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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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What a beautiful little place. As for this book, oye. Does anyone still like this thing? Today it reads sluggish and arrogant, without actually saying much of value. A little incoherent social media rant-ish, actually. 😬 It does have its moments, especially when focused on nature, or on deep winter isolation and spring joy.

I started this in May for #naturalitsy. And I persisted. It was… ok.

TheBookHippie He‘s a bit arrogant !! 😵‍💫🤣🤷🏻‍♀️I like the nature parts and Thoreau in jail and 11mo
merelybookish I have avoided reading this for years. I feel affirmed. 😉😅 11mo
Graywacke @TheBookHippie my copy included CD, so I read it for the first time. I did -not- like 😁😊 11mo
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Graywacke @merelybookish 😂😂😂 11mo
TheBookHippie @merelybookish 🤣🤣🤣 It‘s Mr BookHippies favorite… so I may have been influenced 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️😅😝 11mo
sarahbarnes I‘ll be honest I‘ve never read it and likely never will. 😂 11mo
AllDebooks I completely agree 😅 11mo
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Walden, Or, Life in the Woods | Henry David Thoreau
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Comes with Mother to bring you food and take your dirty laundry away…

AllDebooks 🤣 13mo
JamieArc 😂😂 13mo
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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This was my #BookSpin draw for March, and I've been reading it off and on ever since. I started with a cheap paperback copy that I have had on my shelves for years, but the print was so tiny and dense that I finally gave up. I had more success with this edition - large pages, larger print, and lots of lovely photographs. But the truth of the matter is that I just didn't enjoy Thoreau's tone at all. It's sad, because I was actually predisposed to ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) like him. I'm interested in the outdoors, in living simply, in spending less time working and more time living - it just seems like I should be totally into this guy. But honestly, I found him to be such a pretentious, condescending windbag that whenever he said something I agreed with, it actually kind of annoyed me because I didn't want to agree with someone so aggravating at all. Thoreau has some great concepts, but is so busy ⬇ 1y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) judging everyone who hasn't also arrived at his amazing conclusions that it's hard to get to them. He would go off on long illustrative “stories“ to make his point, like where he talked about this hardworking family and how their lives were such a waste because they went to work all day, when if they would just be willing to live without butter and meat, then they would be able to take it easy and work way less, but here they are, ⬇ 1y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) slaving away just so they can have butter! I just. It's one thing to say, “I've chosen to live simply and give up extras so that I spend less time working because I need less money“ and a completely different thing to say “if you decide you want to work more and earn more money so you can spend it on indulgences that you enjoy, you're just stupid.“ We ALL spend money on things that aren't necessities, it's a question of how much and I ⬇ 1y
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) think that's a personal decision with no right or wrong answer.

I could complain about Thoreau a lot more, but I'm already four comments deep into this review 😂 In short, I actually did agree with a lot of his thoughts on simplicity and taking time to actually enjoy life, but found his tone to be so condescending, arrogant, and privileged that I kind of just wanted to thwack him in the head with his own book.
LaraReads Best. Review. Ever. 🤣🤣 1y
Bookwormjillk This is amazing 1y
squirrelbrain 🤣🤣🤣 1y
zezeki Love this review! 😂😂 1y
julieclair Great review. Walden has been on my TBR forever. Now I don‘t have to feel guilty about never getting around to reading it! 1y
Cuilin I can‘t thank you enough for saying this!!! Totally agree. 1y
Yuki_Onna What a cool&perfect review!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Now I'm torn between getting my hands on a library copy and delving into it asap so that I can hate Thoreau just as passionately and stealing&destroying the essay collection I gifted my boyfriend for his birthday before he picks it up so that he doesn't have to read such pretentious blubber... 🤔
SamAnne Thoreau was a bit of a fraud. He wasn't that far out of town. He often went into town for the easier life. I agree with some of his sentiments. But pretentious and privileged for sure. So many more insightful nature writers to read instead. 1y
mrp27 Fantastic review! 1y
TheAromaofBooks @LaraReads @Bookwormjillk @squirrelbrain @zezeki @julieclair @Cuilin @Yuki_Onna @SamAnne @mrp27 - Now I feel like I should make the obligatory comment that many people love Thoreau and find his writing beautiful and inspirational. But... he wasn't for me 😂 1y
Graywacke “pretentious, condescending windbag” kinda sums it up beautifully. I didn‘t take to him either. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @Graywacke - I really wanted to like him!!!! I just COULDN'T! 😂 11mo
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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What a great stop. Couldn‘t resist reading Thoreau aloud as we left.

