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Geek Feminist Revolution
Geek Feminist Revolution | Kameron Hurley
"The Geek Feminist Revolution" is a collection of essays by double Hugo Award-winning essayist and fantasy novelist Kameron Hurley. The book collects dozens of Hurley's essays on feminism, geek culture, and her experiences and insights as a genre writer, including "We Have Always Fought," which won the 2013 Hugo for Best Related Work. "The Geek Feminist Revolution "will also feature several entirely new essays written specifically for this volume.Unapologetically outspoken, Hurley has contributed essays to The Atlantic, Locus, Tor.com, and others on the rise of women in genre, her passion for SF/F, and the diversification of publishing.
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Eggs 💛 🐪 ❤️ 2y
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"... when we do see more than one woman...on a list, we think we've reached parity. Studies have shown that when women make up just 30 percent of a group, men and women alike believe there are an equal number of men and women.. At 50 percent women...we believe women outnumber men..." Now I need to go back and check how often I really do read women authors.

Fortifiedbybooks I spent some time on Goodreads looking through all of the books I've read since I started tracking them in 2013. I've read at least 50% or more books written by women every year except for that first year. 😁 5y
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This book is one that I had picked up on vacation in Seattle at Elliot Bay Book Company because it was in the value area and it sounded interesting. I could not get into it at all. I got maybe 100 pages in and just could not continue.

I think it was a little to dry for my tastes as well as the fact that the author spoke a lot about certain things I had no idea about, such as unions for writing for example.


"Stories tell us not only who we are, but who we can be. They paint the narrow behavioral boxes within which we put ourselves and those we know. They can encourage compassion and kindness and acceptance, or violence and intolerance and reprisal. It all bleeds from the page or the screen into the real world. Who deserves forgiveness? I‘d hope we all do."

RaimeyGallant This is lovely. 6y
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Can never read just one at a time!

AutumnRLS 2 chapters in and I'm totally hooked on Six of Crows. 6y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 Worth a read, and accurate and astute in its observations, but this essay collection veers into the repetitive and was a chore to read by the end. I didn‘t learn anything new or gain insight into this world, which admittedly I‘ve already been a part of for a long time. It was good but I think it could‘ve been a lot better.

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Is there anything better than this? 😃

CatLass007 Lovely kitty. 6y
EH2018 Awww! 6y
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Happy Book Lovers Day to all of us! 🎉🎉

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This book is exactly what I needed right now!

RaimeyGallant Adding to my list! And welcome back to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻😊 6y
LaurenBusser @Eggs thank you so much! 6y
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Geek Feminist Revolution | Kameron Hurley
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A very timely essay collection about women in SFF, women as writers, women as geeks. Excellent on audio.

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Geek Feminist Revolution | Kameron Hurley
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Channeling positive #feminist vibes today and wearing my Mt. Nasty t-shirt as I get ready for the sold out K-Flay concert tonight!! 🎉🙌🏼😍💁🏻‍♀️ Her music is pretty dark, but love it. The beat makes me smile and gets me hyped!! #Kflay #BloodIntheCut #FML #Feminism #MountNasty #NastyWomen #powerfulwomen #RBG #Cincinnati #concerts #music #ThePowerofWords #ThePowerofMusic

LoverofLit I love this so much! 6y
Jess7 Aww thank you! My sister-in-law bought the shirt from Amazon for me for Christmas. Search Mount Nasty if you want your own! 🤗🤗 @LoverofLit 6y
Iblu Must check this music out!!! Love the pic! 👍👍👍 6y
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LoverofLit Thank you! @Jess7 6y
Hooked_on_books Great pic! 6y
AmyG 🙌🏻 6y
Bookish_AF I own the Mt. Nasty shirt as well 👏😃 6y
HOTPock3tt ❤️🎉!!! 6y
SleepyDragon I want a shirt too ... feeling left out. Lol 6y
sprainedbrain I love K.Flay! Have fun. ❤️ 6y
GripLitGrl Awesome shirt! Have fun😀👍 6y
Jess7 Just got home from the concert and she was AMAAZZZZINNNGGG!!! @sprainedbrain 6y
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#FeministFriday #ReadingResolutions

Haven‘t read this, but when I searched GoodReads for feminist books, this cover stood out!

