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Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town | Jon Krakauer
From bestselling author Jon Krakauer, a stark, powerful, meticulously reported narrative about a series of sexual assaults at the University of Montana stories that illuminate the human drama behind the national plague of campus rapeMissoula, Montana, is a typical college town, with a highly regarded state university, bucolic surroundings, a lively social scene, and an excellent football team the Grizzlies with a rabid fan base. The Department of Justice investigated 350 sexual assaults reported to the Missoula police between January 2008 and May 2012. Few of these assaults were properly handled by either the university or local authorities.In this, Missoula is also typical. A DOJ report released in December of 2014 estimates 110,000 women between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four are raped each year.Krakauers devastating narrative of what happened in Missoula makes clear why rape is so prevalent on American campuses, and why rape victims are so reluctant to report assault. Acquaintance rape is a crime like no other. Unlike burglary or embezzlement or any other felony, the victim often comes under more suspicion than the alleged perpetrator. This is especially true if the victim is sexually active; if she had been drinking prior to the assault and if the man she accuses plays on a popular sports team. The vanishingly small but highly publicized incidents of false accusations are often used to dismiss her claims in the press. If the case goes to trial, the womans entire personal life becomes fair game for defense attorneys. This brutal reality goes a long way towards explaining why acquaintance rape is the most underreported crime in America. In addition to physical trauma, its victims often suffer devastating psychological damage that leads to feelings of shame, emotional paralysis and stigmatization. PTSD rates for rape victims are estimated to be 50%, higher than soldiers returning from war.In Missoula, Krakauer chronicles the searing experiences of several women in Missoula the nights when they were raped; their fear and self-doubt in the aftermath; the way they were treated by the police, prosecutors, defense attorneys; the public vilification and private anguish; their bravery in pushing forward and what it cost them.Some of them went to the police. Some declined to go to the police, or to press charges, but sought redress from the university, which has its own, non-criminal judicial process when a student is accused of rape. In two cases the police agreed to press charges and the district attorney agreed to prosecute. One case led to a conviction; one to an acquittal. Those women courageous enough to press charges or to speak publicly about their experiences were attacked in the media, on Grizzly football fan sites, and/or to their faces. The university expelled three of the accused rapists, but one was reinstated by state officials in a secret proceeding. One district attorney testified for an alleged rapist at his university hearing. She later left the prosecutors office and successfully defended the Grizzlies star quarterback in his rape trial. The horror of being raped, in each womans case, was magnified by the mechanics of the justice system and the reaction of the community.Krakauers dispassionate, carefully documented account of what these women endured cuts through the abstract ideological debate about campus rape. College-age women are not raped because they are promiscuous, or drunk, or send mixed signals, or feel guilty about casual sex, or seek attention. They are the victims of a terrible crime and deserving of compassion from society and fairness from a justice system that is clearly broken.
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Went to B&N and decided to get some books before I go on a book buying ban for the rest of the year! 😋

LauraJ Good choices! 2y
Tove_Reads Book buying ban - sounds wrong!!! (edited) 2y
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This is a tough read, but worth it. I am enraged, disgusted, and heartbroken.

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I knew this would be a tough read, but I underestimated how tough. I am ENRAGED. Unless it is particularly gruesome I can handle the murders and killers in those true crime books. I can even handle it when the result isn‘t what i wanted. But at only 30% in I am already livid over how things have happened (and how society treats rape victims in general).

Jas16 I had the same reaction to this one. It was an infuriating read. 2y
Kimberlone I‘ve read most of Krakauer‘s books but I‘ve been holding off on this one for those exact reasons 2y
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Difficult book on an important topic that needs even more light. Krakauer presents the stories of a few different rape victims with particular focus on one trial and one sentencing hearing for a plea bargain. Listening to the attorneys and various testimony was infuriating at times, but the audiobook format really worked for me. With his ability to empathize with subjects, Krakauer tells another highly engaging story.

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Listening to the trial of Jordan Johnson, where Pabst served as his defense attorney. What a piece of work. Decided to pause the audiobook and look up where Kirsten Pabst is now. She‘s still the Missoula County Attorney🤮 I guess selling out rape victims because poor football players were having their reputations damaged really paid off for her career.

