Fantastic book I really enjoyed it. Funny, romantic, exciting moments, want to read another book like this.
Fantastic book I really enjoyed it. Funny, romantic, exciting moments, want to read another book like this.
And Everyday the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer‘ is a novella about the love one man has for his son, grandson, and wife. The man is slowly slipping into a state of memory loss. His greatest fear is that he will soon not remember any of his most beloved memories.
#bookcover #novella
“Falling in love is the easy part; making that love last amid life's varied challenges is an elusive dream for many.” ...
“Meeting you and falling in love with you was an experience I would relive a thousand times in a thousand different lives, if I was ever given that chance.”
#love #romance 💕💕💕
Chris Carter writes with passion and it comes through in his books,an author who never lets you down
Junk Mail is entertaining, funny, and sexy with lots of humor, heat, tension, romance,
#bookcover 💕 #ebook #romance #love #officelove
Darling Rose Gold is an intricate and disturbing story about a mother‘s obsession and her daughter‘s revenge.Great read 👍
What can I say, what a brilliant book, I could not put it down, I wanted to keep on reading. I love Houston for fighting for the love of his live. I really am looking forward for the next book.💖
This was a story that truly takes the reader on a rollercoaster of emotion, heart break, forgiveness and redemption.
Beautiful story 💖
Profound story of unconditional love and anguish with a touch of the mystical and mysterious. Deep, abiding friendship and loyalty are portrayed along with heartbreak. 💕💕💕
I know a some people have said that the beginning of this book was a little slow, and I‘ll admit that it wasn‘t a fast-paced thrill ride or anything, but personally, I really liked that part. Maybe it was because I knew something ‘exciting‘ was coming, but I liked how the story took its time to familiarize you with the characters. It was a quiet build up and honestly, I enjoyed its pacing.
This book… It will wreck havoc on your system. You get a front row seat to Camila and Aiden‘s fairy tale. Chapter by chapter the pieces start falling into place. Just when you think you figure something out, another twist sends you spiraling elsewhere… over and over until the puzzle is complete.
Beautiful book 💕💕💕💕💕
Can the love of a maid and a master overcome all obstacles?
#croatianauthor #InnaMoore #indie #love #history #romance #wattpad
The story is intriguing, and it‘s definitely racy at times, but even if I were willing to look past a love interest whose motto appears to be, “No doesn‘t really mean no, so I‘ll just make you do what I want,” it never gets quite to the point where you can‘t wait to see what happens next (and that‘s perhaps a good thing, because in a lot of cases with this book, you never actually find out).
The MacAllister siblings have to return to Camp Macaw, where they spent their summers as children, to read their parent‘s will and decide what to do with the camp after the parent‘s sudden deaths.
This was an excellent book. Very fast read for me and very hard to put down. I love books with short chapters that always seem to give you just a little bit more information to keep you wanting to read.💖💖💖
This novel is harrowing yet beautiful. It will squeeze the breath from you yet it will fill you with love. It will re-teach you just how fragile is Life. Each page is emotionally charged and Clare Mackintosh herself applauds the reader for finishing it, if indeed they get that far. It‘s a book bringing what truly matters into sharp focus, and prompting the belief that no matter your difficulties, you may still find joy in unexpected places.
This book is about the courage and inevitable loss of love – what it means to love a man, one‘s family, and one‘s country in spite of all their imperfections, or perhaps, because of them.
I enjoyed reading this book! 💖
#historicalromance #love #booklover #bookcover #croatiancover
“She might be a great person, but life's so much bigger than just loving someone.”
Helena is a teenager who just wanted to be like her peers but they considered her a “freak” and didn‘t accept her.
She is slowly becoming aware of her strange visions of the future appearing in her dreams, but only to the people who have hurt her.
The background of this book is the war in the former Yugoslavia. Social and national differences destroyed many friendships and relationships at the time.
“Art doesn't owe anything to anyone.
Songs are about how it felt, not the facts. Self-expression is about what it feels to live, no whether you had the right to claim any emotion at any time. Did I have a right to be mad at him? Did he do anything wrong? Who cares! Who cares? I hurt. So I wrote about it...”
This is the book of the moment, a cultural sensation and I love this book 💕
Seven days. Three families. One killer.
It was supposed to be the perfect holiday, dreamed up by Kate as the ideal way to turn 40: four best friends and their husbands and children in a luxurious villa under the blazing sunshine of Provence.
But there is trouble in paradise.