Jess7 This is on my TBR list! 7y
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So many great quotes from this book.

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Snow day: books and video games.

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On to the next one. #audiobooking

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The Geek Feminist Revolution has been on my TBR list for quite some time, and it was the first book I spotted when I walked in the door. Very happy with that find, as well as Kindred, Julie & Julia, and the Tom Brokaw books. #bookhaul photo 3 of 4 from The Book Thing of Baltimore.

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Some essays to break up my reading weekend!

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Despite not really being the target audience of this book (I'm not a gamer or fantasy/sci-if reader), I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Also #Henry got a hair yesterday. #dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy ❤️🐶❤️

emilyhaldi So cute ☺️☺️ 7y
Laura317 😍😍😍 7y
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Megabooks @Laura317 😘😘 7y
LauraBeth So handsome 😍 7y
Megabooks @LauraBeth Thank you! 😊 7y
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There's a lot of points I can agree with such as having to be the first person, sometimes, to make a change, the need to keep pushing yourself, and my favorite learning when to stop feeding into the hate.
Hurley, makes other good points, some coming from her personal experience, others from her professional life, but all are written in a no nonsense way that there's no wondering where you're at with her.


“I‘d internalized an astonishing amount of misogyny growing up that I didn‘t even recognize until my early twenties.”

Sadly this is me too...

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Because telling someone to be quiet on the internet to avoid abuse and harassment is like telling women that the best way to avoid being raped is not to go outside, and there are many more of us who won't be silenced, because fuck that.

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Inspiring, honest, and crackling with a relatable exasperation at the many ways the world needs to wake up from its delusions. I'd give every misogynist jerk I know a copy of this book if I could be assured that they'd read it, because Hurley discusses issues with sincerity and wonderful common sense. She also talks about the incredible, exhausting struggle of writing and yet I feel a little bit like I can take on the world now. Good stuff.


I expected a lot more about this book from the title and the first essays. However, most of her texts feels repetitive and disorganized.

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Thanks to my wonderful #litsypenpal for this generous gift! 😘😘😘😘

BrainyHeroine Yay! I didn't know if you used a Kindle or not so it was a gamble, but we'd been talking about it so when I saw that I couldn‘t pass it up!! 7y
LadyBrik @BrainyHeroine I do use a Kindle and I LOVE it! You're the best! 💕 7y
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The book haul from when the husband and I went to Print Bookstore in Portland two weeks ago. Currently reading "The Geek Feminist Revolution" and not sure how I feel about it. It's very angry!

RanaElizabeth I loved Geek Feminist...but I'm also a superfan in general of Kameron Hurley. 7y
bibli0_brain This is my first time reading anything of hers, @RanaElizabeth. So I find myself taken aback often lol 7y
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Up next!

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I'm gonna be real: despite signing with a dream agent and getting buckets of praise for my first novel from editors, it still hasn't sold. And I've been revising book two, trying my best to ignore that stupid voice that whispers, "What's the point?" So reading this about persistence in the publishing industry makes me unclench a little. Persistence isn't an endgame, it's the long road.

Ashley_Nicoletto Can I ask which book is yours? 7y
TirzahPrice @Ashley_Nicoletto I haven't published anything yet! But someday!! 7y
rachelm 💚 7y
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I just started this book. Have you read it ?