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Our discussion thread is open. Please do let us know your thoughts on this classic book.

How did you get on?
Did you enjoy the pace?
What stood out for you?
Was there anything you didn't like?

Cazxxx “I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” Love this quote from the book. Sums me up perfectly! 1y
AllDebooks @Cazxxx absolutely, me too. I kept pausing to think I'm not the only hibernating hermit! 😅 1y
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Graywacke I‘m enjoying it. An oddity, I think. I‘m about 40% through. Next chapter is The Bean Field. 1y
Cazxxx @AllDebooks No you‘re not, I‘m a total recluse 😂 1y
TheBookHippie @Cazxxx me too!!! That is just paradise. 1y
AllDebooks @Graywacke so glad you're enjoying it. Tbh I did find Economy a bit of a slog to get through. I'm loving the nature parts 1y
TheBookHippie I loved my reread. So many passages hit so close to home. 1y
AllDebooks My favourite passage “We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” 1y
Graywacke Well, I finished. 😁 11mo
AllDebooks @Graywacke that's commitment! 11mo
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"I discovered that my house actually had its site, in such a withdrawn, but forever new and unprofaned, part of the universe." I visited the tiny cabin and property (more remote than Thoreau's, actually) I once lived in last weekend, and this passage resonated with me. @AllDebooks #naturalitsy #rereadtheclassics

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AllDebooks Lol, he doesn't mince his words!! 'ambitious booby' 🤣 1y
LitStephanie @AllDebooks he sure doesn't! Earlier, he explained how elderly people have no knowledge to offer. 😆 1y
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I am enjoying the discussion of how the more luxurious the house, the more burdensome it is. People toil through a lifetime deep in debt to have a nice house, and nowadays a lot of other things, they don't really need. And the maintenance, represented by his tossing out a couple of pieces of lime because they required dusting, sucks more of our lives than it is worth. #rereadtheclassics #naturalitsy @AllDebooks

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@AllDebooks these would be my Walden copies… #rereadtheclassics

Walden by Henry David Thoreau | Henry David Thoreau
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ncsufoxes I live like 10-15 minutes away from Walden Pond. Although we haven‘t been yet (we just moved to the Boston area a few months ago). 1y
Bookwormjillk @ncsufoxes it‘s a great walk 1y
Eggs Lovely 💕💕 1y
dabbe @ncsufoxes Lovely! Someday I hope to get there! 🙏 1y
dabbe @Eggs 🥰 1y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Hmm. Can I actually @AllDebooks through this?

#rereadtheclassics (except this would my 1st reading this) #naturalitsy @AllDebooks

IndoorDame Good luck! I never managed to get through it 😂 1y
dabbe I'm going to take your question rhetorically and write, “Of course you can!“ Oh, wait. I'm not supposed to answer a rhetorical question, so I'll say it silently in my head instead. 🤣 1y
Graywacke @IndoorDame yeah, you know, thank you. @dabbe I‘m afraid the question is not rhetorical 🙂 1y
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batsy I want to read it too! It doesn't feel like a book that can be read straight through, though? I might be wrong. 1y
Graywacke @batsy well, these opening 5 pages are all over the place. So far it begs rereading over and over. Presumably he settles down, eventually. ?? 1y
AllDebooks I've read reviews where the 1st few chapters are tough going, but then we get to the good stuff. It's certainly testing my patience atm! 😅 maybe I should have chosen John Muir or Aldo Leopold 1y
Graywacke @AllDebooks that‘s what i‘ve heard. Plot through Economy, and then it gets better. I‘m itching to read Leopold. Muir appeals too, although I suspect he is harder to read. 1y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads This is a book that has to be reread. I think. 1y
Graywacke @DrSabrinaMoldenReads ok, I definitely buy that. It‘s been an oddity for me so far. 1y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads That‘s why I said reread because I loved it but don‘t remember why. 😃 1y
Graywacke @DrSabrinaMoldenReads and I get that! It‘s that kind of book. 1y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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repost for @AllDebooks:

#Rereadtheclassics #NaturaLitsy #BuddyRead

Our May read is Walden. Please do let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

A relaxed read along with check-ins and discussion at the end of the month

original post: https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2582762

AllDebooks Thank you for the share x 1y
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#Rereadtheclassics #NaturaLitsy

Our May read is Walden. Please do let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

A relaxed read along with check-ins and discussion at the end of the month



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TheBookHippie I‘ve got all my copies . Now which to reread 🙃. 1y
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie ❤️📚❤️ 1y
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks may steal Mr BookHippies copy you have pictured here 😅🤣. 1y
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie I really want that one! On my wishlist 1y
BookwormAHN I'll skip this one since I'm still working on The Count of Monte Cristo 😺 1y
AllDebooks @BookwormAHN ok, think we're all still going with the count!!! 1y
Graywacke I‘m interested, but just saw this. So i need to find a copy. I‘ll try to join 1y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m interested, I‘ve had it on my shelf for yours. 1y
AllDebooks @Graywacke @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yay, glad to have your company 😃 1y
CrowCAH Thanks for the tag, but I won‘t be reading Walden this month. 1y
AllDebooks @CrowCAH ok, thanks for letting me know x 1y
ElizaMarie Found it on Kindle for free. I have never read this one. I think I will join y'all. 1y
AllDebooks @ElizaMarie Yay, thanks for the Kindle tip 😊 1y
Graywacke @AllDebooks i started. Reading at about 5 minutes a page! 🙂☺️ 1y
LitStephanie Ok I just checked it out from the library. Please tag me. Thanks! 1y
Read4life I‘m joining you. I think I‘m going to read it on Serial Reader 🤓 1y
BarbaraJean No need to tag me for this one, but I‘ll keep at it with the Count! 😁 1y
Saknicole Yes! I‘d love to read Walden together. Tag me please! 1y
AllDebooks @Graywacke I guess there's a lot to take in!! 🫣 1y
AllDebooks @BarbaraJean the Count is enough for sure! 1y
AllDebooks @LitStephanie @Read4life @Saknicole Yay, the more the merrier 😄 1y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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repost for @AllDebooks:

#Rereadtheclassics #Buddyread

Our current read of The count of Monte Cristo is going to run until who knows? 🤔😅

Next up is our May selection, Walden by Henry David Thoreau. One for #NaturaLitsy too. Looking forward to reading about life at Walden ponds.

Please comment on original post to be added to the taglist:

AllDebooks Thank you for the tag x 1y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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#Rereadtheclassics #Buddyread

Our current read of The count of Monte Cristo is going to run until who knows? 🤔😅

Next up is our May selection, Walden by Henry David Thoreau. One for #NaturaLitsy too. Looking forward to reading about life at Walden ponds.


Please let me know if you wish to be added to the taglist.


TheAromaofBooks Do you have a schedule for reading Walden, or do you just read through the month and discuss it at the end? It was my February classic and I have only gotten a chapter or two in because Thoreau actually drives me a little crazy 😂 1y
AllDebooks @TheAromaofBooks no schedule, just read at your own pace and we discuss at the end of the month. I'm ashamed (as a nature lover) to say I've never read it, so looking forward to it but also a bit nervous as I've read it's heavy on the philosophy. Don't want to be disappointed! 1y
AllDebooks @TheAromaofBooks It's also my #bookspin, so no dodging it! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Well, if you have a tag list for discussions, add me to it!! I'll try to finish it this month. I may get a different edition - the one I have has very tiny print and I think that's been part of my issue haha 1y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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#OnThisDay in 1854 Thoreau's reflection on life in nature, Walden, was published. Thoreau lived on Emerson's Walden Pond for over two years. He was known to locals as "woods burner" for the 300-acre forest fire he started shortly before moving in (oops!). He left the pond in 1847, and spent the next seven years finishing his work. #HistoryGetsLIT

