Philosophical. Historical. Multifaceted. Sweeping. Character-driven. Profound. Realistic. Timeless. Masterpiece. Intricate. Sociopolitical. Reflective. Ponderous. Intimate. Symbolic. Richly descriptive. Challenging. Humanistic. Moralistic. Cinematic. Intellectual. Turbulent. Elegiac. Redemptive. Spiritual. Unpredictable. Universal. It's LIFE.

Librarybelle Congratulations! 10mo
IndoorDame Woohoo 🙌 10mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🤩🤣😃 10mo
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dabbe @IndoorDame 🤩🤣😃 10mo
ravenlee Congratulations! That is no small feat. 10mo
CBee I am impressed 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 10mo
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 10mo
dabbe @ravenlee 🤩🤣😃 10mo
dabbe @CBee 🤩🤣😃 10mo
dabbe @Ruthiella 🤩🤣😃 10mo
rubyslippersreads You deserve a 🏅 10mo
dabbe @rubyslippersreads Maybe some ruby slippers? 🤩🤣😃 10mo
Graywacke Kudos! Admiring your yearlong commitment. 🙂👍 10mo
The_Book_Ninja Impressive 10mo
TheLudicReader Impressive. 10mo
AnnR Excellent! 👍🎉 10mo
Amiable YAY! Taking that chunkster DOWN! 🥳💃🏻🕺 10mo
LiseWorks Oh my goodness you deserve a meddle 10mo
TheBookgeekFrau Yayyyyyyyyyyy💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🥳👏🏼🎊🙌🏼🍾🥂💕💕 10mo
dabbe @Graywacke 🤩🤣😃 10mo
dabbe @The_Book_Ninja 🤩😃🤗 10mo
dabbe @TheLudicReader Would I ever read it again? Uh, no. 🤩😃🤗 10mo
dabbe @AnnR 🤩😃🤗 10mo
dabbe @Amiable You inspired me! 🤩😃🤗 10mo
dabbe @LiseWorks 🤩😃🤗 10mo
dabbe @TheBookgeekFrau These emojis! 🤩😃🤗 10mo
Meshell1313 Amazing! 🙌 10mo
dabbe @Meshell1313 🤩🤣😃 10mo
Amiable @dabbe 😍 Spread that chunkster love! 10mo
dabbe @Amiable 🤩😃🤗 10mo
Roary47 I‘m right behind you. 🤩 You inspire me to finish. 🥹 10mo
dabbe @Roary47 It's more than worth it. 🩵🩶🩵 10mo
BarbaraBB Kudos! And well worth the effort ❤️ 10mo
dabbe @BarbaraBB I totally agree— though I probably won‘t read it again! 😂 10mo
Lin3han GURLLLLLLL I haven‘t even tried because it‘s so long. Good for you!! 10mo
dabbe @Lin3han That‘s why it took so long! I could only handle 10 pages a day! 🤣 10mo
sarahbarnes 👏👏👏 10mo
dabbe @sarahbarnes 🤩😃🤗 10mo
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I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. Its rich cast of characters develop naturally with the tide of events, & Tolstoy does portray so well the events of Russia‘s fight with Napoleon & his army. Tolstoy inserts essays of a sort throughout the narrative, his theory on what drives history. Pierre, Natasha, Prince Andrei, Nikolai, Marya, & their changes: these persons & their ideas are what I won‘t forget. The story matched the legend of this big book.

War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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When I picked up the Amazon box, I couldn‘t think what was inside, it was so heavy. #itsjusttolstoy #chunkster

dabbe I've been reading it since January!!! Still only at 80%. #chunksterindeed 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe so brave! 11mo
dabbe @BarkingMadRead Maybe. 🤣 The CLARISSA folks are the bravest! 🤩 11mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe 🤣🤣 11mo
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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Song: “Billy Don't Be a Hero“ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RvG5bJsu5Q

C'mon and play on a Sunday! @TheLudicReader @Cuilin @IndoorDame @The_Penniless_Author @BkLover and anyone else!

