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The Child
The Child | Fiona Barton
The New York Times bestselling author of The Widow returns with another stunning thriller about long buried secrets...
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Book #2 in the series, though could be read as a standalone. Liked this one probably better than book #1. It kept me guessing and had a bit of a surprise near the end.

The Child | Fiona Barton

This was very interesting. Loved the author‘s description and the diversity of characters.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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I enjoyed this thriller! It‘s subject matter was dark but had spots of humor and interesting characters (many of the “love to hate” variety). Thanks for the #LMPBC pick, Amber! It‘ll be on its way to Cynthia on Monday.

@Alfrazier21 @Littlewolf1 @Readergrrl

#Lmpbc #round13 #GroupV @suvata

Alfrazier21 Glad you enjoyed it!!! 3y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Not my normal read but I still really enjoyed it. Not bad for the second to last book of 2021. I will be mailing this out on Monday.

Child | Fiona Barton
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This is the second book in a series but I had no idea before reading it and it worked well as a stand alone. There were multiple storylines with a lot going on but they were also pretty easy to keep straight. I was interested to finally discover the baby's identity and felt well rewarded by that reveal. I liked this but it wasn't anything special.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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I loved this. Fast, fun murder-mystery, with lots of twists and turns. Plus the chapters are super short, so it‘s really easy to read just one more before bed. Ok, one more chapter. Last one, I promise. Ok, one more...

IamIamIam 👏👏 I loved this one! 4y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Oooo. So good! I‘m glad that I finally read this one. #AwesomeAugust #BookSpinBingo 💙


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The Child | Fiona Barton
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A quick #AwesomeAugust update: I haven‘t read too much these past three days. I‘ve been a little all over the place with my reading, but I‘m really enjoying the tagged audiobook. Current time: 28 hr (ish)

Yes, I‘m still feeling all things Halloween. 😂

Andrew65 Still a great time and still 4 days to go. 4y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Just like her previous book 'The Widow', Fiona Barton brings the 4 protagonists together using an invisible thread of cause and effect introspection. The chapters are short and the story moves forward by passing the narrative baton between each of these characters.
With a superb emotional storyline, this is a top notch book for mystery and family drama lovers.
#thechild #thriller

The Child | Fiona Barton
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This book had me hooked from start to finish! Great twist at the end too!
The story switches between different points of view and at first it is difficult to figure out how some are connected but that adds to the grip of the story.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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DNA... that pesky little discovery that's been helping to solve crimes since 1953! An infant skeleton is found on a building site and ties together 5 women to solve a decades old mystery!! I didn't see the ending coming at all. 👍

IamIamIam @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft I made this my #Booked2020 #BookClubWorthy choice because all everyone seems to like are British mysteries! Lol, it's mostly family so they're in charge of choosing books. I've got enough on my plate with #BBRC and Booked! 😂 5y
Cinfhen I don‘t know why but I just can‘t get into the British crime dramas 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
IamIamIam @Cinfhen I do enjoy them but I can't read too many back to back. The style of storytelling is similar and the characters kind of meld together also. This one was my favorite so far! Plus, after all these British books, the slang only throws me occasionally instead of every time I hear it! Lol... I do see Ruth Ware as being hyped up, though. Which have you tried? 5y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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1 hour 40 minutes left and THIS JUST ISN'T MOVING FAST ENOUGH!!!!!! 🤯😳🤯😳🤯😳

And I can't recall the last time I wanted to slap the daylights out of a charger!!! I absolutely DETEST Jude!!!!!

Child | Fiona Barton
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As an old house is demolished in a gentrifying section of London, a workman discovers a tiny skeleton, buried for years. Journalist Kate Waters discovers that decades earlier, a newborn disappeared from the maternity ward in a local hospital and was never found. 🥶


OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😳 5y
Eggs Thanks-it was a thrilling ride @OriginalCyn620 5y
Andrew65 Loved this! 5y
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Eggs @Andrew65 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Andrew65 @Eggs I‘ve enjoyed all three of her books. 5y
MyNamesParadise That‘s one of many books that I have in my tbr list! 5y
Eggs @Andrew65 I‘ve read Widow but not the other one, is it ? 5y
Eggs @MyNamesParadise Hope you enjoy it! 5y
Andrew65 @Eggs Yes, hopefully there will be another one soon. 🤞 5y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Book 2 in the Kate Waters series and I've got to say I thought it was much better than The Widow. A well written thriller with a really good ending. Kate is a great main character aswell 🙂

The Child | Fiona Barton
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Christmas present for me :)

Monica5 Love The Child 5y
TheHungryBookworms @Monica5 I can't wait to read it 5y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Fast moving with a very satisfying ending

The Child | Fiona Barton
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I really take that quote about being pieces of everything you read a bit too far. It does help fill you with useless knowledge & quotes though.

