I listened to this book in two days. Short but very meaningful. He also recommends several book from Harry Potter to political theorists.
I listened to this book in two days. Short but very meaningful. He also recommends several book from Harry Potter to political theorists.
2018 was a rollercoaster and I sort of disappeared from social media. I really enjoy Litsy recommendations so I plan to share more of my reads this year. Argentinan author Mariana Enriquez is my first pick for 2019
I really enjoyed this book. It addresses war and loss but with a very special voice. It was also very immersive. I almost miss my bus stop a couple of times
Boyfriend and I are celebrating our second anniversary. We planned a weekend get away to a rainy beautiful place to spend the afternoon reading. I found my book person ❤️
Boyfriend and I are celebrating our second anniversary. We planned a weekend get away to a rainy beautiful place to spend the afternoon reading
Vegetarian lunch with some Anne of Avonlea on the side. I am using Serial app to read classics and I Find very pleasant to read a few pages everyday. I am catching up with some old chapters I haven‘t read.
This week is Costa Rica‘s book fair. This ten result of me spending a whole day among booksellers
I just started this book and I can tell Jamaica Kincaid is an incredible writer.
Boyfriend and I had plans to go to yoga. Ended up eating a whole loaf of bread filled with passion fruit and creams cheese, putting pjs and reading in bed.
This is how I am finishing my Sunday afternoon
I have been having a really bad week, but today we had our last Nobelistas Bookclub meeting. We read a book by each of the 14 female winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature. We also made cool t-shirts the celebrate 🎉
Hello. I need help for a reading challenge. I have to read book that starts with X but I don‘t like science fiction. Any ideas ?
My #Nobelistas Bookclub is reaching its goal of reading one by book by each of the 14 women who had won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Afterwards we are changing our name to #lamitaddelestante (half the bookshelf). We are sticking to reading just works by women and I am curating the book selections. These are our first 5 books, starting with a gorgeous illustrated edition of a A Room‘s of One Own translated into Spanish by Jorge Luis Borges.
Empecé el ultimo libro de #Nobelistas esta mañana en el salón. Voy de regreso a casa con deseos de lluvia para terminarme la novela con una taza de té #litsyinSpanish. I started the last books for #Nobelistas book club today at the hair salon. I am gonna n my way home praying for some rain so I can finish this story with a nice cup of tea.
I loved this book and Wislawa‘s sense of humor. This is a picture of some of the members of our #Nobelidtas book club from yesterday‘s meeting.
I am working on this short story collection, some are really good but others feel incomplete.
I won a free three month French class. I have taken lesson 3 years ago, but stop practicing. Today I discovered that the French Alliance has a free library for students and I am already using it. I love Guy Delisle and I think his graphic novels are great to expand my knowledge of the language.
“Prosas Reunidas” me obsesionó con Wislawa Szymborska. Quiero leer todo lo que haya escrito. #listyinSpanish A collection of essays by Szymborska made me want to read everything she ever wrote.
Boyfriend and I are reorganizing his library and getting his catalogue on Libib so he can remember which books he already owns
I am really enjoying this audiobook. I have been seating on my bed listening for the last hour.
I am trying to control the amount of books I buy and also read some of the books I have previously bought. I am supposed to buy a new one for every two books read. This was good, but I already owe myself a couple of books read. However, it helps me not get out of control when I go to the bookstore.
I got jealous of a friend who got this and I had to go and get one for myself. The book is called “Mom, I want to be a feminist” and its gorgeously illustrated
Graphic novels are among my favorite genres. I really loved the depth of this story. Can you recommended a graphic novel for me?
Este libro me lo recomendó un librero, una forma ideal de descubrir nuevas autoras #litsyinSpanish This book was recommended to me by a bookseller. An ideal way to@find new women writers.
I had a small accident, so I am confined to my bed for the next week. The good thing is I will have time to read
Me desperté a las 5:00 a.m. y di vueltas en la cama hasta que decidí empezar a leer este libro que estaba en mi mesa de noche. Amanecí 3 horas después leyendo todavía y admirando la deliciosa inteligencia de Szymborska #litsyinSpanish I woke up at 5:00 a.m and rolled around until I started this book on my nightstand. Here I am, 3 hours later still awake and enjoying the delightful intelligence of the author.
Chilled Sunday rereading this classic.
So excited that I discovered this book almost by accident.
Audiolibro para la lluvia #litsyinSpanish Audiobook for a rainy commute.
Day 2. I finished my book from yesterday and now it am going back to figuring out what happens to Nils.
Dediqué parte del feriado a leer para el club de lectura #litsyinSpanish I dedicated part of the holiday today to read for my book club
My World Book Day purchases. I was having a sad day, books make it better.
My beautiful new lamp is ideal to hold my next Nobelistas book pick. Mi hermosa lámpara nueva es ideal para sostener la próxima elección de Nobelistas #litsyinSpanish
When your boyfriend awesome taste for books and to surprise you this happens.
Estoy enferma en la casa, pero al menos tengo esta preciosa edición para hacerme compañía #litsyinSpanish I am sick at home but at least I have this gorgeous edition to keep me company