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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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The story itself was excellent, engaging, and kept me turning pages to discover what would happen. The protagonist? Not so much. While the side characters are, for the most part, incredibly characterized and feel unique and alive, the protagonist could have been replaced by a cardboard standee throughout most of the book. He provides very little emotional weight until the end, and just isn't that interesting. The story saved this one. 4/5

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Clwojick Woop woop! 2y
bthegood love the picture -😱 2y
TheSpineView Excellent 2y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Finished my second book of the summer—excavating doesn‘t leave me much time to read! 😂 It‘s a Stephen King book so of course it‘s an entertaining read. Cell phones, zombies, and a road trip through a world that is irrevocably changed. Channeling the visceral need to reach a child with a commentary on our relationship with technology, King has crafted a story that will have you looking at your cell phone & your neighbors in a whole new light.

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Some afternoons you just want to spend a little time with Stephen King—even when you‘re in the middle of another really good book.

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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May reads! It was a good month!

Cell (Revised) | Stephen King
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There are some things I don‘t particularly care for in this book — for instance, why are there so few women among the good guys? But the story is good and fast moving. I think many people will probably hate the ending, but I like it. I noticed this time around that there are some similarities to The Stand, which was interesting. The temps were in the high 70s and low 80s, so it was a lovely day to walk. #audiowalk

suvata I loved the ending too 2y
KathyWheeler @suvata 👍🏼 2y
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Cell (Revised) | Stephen King
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I‘m reading Cell for #losersclub. It‘s one of the few Stephen King books that I haven‘t reread yet, so it‘s interesting to go back to it. I was lucky with my walk today. Just when I got back to my car, it started drizzling, but I got to get a picture of the rainbow first. #audiowalk

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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@Andrew65 I never posted my goals so@i@don‘t remember what I planned lol but I finished 3 books so I think I did ok!!

Cell (Revised) | Stephen King
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Hey y‘all, this week we started #Cell for the #losersclub and we will discuss it starting around June 18th! Feel free to tag me in your post so I can see which cover you have! Check out my posts to see mine, it‘s different from the one above! #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Hey #LosersClub 👋
May is here and we will be starting Cell on the 19th! In celebration of my constant (reading) companion, Ollie the beagle being released from the doggy hospital today, I've got a copy of Cell to giveaway. Post a picture of your reading companion(s) with the #constantreadingcompanion and be sure to tag me and @BarkingMadRun so we can see all your lovlies. Winner will be announced Sunday 5/8! 🖤📚🖤

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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I‘ve read this book probably a dozen times. It was one of the first King books I got my hands on in high school. It still holds up in a lot of ways. Some really scary stuff in here. Underrated, in my opinion.

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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The first 30 pages is some of the most demented, terrifying stuff King has ever written. I‘ve read this book countless times and it still packs a punch.

This is also one of my favorite covers.

allureofbeauty Going to have to move it further up my tbr. 2y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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While clearing out some shelves the other day I ran across this unread book. Back in 1991 I read my first book by this author, which I remember enjoying a lot. I have nothing against zombies or horror but, unlike the other book, this book I really couldn‘t “stand”. #DNF

Ruthiella My own experiences with King have been hit and miss. I would like to try his mysteries however, one of these days.🤔 3y
inlovewithmyshelf @Ruthiella You gave most of the Stephen King books you‘ve read 4* on goodreads. That‘s mostly a hit! 3y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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This was a reread. I love rediscovering why I‘m such a Stephen King fan! Although, to be honest, I felt like the ending of this one was somewhat of a cop out. 😒 Great story, though!

Reggie I kinda liked the ending. I thought it was hopeful. I remember reading this in the dorms of my college when everyone was away for a holiday weekend and it gave me the creeps in a major way. 3y
CindyMyLifeIsLit @Reggie I don‘t usually have a problem with ambiguous endings—they provoke some great discussions. The ones I‘ve encountered, though, usually end with a character facing a difficult choice and you don‘t know for sure what they‘re going to choose. In this case, though, the choice was made, and we‘re cheated of knowing the outcome. I guess it‘s hopeful because it could have worked. It also allows a cynic to be satisfied with a doomsday ending. 3y
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Cell (Revised) | Stephen King
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Enjoyed this one a lot.

