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The Introvert's Way
The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World | Sophia Dembling
For anyone who loved Susan Cains Quiet, comes this practical manifesto sharing the joys of introversion This clever and pithy book challenges introverts to take ownership of their personalities...with quiet strength. Sophia Dembling asserts that the introverts lifestyle is not wrong or lacking, as society or extroverts would have us believe. Through a combination of personal insights and psychology, The Introverts Way helps and encourages introverts to embrace their nature, to respect traits they may have been ashamed of and reframe them as assets. Youre not shy; rather, you appreciate the joys of quiet. Youre not antisocial; instead, you enjoy recharging through time alone. Youre not unfriendly, but you do find more meaning in one-on-one connections than large gatherings. By honoring what makes them unique, this astute and inspiring book challenges introverts to own their introversion, igniting a quiet revolution that will change how they see themselves and how they engage with the world.
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“One of the risks of being quiet is that the other people can fill your silence with their own interpretation: You‘re bored. You‘re depressed. You‘re shy. You‘re stuck up. You‘re judgmental. When others can‘t read us, they write their own story—not always one we choose or that‘s true to who we are.”

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No one wants to be left out, even when we know we're going to say no.

#QuotsyFeb20 #inclusion


Megabooks Yes!! 5y
TK-421 ❤️ 5y
Suet624 So true. 5y
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I do like her idea of "managing your energy". This is something I need to do more of.
I do not like how she's talking about constantly leaving a party to go sit in the bathroom to avoid socializing. ?‍♀️ Or how bored she gets by talking to people...it just sounds kind of mean. Do other introverts think this way? I don't!
Not a review (yet) as I'm still reading it.

KathyWheeler I don‘t. I just need to be by myself sometimes as the social interactions drain me after a time. 5y
ItsAnotherJen @KathyWheeler I do too! Absolutely. I usually just move to a quieter room, or step outside. I would worry my guest is sick if their place of solitude was the bathroom over the course of a night. 5y
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Leftcoastzen 😂 5y
JackOBotts So true! 5y
BiblioLitten Ha!! True that 😁 5y
Smrloomis Never thought of this but so true! 😂 5y
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For those of us who are introverts, one of the many books out there on how we can function in a constantly noisy world. #selfhelpbook #selfimprovementsept

Crazeedi I'm so lucky to live in a quiet place, retired and just hubby and 48 acres. 1/2 mile from road, no neighbors, it's kinda paradise...I'm over noise and cant even do violence and destruction on tv anymore, grates my nerves 5y
Librarybelle @Crazeedi ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
TheDaysGoBy Sounds great! Stacked 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 5y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏼❤️😊📚 5y
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Just a repost if anyone is interested in joining us. #SixonStPaddy‘s

KatieDid927 Ooo 🙋🏻‍♀️ 6y
Samplergal Welcome. Easy peasy. 6y
CoffeeK8 Sounds like a fun plan! 6y
rachelk I‘m in! 📚🍀 6y
RealBooks4ever I believe I'll join in! 💜☘️ 6y
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I‘m quite certain I‘ve never looked forward to St. Patrick‘s Day until this year. Reposting for @Samplergal #SixonStPaddys

Samplergal Yay! We got this! 6y
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CouronneDhiver Yep 👍🏽 6y
rather_be_reading omg YES! 6y
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This is hands down the best subscription box I've ever gotten. It's called Introverted Chick and I found it on Crate Joy. It includes a throw blanket, several bookmarks, origami sheets with instructions for making corner bookmarks, coaster, candle, tea, list of favorite books from subscribers, mini notepads, pen, book necklace, case with earbuds, couple of coozies, and, of course, a book with an autographed book plate. I am in love, y'all!

Soubhiville Wow, huge awesome score! 6y
TrishB Sounds fab 👍🏻 6y
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Great bookish gifts from my dear friend @KLyn1

Itchyfeetreader I have that t shirt in pale blue!! 6y
litenthusiast I love the socks! 6y
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As the holidays get closer....... who is with me?