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The Child | Fiona Barton
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@wen4blu My apologies for this late post as I've been very ill the last couple of weeks or so.
Thank you so very much for this incredibly awesome package....I'm just blown away with your thoughtfulness!😘 I love every single thing: chocolates, books, chocolates....LOL

Part 1

BookishMarginalia We‘re very glad you‘re feeling better 5y
wen4blu Hooray, I'm so glad you like your package! Take care of yourself and feel better soon. 5y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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I guessed the mystery/twist early on, but I still enjoyed the book. Thought it was better than The Widow.

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The Child | Fiona Barton
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This second Kate Waters book was better than the first. Like some other readers have mentioned some twists were easy to figure out but I didn‘t get everything. I enjoyed this one. 4/5 stars.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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Oddly enough, I visited Ye Old Cheshire Cheese on April 3, 2012. It‘s so incredibly neat when you‘re reading a book and realize you‘ve been exactly where they are. It‘s so incredibly creepy when it‘s almost on the exact same day. 😳 And it definitely smelled of stale beer.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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I predicted the ending very early on, but I still loved this. I listened to this on CD, and the only place I could play it was my car, so I actually didn't mind traffic. Terrific cast.

The Child | Fiona Barton

I was excited to read this book after the great reviews, but I got to about page 115 and decided I couldn‘t read it anymore. The storyline was slow, which surprised me; I thought by having the story told through the perspective of 3 women would quicken the pace of the story, but it didn‘t. 115 pages in and I could already predict the ending. Disappointed that this book didn‘t work out for me.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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Battling back the Monday mopes with a mystery and some Thai. #BookandLunch

Tamra Thai - one of my favorites! 6y
Soubhiville Mmmmmm, good idea! 6y
Mdargusch Yum! How‘s that book? It‘s been languishing on my TBR shelf for a long time. 6y
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MicheleinPhilly @Mdargusch I didn‘t like it. I figured out the “twist” like 10 pages in and the characters were all very dull. I found it to be a slog even though it‘s pretty short. Did you read The Widow? I didn‘t care too much for that one either so maybe it‘s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Mdargusch No. I haven‘t read the Widow either. Well I guess I won‘t rush to read it then. 6y
MicheleinPhilly I don‘t think @emilyhaldi liked it either. 6y
emilyhaldi Good memory!! @MicheleinPhilly I hated this 😒 its pretty much everything I hate about contemporary thrillers- obvious plot and superfluous writing. Could have been whittled down to 50 pages max and told the same story 🙄 I skimmed most of it. Sorry @Mdargusch that probably didn't get you very excited 🤣 (edited) 6y
MicheleinPhilly @emilyhaldi I can‘t remember what I had for lunch but I remember random Litsy factoids. ☺️ 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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My second Fiona Barton novel. I really enjoyed the returning character of Kate, the reporter. Some of the twists were fairly easy to figure out but, I really enjoyed the big twist at the end.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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I loved this book alot more then The Widow. It was a quick and easy listen and kept me hooked the whole time. Plus I love Kate Waters character.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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There comes a moment in each reader‘s life when she must ask herself, “What percentage of the books I read should be about dead children?” Stepping aside from this book for a foray into other genres...

FeastOfFiction 😂😂😂 Legitimate concern. 6y
BennettBookworm LOL yup 6y
emilyhaldi LOL 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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The book mostly follows the perspective of these three women, though a few other perspectives are thrown in there, as well. This hooked me at the start and it has short chapters, which kept me wanting to read. I caught on to the ending just about as Kate did, I think, but it wasn‘t spelled out until a couple of pages later.

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The Child | Fiona Barton
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So I‘ve just finished this book and it‘s been absolutely brilliant!... I loved the way it followed each character (Kate was definitely my fave) and the ending was amazing... although nearer the end I did see it coming. I would definitely recommend giving it a read📖 #TheChild #FionaBarton

Andrew65 I also enjoyed 6y
Lauren_paige @Andrew65 I think I‘m going to buy that also 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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A workman demolishing an old house discovers human remains of a baby. Kate Waters, a reporter, unearths connections to a newborn stolen from a maternity ward decades earlier. Long buried secrets of three woman will finally come to light. This fast-paced thought provoking story kept me guessing to the very surprising ending. Some characters are likable but some not so likable. Recommended to those who like psychological suspense.

#thechild #barton

LibraryCin This is coming up as a bok club read for me soon. 6y
EadieB @libraryCin it‘s a pretty easy read but the surprise twist makes the end go fast! 6y
LibraryCin Nice! It sounds like something ill like! 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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This book had me wanting more at every turn. I had no idea what was going on until the very end and it blew me away! I love books that have a turn I never see coming and this was one! 5/5 Stars!