Jas16 I was horrified by her when I read this too. 2y
DogMomIrene @Jas16 I saw an article from the Missoulian about how she tried to delay the publishing of this book. The newspaper uses a paywall so I‘m going to keep searching out those details. 2y
Leftcoastzen Yikes! 2y
WJCintron 😱 I didn't know about that! 2y
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Started this audiobook and it‘s brutal. Also highly engaging. Normally I only listen to audiobooks when I‘m driving, but I‘ve been finding projects all day to keep listening. Taking a break now…

Suet624 Awful. 2y
DogMomIrene @Suet624 Yes. The accounts of the rapes are worse, and then there‘s the victim blaming. I‘ve had this on my TBR for a while and I finally feel like I can listen carefully. 2y
readordierachel Such a tough read 2y
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I received a wonderful surprise in the mail this week! I love book mail! Thank you so much @Sleepswithbooks !!❤️📚❤️

APLitlife This is in my shelf to read! I went to MSU, the “rival” school. 3y
Sleepswithbooks Yay!!! Enjoy 😀😀 3y
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This was a hard read. Krakauer's writing is excellent and never feels dry despite the legal material and the large cast of characters, but the subject matter is just hard. What got to me is how universal the story is, despite the fact that it's about a series of events in one town over a few years. I was reminded of events from a rape accusation in my then-local college football team in the 90s, all the way up to the Kavanaugh hearings.

effani This was my #BookSpin pick for December. I confess that my heart sank a little when I saw what had come up, but it was worth reading and I wouldn't have gotten to it otherwise, which is part of why I do #BookSpin. So thank you so much as always, @TheAromaofBooks! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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This book was powerful. Krakauer did lots of research and wrote an incredibly moving book about this college town, survivors of non-stranger sexual assault and how they were treated. Krakauer is an incredible writer. TW: this book had some graphic parts, but his compassion for the survivors was evident.

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#ManicMonday #LetterM @JoScho

📖 Tagged!
👨 Josh Malerman
🎥 Memento
🎸 Motionless in White
🎤 Metalingus by Alter Bridge

vickybooklover YAY for Metalingus and Alter Bridge! :D 4y
TheRiehlDeal @vickybooklover Indeed! Such an underrated band! 4y
JoScho Thanks for playing ♥️☺️ 4y
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This book made me so angry as I was reading it because of the injustice. The author presents all the details of the terrible events without shielding the reader from the graphic details, and although that made it hard to read, my heart broke for these girls. They were so strong to come forward with their stories. 💚

Rape happens far too often in our society and we need books like this so we can open people's eyes to the problem.

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Finished my #bookspin & #doublespin picks for April today. Tough picks. I thought Missoula was infuriating but very good, well researched & well written. Catch & Kill was ok, the story was good, but I don‘t recommend it on audio. Ronan Farrow‘s narration made it seem farcical at times and it was very distracting. Now on to May‘s picks!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great work!! 4y
JenReadsAlot Both great books, but not easy reads! 4y
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My Friday night is poppin‘ 🍿📚

Sace 😁 4y
nanuska_153 Very interesting 4y
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When it comes to non-fiction, what kind of books do you prefer? I love memoirs, specifically those dealing with hardships and mental illness, and anything pertaining to bizarre human behavior, psychology, and sociology. Sometimes forensics or law centered books interest me but not as often as the other topics.

Eggbeater I love memoirs. Augustine Burroughs is one of my favorite memoir writers. 4y
ShelleyBooksie I enjoy memoirs, stories about adventure in nature and stories about working dogs (search and rescue, etc.) 4y
marleed I really like an audiobook of a memoir when read by the author. I try to throw in some pure history, as well - not always a fun read, but always glad I read when I‘m done. 4y
Copwithabook My nonfiction interests are perfectly aligned with yours! Have you read The Great Pretender yet? 4y
abookishbutterfly @Copwithabook I have and I loved it! 4y
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This book makes me rage. I've read it before but decided I needed a reminder of how terrible our system can be for survivors of sexual assault.

I'm baking to cope with all the feelings as I listen to it on audio. Now I can yell at an empty room while I eat bread. #angryeating

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What can I say about this book? It's excellent and the writing is fantastic. But it filled me with white hot rage. 😡 No happy stories, the bad guys don't all get punished and karma doesn't kick anybody's ass. And it made me lose my faith in humanity somewhat.🤬🤬🤬 But its a really good book. ☻

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This one has been on my #TBR for four years and there is a reason it took me so long to read it. This book is difficult, heartbreaking, powerful, and necessary. I listened on fits and starts, but often was so riveted to the story that I sat in my car in my driveway, unable to turn it off. Well researched yet personal, the examples of courage and strength displayed by the young women in this book took my breath away and made me stronger. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

cariashley Perfect review of this book. 5y
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Oof! My #currentcommute #audiobook . Good, but tough.

