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I haven‘t seen anyone else here with my exact type. #introvertorextrovert

Bry I got this one too! I didn‘t post about it because I felt like I must have answered some of the questions wrong - aside from introversion, so many of the characteristics didn‘t match my personality. Did yours seem right to you? 6y
Viji @bry, I feel the same way! I‘m not really artistic or creative. I took the test again and varied my answers a little. Got the same result! 6y
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Jumping on the bandwagon to show my Introvert pride! I‘m actually surprised I got the % of Extrovert that I did. #IntrovertorExtrovert


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I‘m an introverted extrovert!!! This was fun @JoScho

#introvertorextrovert #SassyBookworm😏 #Advocate #INFJ

DrSabrinaMoldenReads I am also INFJ 6y
JoScho Thanks for sharing! It was fun to see how similar most of us on Litsy are. 6y
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Glad to see I have the same personality as one of my favorite fictional TV characters! #ISFP #introvertORextrovert


ChelseaM6010 That's awesome! 😊 I love BrBa! 6y
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#introvertorextrovert @JoScho

I don‘t spend a whole lot of time thinking about personality types these days (I feel like it‘s not much more relevant than astrological signs) BUT I love a good quiz. I feel like I scored near the middle of every single category except the I/E which was noticeably further toward the I. The description didn‘t feel all that accurate either. Ah well!


batsy I feel like it helps to look at it like astrology 6y
batsy Sorry, sent before I finished! To clarify, for every answer there's so many variables that have to be overlooked... 6y
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Have to say it was a bit eerie how accurate this is! I did take a similar test several years ago for a uni course, but couldn‘t remember what the results were. Re-taking the test now, when the results came through, it triggered my memory, and I realized I haven‘t changed over the years. I‘m very bubbly and outgoing, but truly an introvert who occasionally likes to extrovert. These tests always fascinate me!

catebutler If you‘d like to give the test a try, here‘s the link: https://www.16personalities.com/ (edited) 6y
JoScho I am exactly the same. I don‘t think any of my work people would consider me an introvert but oh I am. 6y
catebutler @JoScho I was actually mentioning that to my BF, we both took the test today, and I was commenting that so many would see me as an extrovert because of my nature, but it wears me out! I really really need my own time! It‘s so nice to find others like me! 😊👋🏼 6y
SomedayAlmost I consider myself a loud introvert. 😃 6y
catebutler @SomedayAlmost Ha, I love that!! I‘ll have to remember this for future reference!! 👍🏼 6y
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I identify with some of this but decisive? strong-willed? Uh, no. I do believe in balance. I am sensitive, extremely private & burn out easily. Might be a perfectionist. Definitely creative. I'd like to think I'm insightful. Would love to be inspiring & convincing. Determined & passionate, but wouldn't say I'm altruistic or always need to pursue a cause. I guess this is what I could be if I worked to overcome my weaknesses & cultivate my strengths

TK-421 #introvertorextrovert #INFJ Here's the link if you want to take the test: https://www.16personalities.com (edited) 6y
JoScho I got the same thing 6y
Alfoster I‘m an Entertainer. What?? 6y
britt_brooke I got this, too. 6y
shadowspeak17 I got this too, and I feel pretty much the same way about it. 6y
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I must be a true INFJ because a lot of these things make me crazy! 😱

What fun to meet many fellow introverts and Advocates! Thx @JoScho 🤗💕

JoScho Thanks for sharing. I love seeing everyone‘s posts. I never imagined this many people would participate-I love it 😍 6y
saresmoore INFJs are the rarest type, but I think most of us are on Litsy! 🙌😁 6y
UwannaPublishme @JoScho 🤗🙌🏻 6y
UwannaPublishme @saresmoore That's so funny. Yay for us, the rare bunch! 😁🙌🏻 6y
PurpleyPumpkin Oh wow, most of these drive me crazy too! Good thing we Littens have each other for support. We all get it. 🙌🏽 6y
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I have taken this test many times and I have been always INFP. I do like small gatherings where I know everyone, but get freaked out at larger social events. I need my downtime. Some of my traits have changed over the years - I have developed organizational strategies, so I plan occasionally but my inclination is winging it.

In my experience people who read a lot are mostly introverts, occasionally “ambiverts”. @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for sharing 😊 6y
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I'm a #Defender #ISFJT my results on the #IntrovertOrExtrovert quiz you can take here: https://www.16personalities.com
Having fun reading all your post on this one👍☺

Karkar Welcome to the club! 👋🏻 6y
ReviewsbytheMrs Woo hoo 🙌🏽 for the Defenders! 6y
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