I think I accidentally read these books at the right time in my life, because once again I was crying at the end. It made think of my current emotional state and turmoil but the book treats its protagonists with such kindness. I adore it.
I think I accidentally read these books at the right time in my life, because once again I was crying at the end. It made think of my current emotional state and turmoil but the book treats its protagonists with such kindness. I adore it.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it made me sob several times. Emotionally I am going through a similar struggle to Dex, so it hit a bit close to home. I cried as well, because the book setting makes me mourn the loss of a future I cannot live in, which profoundly saddened me. I recommend this book wholeheartedly.
I devoured this book within 24 hours! I loved it so much, it's faster paced than the Glass Hotel, but has characters from it featuring throughout. I think this is my favourite book of her so far, or at least closely tied with Station Eleven. I think Gaspery is a good character, and the book reminded me of a Sanderson's Snapshot, but with a happy ending.
Honestly, I found 3/4 of this book boring and repetitive, and I forced myself through it. Carlota was really boring as a main character to me, and the only reason Montgomery was OK, is because the author steered his character away from a trope I hate at the last minute. The setting was described very vibrantly, but there is only so much you can say before it gets repetitive, and very little actually happens in the book until 30 pages are left.
Honestly one of the best volumes so far, better than listening to the podcast in my opinion. So many backstories and plot threads start coming together!
This book genuinely restored my faith in V.E. Schwab books. I enjoyed it for the most part, although I did think for the longest time the characters were meant to be teens from the way they were written. I thought the sex scenes were kind of unnecessary, and wasn't on board with the ending, but that didn't detract too much from my overall enjoyment of the story.
A short but incredibly good read. I literally cannot say anything without spoiling the themes, but I was genuinely moved by the end of it. It has some fun and intriguing concepts as well. Highly recommend.
What an end to Mistborn Era 2. Goodness. So many cameos, little lore drops, and blatant cosmere revelations that are starting to tie everything together. I am still in the dark about the true aim of the Ghostbloods, and what is going on with the shards. However, I can see the structure for a cold war esque Mistborn era coming, and I am so excited to get there. Great book.
The author has such an incredible talent for writing interconnecting stories of strangers, and of unfolding the consequences of small and higher events in those characters' lives. Even though overall there wasn't a whole lot of action in the book, I could not stop reading. I was never bored, and the continuous shift in point of view sped up the pace of my reading even further. I also enjoyed the small presence of the "ghosts" and "other space".
This was a very slow book, and unlike the pining in the Song of Achilles, there wasn't really a lot of plot besides flowery language until the last 30 pages or so. I think I would have enjoyed this story more if I hadn't read so many books already, and for the most part I personally got the impression that even though it was a story from the pov of Circe, it was still nearly completely framed by the men in her life. I just had other expectations.
I don't think Blake Crouch books are my thing... I tried Dark Matter but also did not like it. I just felt very bored throughout the story in Recursion. It felt like both the story contained way too little, yet too much at the same time. I thought maybe this could have been a really strong short story of maybe 100 pages, but it's over 3x as long. I think I'll be giving up on this author.
I really didn't think I was going to be so invested in the story! At first the build-up was a little slow, and I was thinking of this in parallel to the City of Stairs, but shortly after, the story took off and made me feel very inspired. I would say the only qualm I have with the story is that I dislike harassment and sexual intimidation as a plot device and suffering for female characters. It was just an unnecessary paragraph.
Enjoyed this book a lot! It has a very diverse cast and a very interesting eldritch premise, which I feel is a deliberate move away from racist works in the genre. While there were not many big catalysts in the book (I reckon those will be for the sequel), I did thoroughly appreciate the themes of racism, xenophobia and other very real issues that ultimately drove the plot more than whatever eldritch horrors there were. Highly recommend.
I am so so thrilled to have finished this one! Admittedly, I did think the first 20% and last 20% had the best content and were paced better, but I am still really pleased with the ending of the book. I don't think I can give anything spoilerfree to say, but am glad some of my suspicions from the previous book turned out to be correct! I'll probably read all the novellas now.