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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Is there anything better to have on your lap than a puppy and a book?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🐶 ❤️📚 2y
Leftcoastzen 🐶👏 2y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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“earth's eye“... #SavvySettings #Lake 5

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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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“The moles nested in my cellar, nibbling every third potato, and making a snug bed even there of some hair left after plastering and of brown paper; for even the wildest animals love comfort and warmth as well as man, and they survive the winter only because they are so careful to secure them.” #mole #QuotsyOct21

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Eggs 🖤👍🏼❤️ 3y
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Walden, Or, Life in the Woods | Henry David Thoreau
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“In the midst of this chopping sea of civilized life, such are the clouds and storms and quicksands and thousand-and-one items to be allowed for, that a man has to live.”

Leftcoastzen Beautiful! 3y
readingjedi That's lovely! 3y
282Mikado “...if he would not founder and go to the bottom and not make his port at all, by dead reckoning, and he must be a great calculator indeed who succeeds.“

Had to look this up. It is even better with what was left unsaid.
Pip2 @282Mikado I love this quote. It is a reminder to simplify life at every opportunity. To reduced one‘s affairs when able and live life to the true fullest, not being caught up in the rigmarole of life and the societies news or social media outlets but to simplify. The one who succeeds in a multitude of tasks and doesn‘t simplify will drown oneself in the quicksands of magnanimity. 3y
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Walden by Henry David Thoreau | Henry David Thoreau
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#QuotsyJuly21 #worm

“My enemies are worms, cool days, and most of all woodchucks.”

-Henry David Thoreau

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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#JulyJourneys Day 12 #SimplicityDay
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I like the thought of 'unanxious hens'.

Eggs Beautiful 🐓 ❤️📚 3y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden


@eeclayton - thanks for tagging me!

(taking the quote literally-pictured is the foundation for our detached garage and in-law unit currently under construction)

eeclayton Great quote ❤️ 3y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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1. Gone With the Wind, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, In Cold Blood, The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, A Tale of Two Cities, Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, everything by Georgette Heyer (I teach high school English, in case you can‘t tell!) 😂
2. It is an initial draw, but reviews and ratings trump beauty.

MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 📚☺️🌿 3y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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1. Yes, I‘ve read the Great Gatsby more times than I count and I‘m thinking about rereading again.
2. Sometimes. I think it matters less as I age.

Tagging anyone who wants to do it. Enjoy.

MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 📚☺️🌿 3y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden

#QuotsyMar21 #Foundation #HenryDavidThoreau

Walden by Henry David Thoreau | Henry David Thoreau
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Shot taken at nearby park yesterday reminds me to read Walden someday.

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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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See for yourself.

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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Thanks for the tag @LoydaElionora here's my contribution to #ThinkPositiveBePositive 🙋‍♂️

If you see this and have spare time, take part if you want. I tag ya! 👍

Cathythoughts Nice one 👍🏻 4y
Ellies_Books06 Keeping it in mind!❤ 4y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Thanks for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks !
Find an inspiring quote, tag me, tag friends!

EadieB Thanks for the tag! 4y
Eggs @DarkMina 💕💕 4y
DarkMina @EadieB You‘re welcome! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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I listened to this with my husband. It was a bit hard to focus on at times because the narrative wanders quite off course frequently, but I really enjoyed the descriptions of and observations about nature. Thoreau philosophizes a lot, and he's pretty sure he knows better than anyone else how to live. He has a nasty attitude about poverty being the poor person's fault because they buy clothes (etc) as well. And why is the 1st chapter 3 hours long?

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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"You proclaim that I was never really alone at Walden Pond, because I had regular visitors. Bitch, I disclosed my visitors — I wrote a whole damned chapter called “Visitors.” Can‘t blame me if some debutante from Darien didn‘t read it. And who‘s entertaining visitors now? Not your quarantined ass."