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I'm only a few minutes into this one and I'm already a bit skeptical. It's hard for me to understand someone who's complaining about not achieving literary fame at 22, especially when so many women have to struggle, working less desirable jobs for their entire lives. I'll at least give it a full hour of listening before I give up! I have hope!

angrylilasian I bailed on this for the same reason. I felt like I was misled by the title. 7y
Notafraidofwords Eye roll 🙄 7y
KilgoreTrout Ok @angrylilasian and @Notafraidofwords you convinced me, I'm bailing! 7y
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If you came of age in the 1950s and ‘60s you were promised a future of world peace and flying cars, so I can understand being a little disappointed with what we‘ve ended up with. [...] I came of age reading science fiction after 1980. I was promised a cyberpunk dystopia ruled by corporations, complete with violent reality TV and authoritarian governments, and well—here we are.

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If you haven't read this already, I highly recommend you take advantage of the deal. It's a fantastic book.


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Thank you @tea.n.books ! These are perfect! #summersantagoespostal @BookishMarginalia

tea.n.books I'm glad you like them 😊 7y
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Struggling a bit with how I'm supposed to feel about this book versus how I actually feel. Lots of excellent points, but I feel like sometimes arguments are made that undercut women who have made different life choices than the author (people who want to be married or want to have children). I appreciate that women have a steep hill ahead of us in terms of equality, but women can be wives and mothers and feminists too.

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I've been part of this conversation. "Where are the Australian women political bloggers?", men would ask. On our group blog of Australian women talking about politics. #feminism #politics

Sue What's that saying? There are none so blind as those who will not see? 7y
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Winter cafe life at Gnarabup, drinking coffee and watching the paddle boarders and reading.

TrishB Looks gorgeous 💓 7y
Simona Perfect 👌 7y
Bibliogirl Margaret River? 7y
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Excellent read, it is both celebrating pop culture and critical of it. Hurley speaks to representation in media and finding personal identity in a series of essays that is at times very personal and consistently brimming with excellent feminist rage. I'm hoping to dive into Hurley's fiction soon, as her discussions of the writing and publishing process has really peaked my interest. #LGBTQ+authors #junebookbugs

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Long weekend. View from a hotel room.

Joanne1 Nice!! Enjoy. 7y
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Oh, this essay is killing me.

Laura317 😔😔😔 7y
Flaneurette So.....size 12 is fat?! 7y
Suet624 Wow. 😲 7y
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bitterbear 😢😢😢😢 7y
minkyb Powerful! 7y
Lauredhel @Flaneurette an American size 12 is on the larger side for a fifth grader. But a lot of the point of her fat writing is about how, if you are a woman, you are pretty much always "fat". 7y
needleminding Wow. Wow, wow, wow. 7y
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PREACH. #feminism #sf

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Kameron Hurley on Joanna Russ and her continuing relevance.

Geek Feminist Revolution | Kameron Hurley
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I really liked the idea of this book, but it wasn't quite what I expected. I listened to the audiobook, so several of the essays weren't very distinguishable. Still worth reading, but not my favorite.

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It's time! #feminism

Bibliogirl Oh, I need this! Sounds perfect. 7y
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Geek Feminist Revolution | Kameron Hurley
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Hurley is an award-winning writer and in this collection of essays, she talks about her experiences with the SFF industry. I didn't always agree with her, and I found a lot of repetition in the essays, but there is much that's thoughtful, insightful and inspiring here. For me, Hurley's most important message is that we should not blindly accept others' assumptions about who we are and what the world should be like.
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I'm a little late on April wrap-up posts. Here's what I read last month 📚

Bostonmomx2 @beccaeve random question, how'd you make this graphic. I seriously can't figure out to do these things 😕😊 7y
beccaeve @Bostonmomx2 I use Canva. It has a ton of free templates for all kinds of graphics 7y
Bostonmomx2 Thank you! I'll go check it out 7y
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I've been listening to the audiobook for weeks now, and I finally finished it through dinner and the dishes. Excellent collection of essays about feminism in the geek world.


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I forgot to review this. It was great. Read it.

jpmcwisemorgan Perfect review! 7y
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