I am enjoying the audiobook of this series!!! I love the characters and where the story is going. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. This is the eleventh book completed for #RushAThon readathon hosted by @Andrew65
I am enjoying the audiobook of this series!!! I love the characters and where the story is going. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. This is the eleventh book completed for #RushAThon readathon hosted by @Andrew65
This was a very fun romp of a book. Though it does not have the depth of era 1, it is action packed and a great introduction to our new cast of characters. This could be read without reading era 1, but it would not resonate as well. I look forward to continuing era 2 Mistborn series! 4.5⭐️
#bookspinbingo 2 bingos and just one book left for a blackout!
I loved The Alloy of Law! It was so much fun returning to the Mistborn world. And I really loved the glimpses of the Mistborn era one characters through the history of this era. The Mistborn era two characters are fun as well. I love the witty humor between Wax and Wayne and I think I‘m going to have a fun time getting to know them in the next books.
Going through a reread of the Wax and Wayne Mistborn books before reading The Lost Metal and reminded of what I loved about them. Wayne's trades and accents and eccentricities really are amazing, I keep grinning everytime Wayne has a scene. Lower stakes than most of Sanderson's cosmere, it's a fun, quick read.
What are you planning to read in January?
I‘m hoping finish the Mistborn Era 2 series. I‘ve made it through The Alloy of Law so far and I really enjoyed it. It‘s been a while since I binge read a series and this feels like the perfect time to do that.
Full tbr: https://wildwoodreads.com/2023/01/02/january-2023-tbr/
Did you have a good Christmas?
We were blessed to spend the weekend with our loved ones. We played a lot of games, ate a lot of good food, and laughed until my face was sore. I couldn‘t ask for anything more.
Now that the holiday rush is slowing down I‘ve found some time to read. So it‘s exciting to have so many books to choose from. My husband absolutely spoiled me this year.
It‘s that time of year where Meow Meow thinks we put up the Christmas tree solely for his enjoyment. No one tell him any different.
So let‘s get to my question today. What book would you like to see underneath your Christmas tree?
I‘d love to see The Alloy of Law under my tree. Assuming I could move the cat to make room. 😂😂😂
This was a reread for me. I read it over a year ago and failed to read the next book. I am now ready to finish this series and since I had forgotten a lot of the story I felt a reread necessary. Loved the story and the characters. Sanderson sure knows how to write great characters and his world building is spot on. Excited to read the next book. Just waiting on my library hold. 5⭐️
This is the roughest time I've had with a Sanderson novel so far. After the novelty of the characters, setting, and remixed magic system wore off, I hit a wall about halfway through. Ended up skimming a bunch of the climactic fight, possibly unwisely. But I couldn't bring myself to care. I am going to keep going eventually, because I'm still interested in the characters and setting. I dunno. I'm tired and I know there is better in this series.
I'm about a third of the way through, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. A great palate-cleanser between the first two Stormlight books. I love the characters and writing, and how the events of Hero of Ages directly affected this world. And the tabloid pages that end some chapters have genuinely made me laugh at times, while building the world even further. It's frankly pretty brilliant what's going on here.
Just downloaded this book, which is the August 2022 book in Tor.com‘s ebook of the month club, and I have to wonder why Tom Cruise is on the cover 😂😂😂
Tor‘s eBook Club book is early this month! Before the newest Mistborn book is published this November, The Alloy of Law is available for download in mobi and ePub formats before 11:59 PM ET, August 5th, 2022.
https://ebookclub.tor.com #TorBookClub
Available in the US and Canada.
#FriendRecChallenge book 1 of 5
I honestly expected to like this one more since I really enjoyed the first Mistborn trilogy, but it fell flat for me. It had its moments, but on the whole, I just didn‘t care that much about the characters or what was happening, and there were some things that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I might give the next book a try at some point anyway, but idk. It‘s disappointing.
#catsoflitsy #Phoenix
I don't know why I kept postponing this book, as I ended up reading it in a day! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I was so proud when I accurately predicted all big plot twists in the story! Can't wait to start book 2.
My friends have spoken. These are their picks for my 2022 #friendrecchallenge! 😄 The goal of this challenge is to get me to read more of the books that my friends recommend for me, since I‘m usually not very good about doing that. So I let each of my friends pick one book for me that they‘ve read before and would recommend, and I have to read and review it before the end of the year.
Loved this first book in the new series that is part of the Mistborn books. Very few match Sanderson in his world building and character development. Put it together with a great story and lots of tension and you can't put the book down. 5⭐
This book was so much fun! There‘s action, adventures, mystery, intrigue, and it is all through the lens of the world of the first Mistborn trilogy but about 340 years later in a city in a very Wild West sort of time. Wax and Wayne have fantastic chemistry and I found myself laughing at their quips quite a bit. Overall, this book was a blast and I‘m looking forward to reading more in their world!
Currently reading pile.
The Alloy of law
Frankly in love
The bane chronicles
Lethal white
Hoping to get at least 3 of these finished before Monday.
What is everyone else reading this weekend?
It took me a little to get into this, maybe because I haven't read the first 3 mistborn novels? I also like his writing style for Elantris better. Once I got into it though I enjoyed the plot and the world of Allomancers with the Victorian setting.