Lcsmcat I love this! 4y
Bookwormjillk 😂😂 4y
Cuilin That‘s hilarious 😂 4y
Andrea313 @Lcsmcat @Bookwormjillk @Cuilin McSweeneys has been killing it with their literary content this year! 😂 4y
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Walden, Or, Life in the Woods | Henry David Thoreau
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#ChristmasQuotes #fireplace

I miss fireplaces.😉

“I lingered most about the fireplace, as the most vital part of the house.”

Henry David Thoreau

Verity I‘m still grumpy the first shut down meant we couldn‘t get the chimney repair done, so I still can‘t have a fire in our fireplace! 4y
DebinHawaii @Verity Oh my, I would be grumpy about that too! 4y
EadieB I love fireplaces too! 4y
BookBabe Doesn‘t get cozier than curling up in front of a fireplace! Possibly the only downside of living in Hawaii! 🤭😄 4y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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The mouse book club. Picks out books they print that are pocket sized that they send you quarterly.


This was too much fun to pass up. I'll send updates when I get my teeny mouse books!

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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There are criticisms to the book- of hypocrisy, of Thoreau opposing technology/progress, it‘s all #flightsoffancy ..
but many are drawn to it as it speaks clearly of a communion with #nature , and is ahead of its time in environmental and mindfulness appreciation.


Cathythoughts ✨✨✨✨✨ 4y
OriginalCyn620 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Eggs Well done 👍🏼 Rather a “bible” for nature 4y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Thoreau on reading. I‘m loving this! #henrydavidthoreau #walden #lovereading

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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#QuotsySept20 Day 8: #Physical
In our new home with my teenage girl.

Soubhiville Cool cabinets. Congratulations! 4y
RidgewayGirl Look at all that cabinet space! 4y
Nute Lovely! Congratulations! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations 🎈🎊🎉 so exciting!!! 4y
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Walden by Henry David Thoreau | Henry David Thoreau
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TobeyTheScavengerMonk Dude could write. 4y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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Thoreau's writing is often beautiful and wise. Sometimes it is tedious and redundant. That said, I knew I needed to reread it and I'm so glad I did, even if it took me a long while. Now more than ever, his words are prescient and brilliant and the simple life he describes feels so out of reach but utterly necessary. Highly recommended

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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My husband named our Animal Crossing island Walden. #classiclit #animalcrossing #videogame

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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It‘s not Thoreau‘s pond, but a lake near where we spent a lovely weekend in Washington last fall.


kspenmoll I live your hashtag! #keeplitsypositive 5y
PurpleTulipGirl @kspenmoll I won‘t take credit for it. I‘m not sure who created it, but I like it! 5y
BookishMe @kspenmoll @PurpleTulipGirl if you still haven't found out, it's started by @LoverOfLearning ;D 5y
LoverOfLearning I created it. We all need some love. I AM SO HAPPY at how far spread this hashtag went. It makes my soul happy. @bookishMe @PurpleTulipGirl @Kspenmoll 5y
LoverOfLearning What a gorgeous picture! All we have is cornfields around me. 5y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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“A written word is the choicest of relics. It is something at once more intimate with us and more universal than any other work of art. It is the work of art nearest to life itself. It may be translated into every language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips;—not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the breath of life itself.” #relic #QuotsyMar20

LiterRohde 🧡 Love that 🧡 So it‘s not just a story about a guy living next to a pond? 🤣 5y
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Walden | Henry David Thoreau

I've tried to read it so many times. The audio book took five nights to get through. I love the classics but this is not for me.

Walden | Henry David Thoreau
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I have, of course, read dozens of quotes and selections from Walden because one can't avoid them, and I even started the thing a few times, but I can't quite get past his self-importance and his neckbeard. Still, I think I ought to read the whole thing someday.

Day 20 - #GratefulReads #classicihaventread

@OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Scochrane26 I read it this summer. You‘re prob better off just reading the important quotes. The rest is about ponds. 5y
OriginalCyn620 Haven‘t read this either! 5y
Crazeedi A note is on it's way to you!😊💞 5y
ImperfectCJ @Scochrane26 I read up to the detailed bit about how awesome he is because he has last season's suit design made for himself. Ponds might actually be more interesting... 5y
ImperfectCJ @Crazeedi Hooray! I need to get on top of my replies! 5y
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