Anybody looking for some books with blue covers? I unintentionally got 3 books out from the library that all had completely blue covers, the rest are off my own shelves.
Anybody looking for some books with blue covers? I unintentionally got 3 books out from the library that all had completely blue covers, the rest are off my own shelves.
Just finished my reread of Foundryside (5⭐️) and now on to the much anticipated sequel!
Go read this book right now. There were a couple bumps along the way but it was excellent nonetheless and particularly impressive for a debut novel.
Aaaaannnnnnd it really wasn‘t good. Made it to chapter 13 and was thoroughly annoyed by the dumb, clumsy female protagonist and all the future irritation she promised, and the cringey romance I could see coming. Cool concept, terrible execution.
Enjoyable enough for me to continue with the series. Would have liked more brain and a little less brawn but it‘s basically an action movie so it did exactly what it was supposed to.
Had to drive 30 minutes to get this so I hope it‘s good!
For such a short book, it somehow got tedious before the end.
Pretty sure battles are ugly no matter what the soldiers have in their pants...
Success! It took me until 1 a.m. but I made it through the whole book in a day. And btw, it‘s an excellent book, an improvement over the first in the series.
Next up! I‘m about 75 pages into this so far and the premise is very interesting. Hoping to get a bit more about the magic system and some conflict soon.
A beautiful Easton Press edition but unfortunately oil pretty much hated this book. I‘m working on a video idea for my booktube channel, otherwise I would have DNF‘d. The amnesia thing was annoying, the anticlimactic ending to literally every problem was just pathetic.
Wow. I don‘t know what I was expecting when I picked this up but it definitely wasn‘t this. I‘ll need to take some time to organize my thoughts a bit better but this book was very good. Maybe 5 ⭐️. Need to finish processing first.
Look how beautiful this is and it‘s a library book! I also don‘t think it‘s every been read before, the binding is still very tight and creaky when you open it. Neat!
I made it almost halfway I think. How can a story with such an interesting premise be so boring?
2020 is going to be the year of the reread for me. I‘ve got a pretty big list of favorites that I want to revisit this year. I ran a poll today over on my Twitter to see which would be the first one and Leviathan Wakes won with 6 out of 10 votes.
Currently reading. It‘s ok so far but I‘m waiting for the conflict. I‘m sure it‘s coming soon.
Book mail! Finally have my own copy. I‘ll be doing a reread of the first 2 books early next year before starting this. It‘s been way too long since I‘ve read them
This book was so so good. I had to get used to the format—it‘s told predominantly through diary entries—but honestly I forgot about it most of the time. Most books written through letters, newspaper articles, etc. aren‘t enjoyable for me, but she wrote the letters in such a way that they read like a narrative. Love this continuation of the story and am so glad it lived up to my expectations.
This was another quick, fun read. I‘m really enjoying this series.
Finally got my videos up this week. Had to film them multiple times because my camera kept not being in focus. But I got all of them up, including my way-too-long Dark Age review.
Out of the small handful of women mentioned in the first 100 pages, 2 fainted at the sight of a guillotine, one is repeatedly referred to as “the savage” to her face, and another is unable to act logically or be a productive member of a team because “I‘m way better than you idiot, I don‘t even need your help!” despite clearly not having a handle on the situation. Ugh. I expect better.
Started this a couple days ago and I‘m on the fence about it. The story seems interesting enough I suppose but the treatment of women is really starting to grate on my nerves. Nearly 100 pages in at this point and thinking I‘ll need to investigate whether this continues throughout the book.
This took a little bit to get into but I ended up really enjoying it. I‘m looking forward to reading the other half of this duology
This book was so good. I wish I would have remembered to reread the previous 4 books in the series first, but despite that oversight I still loved this book. Can‘t wait for my red rising reread.
Full review will be up on channel tomorrow. Look me up: KtheBookwyrm
It‘s official, I‘m a BookTuber. I‘ve got 3 videos up so far and plan on doing 3 a week. Reviews, tag videos, readathons, book stuff! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnznUQr9GwuWkN9k6TPmbg
This thing is massive—nearly 800 pages. I‘ve got the highest of hopes for this.
