Why is this book so famous?
“It‘s strange how in just a couple months, one person can become so much of your world. Which means when your world‘s been expanded, when that person‘s gone, it feels like mass extinction.”
This book is so beautiful I'm legit in the verge of tears all the time, and gasping and my heart racing and ASDFGHJKL so beautiful.
So the translation was not very good but it wouldn't have mattered if the story was good enough. However, it showed that this was the attempt of a man trying to write about a woman and failing mostly. It was entertaining enough but nothing really made sense.
"I‘d assumed the violent patriarchy was some new bully we had to face, not some old devil who never got put down."
I couldn't bring myself to finish this one. Too ugly, without any trigger warning, and without any purpose but to shock the reader in a nauseating manner.
Too many descriptions and too little action for me, but this book is entertaining enough and there is one love story that I'm intending to know more about in the next book.
Just everyone read this please? It has diversity, it has softness, it has crazy stuff, it has beautiful stuff, it has EVERYTHING.
Such a cute little story! I was attracted by the title and the style of the drawings, so tiny and so pure. The fact that the little wolf was "the good one" and the humans were "the bad ones" is a good start to pique your interest in this retelling of the old tale; then the beautiful drawings hook you into it.
Not sure if I'd let little kids around this book but it's a perfect little gift for any adult wanting to rereach their infant self
“I‘d internalized an astonishing amount of misogyny growing up that I didn‘t even recognize until my early twenties.”
Sadly this is me too...
It felt too short! Luckily, there will be more to come since it's a saga. Sadly, THIS ONE HASN'T EVEN BEEN PUBLISHED YET SO HOW LONG WILL I HAVE TO WAIT?
Tashi is no hero AT ALL. In fact it's pretty flawed and their moral compass is sometimes screwed in my opinion. But that made it even more interesting, and their relationships too.
I'm (pleasantly) surprised by how all turned out and I need more. That's all.
I don't know why this won't let me upload the whole image but HELL YEAH ALL DAY. #MaskOfShadows @Sourcebooks
oh, so you're fine with her killing but you don't wanna be a part of it, I'm judging you Tashi
I was approved for an eARC of this book via NetGalley and I can't wait to read it, it looks great! and THAT COVER too 💜
Sal is a total anti-hero since all they care about is having their revenge. They‘re not a killer but since the trial is a death fight they don‘t mind getting through it whatever it costs. But at the same time, you can clearly tell they‘re a good person at the core. I loved how the author treats the genderfluidity of Sal. Not making a big deal out of it since it doesn‘t define them, but at the same time talking about it, making it visible.