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Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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The banned books room @ Harvey‘s Tales, Geneva IL

“There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.” ― Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻 4mo
Eggs ❤️🤍🖤 4mo
dabbe The mechanical hound. 😱 4mo
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Aims42 Lol 😂 4mo
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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My plan for my reading this year was to read more diverse and thought provoking books ,this book was very much that.This is speculative fiction,Bradbury tells a tale of what the future would look like without books,how as a society we let it happen it shows us how books might not give us all the answers but makes us ask the questions,they challenge you and make you think.#joyousjanuary
Book 2 of #readawya2024

DieAReader 🥳Great! 5mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 5mo
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Finally read this classic while audio-crocheting this evening.

It was written in the 50s but is still pertinent today.

I'm glad to know the story of "Fahrenheit 451."

jdiehr Narrated by Tim Robbins 👍🏻 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks She pretty 💛 8mo
dabbe Beautiful crochet! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
TieDyeDude I enjoyed Robbins' narration! 7mo
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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For all the librarians under siege and all of us. Truffaut directing Fahrenheit 451.

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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20 pages left, I'm loving it!!

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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Keep going!
I started today the tagged book, I would like to finish it within monday... I really hope so!

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury

Really interesting book who‘s premise is still super relevant today.. book has some really good social commentary and a lot to say about knowledge can survive in the modern world. Overall can see why this has been considered a classic for so long

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My sister recommended this book and told me I had to listen to the Tim Robbins audiobook version. She said “he acted the shit out of it”. I completely agree. I didn‘t know much about this book except the obvious burning books part and that it‘s a banned book. It was an intense book and it‘s shocking how much of the future Ray Bradbury got right. It‘s shocking that he wrote this in the 50‘s. It makes me want to unplug completely. Glad I read it.

monalyisha I read this going into my 7th grade year. It was a new school so I didn‘t have many friends to compare notes with before the first day. I was so bummed to find most kids didn‘t like this (and that they LOVED the other book we had to read - Johnny Tremain). It was the exact opposite of how I felt! Kids. There‘s no accounting for taste. 😜 I still think Ray Bradbury was such a treasure. Every book of his that I pick up proves me right, ten-fold. (edited) 14mo
dabbe Tim Robbins “[acts] the shit out of“ THE GREAT GATSBY as well. 😊 14mo
SarahBookInterrupted @monalyisha this is the first Ray Bradbury book I‘ve read. Can you suggest another? 14mo
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SarahBookInterrupted @dabbe he does? I‘ll tell my sister. I‘ve read it but I don‘t think she has. Although it might be time to read it again. Thanks for the tip! 14mo
monalyisha @SarahBookInterrupted Yes! Dandelion Wine is my favorite! 14mo
Zoes_Human This is one of my all time favorite books by one of my all time favorite authors. If you like short stories, he is one of the greatest writers of short fiction to ever put pen to page. 14mo
SarahBookInterrupted @monalyisha thanks! Stacked 14mo
SarahBookInterrupted @Zoes_Human wow, thanks! Do you have a book recommendation too? I might just go on a Ray Bradbury binge. 14mo
Zoes_Human @SarahBookInterrupted I think this is his most interesting collection. 14mo
SarahBookInterrupted @Zoes_Human Thanks…shacked. 14mo
Zoes_Human @SarahBookInterrupted You are most welcome! 14mo
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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It was on my TBR list for a long long time but I could not get a copy of it. I enjoyed it and it is very very important novel. I am desprate to know what happend before and aftere this story.


LiseWorks He was one of my favorite authors when I was a teen 1y
RedCurly @LiseWorks Can you suggest me any other novel to read from him? 1y
LiseWorks Oh my goodness, it was so long ago, I read them all as I was infatuated with science at the time. I don't think there is a bad one of his. 1y
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I'm feeling a little guilty about listening to this audiobook with earbuds... my own Seashells...

My 2nd book narrated by Tim Robbins & although I do really like him, I'm not loving his narration of this. Gatsby was okay but this isn't great.

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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Check out Meredith‘s book recommendation on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Monday. She is really getting into the Banned Book theme of this season. https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-fahrenheit-451

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray D Bradbury
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It feels like a good time to reread Fahrenheit 451.

BkClubCare 😡 1y
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Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel
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Burnt 🔥🔥🔥

bthegood You are so good at this!! 2y
SamAnne Wow! 2y
Gissy Amazing!!👍 2y
WJCintron @bthegood @TheNeverendingTBR @SamAnne @Gissy 🥹🥰🙏😃♥️ Thank you so much!! 2y
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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AmandaBlaze I loved this book. I used to have my students read it for English Comp. when I was teaching. 2y
Eggs Brilliant 🍑🧡🔥 2y
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The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.