I'll continue to add to our #BookNotes Spotify Playlist as well! Here's the link:

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!! Thank you!! 🎼💛 13mo
Bklover Thank you for the tag!❤️😊❤️😘 13mo
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dabbe @Bklover 💙🖤🩵 13mo
Cuilin New song for Vanity Fair Waterloo by ABBA https://open.spotify.com/track/3Dy4REq8O09IlgiwuHQ3sk?si=diiDZKobQU-9wQ-DFjsCKw (edited) 13mo
dabbe @Cuilin Lordy be, that's perfect for VF! On the Spotify list! 🤩 13mo
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Just wow… okay I read/listened/researched the first book now. It took a while! So the first book is 28 chapters. I started in Serial reader (which I‘m moving back to now that I‘ve finished my other two classics), then audible read with a library copy. We have lots of characters that we are getting to know and their positions in society. Once I finished with the first book I went to YouTube for insight on what I just read as well as Cliffnotes😮‍💨

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Eggs Absolutely! 1y
SamAnne Loved it! 1y
CatMS I had a boyfriend whose mother and i talked books and she said every reader should read War and Peace, as yet i have not read it but will take her advice one of these days. 1y
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#TemptingTitles #withantonyms
I remember feeling pleased with myself that I enjoyed this.

Eggs So proud of you for reading it! It‘s daunting to me… 1y
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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JamieArc I like that last hashtag! That‘s how I feel about Middlemarch. 2y
Amiable Great work! Slow and steady gets the chunkster read. 🙂 2y
Meshell1313 Awesome!! 2y
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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First goal is to start a new book that I need to have read by 3/10 for my book club here in Phoenix; the title is PERFECTLY ORDINARY PEOPLE.

Main goal (the TBR > 5 year list) is to keep plugging away at WAR AND PEACE. I will finish. Someday. 🤣
@LitsyLove #LitsyLove

IndoorDame Ooh, War and Peace totally hasn‘t even made it off my imaginary ‘someday I will read that list‘ and onto my actual ‘someday I will finish that‘ list, so I‘m already impressed with you 😁 2y
dabbe @IndoorDame Don't be. I'm trying to complete a #Chunkster2023 goal, and that's the one I chose. I loved ANNA KARENINA, but the jury's still out on this one. I want the “peace“ part, and I'm enmeshed in the “war“ part right now. Don't know if I can handle it or not. 🤣 2y
IndoorDame @dabbe I‘m happy to hear you loved Anna Karenina! I was thinking of adding that to next month‘s reading list 2y
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dabbe @IndoorDame I kind of link it in my mind with the other big female tragic heroines in the 1800s: Anna, Madame Bovary, and to a lesser degree, Dorothea in Middlemarch. Oh, and add in Countess Ellen Olenska from The Age of Innocence, though that's early 1900s, but still! 2y
IndoorDame @dabbe ha, most of those are on my docket for this year. I seem to be on a kick of reading all those classics I skipped over 😂 2y
dabbe @IndoorDame Me, too! I've been on the kick for about 2 years now. And I'm especially intrigued by Victorian or Tudor England. No idea why. 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect ❤️ 2y
Eggs Brilliant 🤎🕰️🧡 2y
dabbe Just ran across this in my #Chunkster read! ❣️❣️❣️ 2y
TheSpineView @dabbe I need to read this one too. Though I doubt ot will be this year. 2y
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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Last minute joining the #whiskyandperseverance read along of War and Peace. Hopefully, I‘ll be caught up by the end of the week.

I‘ve always wanted to read this Russian classic, and a chapter a day is the perfect way. Plus I have a whiskey cast, so it‘s almost the law I join in!