The idea was original and King is definitely the best at writing creepy villains.

I got really attached to the characters and feel sad that I‘ll never know what happened to them 😣

TheNeverendingTBR KASHWAK = NO FO 🧟‍♀️ 3y
KathyWheeler I did not expect to like this book at all and was surprised that I really did. 3y
LostInSpace @KathyWheeler I really liked it in the end, I had a few wobbles at the start where I wasn‘t sure about it but it definately got better, I think the ending sucked though 3y
KathyWheeler @LostInSpace Yeah — I wasn‘t too happy with that ending either. 3y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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I know there's not that much horror fans on Litsy but I thought I'd continue with this anyway as a bunch of people who do like the genre played along and it was fun and I got a few stacks! 📚

Still new to doing such things, so my questions will improve over time 🤷‍♂️

So...ZOMBIE fans..play along!! 🧟‍♀️

#spookysaturday 🔪

MrT World War Z/ Dawn of The Dead(the remake/ Pet Sematary (not strictly a zom nov but I'm going with the back from the dead storyline) 4y
sarahlandis I‘ve read all of the walking dead and Warm Bodies... I didn‘t realize I was lacking zombie books in my life! 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @MrT Can't beat the original Dawn of the Dead, Romero was such a genius! 📽🧟‍♀️ 4y
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TheNeverendingTBR @sarahlandis Absolutely, there's so many great ones! I'll need to check out Warm Bodies because I've heard a few people talk about that one, saying it was good. I recommend 'Reapers' 💫 4y
sarahlandis Ah thanks!!! Added to my TBR 4y
NikkiM5 Cell was so good 4y
lucifare I just realized I have never read a zombie book, but World War Z is something I always wanted to read. 28 Days Later is probably my favorite movie but it‘s hard to pick because I love all horror movies! 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @NikkiM5 Agreed, it was just a very clever take on the genre 📲⚡🧟‍♀️ 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @lucifare I didn't like the style of writing in WWZ, but you can't go wrong with 28 Days Later; it's terrifying ☢ 4y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Currently watching #howl has anyone else seen it?

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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While this isn‘t his best book. It was a fun easy read that has a great concept in the plot. People have that cellphone stuck to their ear all day and just can‘t go through the day without it.

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Z is for zombies. I know it‘s already been used, but I‘m such a zombie fan girl that I can‘t pass it up. Cell is the only full length work of King‘s that has zombies (although the revived residents of Pet Sematary are considered zombies by some). Perhaps SK felt they were getting enough attention from other quarters? I haven‘t read Cell in years—time for a reread!

KathyWheeler This was a much better book than I expected it to be. 6y
GarthRanzz This was a good book. Didn‘t deserve the thrashing it got. I want to watch the movie version but I‘m way behind on my King movies. 6y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Still postin‘ attcha from 4G. When will I be live and direct from WiFi? The #suspense is killing me🤦‍♀️😁

A little humor and an update all in one😉


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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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JoeStalksBeck Oh good one! 7y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Here‘s my mom‘s Stephen King collection @TricksyTails that I was telling you about, that I brought down from her attic today while moving. She also had some Tabitha King too, plus of course Richard Bachman‘s books.