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Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel
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Crossed off another goal for #SuperSeptember

Was kind of disappointed with this one 🌟 2.5/5

My goals for the #readathon are:
◇Finish Humans of New York ✅️
◇Finish Fahrenheit 451 ✅️
◇Finish Cerulean Sea 🙄🥴 (a year+ later)
◇Start and finish 1984
◇Make progress in The Goblet of Fire Illustrated

@Andrew65 #classics #bannedbooksweek #bannedbooks #bannedbook

all_4_kb I have but haven‘t read yet. Somehow it was never a required HS reading that most ppl seemed to have already read. 2y
Alora @kbibliophilific Same! I had the option between 5 or so different books. This was one of them but surprisingly I didnt pick it. I chose A Clockwork Orange. Oh boy lol 😆 2y
TheHungryBookworms I enjoyed it. Hated the movie though. Book was pretty good to me 2y
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Alora @TheHungryBookworms I've heard the movie wasn't the best. I liked the idea of the book but I couldn't get into it lol. 2y
TheHungryBookworms @Alora it happens. I dislike some books my friends love and they look at me like i was broken. Lol. But i live that we are all different and we dont all like the same things. That would be boring 2y
Alora @TheHungryBookworms Yes I definitely agree! There's been some popular books that people are all hyped about and I couldn't get into it. And others I loved that had mixed reviews. 2y
Andrew65 A true classic. Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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"Is it because we're having so much fun at home we've forgotten the world? Is it because we're so rich and the rest of the world's so poor and we just don't care if they are? I've heard rumours; the world is starving, but we're well-fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much?"

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"He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over, and down on itself like a tallow skin ... He was not happy. He was not happy ... He wore his happiness like a mask." ?

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"It was a pleasure to burn."?
Is it, Ray? Is it though? I don't feckin' think so! I'm melting here!?️?
We're at the water park - kid's paddling pool in the back garden, iced Bloody Mary in easy reach ?? ? Thinking of this first line while sweltering reminded me I haven't read Fahrenheit 451 for a couple of decades, so squeezing it in.

Leftcoastzen I‘m sorry it‘s hot in the place I always counted on to not be hot.😔 2y
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen You have to understand that as a Briton, I'm culturally required to complain about the the weather 😁 It's actually rather pleasant to sit outside and feel warm (I mean, apart from it being a sign of the End Times!) 2y
Leftcoastzen 😁👏 2y
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Eggs Great choice!! 2y
kspenmoll Good choice! 2y
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Okay, I'm done spamming my feed with quotes from this remarkable classic. Accessible too, given the page count. A good chunk of this edition is actually scholarship on the story, and I'm still thinking through my own thoughts; will leave other 'takes' for a second read at some point in the future. For everything it says, (not as dated as I thought it would be), I'm so very glad this book exists.

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"...hoped that some day our cities would open up more and let the green and the land and the wilderness in more, to remind people that we're allotted a little space in earth and that we survive in that wilderness that can take back what it has given, as easily as blowing its breath on us or sending the sea to tell us we are not so big." ???

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"The things you're looking for, Montag, are in the world, but the only way the average chap will ever see ninety-nine percent of them is in a book. Don't ask for guarantees. And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine or library. DO YOUR OWN BIT OF SAVING, AND IF YOU DROWN, AT LEAST DIE KNOWING YOU WERE HEADED FOR SHORE." ??

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"We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy. Something's missing."

"It's not books you need, it's some of the things that were once in books...The magic is only in what books say..."

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"...What a shame if that's all it can ever know."

Honestly forgot there was any robotic being in this book...of course I'm starting to think I never actually finished it the first time for how little I remember it...

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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Le sens de la vue est étroitement rapproché de toute lecture, et particulièrement de ce livre, étant donné la précision de la description visuelle des évènements. L'odorat a aussi été stimulé chez moi à cause des produits combustibles utilisés pour brûler les livres décrits dans l'ouvrage. Finalement, le toucher fait également partie de mon expérience de lecture, à cause de la sensation du livre dans les mains et des pages tournées.

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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I haven't read this since high school. My local library is starting a new book club, Rebellious Reads, and this is the first banned book we will be discussing.

Reading this as an adult, and especially with the current state of things in our world, really opened my eyes and made me see this book in a completely new light.

Book Club meets on Monday and I think there will be a great discussion about this classic, timely read.

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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel
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Been listening to the audiobook while I‘m studying and forgot how good this book was. I haven‘t read it since elementary school! Always a pick

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Finally got around to reading this one folks, & it's...OK. I wasn't blown away by it as I found the characters all a bit hard to like or empathise with. The female characters especially are very thinly drawn, & there's quite a bit of casual cruelty (treatment of animals, etc). To me, the author is trying to say a lot about censorship, apathy, & the dumbing down of standards, but it gets lost in the overly florid writing style. 2.5⭐

Bren912 My D had to read this while in Highschool so I grabbed and read. I just keep remembering that the year he wrote this was basically when televisions were being watched more and as cell phones are today, taking attention and human connectivity away. I found it to be so parallel to todays world. Censorship. Book banning (again? Still??) and more. At least it was a short book and didn‘t waste too much time!! 😊🤪 (edited) 2y
OutsmartYourShelf @Bren912 I could see what he was trying to say, I just wanted him to get to the actual point quicker. I‘m not a fan of overblown descriptive writing - I can‘t abide Stephen King for the same reason. But yes, this was mercifully quite short 🙂 2y
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Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel
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Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel
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As Neil Gaiman says in his introduction, “Fahrenheit 451” is a book about how we as humans begin by burning books and end by burning people. Initially while reading through this book, I didn‘t quite grasp the concepts that Bradbury presents but looking back the book makes more sense and resonates with me. I enjoyed the theme and Bradbury was truly ahead of his time with “Fahrenheit 451”.

Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel

“Ideas—written ideas—are special. They are the way we transmit our stories and our thoughts from one generation to the next. If we lose them, we lose our shared history. We lose much of what makes us human. And fiction gives us empathy; it puts us inside the minds of other people, gives us the gift of seeing the world through their eyes. Fiction is a lie that tells us true things, over and over.”

- Neil Gaiman; Introduction

Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel

“ I don‘t talk things, sir,” said Faber. “I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and know I‘m alive.”

- Ray Bradbury

Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel

“Is it because we‘re having so much fun at home we‘ve forgotten the world? Is it because we‘re so rich and the rest of the world‘s so poor and we just don‘t care if they are? I‘ve heard the rumors; the world is starving, but we‘re well fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we‘re hated so much?…Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the same damn insane mistakes!”

- Guy Montag

Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel

“We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?”

- Guy Montag

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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So many great reviews, and a long standing book on my "must read" list.
Time to get into this one ??

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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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You know that moment when you move and you are finally able to unbox your library and re-tally your TBR pile? Yeah… it‘s like half of my books… admittedly some are books I just don‘t remember if I‘ve already read them or not but that‘s only like 20 of them. I need more books. I need to overthrow the pile of already read books. 🤪

Farenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury, Cid Knipel
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Day 164.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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This is Fahrenheit, friends. This is ridiculous. Thankfully there‘s a woodstove in my house and a great big pile of books and blankets.

BarbaraBB That is -30° Celsius… unbelievable. Keep warm! 2y
Andrew65 Stay warm 😱🥶🥶🥶🥶 2y
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Chrissyreadit Wow! That wood stove has its work cut out. 2y
Liz_M I don't find the temp as shock as the time 😁 4:40 am? 2y
Suet624 @Liz_M Haha, yes, I seem to have a new sleep pattern that would be great if I didn't have to wake up for work at 6:00 p.m. I wake up at 4:00 a.m., read for an hour, and get sleepy enough to fall back to sleep for another hour until the alarm goes off. On the weekends I enjoy the routine. Weekdays, not so much. 2y
Suet624 @BarbaraBB Usually it gets warmer as the morning progresses. However, it's 8:30 and it's -22, projected to go to -23 before it gets any better. Brrr... I'm dogsitting and this taking the dog for a walk is for the birds when it's this cold. The dog is in heaven. 2y
Suet624 @Chrissyreadit Fortunately I have other forms of heat but it's a lot to ask the old furnace to keep cranking without some help. It's been well below zero for days. I'm ready for it to break. 2y
Suet624 @Andrew65 Thanks. I should be fine but I'm crossing my fingers on the car starting. Apparently it's going to get even colder today. 2y
Andrew65 @Suet624 What would it be like without global warming!!! 2y
SRWCF My goodness! That temperature is simply unacceptable! 🥶🥶🥶 2y
Christy2318 😱😱❄️❄️ 2y
Suet624 @SRWCF I completely agree with you. 2y
Megabooks Whoa!! Stay warm!! 2y
Reggie Omg, Sue, stay warm!!! I think it‘s bad cause we‘re in the 20‘s overnight. 2y
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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I'm a few days late but thanks for the tag @Ast_Arslan ☺️

1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Fahrenheit 451
3. I'm in a weird reading mood lately and currently have 9 different books in progress 😅 but they're a mixture of romance, YA, and fantasy

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thank you for joining in! One‘s reading life can be mercurial sometimes. 2y
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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My oldest read this for school, so I read it again. Bradbury invented air pods before it was a thing. Still love the genius behind the prose and the plot.

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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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Did a teacher in service day to plan January. Science fiction for Literature and these are the books the kids picked.

Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
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🎬🎧📚 Bradbury saw our future & laid it all out for everyone to see

Guy Montague is a fireman.

His job is to start Fires.

A bleak dystopian future where humanity is glued to their television sets. Books are illegal. Do you have hidden books? Montague will burn them & the houses they were hidden in down to the ground.

Montague‘s wife Mildred is more interested in her TV stories than real life.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👇🏻

Twainy Montague has a change of heart & starts hiding books in his house. Mildred attempts suicide, his self-proclaimed crazy 17YO book loving neighbor Clarisse is killed & his house is burned to the ground when his books are found.

Montague is on the run for his life.

I loved this audiobook better than the version read by The author, the same as the print book & less than the 1966 movie.

A classic!
vivastory This is one of my fave classics. 3y
Twainy @vivastory YESSS! 🙌 3y
Chrissyreadit I get so angry at all the book banning going on now. Our local library has had books “disappear” to prevent access. (edited) 3y
Reggie I really liked this book when I read it a couple of years ago. 3y
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Fahrenheit 451 | Ray D Bradbury
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“Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?”
#Fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury #ReadingTheClassics #Bookstagram