I literally finished this in one day, that's how absorbed I was in the story. At first I thought the pacing was a little slow, but when I got to the end, I fully understood the reasons for it and the narrative decision that will likely continue in the sequel. I cannot express how glad I am to finally read a YA book where the romance is near nonexistent, or not the biggest side theme.
It has been such a looong time since I actually enjoyed a YA book. I am SO glad I decided to read Skyward, though, because it is incredible. I was a bit hesitant at first, because I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy Spensa as a character, but I was dead wrong about that. I think Sanderson provided many plot points that I am excited to see getting resolved in the next books, and Skyward itself was nicely paced with engaging space battles. Recommend!
I thoroughly enjoyed this take on "history" and the dynamic between the two main characters. The author is quite good at writing the delicate relationship between two traumatised men who pine for each other. I am a little sad that, despite the 5 books in this specific niche genre she has written, not one of them has the female support characters survive or reach their own happy ending. I wish they weren't used as plot devices for convenience.
I really liked this cosy autumn read. It's got everything I was hoping to get out of the book; sweet slowburn romance, queerness, low stakes and a very cosy feeling all throughout. One of my favourites of this year!
Enjoyed this small glimpse into the Darkling's past. Not much to say, the colouring and lineart were reslly nice, and despite its relatively slow pacing, I thought it set up his motivations as a character well.
Oh my GOODNESS. Now THIS is a book to pull you out of a reading slump. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and am now busy speculating as to what will haopen in the sequel Alecto. Cannot say much more without spoiling things, but I loved seeing the sweeter sides of everyone in this installment. Really hope shit goes down in the final.
I was really sad to discover I did not like this book. Many people who share the same interests when it comes to books told me it was great, but I was mostly uninterested in the plot, the interludes didn't really contribute anything for me, and many parts of what was going on felt both disjointed and very straightforward instead of intriguing. I don't think I'll continue this series, to my regret.
Enjoyed this quick read, it was interesting from the get-go and had a cool concept. Do wish the way different people were described was not as...antiquated, even though it is an older book.
This one was all right, I enjoyed the dynamic, but I'm having a hard time sympathizing with the angle Maxim is taking here to convince others to take up arms.
Enjoyed it, but pace was a bit quick for me, I'm not used to comics that aren't manga.
Enjoyed this comic! Loved Arisa, she is perfect.
I liked the book, though I will say, I didn't expect the movie adaptation to be as faithful to the book as it was. That meant I enjoyed it, but also made me a little sad that there wasn't much more to the book than what happened in the movie. I plainly skipped the "foreword" and whole "abridged" extra sections at the end, because they felt boring and didn't add anything to my experience. I would still recommend the book, but only the main parts.
Oh my goodness, what a ride! So, the first 70 pages or so were a drag to me, it was very slow and not very entertaining. But after that, I read it all in a day. I am so so glad I managed to predict all the big plot points before I even started the second book, but so much more intrigue and mystery has been introduced now. I am super excited to find out what happens in Nona next month.
Nobody told me this amazing book was going to be a mystery first and foremost! I loved it, there was such a good dynamic between characters, the lore is sort of thrown at you, because Gideon as a character doesn't necessarily understand it, and it all flows so well. I could not stop reading this, and I am so glad I finally saw for myself what the well-earned hype was about. 100% recommend.
Not really my style of book. I liked the fairy tale esque feelings in the book, but I get really uncomfortable when books focus on specific aspects of childbirth or raising children, so that detracted from my experience. I'm pretty sure most people would enjoy this more than I did though!
Very good book, picked up pace dramatically near the end. I enjoyed all of the characters and their interactions, and thought it was a very fun and unique setting. I was a little sad for the ending for spoiler reasons, and I thought perhaps it was a little bit rushed/could have dwelled more on points in the end, but I still really liked it and would 100% recommend it to others.
My goodness, this book. I finished this within 24 hours because of how enthralled and invested I was in the plot. What is it with Natasha Pulley writing delicate slow burns between complex older men while a whole plot is going on in the foreground??!! I super recommend this book and hope other people will like it as much as I did.