#whiskeyandperseverance #whiskyandperseverance #Tolstoy #leotolstoy #russianliterature #russianliteratureclassic #warandpeace2023 #warandpeace

War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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Just started the war part. Definitely a chugging-along chunkster.
#ChunksterChallenge2023 @Amiable

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
Meshell1313 🙌🙌🙌 2y
actualdisneyprincess My boss says it‘s her favorite book. 🙃 2y
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dabbe @actualdisneyprincess I am loving it, too, but man, all the names and places! I think I spend more time looking up things than reading the actual book! I am excited to conquer it, though! 🤣 2y
actualdisneyprincess YOU CAN DO IT, I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! 🙌🏻 2y
dabbe @actualdisneyprincess Thanks for the positive support! I will finish it! 🤗 Someday! 🤣 2y
Amiable It definitely takes some time, but you will get used to the fact that everyone has at least three different names! 😬 And I enjoyed the the peace parts a lot more than the war parts. 😀 2y
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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According to Goodreads, this is one of the books that has been on my tbr list the longest. Probably due to the length!

#littenswanttoknow @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yeah it‘s a chunkster!! 2y
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“When an apple ripens and falls— what makes it fall? Is it that it is attracted to the ground, is it that the stem withers, is it that the sun has dried it up, that it has grown heavier, that the wind shakes it, that the boy standing underneath wants to eat it?

No one thing is the cause. All this is only a coincidence of conditions under every organic, elemental event of life is accomplished.”

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#SimplicityDay 💪🏻 ☮️ #JulyJam 🪷🌱🌹

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs Perfect 💜☮️💜 2y
tokorowilliamwallace Sounds like Terry Goodkind, too. 2y
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“I‘m alive and it‘s not my fault, which means I must somehow go on living the best I can, without bothering anybody, until I die.”

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The fascination Tolstoy has in describing all of his female characters with “beautiful faces and tiny mustaches” is kind of beyond me. Things no one tells you about War and Peace…. #tolstoy #warandpeace #classiclit #canonlit #catsandbooks #cats #catsoflitsy

RaeLovesToRead Awww kitty! 🥰🥰 I forgot about the mustaches! 😄🙈 2y
Aaronofthe Aside from the life changing ideas about how the world doesn't care about you and you're just a minuscule cog in an immense machine.. I mostly just remember a cop being tied to a bear and thrown in a river.. and a rather sweet marriage proposal.. but it's been a while since I read it.. I could perceive it differently now. 2y
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Started today. How long will this epic take me?

War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich 1828-1910 Tolstoy
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16 May-20 Jun 22 (audiobook)
A true epic at 60 hours. Continuing to listen to intimidatingly long books I read when I was young and cannot see myself returning to in print.
Thandiwe Newtown‘s narration is amazing - her ability to voice dozens of characters is astounding. She could not make the long treatise about the nature of war interesting though. I far prefer his story writing and character arcs to his rants about history and war.

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Congratulations, Helen! Great job persevering to the end. (I agree with your assessment: the peace parts were better than the war parts, ;) )


Lcsmcat Congratulations @squirrelbrain ! That‘s a major accomplishment. 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow Helen! 👏👏👏Well done! @squirrelbrain 2y
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Ruthiella Wow! Impressive @squirrelbrain 👍 2y
JamieArc Congrats @squirrelbrain That‘s quite an achievement! 2y
Nessavamusic Congratulations @squirrelbrain ! 2y
Bookwormjillk Congratulations @squirrelbrain 👏 2y
squirrelbrain Thanks for posting! @Amiable 2y
slategreyskies @squirrelbrain congrats!! 🙌✨ 2y
Mollyanna Congrats @squirrelbrain Woohoo! 🥳 2y
Megabooks Wtg Helen!! 🥳🥳🥳 @squirrelbrain 2y
MaureenMc Congratulations! 🎊 2y
Lindy @squirrelbrain well done, Helen! 🧁🎉🏆 2y
TheAromaofBooks Awesome work @squirrelbrain !!! That is one serious chunkster!!! 2y
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Its certainly a chunkster and, unfortunately, I found it rather a challenge!

I can‘t say I enjoyed much of it, but at least I can now say I‘ve read it! (All 1440 pages of small writing)

I didn‘t mind the ‘peace‘ bits so much, and some of the ‘war‘ bits were OK too, but a lot of the war stuff was a bit tedious.