I had a really hard time getting into this at first. It took me days just to get through 100 pages. I read a stack of graphic novels rather than pick this up. Not sure what changed, maybe just my mood, because now I‘m engrossed, I‘ve read over 100 pages this morning and fully intend to finish this book today. Assuming this book is as good as I think it is, N.K. Jemisin will have definitely moved to my favorite authors list.
This was a quick fun read. An obvious riff on Sherlock Holmes with a huge dollop of fae mixed in. Also, Jackaby reminded me a lot of Newt Scamander so that was also quite fun.
As I usually do when I‘m on the fence about a book, I checked the goodreads reviews. Unfortunately, the info-dump inner monologue narration, which was a large part of what I found off-putting, is a key feature throughout the entire book. I‘ve got a huge stack of books to get to so I‘m not wasting any more time pushing through this. I love the cover but not what‘s between the them.
So I did a thing. I work as a designer at our regional newspaper and they took me up on my offer to write a monthly book review column!
Another book I‘m on the fence about. 60 pages in and I‘m still not hooked. The cover is absolutely breathtaking though.
Unfortunately, I just can‘t get into this book. I love Mac Gladstone‘s Craft Sequence and so had very high hopes for this, but I just wasn‘t sucked in by the story. I may try to read it again later, but for now it‘s adios.
This trilogy was so good! The third book wasn‘t quite as good, but still a 4 star. The first 2 were 5 stars for sure.
This was one of my highly anticipated reads of the year because I love Max Gladstone‘s Craft Sequence. However, I‘ve been reading it since Monday and have barely gotten past the 100 page mark. I haven‘t felt inspired to pick it up and I don‘t know why. So I‘m going to set it aside for the moment and try something else.
Love love love. Immediately put the next book on hold, even though my TBR this month is already out of control
After a prolonged absence, I bring you an update! Extremely excited about this book. I love assassins, although I‘ve yet to find an assassin book that I really like. Wish me luck!
This was so good! An industrial fantasy with a cool, mysterious magic system. I didn‘t realize the next book doesn‘t come out for a good long while so now I‘m bummed out. 2020 can‘t get here fast enough.
Unfortunately, I got about halfway through this and figured out it just wasn‘t for me. Too much nonsense, not enough story.
It‘s a shame Marie Brennan didn‘t continue on with these novellas, because the first 2 were very good and left interesting questions unanswered.
What is it about calling a woman a whore just as a basic insult? She‘s literally a perfect stranger, and the go-to insult is to call her a whore. This is just the latest example I‘ve come across, but it‘s in books and on tv and I‘m sure happens in actual real life all the time. And it‘s usually men slinging it around. Just an irritating bit of observation from a woman who doesn‘t view having multiple sexual partners as anything to be ashamed of.
Absolutely adore this cover. I‘m about halfway through this and it‘s really good. I wish there were more of these, but I don‘t think there are plans for any. Bummer.
Cue the disappointment. This graphic novel has nothing of what I loved from the show. Everything here, from the characters to the plot, felt shallow and bland, particularly in comparison with the show. And I‘m sorry, but Harvey is a football jock? Ugh.
So I binge-watched both seasons of Sabrina on Netflix and absolutely can‘t wait for the next season. Not one library in the entire system of connected libraries in my state has a physical copy of this, so I‘m making-do with the ebook format, not my favorite, especially for graphic novels. Hoping it‘s amazing, as I‘d like to add to my graphic novel collection. Plus, more Sabrina is never a bad thing.
Now here‘s a book I can binge read! A thief, cool magic, multiple perspectives. Nearly 100 pages in and loving it
The shortest of my library books, I‘m going to see how this one goes. It sounds absolutely outrageous and fun.
Unfortunately, I can‘t get into this book at all. For such a short novel, it‘s taken me since Monday to get through just over 100 pages. And that‘s not even halfway through the book. I have a giant stack of books begging to be read and I don‘t feel like trying to slog through to the end. It‘s very disappointing because this series sounded promising.
I finished both Rogue Protocol and Exit Strategy over the long weekend. Bother we‘re wonderful. I can‘t get enough of the media-loving, socially awakened and uncomfortable Murderbot. I can‘t wait for the full-length move to come out!