TricksyTails OH MY …you hit the freaking lottery!! That's amazing! What a score! Your mom had quite the collection! 😍😍😍😍😍📚📚📚📚 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Maybe by tomorrow, after I rest a bit, I‘ll try to put them in order. 😂 7y
TricksyTails I'm so envious! I see so many books I've been hunting down! This makes me unbelievably happy!! 😁📚♥️ 7y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TricksyTails Yea, if you‘re organizing a buddy read of his works it will be a long read! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TricksyTails Always Check www.thriftbooks.com they have great used books. That‘s where I got a lot of my Pratchett books. 7y
TricksyTails No kidding! As @sprainedbrain said, it's "ambitious"! We can do this! You're all set and ready! I just want to stare at these shelves. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TricksyTails Yes, she is a horror fan, always has been. And she loves King, she has all the movies too. 7y
TricksyTails I'm more on a "library budget" right now. Some day soon, though. ? 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TricksyTails Well the library should definitely have them. 7y
TricksyTails The movies too?! *swoon* I'm planning on doing the movies in order too. You are so lucky to have a mom with awesome taste! 😉 7y
TricksyTails My library is sad. They have some King but hardly any Pratchett. 7y
alisiakae 😍😍😍 7y
TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47 Look! Look! 😍😍😍 7y
Kaye Wow 👀 7y
sprainedbrain This is awesome! 😍 7y
sprainedbrain @TricksyTails I either have or can easily get all of the King books, plus I think I have all of discworld on my Kindle. So I am ready for this ambitious project whenever you are! 7y
TricksyTails @sprainedbrain Yay! It'll probably be late Jan/Feb but I will come up with a plan of attack soon. 7y
Booksnchill Wow! 7y
JenlovesJT47 Omg I'm jealous, that's an awesome collection! @TricksyTails it'll take me awhile to collect all of these but I'm determined to do it! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TricksyTails After just unloading these to photograph them for you my mom said, “we must have missed some, I‘m pretty sure I have a few more, maybe we need to go back up in the attic and look tomorrow.” I told her, wait until I put them in order and we‘ll see before we climb back up there and dig around again. (There can‘t possibly be any more, right?) 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JenlovesJT47 It was funny, I had just sat down and opened Litsy and I saw your post first and thought, wow must be kismet, I‘ve been looking at a lot of King today myself. I didn‘t see @TricksyTails post until after. 7y
JenlovesJT47 So cool, great minds think alike! 7y
vivastory Talk about a constant reader! 7y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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I'm watching Cell the movie and all it's doing is making me want to read Cell again because I thought the book was pretty damn interesting. This movie though is a mess. A hot garbage dumpster fire mess! Like what the hell is this type of mess! I mean what?!

vivastory That's such a shame, especially considering that John Cusack & Samuel L. Jackson were great in 1408 7y
TheNextBook @vivastory I am in shock at how horrible this movie is! I enjoyed this book but the movie is horrible! 7y
TheNextBook They just had all of the zombie people things make the most unnatural sound and then nothing! They formed a ball and walked away. Now they are walking in a straight line with hands on the person in fronts shoulder! 7y
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TheNextBook This is so lame and odd... I am so disappointed. 7y
vivastory Have you watched Gerald's Game? 7y
TheNextBook @vivastory Yes, I've only read it once but I actually enjoyed that movie as a movie. From what I remember the movie got some of the essentials and played up the psychotic. But the acting was superb. This movie is no ones best! 😂😫 7y
vivastory 😂 I'm sorry you're suffering through it, but your experience will be a cautionary tale! When I saw King a couple of weeks ago, he raved about the upcoming Netflix adaptation of 1922 7y
TheNextBook @vivastory I cant stop watching because it is a genuine train wreck! This makes me want to start adapting books into screenplays! 7y
MoniqueReads305 Now, I want to watch to see how bad it is. 7y
TheNextBook @MoniqueReads305 GARBAGE (pronounced real fancy)!!! Hot steaming garbage. I remember the book being so intense. This is just stupid. Really damn stupid. 7y
TheNextBook And wow! What they decided to do with the main character in the story is ridiculous! 😂😂😂 7y
TheNextBook Something really eerie (but stupid) happened! Nonsensical as hell but eerie. 7y
Bookzombie I didn't even know this had been released. I really enjoyed the book. (edited) 7y
TheNextBook @Bookzombie stay away from this movie unless! I enjoyed the book too and I have no idea whats going on! Like what in the flying hell is this! It's a mess! 7y
TheNextBook What in the hell just happened? He knew that wasn't his kid!!!! The stupidity!!!! Like why?! And how did he even know that he was there!? I got nothing! 7y
TheNextBook Okay now someone remind me @Bookzombie @MoniqueReads305 @vivastory Was there ever a moment when a guy driving an ice cream truck strapped a bomb around his neck and blew his head off?! Am I forgetting this part?! 7y
vivastory I haven't read the book yet 7y
TheNextBook @vivastory dammit! 😂😂😂 7y
TheNextBook I am so genuinely upset that this movie was such a travesty. Wow!!!! 7y
MoniqueReads305 @TheNextBook No, that wasn't in the book. I read it years ago but I would have remembered a scene where ice cream truck driver blow himself upm 7y
TheNextBook @MoniqueReads305 so it isnt just me not remembering that moment! The ending is completely different too which I am kind of upset by! Like there was no reason to change the ending. 7y
MoniqueReads305 @TheNextBook I'm not a huge fan of the ending but there was no need to change it. I'm going to try and watch it this weekend. I need to see this train wreck. 7y
LauraBrook This is one of the few King‘s that I‘ve read (I know), and I listened to the audiobook at my awful office job probably 12-13 years ago when cell phones were really starting to be a big thing. It creeped the hell out of me! Kind of want to watch this movie - is it streaming? (edited) 7y
TheNextBook @MoniqueReads305 tag me! I need to see what you think. Some moments were cringe worthy! 7y
TheNextBook @LauraBrook it should be ondemand for Showtime. Thats where I watched it. 7y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Visit www.leeconlosprofes.wordpress.com