Sanderson strikes again! Magic, steampunk and western mashup! How can you miss! Super fun read for those who like to smile 😊
I enjoyed this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I didn‘t really appreciate the build up of a relationship only to go nowhere with it but I‘m okay with it. Wayne and Wax‘s wacky sibling like friendship is wonderful and I love Marasil. She‘s pretty awesome and I‘m looking forward to getting to know Steris more in the coming books.
I made my very first risotto tonight to use up some of the mushrooms in my fridge! It turned out pretty well, but next time I‘ll spice it up a bit.
I‘m now 70% into THE ALLOY OF LAW, and I‘m still mostly enjoying it—except I‘m disappointed Sanderson, who usually does innovative things with epic fantasy tropes, has leaned into two of my least favourites here: the (Semi)-Inspirational Dead Girlfriend & the Villainous Rape Goal. Sigh. #audiocooking
I did some #audiopuzzling this afternoon! My back feels a bit better but I still can‘t really twist, and there‘s way less chance I‘ll accidentally move the wrong way while I‘m sat at a desk, focused on something.
I‘m about 20% into THE ALLOY OF LAW and I think I‘m gonna like it a lot. I‘m always thrilled to find an SFF mystery.
It feels impossible for Brandon Sanderson to write a bad fantasy novel. This is another wonderful read by him. The plot, characters, and world building are spot on. It is based 300 years after the original Mistborn trilogy and it is fantastic! ❤️
Haven‘t been able to read much because of my new job but so happy I had a drive to St. Louis to fit this one in!
Brandon Sanderson is amazing. I loved how he took the world from the original trilogy and started to modernize it and seeing how that could change how Allomancy was used. And as always the characters were amazing. 😂 and the graphic audio experience was really fun (too bad it‘s on cd and not digital). 😬
So impressed with the world that Brandon Sanderson has created. The first book in the second trilogy set in the mistborn universe 300 years after the fall of the final empire. On to book two!
Just picked up the 2nd Mistborn Trilogy! Can‘t wait to see what their world is like 300 years later!
Fantastic! I loved being back in this world. This series takes place many years after the initial Mistborn series, and it‘s awesome to see the allusions to the OG characters. Not to mention the dynamic between Wax and Wayne is great and insanely funny 😂
A boozy Valentine‘s Day bath complete with an audio book is happening right now 😜🥰 Happy Valentine‘s Day to my favorite ground of people online!!!!! 💖💖💖💖😭
Long time, no see!
I‘ve been on a fantasy kick for a bit and Mistborn has taken a righteous amount of my attention. I can‘t get enough of it.
First of all and most importantly, it‘s Daisy‘s third birthday!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Second, I seem to be on a hard Brandon Sanderson kick! I started listening to this today at work and I‘m hooked already.
Brandon Sanderson really let his fun side loose in this book
I didn‘t know what to expect, jumping 300 years into the future and leaving the character I had grown to love in the past, but Brandon Sanderson created this amazing new cast of characters that sucked me in and was loyal to the original series. I always looked forward to Wayne‘s perspective because he has a trusty unique outlook on life. Did not disappoint.
It turns out that I have wayyy too many books on my plate right now, what with the summer reading program starting tomorrow and school. Because of this, I'm bailing on Brandon Sandersons second Mistborn trilogy- hopefully I will be able to read it in the near future!
#summerreading2018 #bailed #notime #brandonsanderson #sciencefiction #scifi #fantasy #mistborn
Rereading this adventure with my kitty. She seems a little skeptical of Wax and Wayne... XD #catsoflitsy
That awkward moment when your books are overdue and you've barely even scratched the surface of one! Oh goodness. Where is the time to read and write and draw while still keeping up with life?! #brandonsanderson #sciencefiction #fantasy #library #school #art #thereisnottime
Wayne is amazingly hilarious! This book is beautifully written and such a great read. I may even like this story better than the first three in the series!
Brandon Sanderson has done it yet again. He never ceases to amaze me! This beginning in the Mistborn Era 2 series is just as captivating and complex as era 1 with a more modern twist. The main character Wax, a lawman in the Roughs, finds himself thrust into a position of power among the nobility in the City. Along with the help of Wayne, his partner in crime, Wax leaves it to himself to bring justice and security to the people of Elendel.
It's sort of a crime fantasy? I enjoyed reading how Elendel has progressed...
Almost done with Rebel Queen and hoping to finish at least half of The Alloy of Law today.
I loved the allusions to the original series. The western flare appealed to me as well. Wayne was my favorite character, with his "stealing of accents" and his moral outlook on trading vs stealing.
This book was so much fun! It was like Wild Wild West (the Will Smith movie), but with magic and stuff. Highly recommend, but ONLY if you've already read Sanderson's original Mistborn trilogy, as this is a follow up.
Working my way through Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books. I finished this quick, light one today. I like that Sanderson created a world that progresses through time and technology, instead of remaining static in a medieval-like state.
I think I'm going to go ahead and read the final two books of the Mistborn Era Two as soon as I can stop by the library and grab them.
I have so many books on my #TBR stack for this month, but Sanderson's second era Mistborn books are my highest priority. Ready for some Wax&Wayne! #FeistyFeb
I loved the western + steampunk setting of this later timeline in the Mistborn series as opposed to the more dystopian feel of the first trilogy. I also enjoyed that this was more action-adventure vs. saving the world. I adore the main character Wax, but didn't care for Wayne or Marasi. All in all another fun tale from the cosmere universe and will definitely start the next one soon. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️