TaciturnWhenReading 😂 Right there with you! 6y
DefLeppard Me too. Love it. 😊 6y
GingerAntics ✊🏻 6y
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Prairiegirl_reading Totally here for it!! 6y
Leftcoastzen Shut the door, keep quiet, I‘m reading and vote to skip those holiday parties!😂 6y
JamieArc I may have been really excited last year when the weather was too bad to make it out to the (large) family Christmas Eve party 😂😂 6y
rabbitprincess I am looking forward to skipping my branch Xmas party tomorrow because I will have too much work 😂 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa YES! My dream Christmas! 6y
JoScho 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ 6y
Nu-Bibliophile Oh yes loving it ✊✊ 6y
merelybookish A local bookstore is hosting an introvert's New year's party which includes puzzles and silent reading. 😆 6y
Samplergal Loving that so many get it! I want to go to that New Years party at the bookstore. So many years, I actually think I could feel physical pain being at those horrid get togethers. 6y
Tamra @merelybookish that sounds fun! (edited) 6y
BiblioLitten 😁 6y
SW-T 😊😊😊 6y
Bklover I‘m in!!! Love it!❤️❤️ 6y
tjwill 🙋🏻‍♀️ 6y
alysonimagines With you all the way! 👍 6y
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Some friends of mine are pissing me off. I spent the weekend in, reading and just introverting. I got constant texts trying to guilt me to go out or asking "is everything okay?" and "I miss you!" messages. After I told them all I was staying in to read. ??? And I'm still getting messages today while I'm at work about me not socializing. ???

cherinium We aren't all cut out to socialize every weekend (or any weekend, for that matter). I definitely have friends that understand that and others that have a hard time getting the concept. It's ok to take the time you need for yourself to recharge. Don't let them make you feel guilty. 6y
silentrequiem @cherinium I'm not guilty. I'm annoyed and pissed. 6y
saresmoore Not cool! I used to have friends like that... 6y
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silentrequiem @saresmoore These might become former friends if they continue... 6y
Kaye You have my sympathy. I had some people in my life like that. Would NOT leave me alone. I tried to tell them nicely, they got angry, it turned into a huge mess. Those people are no longer in my life. I cannot stand it when people tell you what you should be doing and when. The more I get bossed around, the less I‘ll do what people tell me to. I Need My Space. 😱 6y
Tanisha_A Such types are the most annoying! I totally hear you. 6y
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards I would totally come visit you for a reading vacation! 6y
silentrequiem @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards You and Jeff are totally welcome anytime! 6y
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Introvert problems... 😁

(From FB)

MinDea 😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
MinDea Big nope. 6y
vkois88 True story! 6y
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CoffeeNBooks Exactly! 😂😂😂 6y
TheBookgeekFrau I knew there had to be a name for it!😁 6y
Sharpeipup So true for me! 6y
JoScho 🙌🏼🖤🙌🏼🖤 6y
KnightOwl 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 6y
LeahBergen Ha!! 6y
readordierachel 😂😂 6y
Craftylikefox 😂😂 6y
WhatThePuck 😂😂😂😂😂😍😍 6y
Clare-Dragonfly 😂😂😂🙌🏻 6y
Jas16 Love this! 6y
BiblioLitten 😁🙌 6y
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Extreme Introvert
Do more but wish I could sleep more.
Both? I cook, I eat, I clean.
Switch platforms... Try audio, ebook, book podcasts.

@hermyknee #bookslumpblues

Trashcanman Hi I'm Trashcanman, please to make your aquaintence 👁️👁️ 6y
SkeletonKey @Trashcanman - HI, I‘m Kay! 6y
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Happy Thursday Littens!

JoScho 😂 same! 7y
Oryx Yup! 7y
Ddzmini 😝🤣 yep so true 7y
jfalkens Yep 😂 7y
LeahBergen Always! 😆😆 7y
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It seems I can be Moriarty or Lestrade depending upon my mood #INTJ

Kmmsellers INTJ here too! 7y
SilversReviews Great post organization. 7y
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Pretty accurate, but not perfect. 88% introverted. That's me.

tracey38 I got the same. Mostly accurate but not 100% accurate in my mind. 7y
tonyahoswalt @tracey38 We're going to get along great 😁 7y
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So it‘s been a while (if ever) that I‘ve taken this test.
Very accurate results! 🤓 #introvertORextrovert

“When Logicians are particularly excited, the conversation can border on incoherence as they try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of their latest idea.... Logicians are unlikely to understand emotional complaints, they‘d much rather make a series of logical suggestions for how to resolve the issue.”

