Hello #SheSaid!
Did you make it through? Such a tough read right now, but also a really timely one…. 😬
Hello #SheSaid!
Did you make it through? Such a tough read right now, but also a really timely one…. 😬
I finished this one up last weekend before my Libby loan expired. It's only my 2nd audiobook ever, and I learned nonfiction isn't going to work for me without a print copy. Keeping in mind that the mode probably affected my opinion of the book, I found this was good, but not great. The topics for each chapter are so very important, but I struggled to be engaged. It could also be that I'm just weary of intolerance and hate right now ⬇️
Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 1915 book Herland is a thought-provoking work of utopian fiction and a time capsule of early twentieth-century feminism. On the eve of the First World War, sociology student Vandyck Jennings goes on an expedition with two of his friends to search for a society rumored to consist only of women. On the way to what they will name "Herland," Van and his friends ponder the type of women they hope or expect to see when they...
There are evidently many men who feel entitled to regulate pregnant bodies without having the remotest idea about, or interest in learning, how they work. And there are evidently some women who are prepared to paint others as heartless for balking at these attempts to police and enforce their pregnancies. #SheSaid
Herland keeps showing up on feminist book lists I'm trying to read through. Noticed it's book #2 in a trilogy. But book #1 is rarely mentioned. Do I need to read the first to understand what is happening in Herland?
Hello #SheSaid. I hope this week has treated you well.
I know quite a few of you were running behind starting and/or reading this one, so just stop into the comments as you finish each section. This discussion is for chapters 5 & 6.
Kate Manne in chapter 6 on why the pro-life movement isn‘t about pro-life
This. Every. Freakin. Day. This is how I feel every day. #ranttime