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3.5⭐ The ending felt bogged down, but overall a good, yet anger triggering read. #wintergames #tmskellington #impulseread #becauseofLitsy @Crimson613

coffees 11pts!! 12-23 5y
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I am so angry!! How can you be a woman and say these things to a man accused of raping someone! Why!!
#iamfurious #wintergames #tmskellington #becauseofLitsy #Ifeelbadeventaggingthese @Crimson613

coffees 1pt 12-16 what 😠😣😢😵🙅 5y
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"Mom, They're football players and nobody's gonna listen to me. They'll make my life hell."

Crying. Angry. Shame. Hurt. All emotions I am feeling while reading this.

#becauseofLitsy #wintergames #tmskellington @Crimson613

coffees 1pt! 12-15 😮😮 5y
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coffees 6pts!! 12-15 😆👌👌👌 5y
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coffees 136pts!! 12-15 5y
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Missoula is the study of one college-town's reporting and prosecution (or lack thereof) of rape cases at both the university- and state- level. Illuminating and frustrating, this book is also incredibly dry; it focuses on two specific cases and often reads like a courtroom transcript. An important, unenjoyable read.

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This is a really hard book to read, packed with facts about rape among students in Missoula, #Montana. The way women need to prove that they had sex against their will and the way men get away with it, is disgusting.

Krakauer did a lot of research to build his case, which on me had the effect that even a serious subject like this can get boring with its ongoing details about rape and (in)justice.


Samplergal I loved this book. Not the subject. The fact that rape occurs at such a rate, indicates that it is needed. 5y
BarbaraBB @Samplergal O yes, it is a very important book. Krakauer did a very good job. I hope it has helped change things. 5y
TiredLibrarian I couldn't finish this one.
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BarbaraBB @TiredLibrarian I completely understand. I was skimming whole pages. 5y
Kalalalatja I listened to the audiobook which helped, but I read it while writing my thesis about rape victims, so I was “used” to this kind of material, which might be why I didn‘t find it boring. Don‘t know, but definitely important subject! 5y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Boring isn‘t the right word I think. It were just so many facts to prove a point already proven. If you understand what I mean 5y
Kalalalatja Ah, I get it. And yeah, Krakauer really went fact heavy in this 5y
Librarybelle I like the cover of this edition...it‘s better than the US one, I think 5y
LeahBergen I picked this one up, read a few pages, and was very “meh”. I traded it in at my local secondhand bookshop. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
BarbaraBB I definitely understand. I‘m happy I‘m not the only one. I saw only glorious reviews on Litsy. @LeahBergen 5y
Megabooks I bailed. 5y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks So I am in good company 😉. Thank for your email! I‘ll get back to your questions! 😘 5y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks And it is night at your place, isn‘t it?! (edited) 5y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB Fantastic!! Traveling by email 😉😁 5y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB Of course! I‘m GMT -6. I tried to turn things around yesterday and failed horribly, so I think I‘m just going to have to roll with it now! 😂😂 5y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Just do! Things will turn around eventually but for now, I‘d go with the flow if I were you and just recover whenever and however - I hope I am expressing myself correctly ☺️ 5y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB Yes, you express yourself wonderfully in English! I‘m guessing it‘s not your first language?? Not because of your writing, but because of where you live. Your idioms are even dead on. We had quite a few foreign faculty in vet school, and it always amazes me when people can speak more than one language so well! My spoken language had a horrible southern accent, even though my accent is not thick, but my reading comprehension was good. 5y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB And the language I once spoke/read best was Arabic. I also used to be able to read Latin fairly well. Latin is so useful 😂. But it was one of those, I didn‘t use it and I lost it. (edited) 5y
Hooked_on_books Oh that‘s too bad! I loved this book. Bummer it didn‘t work for you. 5y
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books I know, I bought it because of your review. And I loved his other books. Maybe I just wasn‘t in the mood this time! 5y
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A tough read, but really interesting.