Thanks for the push to get it finished! @Caroline2

TrishB Well done 👍🏻 2y
Librariana Wowsa! Quite the undertaking, but good for you! 2y
RaeLovesToRead It took me about 18 months to read this so good going!! 2y
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thereadingpal That's a huge ass book. Congrats for reading it! 2y
merelybookish Congrats! I was similarly underwhelmed. 2y
vlwelser I have this same edition. Mine looks so much worse. I think it moved a lot before I actually finished. 2y
Oryx Well done. 2y
sarahbarnes Congrats! Same - I was glad I read it but didn‘t love it. 2y
Caroline2 Well done! Yeah it was hardwork at times, wasn‘t it. 😒 2y
youneverarrived That‘s an achievement! I tried reading it once and had to bail. 2y
squirrelbrain Thanks @TrishB @Librariana @thereadingpal @Oryx - I‘m glad it‘s over! 😮‍💨 2y
squirrelbrain @RaeLovesToRead - I was aiming for a year (a chapter a day) but managed it is less than 6 months. It just felt longer! 🤣 2y
squirrelbrain Yeah, not the most thrilling of books was it?! @Caroline2 @merelybookish @sarahbarnes 2y
squirrelbrain Mine was from a charity shop originally @vlwelser so it‘s in pretty good condition, considering! 2y
Amiable Yay! Great job! 2y
EvieBee Hahaha! The so-so cracked me up! Congratulations nonetheless! ❤️❤️ 2y
squirrelbrain Thanks! @amiable @EvieBee - I definitely didn‘t want to give it a pan, and at least I stuck with it! 😁 2y
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The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.

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Way to go, Caroline! I love that you used Serial Reader to help you conquer this chunkster. Well done! :)


Megabooks Wow!! 🤯 congratulations! 2y
Caroline2 Thanks! 😃 I‘m not gonna lie, it was a slog!!! Defo not my favourite Chunkster. I‘m reading The Sunne in Splendour now which is my other chunkster challenge. Luckily, it‘s really good! 😉 👍 2y
Leftcoastzen 👏👏👏👏 2y
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rubyslippersreads @Caroline2 The Sunne in Splendour has been on my TBR forever. 2y
Lcsmcat Congratulations @Caroline2 ! 2y
JamieArc Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉 2y
Kimzey Congratulations on finishing the chunkster! 🎉 2y
Mollyanna Congrats @Caroline2 🥳🎉🥳 2y
Lindy Congratulations, @Caroline2 ! I quite enjoyed the Sunne in Splendour and I hope you do too. 2y
KristiAhlers Congratulations! I love that story. That one and Les Miserables 2y
Bookwormjillk So impressed! Way to go @Caroline2 2y
MaureenMc Impressive! 👏 2y
Nute Excellent!🙌🏽 2y
Texreader Amazing!! Way to go! 2y
squirrelbrain Well done! 🎉🎉🎉 2y
AmyG Wow! 🎉🙌🏻👊🏻 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Well done!👏 Congratulations! 2y
slategreyskies Wow!! Congrats, Caroline!! 👏👏👏 2y
tokorowilliamwallace I just saw that a reader/reviewer I follow on Goodreads is currently going through this tagged collection (different edition, or 2 different editions). 21.000+ pages 2y
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I‘ve finally finished! A soft pick. I loved some of it, other parts felt like a slog. I defo prefer Anna Karenina. But sooo glad to have finished at last! #chunksterchallenge #buddyread

squirrelbrain Yay - well done you! 🎉🎉🎉 2y
Caroline2 @squirrelbrain such a relief to finally be done with it! 😆 (I honestly think the BBC series was better! 😬) 2y
jenniferw88 🎉🎉🎉 2y
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BarbaraBB So good! 2y
Cazxxx I‘m about 25% in and not loving it but not hating it either. I will finish it but I‘ve given myself til the end of the year and it‘s been easier as an audiobook 2y
TrishB Well done 🎉🎉 2y
Amiable HOORAY!! Great job! 2y
MaureenMc 👏👏👏 2y
ReadingRachael Yay!!! Yay!!! Currently working my way through this one too. Anna Karenina is one of my all time favourites….I don‘t think I‘ll like this nearly as well but it has been on my TBR for years so I‘m glad to finally be getting around to it! 2y
Cathythoughts We‘ll done 👍🏻 2y
Caroline2 @Cazxxx Yeah, I read a bit every day (and took a break for a few months) so it‘s taken me about a year to finish it!! 😆 🤦‍♀️ 2y
Ruthiella Impressive! 👏👏👏 2y
Biohaz74 Well done 2y
Oryx Nice work! 2y
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Slowly chipping away at this masterpiece. 🇷🇺