JoScho Thanks for sharing 😊 7y
BookHermit I had never seen this particular quality of mine show up on a personality test. What I would do for a Sherlock Holmesian ability to explain my thought processes. I usually come off as an incoherent space cadet or a pompous ass 😆 7y
mrozzz @BookHermit oh man me too. Me too.... 😅 7y
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mrozzz @JoScho thanks for asking! 7y
AThousandLives87 I‘m the same! 7y
mrozzz @AThousandLives87 Ha! That‘s awesome ☺️💜 7y
Scurvygirl I get the same way @BookHermit @mrozzz like your mouth cannot spit out what your brain needs everyone to understand. Finally I just give up and look like an idiot. 7y
mrozzz @Scurvygirl that sounds familiar! Although I am sputtering with a huge grin on my face too and surely look all shades of ridiculous. 7y
CherryPie INTP! 👊 7y
mrozzz @CherryPie yessssss 🤗 7y
2BR02B This is me too! INTP for life. 🖖 7y
mrozzz @2BR02B 👋🏻😁 7y
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Yep- yet another INFJ on litsy. I'm 83% introvert- shocking. It fits me perfectly though.I do like people (I'm a nurse, so I probably should 🤣) but I'm happiest at home surrounded by my kiddos.

ju.ca.no I‘m an Advocate too😁 (edited) 7y
sprainedbrain I got this result, too! 😃 7y
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Figured I might as well jump in on this. INFJ-T here!


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#introvertorextrovert @JoScho I‘m definitely an introvert.. my introvert percentage for Mbti was like 96% These stressors are super accurate for me.

JoScho Yeah some of those things will tweak my anxiety as well. 7y
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I'm a former introvert who is now an extrovert who would like to revert back into an introvert. 🤦😬


FlowerFairy I introvert so hard that sometimes I even introvert from myself. 7y
Rachbb3 @FlowerFairy 😂😂😂👍🏼 7y
JoScho @FlowerFairy yesss!!! I have days when I don‘t even want to be around myself! 7y
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It's just one of those days!! #ewpeople #introvertsoflitsy

riversong153 Love this! 7y
umbrellagirl This^^ so much. 7y
cobwebmoth Yep. 7y
TricksyTails 🙌🙌🙌 7y
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Love this quote

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Have just ordered this shirt—\u000it‘s available on www.signals.com if anyone else is interested. They also have other bookish goodies! ? ?
#infp #introvertaf

Reecaspieces ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Alright my Littens! Today I got real with you on the blog. This post is about my struggles as an introvert. Check it out at www.reademandeatblog.wordpress.com

Bklover Loved your blog! One of the things I love about Litsy is all of the kindred spirits I find here. (Aka introverts). I too find that people eventually quit inviting, which is ok with me. Also read the review of Turtles - sounds like an awesome book! 7y
Read.Em.And.Eat @Bklover thank you so much for your kind words! Turtles was an incredible book that will stay with me for a very long time. 7y
AmyG I read your blog and so relate. You are not alone. I have to go to a friend‘s bday party tonight...100 people. A fellow introvert friend will be there. We will be the ladies in the corner, with wine, wishing we were home. 7y
Read.Em.And.Eat @AmyG good luck! I know how difficult that can be. Sending you all of the positive vibes! 7y
AmyG @Read.Em.And.Eat You understand! 👊🏻 7y
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Introverting in progress... ❤

litznbooks @ForeverNerdy Yes, indeed! happy weekend! 7y
SilversReviews That‘s me!!😍😍😍😍 7y
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One of my favorite types of parties 😊 With any luck I'll have my books set up by then so I can clear away some of my TBR 😊 #LitsyPartyofOne

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Currently me psyching myself up for a get together I was supposed to leave for 15 minutes ago... #introvert #idratherbereading

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Hmmm not sure about this. I don't feel like I stick to just one genre.

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I clicked on a link and somehow found myself being told by the New York Times that everyone likes to go to parties.

Perhaps they included #litsypartyofone ?Otherwise, they can go away with their lame leadin to a "things to do" list.

Also? That last statement is missing a question mark. Get a copy editor, Times! ?