The Child | Fiona Barton
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I liked this one even more than The Widow! Great read.

RadicalReader @bookcoverjudge the Oreo ice cream looks sinfully sensational 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 6y
literarilythrilling @RadicalReader oh it was definitely delicious! 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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FINALLY finished this on the bus ride home today. Have to say the end made up for not liking some of the characters much throughout the rest of the novel. I did figure out the twist before it was officially revealed in the story, but not long before. I didn't need to wait for it to be spelled out. But I like it when that kind of thing happens, makes me feel clever. Overall I'd give it a 8/10

The Child | Fiona Barton
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Day 10: Author from a different country #agameoffavorites
I chose Fiona Barton, who was born in England, and lives in France and England. I really enjoyed her book The Child. In a list of her favorite crime books, she names Agatha Christie's Five Little Pigs. Look for her next book, The Suspect.
@ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress

The Child | Fiona Barton
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Using my lunch break to read. Always love starting on a Kate chapter with this book. By far my fave character

The Child | Fiona Barton
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Halfway through reading this now. Hoping to get it done by the end of the week. I'm liking it mostly, although some of the characters aren't my cup of tea but the story is interesting. Also loving that it's set in the UK, will be helpful for my reflective analysis

Andrew65 I loved this but think I preferred her first one more. 6y
Andrew65 Welcome to Litsy 🤗 6y
Lauren_paige I‘m also reading this! I‘m loving this so far! 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton

I‘m nearly half way through The Child at the moment and I‘ve got to say it‘s brilliant up to now. I love the different perspectives that are portrayed throughout the book and the way it goes back and forth keeps you connected. It‘s so hard to put down you want to just keep reading and reading because you need to know what‘s going to happen next!
#TheChild #FionaBarton

Andrew65 I enjoyed both The Child and The Widow, and both kept me wanting to read on and on and on... 6y
Lauren_paige @Andrew65 I havnt come across the widow I‘ll have to read that next! The child is brilliant I can‘t wait to finish it! 6y
Andrew65 @Lauren_paige Both excellent but if anything I preferred The Widow, but it might be because that was the first book of hers I read. 6y
Lauren_paige @Andrew65 are The Child and The Widow in anyway similar? 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Picking this one up! Format is so similar to The Widow, which I just finished a few weeks back. Writing is already great, though only a few pages in.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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When a paragraph in an evening newspaper reveals a decades-old tragedy, most readers barely give it a glance. But for three strangers, it‘s impossible to ignore.
For one woman, it‘s a reminder of the worst thing that ever happened to her.
For another, it reveals the dangerous possibility that her darkest secret is about to be discovered.
And for the third, a journalist, it‘s the first clue in a hunt to uncover the truth.
#fionabarton #thechild

The Child | Fiona Barton

Without spoiling anything, there is a fantastic plot twist that is brilliantly executed. A slow burn, but worth your patience.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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Today‘s Prompt: Turn Back The Hands Of Time

Too late to turn back the hands of time for the missing child, but not too late to enjoy a good story twist.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😊😊🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
Crazeedi I've shied away from her books for some reason. 6y
SilversReviews @Crazeedi They were not that scary. I thought they would be too. 6y
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Crazeedi Maybe I will try one, thanks @SilversReviews ! 6y
SilversReviews @Crazeedi Let me know what you think. They are suspenseful, but not Stephen King style. 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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“Dangerous to think you know too much, sometimes, because who really knows someone else? You can scratch the skin, but you never get to the meat of someone else. Into their bones.”

This. Yes.

The Child | Fiona Barton
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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1. My computer is winking at me knowingly as I sit down at my desk.
2. 430
3. Investigation
4. Kate
5. Green
6. Thriller 🤔
7. First - Thursday Last - Talk
8. Green
9. FB
10. Nope
11. 2017
12. Shari Lapena
13. Nope
14. Nope

The Child | Fiona Barton

I‘m almost done with this book. It‘s really frustrating how the author switches narrator part way through a chapter. There are also a few things that make me feel like the research hasn‘t been very thorough. I‘d be interested to hear what any other readers feel about it

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The Child | Fiona Barton
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The Child | Fiona Barton
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Library card bookmark available in the shop.


BarbaraTheBibliophage Looks great!! 6y
RadicalReader @That-Bookish-Hiker love the bookmark 6y
catebutler This is so cute!! 6y
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The Child | Fiona Barton

Intriguing crime thriller right from the beginning. I can usually guess the twists with these genre books, however the twists in this book were unexpected and suspenseful with realistic and likeable characters. Overall enjoyable read.