annettochka How is it going? I've read it when I was in school, it's a part of our program. I skipped all war-related scenes then)) 2y
Bibliophile_89 I had to take a short hiatus but am getting back into it. I do love it, as long as I can keep the characters straight! 2y
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War and Peace (Revised) | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
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No comment
photo credit Lev Shevchenko, Ukraine

Ruthiella 💔 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💔 🇺🇦 3y
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Woo hoo! I‘ve finally reached the halfway mark! 💪🏼 #chunksterchallenge

squirrelbrain Yay! Well done you! 🎉🎉🎉 3y
La_Cori Yay!!! 🙌🏻🥳 3y
Amiable Yay! I should reach the 50% mark of my chunkster later today, too! Just keep chugging along. :)
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MaureenMc 👏👏👏 3y
rockpools 🎉🎉🎉 Keep going! 3y
TrishB I‘m very impressed! 3y
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Well, I‘ve finally decided I‘m going to commit to reading War and Peace for #chunksterchallenge2022.

Did you know there are 361 chapters in this book?! 😱 Some of them are as short as 4 pages though - phew!

I‘ve made a spreadsheet for 1 chapter a day but hope to read ahead so that if I miss a few days it won‘t matter.

I‘m also hoping to read A Suitable Boy as well this year - I‘ll have room on my shelves for so many more books!

rabbitprincess Good luck! You got this 💪🏼 3y
merelybookish Good luck! 3y
JamieArc Wow! I‘m impressed! I read A Suitable Boy last year and can‘t imagine reading another chunkster at the same time! 3y
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RaeLovesToRead It took me about 18 months to read War & Peace! It's quite an experience though... Good luck! I was supposed to read A Suitable Boy last year as the "longest book on my TBR" but didn't get round to it... maybe I'll get round to it this year ? 3y
Ruthiella Good luck! 👍 3y
ravenlee Have you seen this? I‘m contemplating it for when I get to W&P…someday. 3y
LeahBergen You‘ve got this! 👍 3y
Amiable Those are basically the two biggest chunksters in existence! Color me terribly impressed! I had to read “W&P” and “ASB” in two separate years. You go, girl! 3y
squirrelbrain @jamiearc @RaeLovesToRead @Amiable - I may regret deciding to read both chunksters this year… we‘ll see! 3y
squirrelbrain @ravenlee -I hadn‘t seen that before… sounds fascinating but also sounds like a lot more reading on top of the book! 🤣 3y
youneverarrived Good luck 🤞 3y
Caroline2 I tried doing a chapter a day of this last year and sometimes loved it, sometimes it was a chore but its one of those book that I really want to have read. (I‘ve seen the bbc adaptation which doesn‘t help as I know what happens!) I may join you… I‘ll sleep on it and let ya know. 👍 3y
squirrelbrain Let me know what you think @Caroline2 🤞🏻 3y
Cathythoughts Go Helen ❤️👏👏👏 3y
KarenUK Good luck! 💕👍 3y
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Finished reading War and Peace one chapter a day in 2021. I especially enjoyed this edition of Tolstoy's masterpiece. I liked the translation and the historical notes that were included. There is also a glossary of people and places. War and Peace is in my top 5 all time novels.