BarbaraBB This will be my next read. 5y
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#WeeklyForecast 47/19

I‘m almost finished with The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, our #NYRBBookclub choice, and loving it.

Next will be Bitter Orange For #ATY2019, where this week‘s prompt is ‘a book related to food‘.

If there‘s time left, I‘ll start Missoula for #ReadingUSA2019. Krakauer is such a good non-fiction writer.

In between, there‘s still Doctor Moreau. It‘s less than 200 pages but it takes forever to finish them.

Cinfhen Missoula was very good and Bitter Orange was very meh 😬😂 although Missoula was a dense read 5y
BarbaraBB I loved Swimming Lessons, that‘s why I bought this one, but I remember your so-so review indeed. I hope I‘ll like it! 5y
Kalalalatja I found Missoula so interesting! 5y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja I‘m really looking forward to that one. Krakauer is such a good writer. I was fascinated by his 5y
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This was really well written and researched. It‘s a tough book to read about the prevalence of rape culture in higher education settings. I think it‘s very important to see what has happened and how we can move forward and fight against this. Very good book, but definitely hard to read.

jenreads7 I picked this one up when it was on sale for Kindle, but I haven‘t been in the right frame of mind to start it. Thank you for your honest review. 5y
Victoriahoperose @jenniferajanes it‘s really good. But definitely read it when you can handle it. It‘s graphic in parts. But definitely worthwhile. 5y
marleed I thought this book was excellent. I also respected his explanation that stats could have put his story in just about any smallish town in America with a strong University football program, and the ending would unfortunately be quite similar. Oh, and stating on behalf of family members with Grizzly season tickets ;) 5y
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I don‘t know why I listen to books that piss me off but for some reason whenever I‘m working i find myself listening to things that are gonna make me angry.

Texreader Krakauer is a fantastic nonfiction author. I love his level of research and attention to detail. I‘ve read two of his books. Not this one yet. 5y
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Important telescope to college rape

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There are not enough characters for me to say what I want to say about this book.
💔Warning this book is explicit and can be a trigger.
I think this book is essential reading for the discussion of victims rights and how sexual assault is addressed in our colleges. We need to keep discussing this in our homes, communities, and schools. We need to change our expectations of behavior... We need change.


ThatGirl29 Thanks for this! I work in higher ed and this dialogue is essential. 6y
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1. Only 78. But humid.
2. Jon Krakauer; Barrack Obama, John Boyne, Maggie O‘Farrell, Jodi Picoult, Alice Walker, just for starters.
3. Sudoku. But also love the others.


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Something personal added to this #nonfictionbingo2019. I was date raped in 1978 and in 2009 first spoke of it. Important book, imho.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am so sorry to hear that, and you are so brave to post that here. Here‘s to more people speaking out, speaking up, sharing their stories, and helping everyone understand that this is a serious problem in society and shouldn‘t be brushed aside. 6y
DivineDiana I echo the sentiments of @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Proud of you speaking your truth. 💗 6y
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mcipher Sending you all the hugs. 6y
Cinfhen Thank you for sharing 💞💞💞and sending love 6y
gradcat So sorry that happened to you. I really appreciated this book for the platform he gives to people like you. You deserve to be heard, and I‘m glad you were able to speak openly about it. 💞 6y
Bookzombie Thank you for sharing. I‘m so sorry that happened to you. 💗 6y
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Added Montana to my journey with the tagged book. #readingUSA2019.

AmyG What a book. I was so happy my daughters had their college years behind them. 6y
Kaye You‘re doing great on your map 🗺 (edited) 6y
BookNightOwl Where can I get this map? 6y
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Samplergal @mandi1082 visitedstatesmap.com 6y
Samplergal @AmyG I hear you. Except it happened in the 70‘s and 80‘s and 90‘s too. 😡. People need to raise boys better. Its not okay they aren‘t. 6y
Samplergal @kaye Thanks. I love being retired. 😂 6y
AmyG It just seems like it‘s getting so much worse in today‘s climate. :( 6y
Samplergal @AmyG I think it‘s only more talked about. That‘s my hope at least. What‘s more prevalent is booze, drugs and lack of respect for people. And sports culture which allows it. #metoo has made us more aware. That‘s the first thing. 6y
BookNightOwl @Samplergal thanks 😊 6y
BarbaraBB So many states already! Impressive! 6y
Librarybelle I have this book on my to read list 6y
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Merely stating this is a good book is such a disservice. The subject, rape on a college campus, is so difficult to read, but necessary for those of us who want policies and bias to change. It will give you some of these emotions: outrage, pity, disbelief and hope. This is such a well researched and well written book, something we‘ve come to expect from this author. As a date rape survivor, I expected to read this in pieces.

