I loved this book and Wislawa‘s sense of humor. This is a picture of some of the members of our #Nobelidtas book club from yesterday‘s meeting.
I loved this book and Wislawa‘s sense of humor. This is a picture of some of the members of our #Nobelidtas book club from yesterday‘s meeting.
I had a small accident, so I am confined to my bed for the next week. The good thing is I will have time to read
Me desperté a las 5:00 a.m. y di vueltas en la cama hasta que decidí empezar a leer este libro que estaba en mi mesa de noche. Amanecí 3 horas después leyendo todavía y admirando la deliciosa inteligencia de Szymborska #litsyinSpanish I woke up at 5:00 a.m and rolled around until I started this book on my nightstand. Here I am, 3 hours later still awake and enjoying the delightful intelligence of the author.
New additions to my personal library by female authors. Three of these are picks for my Nobelistas 2018 Book Club. The Alexievich is just because she is amazing and I want to own everything she has written.