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Long time, no update. But finally finishing War and Peace couldn't go without comment!! #TolstoyTogether

Cheers to a happy new year, Littens! 🎉🎆

readordierachel 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 3y
CarolynM Happy New Year 3y
batsy Good job! I'm thinking of tackling it this year so thank you for bringing the Yiyun Li book to my attention 🙂 3y
everlocalwest @batsy Definitely worth checking out. It did take me longer than the 85 days but I still appreciated the guide and light commentary. 💙📚 3y
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Three cheers for @Crinoline_Laphroaig for completing her personal #Ayearofwarandpeace challenge and the #chunksterchallenge2021! Good job sticking with it for the entire year! An impressive and inspirational accomplishment. 👍 👍

melissajayne Hip hip hooray 🎉🎊 3y
Megabooks Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉 3y
tenar Your dedication is aspirational! Nice work! 🎊🎈 3y
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BarkingMadRead Congrats @Crinoline_Laphroaig 🎉🎉🎉 3y
slategreyskies Yay!! Congrats!!!! 🎉 ✨ 3y
rockpools Wow! You did it! Congratulations 🥳 3y
Jess861 Congratulations 🎉 🎉 3y
squirrelbrain Congratulations! 🎉 3y
AmyG Yay! 🎉 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Bookwormjillk Very impressed 👏👏 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Congratulations 🎉 3y
CoverToCoverGirl Congratulations @Crinoline_Laphroaig ! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉🙂 3y
Ash.on.the.line Whoo congrats! 3y
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And I'm finished ‼ @Amiable

Switched between Print and Audible. Occasionally taking a break and then catching up. In November Audible released a new Free to Members Edition narrated by Thandiwe Newton. She has such a beautiful voice and really brought the story to life. After that I stuck with audio. Except today when I sat and read the last Chapter.

Crinoline_Laphroaig Could I pass a Test or Write a Dissertation on it? Absolutely not. ⬇️

Crinoline_Laphroaig While I still can't call characters by name, I recognize them by their characteristics and storyline. I think I would have to read again or maybe 3rd time for it all to sink in. And unlike Anna Karenina which I hated (Whiny Rich People who happened to be Russian) I could see myself reading War and Peace again. Maybe over some long cold winter. So I'm putting my beautiful Clothbound Classic back on my Forever Shelf for the time being. ⬇️
Crinoline_Laphroaig Things that surprise me:

Structure. Part 1, Book 2, Chapter 3??? But then some Editions just went simply in numerical order. Made it confusing when trying to change from Audio to Print or vice versa. Especially because different translations would phrase sentences differently.⬇️
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Crinoline_Laphroaig The last short chapter of the 2nd Epilogue, yes there were 2, was all about Philosophy, I think. Honestly I didn't understand a lot of it. Maybe it's too early in the morning or I need more tea. I really should have gotten some Russian Caravan tea for this readalong. ⬇️

Crinoline_Laphroaig Long passages that weren't Fictional story but historians discussions of strategies of Napoleon. There was a lot about the Battle of Borodino. Which always reminded me of Chandelier scene from What a Girl Wants movie with Colin Firth and Amanda Bynes. 🤓
JamieArc Good job 👏🏼 3y
Amiable Yay!! 3y
MaureenMc 👏👏👏 3y
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5⭐️ This novel looks super intimidating given its size, but it‘s worth the effort. I like the war part better, especially the battle of Borodino. The peace part is interesting as Tolstoy shares a glimpse of the life of Russian aristocrats. It‘s the one book that I‘d bring with me if I were to be alone on an island. I can see myself rereading this again and again 🤘🏻

batsy Well done and nice photo! I'm hoping to tackle this next year 🤞🏾 3y
sisilia @batsy Yay! Get the Anthony Briggs translation. It‘s great! 3y
batsy @sisilia Thanks for the rec; I've seen quite a lot of praise for the Briggs version! 3y
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Cathythoughts Well done & what a great result.. you make me want to read it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
sisilia @Cathythoughts Go for it, Cathy! 😆 It‘s tedious but it‘s just like reading 4 books one after another 😬 3y
Cathythoughts Thanks for the encouragement! I have the book , not sure I have the stamina .. one day 😁🤞🏻 3y
IuliaC Nice review and photo of this great classic! 👍 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Congratulations! 👏 Agree with @IuliaC ! 👌 3y
arubabookwoman I've read War & Peace twice. The 1st time as a teenager, I liked the peace (love) parts better, and (probably) skimmed some of the war parts. I reread it 4 or 5 years ago & liked the war parts better. No question it's a masterpiece! (And now I want to reread Anna Karelian, long overdue. Maybe 2023...) 3y
sisilia @arubabookwoman It‘s interesting how we like different thing from the same book, depending on when at our lifestage we read it. I was telling my bookclub yesterday that I would have certainly hated WP if I were to read it when I was a teenager 3y
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I'm back to listening to War and Peace and everytime Borodino is mentioned I think of this scene from What A Girl Wants.


