My second book has just been released! I‘m so excited and hoping readers enjoy it.
My second book has just been released! I‘m so excited and hoping readers enjoy it.
While some feel Chan is dated and out of step with present day sensitivities, when Biggers wrote these stories he was taking a bold step in portraying a Chinese as an educated, smart, family man. These were written in the time of the war era‘s “yellow peril” days. It‘s important to keep it in perspective. As usual one shouldn‘t judge the books by the tv and movies. Charlie is as different in the books as Perry Mason was. #perrymason #charlie chan
Patrick Lee knows how to keep you up late at night! Signal reminded me of the movie Dejavu Starring Denzel Washington. Both with an apparatus that altered time.
If you like a con game you should love this. Great twist at the end.
My first book as an author features ex-Scotland Yard detective Baker Somerset and her two good friends. In their initial outing they must solve an international kidnapping, murder, and find the people involved in illegal activity in the military equipment industry. I'm new to Litsy and looking forward to getting to know other readers.