“Such a way the chariot of ‘The Bell Ringing Woman‘ guided me in the extreme stages of my life. She gave me a hidden Shrine to worship and dedicate my heart upon. She gave wide range of prophecy; it was the knowledge about the past, present and the future, as she took me in her chariot into an old world and from there to the new helpless society. I have seen a stirring star in life. “
Twenty year-old Brooklyn “Bee” Turner is no stranger to grief. After witnessing her mother‘s brutal murder at age six, Brooklyn is guarded, damaged, and – by all accounts – a bitch. When she stumbles, quite literally, into Finn Chambers – campus ladies‘ man and the lead singer of a local band —she‘s unprepared for his persistence in befriending her, and for the dangerous attraction she begins to feel for him.
#ebook#love#romance #fiction📚📚📚
A love that blossoms until it‘s riding on the edge of dangerous. A forbidden love that will change their worlds forever.
„Ljubav nije crno bijela, nijansirana je svim emocijama, posebno kad se spoji dvoje naizgled nespojivih."
Grayson Coleman has just moved home to Butler, Vermont after spending years working for a high-powered law firm in Boston. Emma Mulvaney is enjoying a break from her reality as a busy single mother in New York City while she and her adorable daughter, Simone, spend the holidays in Vermont with Emma's sister, Lucy, and Lucy's future in-laws, the Abbotts.
Love this book 📚
#ebook #romance
light Sunday reading 📖 🌞🌝
Na premijeri kazališne predstave Petar upozna Jelenu, zavodljivu glumicu.Oženjeni i zgodni beogradski psihijatar odlučuje da je zavede i istraži da li je zaljubljenost vrsta psihoze.
Tako se Jelenin život pretvara u psihološki eksperiment, a ona se ludo zaljubljuje vjerujući da je pronašla čoveka svog života. Jelenin dnevnik postaje kronika njihove ljubavi, a Petrova bilježnica hladna analiza jednog istraživanja.
“Dare to try, knowing that you will make mistakes. You will fall short again and again, because there is no effort without error. In the end, you will either know the triumph of high achievement, or if you fail, you will fail while daring greatly.”
Great#historical#fiction about Lydia #love#bookcover💜
“No one can be independent of other people completely, so why not give up the attempt, she thought, go running in the other direction, depend on people for everything, allow them to depend on you, why not.”
Normal People is a story of mutual fascination, friendship and love. It takes us from that first conversation to the years beyond, in the company of two people who try to stay apart but find they can`t.
You might want to keep lights on and doors locked while reading this one😱😱😱
...He says he hears a whispering at his window...
Do you ever check your partner's phone?
Should you?
Are you prepared for the consequences?
This was such a great story and I couldn't put it down.Easy to read, the characters were fun and flirty but had depth.Throw in some heartbreaking angst and it was a fab recipe for a very enjoyable novel.
one less from tbr list 📚💪
Melanie is a very special girl. Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant keeps his gun pointing at her while two of his people strap her into the wheelchair. She thinks they don‘t like her. She jokes that she won‘t bite, but they don‘t laugh. Melanie loves school. She loves learning about spelling and sums and the world outside the classroom and the children‘s cells.
Demián is a high-strung young man, curious about the world and himself, but has difficulty facing some of life‘s everyday problems concerning work, his love life, and relationships with friends and family.
Demián finds Jorge, an unconventional psychoanalyst who approaches Demián‘s dilemma in an unconventional way. Every day, Jorge tells Demián a story.
Let Me Tell You a Story is a tender and delicate book about the search for happiness.
Tucker and Camryn have both suffered loss moving along in life and end up living next door to each other. She is new in town...starting over and hope for the future. He came back and stayed for his own reasons. His life is his daughter and has no time for anyone else until Camryn. This is a story full of love, fixing hurts from the past and moving on to the future.
It started out like any other morning on the train.
Until I became mesmerized by the guy sitting across the aisle.
He was barking at someone on his phone like he ruled the world.
Two people, equally damaged.
Their life seems perfect, but behind it lies the secrets. They both pull the past behind them that make them what they are.
#croatianauthor#innamoore#indie#ebook 📚💗📚💞
Valentina always went out with troubled boys, who were in prison.
Valentina meets Peter, starts dating him and ignores the warnings from her dear friends.
She believed that love could change anyone, but obviously she was wrong because there was no hope for Peter.
This is a powerful and irresistible short story with a message for all women who think hanging out with a hooligan is so cool.
Paris, 1940. The Nazis have occupied the city—and the Ritz. The opulent old hotel, so loved by Parisians, is now full of swaggering officers, their minions and their mistresses.