Book 3 of Mistborn era 2 complete and I loved it. I cannot go into detail due to copious spoilers, but this book goes very Steampunk and deep dives into Cosmere lore. I love this series and cannot wait to read the finale. 5⭐️
Book 3 of Mistborn era 2 complete and I loved it. I cannot go into detail due to copious spoilers, but this book goes very Steampunk and deep dives into Cosmere lore. I love this series and cannot wait to read the finale. 5⭐️
I‘m still really enjoying The Wax and Wayne series. The characters are hilarious. The plot is action packed. And the Mistborn universe expands with each entry. I can‘t wait to see how Sanderson wraps this series up.
Continuing the reread leading up to the Lost Metal!
Reading these all back to back, there's great action, but everything moves too fast. Everything in this book happened in the span of a couple days which really felt rushed. Coming into the reread I thought I forgot the story because events were disconnected in my mind, but no. I remembered, there were just some dramatic scene shifts. Finally Sterris gets the development and growth she was due.
Before the last book in the Wax and Wayne series is published in November, grab a mobi or ePub download of the third before 11:59 PM ET, September 16th, 2022.
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Every time you think you know something, there's another secret. This was a really fun read that opened up cosmere and Scadrial speculations even further, and clearly foreshadows things to come in the Mistborn series. I really enjoyed the book and the character arcs for the protagonists. I really hope the 4th book will come out soon, so I can see what is in store for the rest.
I wasn't sure what to think when I started this magical Western series (Wax and Wayne, Mistborn Era 2), but all 3 books were just fun and each had more depth than the one before. Wayne made me laugh, and the constant mysteries of this world kept me hooked. I can't wait for the fourth book!
I didn‘t plan on finishing the Wax and Wayne reread this year, that was planed for next year. After reading Rhythm of War I needed some fun wacky cosmere and this delivers. Love the characters Sanderson‘s ability to write a wide birth of personalities is incredible.
If the first book was an introduction to the characters and the second was putting them through unspeakable stress, this book was all about watching them grow. Everyone had satisfying character arcs and it was good to see how they helped each other become who they needed to be, who they thought they couldn‘t be, and who they didn‘t know they were. All this to say that it was a great book. I‘m looking forward to the next one when it is published.
Another book finished off my #bookspinbingo and my December TBR for #WinterGames2020 #TeamReadNosedReindeer
I've enjoyed these, but not as much as some of Sanderson's other works. This was still a solid 4 stars though.
“And then, perhaps I came along because of the way it feels... Like the whole world has been upended, like the laws of nature and man no longer hold sway. They‘re suddenly flexible, like a string given slack.”
This was an amazing book!!
Full of wit, banter, action and more, I fell even more in love with this world and the characters! 😍😍.
Twists and turns that left me on the edge of my seat, I adored it. Every page.
Definitely a five star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!
“Patiently” awaiting the next installment but will be satisfied with the novella for now :)).
I also finished listening to this gem today. Brandon Sanderson is such a talented story teller and world builder. Can‘t love this series enough!
Also, makes me realize how much better the Mistborn series is compared to the Harley Merlin series
Back on the beach - starting to get into The Bands of Mourning
Easily my favourite Mistborn novel since the first one. I like Sanderson best when he twists expectations, and he does that very well in this quest story. We get great character dynamics, a broader sense of the world, an unconventional romantic trajectory, magic-as-technology, and a whole lot of questions that‘ve left me eager for the final book AND for the space to catch up on the rest of the Cosmere. Bring it on.
I took an excellent #audiowalk/shopping expedition with THE BANDS OF MOURNING in my ears, and I like it sooooooo much more than SHADOWS OF SELF. The characters really gel together as a crew in this one, there‘s a lot of stuff that feels relevant to the wider Cosmere, and there‘s TONS MORE STERIS! Hurray!
Sanderson takes a couple of (perhaps awkward) stabs at queer content, too. I‘ve decided to appreciate the gesture.
Oh. My. God. This book was insane and SO FANTASTIC. The last page made my jaw drop!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A book, a beer, and a storm make the perfect lazy reading day. Hoping to see a lot more of Steris in this one!
This was fantastic. Easily the best in the second Mistborn era. I read it in two days. Amazing final showdown with each character brining their best in their own way. Also that new kandra MeLaan gets my vote for character I'd most like to become. How is Sanderson so good and so prolific at the same time?
This was a fantastic end to a really fun series. Or so I thought until I found out a fourth book is in the works!! But there was a lot of character development here, and plot twists that kept me surprised right up until the last page. Sanderson knows what he's doing.
There was some extreme #anxiety brewing while I finished up this book today. That ending was stressful. But epic. Man, Sanderson can write. #sweetemotions
Book mail! I had a 10$ credit that was about to expire on amazon so I put it to good use
It seemed to him that the smarter a man was, the more likely he was to pretend he knew more than he did. Like the way the drunkest fellow at the pub was always the one who was most sure he could handle another pint.
Another great in the Mistborn series. A little darker than the first two, but the hilarious banter between the main characters kept it from getting all Hero of Ages. Brandon Sanderson is one of my most favorite authors. His ability to write fight scenes and clever dialog are fantastic. And the magic is brilliant. And this one even had a little steampunk flair. It's like all my favorite genres rolled into one.
I think this was my favorite book set up in newer Scadrial. I definitely warmed up to Steris in this one but Wayne and Marasi are still my faves. Kinda bummed that I have to wait over a year for the last one. ☹️ But overall, it was a 4.5 stars for sure
I liked this book better than shadows of self, if only because I felt that same pull to keep reading and to figure out the tangled secrets that were partially revealed in both previous wax and Wayne novels and throughout this one. Excitedly looking forward to the final book in this trilogy!
Continuing to get caught up with the Cosmere. It's taken a little bit to get used to reading a significantly shorter novel (as compared to Rothfuss's massive Kingkiller books). Less than a quarter of the way in, I think I'm really starting to warm up to this new mistborn trilogy
Wow, even better than I had imagined! I have said it before, but I love the idea of taking a fantasy world and seeing how it develops into a pre and post industrialized society.