#introverting #idratherbereading

Megabooks Lol!! 7y
Bklover Ummmm...no. No parties. Not if I can help it. #happytobeanintrovert 7y
Jinjer Ugh. Despise parties. 7y
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April was a busy month of travel, May a busy month of graduations and end of school year activities. I am in desperate need of peace so I am foregoing our annual Memorial family beach weekend for some #introverting #sadiescarlett

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Faibka Definitely! 7y
Jess_Read_This This will be me at all the family parties this weekend... 🙈 7y
Kalalalatja Same 🙋 7y
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Nat_Reads This will be me at all the holiday festivities... 7y
julesG Me, all the time! 7y
Librarylady It's so hard not to. 7y
TEArificbooks All the time! Or when everyone is playing on their phone but when I pull out a book I am antisocial! 7y
DuckOfDoom I cant resist at all 😅 7y
rubyslippersreads @mdm139 I know—that's so unfair! But I often read on my phone, so maybe I'm fooling people. 😄 7y
EvieBee Yes! I read on my phone too but if it's a library book...well it's decision time. Lol! 7y
RealBooks4ever Oh yeah! 😄 7y
LeahBergen Yes! 7y
RealLifeReading Hahaha exactly 7y
EllieDottie Haha!! This me at every event!! 7y
LeeRHarry Sometimes in work meetings too 😏 7y
Coleen Oh yes! Yes. Yes. Yes. 7y
Lmstraubie Yes! 7y
Leftcoastzen Story of my life! 7y
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You were born that way! Now Gaga is stuck in my head :) but this quote is perfff!!!

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The fantastic thing about an introvert party is that there's no one to judge you for slipping away at 10:30pm. 😏It's been a loooong week, getting used to an 8-5 schedule again after several years of adjuncting flexibility. This introvert is ready for bed. 😴🛌Thanks for a great #Litsypartyofone, everybody!

MyNamesParadise Love that background! 8y
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Just needs a book and it's the perfect selfie!

Libby1 🤣🤣🤣 8y
Laura317 Yes!🙋🏽👍🏼 8y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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I love this!! I'm not sure I'll be able to participate the whole night (that is my 1 social night a week), but I'll try! #nopartylikeabookwormparty #litsypartyofone #callingallintroverts

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I've been putting together a stack for the upcoming #24in48 readathon... a few from my #LitsyAtoZ list, a few on loan from friends (that I should really read and return), a couple library books, one book of poetry, and half of a series to finish up. I will probably also add in some of my in-progress reads. I won't finish all of this, but at least I have options!

Libby1 Beautiful butterfly painting. 🦋 Also - I love Madeline L'Engle. 8y
Libby1 Oops. Spelled her name wrong. You know who I mean! 8y
Chachic Yay for Megan Whalen Turner! 🙌 8y
BarbaraJean @Libby1 - Thanks! It's a print of a painting by one of my best friends. 😊 And you know, I always spell L'Engle's name wrong! (edited) 8y
BarbaraJean @Chachic - Yes! Really looking forward to those two!! 8y
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Omg it's a thing! Let's all celebrate...separately.

LisaJo Separately - Bawaahaha! 👏🙌😂😂📚❤ 8y
CocoReads Best news I've heard yet! 8y
saresmoore Ahahahaha! Yes! 8y
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kspenmoll Fantastic!!! 8y
Dragon Finally a day for introverts!!! I'm celebrating at home with my books 🎉 8y
Suet624 That's amazing!!! 8y
Sharpeipup So I shouldn't leave my house today? Just as i had planned! 8y
Laura317 I'm in. As in - inside. And in as in celebrating. But quietly with a book. 8y
OrangeMooseReads I'm in! And about to curl up alone with a book. 8y
sherryvdh Yay! 🎊📖🙊 I'll just be over here quietly celebrating with a book! 8y
tpixie @LisaJo yes!! Ha! 😂 8y
JacqMac 8y
Jinjer "Let's all celebrate...separately!!!!" ??? Yes!!! 8y
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The first few chapters, I found myself saying "YES" this is so me. It was very satisfying to read that I'm not weird or antisocial, I'm introverted & I'm just me & there is nothing wrong with the way I am.
The downside tho, is that I felt it was very repetitive & I actually skipped the last few chapters as it wasn't providing any new insights. Though I have never been a big readr of NF. My preference is to escape reality not delve into it.

BillBlume I'm noticing repetition is a common complaint with nonfiction. My wife has said the same of several books she's read for school this fall. 8y
LazyOwl Yes, I would much rather read a condensed version than rehash the same things over and over @BillBlume 8y
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Introvert problems! 🙌🏻

BookNerdBritt I love her Instagram! 8y
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But the good news is that more than ever before introverts are gathering, talking to each other, comparing notes and taking ownership of our nature.

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Lol! So true!

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