Samplergal I blew through this yesterday because of the author‘s sensitivity to the subject. His epilogue indicates he was clueless prior to this research. It‘s graphic when the court cases are described, however, it might be what we need to hear to make the change that is needed. Post~Kavanaugh we are in need of education about this epidemic. Pick this up and spread the knowledge. It will likely trigger some, but healing sometimes comes in knowledge. ❤️ 6y
vkois88 It definitely hit me hard. I was unable to finish it. I'll pick it up again someday, as you're right... it is an important message that needs to be spread. Just not the right time for me. 6y
MyNamesParadise I listened to the audiobook either last year or 2017 and it was difficult to get through at times because I listened while driving/commuting to work, but it is very important and makes me so mad what DeVos is doing to overturn title 9 protections and how it‘s always about protecting the male. I know it happens in all states but knowing how Red Montana is certainly doesn‘t give me much hope for change there. 6y
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Samplergal @MyNamesParadise It starts with parents. Raise your boys to respect girls and women. #ERANow 6y
Samplergal @vkois88 I get that. I could not have done this through the Kavanaugh hearings. Now I‘m ready to fight again. I really think I‘m going to start volunteering for a rape crisis center. Raise your boys to respect women. 6y
vkois88 That would be amazing! You're a strong person, and wonderful for wanting to do so ❤ 6y
Freespirit Sounds like a must read. Thanks for sharing the book and your story 6y
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My next audiobook. I really like this author and just found this in my library. #montana #readingUSA2019. #nonfiction2019

BibliOphelia Love this author and have been interested in this book, but have to limit my ‘rage reading‘ these days 😂😭 6y
Samplergal I get that. Ten years ago I finally admitted to others I had been date raped at 22 and since then have been, at first slowly, then, very vocal about rape. This is very fact based and allows the reader to come to their own amount of rage. I think I‘m doing this one over a series of days. (edited) 6y
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I finally finished this audio book. This book is an important and infuriating case study of the epidemic of rape in Missoula, Montana and how the justice system tends to protect the attackers over the victims. Unfortunately, this victim-shaming mentality isn‘t exclusive to Missoula. So many triggers in this book, but an important topic for everyone.

readordierachel Important and infuriating is an apt description. 6y
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A meticulously researched and reported narrative of a series of sexual assaults at the University of Montana and how these assaults were handled (and mishandled) by both the university or local authorities. Highly recommended, although it's a tough read.

Day 23: #adventrecommends

JLaurenceCohen This sounds great. 6y
Amiable @JLaurenceCohen Jon Krakauer is always great, even with a difficult topic like this. 6y
Crazeedi Iwas just recommended this book, it looks really interesting 6y
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A disturbing but necessary read. After running the Missoula Marathon last Sunday I decided to give this a listen. It‘s changed the way I think about sexuality, consent, and the justice system. Makes me wonder if it‘s possible for anyone to find their way through without suffering the hazards of trauma, short of becoming a complete recluse. Actually, it seems that excessive alcohol consumption plays a significant part in rape culture. Sobering.

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This book is centered around Missoula Montana however represents the mindset of many towns across the country. As a mom it was difficult to read this book however it is better to be aware and educate our children. Jon did a tremendous amount of research which I find he does with all of his writings. #jonkrakauer

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Alternating between these two audiobooks tonight, Red Sparrow is a fast paced spy thriller, very much like John LeCarre or Robert Ludlum, while Missoula is a non fiction novel about the rape crisis in colleges all over America & how victim blaming has become the norm in towns & institutions that scramble to cover their own arse instead of protecting their female students/population. Highly recommend both audiobooks, the narrators are fabulous.👍