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Progress report. Out of the battle of Borodino, I‘m now inside the abandoned Moscow.

I just passed the 1000 page mark, and I think it‘s amazing that I have not encountered one boring part in this novel. This is the best $22 I‘ve spent on a book!

EvieBee Yay! Congrats. 3y
TrishB Wow 😯 3y
Cathythoughts That is amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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LeeRHarry Great effort! 😊 3y
TheSpineView Wow! That is one I have not attempted. Kudos to you! 3y
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I‘m inside the Battle of Borodino now 🙀 I can literally hear the poof poof and the boom boom of the cannons. God bless us all, let there be no more wars on this earth!

BookishTrish I got to go to a reenactment of this battle once when I was in Borodino! 3y
sisilia @BookishTrish Wow, that‘s awesome 😃 Tolstoy told it really well, it felt like I was in the middle of it 3y
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How to even pronounce this?! 😆

Branwen I'd just go with Mr. Z. 🤣😂🤣😂 3y
marleed Zee Doctor Zee Hinsky :) 3y
Crazeedi Very interesting, I knew people with last names similar 3y
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sisilia @Branwen Yes, I formed a Z in mind and that‘s it hahaha 3y
sisilia @marleed Bwahahahaha 3y
sisilia @Crazeedi Packed with consonants 🤪 3y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve always joked that the vowel fairy tripped and fell over Hawaii and had no vowels left for Eastern Europe. 😬 3y
sisilia @Hooked_on_books Hahaha that‘s a good one! 😅 3y
julesG @marleed 🤣🤣🤣 3y
julesG I don't speak Polish. I had a bit of Russian though. Anyway. I'd probably go with something like "Sh-drrr-shinsky". And I'm well aware that that might be utterly wrong. 3y
julesG And I only now realised it's War and Peace and therefore a Russian name and not a Polish one. It looked Polish to me. 😬 3y
Cathythoughts What a tongue twister 😬 .. and yet slips off the Russian tongue … 3y
Simona In my language pronunciation is Zdržinski 😘 3y
LeahBergen Happy, happy birthday!! ❤️📚❤️📚 3y
batsy Happy birthday! 🎂📚💕 3y
sisilia Thank you @LeahBergen @batsy 😘🥰 3y
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Just finished Volume II 🥳

Leftcoastzen Crap , war & peace is as long as war & peace!😀 3y
sisilia @Leftcoastzen 😅 It‘s so looonggggg 3y
Leftcoastzen This one about killed me but ultimately loved it .I had to go to page minimum per day to finish 3y
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Reggie I am in awe of you! 3y
Cathythoughts You are doing brilliantly 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Wow. Well done. 🥂 3y
Gissy You are so brave! You can do it, you can finish that beast (book) ☺️💪 (edited) 3y
batsy 💪🏽 3y
slategreyskies Wow! I‘ve been meaning to read this! Keep going! You‘re doing great!! :) 3y
sisilia @Leftcoastzen I couldn‘t get into Anna Karenina. I will probably give it a try again🤞🏻War and Peace is definitely more enjoyable than AK 3y
sisilia @Reggie @Cathythoughts @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Gissy @batsy Thank you! It feels like reading 4 books one after another 😆 3y
sisilia @slategreyskies Ooohh, dont let the chonkiness discourage you, it‘s super readable 😃I recommend the Anthony Briggs translation💕 3y
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wanderinglynn 😆😆😆 3y
BiblioLitten 😄😄😄 3y
julesG 😂😂😂 3y
batsy 🤣 3y
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