Enjoyed this book, although it took me 2 months to get through it. I appreciate the focus point veing the Kauls as a family, rather than a few main characters, and the issues arising from familial ties and expectations. I wish the intrigue and action had picked up sooner, but I enjoyed what the book set up for the sequel, and I want to see how many more plot points I can predict!
Really good collection of short stories of all the cosmere worlds! There are so many spoilers in most of them, but there's so many little hints and secrets that you might not get in the full books. Highly recommend it.
Enjoyed it near the end, but it was quite a slow read, especially for Sanderson. I know it's his first big book though, but I wasn't as invested sadly.
A very quick, but fun little story about a detective duo! I literally can't say more without spoiling things, due to the length of the little book, but I read this in one sitting and enjoyed it.
This was a very insightful read into some of the Mistborn and Stormlight Archive stuff that has been going on. I want to know so much more though! I'm super excited to start theorising about the connections.
Every time you think you know something, there's another secret. This was a really fun read that opened up cosmere and Scadrial speculations even further, and clearly foreshadows things to come in the Mistborn series. I really enjoyed the book and the character arcs for the protagonists. I really hope the 4th book will come out soon, so I can see what is in store for the rest.
Oh my goodness, the joy of a book where I can't accurately predict everything that happens! What an interesting book with revelations about the wider cosmere stuff...I couldn't put it down. I want to start the third book as soon as possible, because the ending was quite sad.
I don't know why I kept postponing this book, as I ended up reading it in a day! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I was so proud when I accurately predicted all big plot twists in the story! Can't wait to start book 2.
Literally every time I start a Stormlight book, I just have to keep reading until I finish it. This was SO GOOD! We finally get some insight into some of the bigger areas of intrigue within both Roshar and the Cosmere, and with a disabled protagonist. Read this in a day and enjoyed it way more than the Lift one. This just is one of my fave series.
This was an alright and quick read. I think I was mostly a little sad, because I thought there would be more to it than there actually ended up being. I had this hyped up to me, so I thought it wouldn't be as straightforward as I found it. However, I did enjoy the concept and execution of it. I will also say that I don't usually read first person pov, so that might have contributed to my experience.
I struggled a lot to get into this book, because at times it can be quite dense, and there are times when the writing to describe women is...less than ideal. However, when the plot started to take shape, I could not put it down. It's truly an interesting timeline and story that takes place across this book and the first, I've never read anything like it. I'm intrigued by what could be in the final book, as the ending was quite good for this one.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, even though it seems to be targeted at a younger audience than Sanderson's cosmere stuff. I was so intrigued by the magic system and the bits of lore we got, but my goodness did I wish there was a sequel! With the ending the way it was, I really hope we get more of the Rithmatist world soon.
Very sweet short stories about different characters in the Captive Prince series. It was so nice to revisit the world and people again, and to see little snippets of after story.
I enjoyed this book, although it felt more like romance with strong fantasy elements. I felt like there wasn't much that surprised me, but I did thoroughly enjoy the direction the ending took.
I enjoyed this sort of last chapter in Vianne's story, and the story of Lansquenet. It was a very sweet and cyclical ending to the journey that started with Chocolat. I'm a little sad that some of the relations and endings for characters weren't elaborated on more. I also found a lot of spelling/punctuation issues, which isn't plot related, but did bother me. Overall, I'd recommend the story, even if it is one of the quieter ones in the series.
This was a really calming and nice book. It's refreshing to have a genuinely nice and innocent protagonist in a book, and the fact that it was a kind of magical mystery with an infinite house made it even better. Highly recommend it, it's short and the flow of the books is very easy. Read it in one sitting.
This was a fun read to pass the time. I found the hatred between the main characters to be the most interesting part of the book, but I was thoroughly entertained for the whole ride. I will say that it was a little bit frustrating that the first half is literally all flashbacks, but other than that I have little to say than that I enjoyed it.