BookNerd9906 Both are on my #tbr list. 6y
Cinfhen Missoula was infuriating and heartbreaking ❤️ 6y
Andrea4 So..light reading...😉😁 6y
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ReadingRover Even though Missoula was so frustrating I loved it. It was so insightful. It was crazy and scary to see how just that slice of our country reacts to rape. Everyone should read that book. It‘s a real eye opener. 6y
TiredLibrarian I started Missoula but couldn't finish it. I want to go back to it at some point. 6y
Lizpixie @BookNerd9906 it‘s definitely worth bumping up your list @Cinfhen that‘s why I‘m swapping back & forth, when I find myself wanting to punch any man near me, I switch to Red Sparrow. Though honestly, it‘s not much better in that department😡 @Andrea4 yep, pretty much❤️🥀 @ReadingRover I totally agree. And it‘s not just America that has these issues either, when it comes to rape culture, Australia has just as bad a track record👇👇👇 6y
Lizpixie @ReadingRover for instance, just tonight my 21yr old daughter had to take a train into the city to take part in a run for adidas(she works at Footlocker) when I told her to be safe & careful on the train at night she said”don‘t worry mum, I‘m not wearing a short skirt or anything that will egg them on” Made me cry. She should be able to wear whatever she wants in public without fear of being assaulted.🤬 @TiredLibrarian think everyone should read 6y
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@jillannjohn Thank you so much for my goodies! I‘ve been wanting to read both of these books for a long time, I love m&ms and the bookmark and I‘ve been needing a new journal too. And the cup! I absolutely love it! I think no matter what the season, this will keep my drinks the temp I need them to be! Litsy swaps are the best! #bookandbottleswap @JoScho

APLitlife Oh! Missoula is on my TBR also. I am from Montana, but went to the rival school. I remember this in the news and want to read what this has to say about it all. 6y
JoScho Great package! ❤️ 6y
jillannjohn I‘m so glad you like everything! 6y
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This book made me so mad and I wanted to scream #no f***ing way so many times while listening to this. People‘s reactions to rape victims and their stories continually keep baffling me, and especially in the context of the justice system.

A great read, but it will infuriate you!


cathysaid Exactly. So disturbing, learning about how many blatantly looked the other way 😡 6y
Reviewsbylola Totally agree with you. 6y
JanJan I used to live in Missoula, and went to school there when this was published. I think he fairly portrayed the facts, and did a good job with the book. It was the hardest book I‘ve ever read. The dialogue in my community was disgusting with all the rape apologists and football fans. This problem effects every college campus, and justice system in America. 6y
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ReadingEnvy I serve as a title ix investigator at my institution and every year attend training with local cops and social workers. This book is so important in getting law enforcement to understand how much harm they can do. But to me it was more disheartening how much the friends and family members can do harm by blaming or minimizing. 6y
ephemeralwaltz I have this on my Kindle waiting to be read. I'm sure it'll make me mad as hell but these are necessary reads everybody should be aware of! 👏👏 Thanks for shaeing your thoughts. 6y
TrishB Great review. I shall read eventually 😔 6y
Kalalalatja @cathysaid @Reviewsbylola I can‘t deal with how horrible people are sometimes. When not believing a victim is your go-to reaction, you should really take a hard look at yourself 🙄😠 @JanJan I can only imagine! I‘m glad to know Krakauer did a great job portraying the situation from someone who actually knows something about how it was like. 6y
Kalalalatja @ReadingEnvy I agree completely! I‘m writing my thesis on how victim blaming reactions can deter victims from reporting the rape, and it breaks my heart how many people still believe in and reinforce rape myths 😔 @ephemeralwaltz @TrishB It is worth it, truly! 6y
BarbaraBB Great review & comments. 6y
Cinfhen Great review! This was a difficult read 😔 6y
readordierachel Agree, this is so infuriating. But important to read. 6y
TiredLibrarian I started this and couldn't finish it. Maybe I should try it again. 6y
staci.reads It was so hard to read, but so important! I had the same reaction with the book Everyday Sexism. I had to switch back and forth with it and a happier book to keep from getting permanently furious. 6y
ReadingRover I totally agree with you. I listened to this on audiobook and it was unreal. This is a book that everyone should read or listen to. The amount of rapes that are just ignored or swept under the rug are unbelievable. The way they are handled needs to change. 6y
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😡😡 This book is infuriating and important. Through the lens of one town and a series of rapes, Krakauer sheds light on the ridiculous and archaic ideas that still prevail in our country, both in its citizens and its court system, about sexual assault. Unlike victims of virtually any other crime, victims of sexual assault are immediately regarded with skepticism and judgement, which speaks volumes about the rape culture in our society.

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