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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This showed up on my twitter feed. 😂🤣🤣🤣

KCorter 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto I love this. ❤️ 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa That is hysterical! 👍👍👍👍👍 7y
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Sweettartlaura 😂😂😂 7y
Roselyn_Reads Omg this is hilarious. 7y
Nat_Reads 🤣🤣🤣 7y
RanaElizabeth I get such a thrill when authors have conversations with other auhors on Twitter, they are actually humans! 7y
booksandsympathy This is fantastic 7y
KaatjeH 😂🤣 7y
CrinolineDream In this current political climate authors have become my heroes. 😎 7y
haileybean I'm waiting for Libba Bray to get blocked. She says some lovely stuff towards Trump, too. (edited) 7y
Billypar He was probably blocked to prevent him from having material for his next horror novel. 7y
SoniaC Best part of the day was reading that 😂 7y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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I don't read Zombie novels. When I think of zombies only two things come to mind. The movie Night of the Living Dead, which I saw for the first time on late night television in about 1972. Then I had to go outside at 3 am to go home and was terrified to leave the house! The other thought was Cell by Stephen King. In it, cell phone users turned into zombies. Love how King uses everyday things to instill fear. #rockinmay #zombie

monkeygirlsmama I still haven't read this though I have had it in my TBR stack for YEARS. 🤦🏻‍♀️I thought the movie was dumb, but with the exception of Misery I've hated all his movies and loved all the books. 7y
CocoReads ThiS is the only King book I started and never finished. Overall, I don't do Zombies either. I may give it another go sometime 7y
Cinfhen Totally forgot about Night of the Living Dead! ☠️☠️☠️ 7y
minkyb That's what is so terrifying. He starts with real fears and then adds his imagination and then you are freaked out for the rest of your life. I love him. 7y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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I was in the hospital a lot as a kid, so my parents would read to me after my surgeries, and sooner or later I turned to books to help me escape. There's not a lot you can do while sitting in a hospital bed or a hotel room, so books let me travel the world and have all the adventures I wanted to when I was little (which is still true)! #jennasfinalproject @pocketmermaid

Reviewsbylola I'm sorry about your hospital stays but that's nice that it enabled you to become a dedicated reader! 7y
cleoh @Reviewsbylola thank you! My last extended stay was when I was 15 (I'm 21 now), and it means I can sit and read for hours, so there's a bright side 😊 7y
LeahBergen 💗💗 7y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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#stephenking17 #leastfavorite I read this when it first was published, around 2006. I remember thinking that it might have worked better as a short story.

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Once upon a time, I thought you could only like Stephen King OR Dean Koontz, but never both. So I was prejudiced going into Cell, and I #DNF that baby so fast. One day I might try again, since I know I can love both authors now, but it's low on my TBR of King's stuff #stephenking17

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Day 7 of #stephenking17

The only King book that I started but #dnf. I do believe pan to read it again some day.

CocoReads Same here. I dnf'd and gave it to goodwill. 8y
LauraBrook How funny, this is the only King book I've read! I really liked it, I listened to it at my awful desk job shortly after I got my first cell phone. Creepy! 8y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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The was my #firstbookread by Stephen King. I saw it on the sale table at a bookstore when I was about 16. I didn't own a cell phone at the time 😉 #StephenKing17

Gayan Another one that has a movie coming out soon. I was in a King slump when this came out and this pulled me right back in. 8y
Josie I read this one when it first came out and loved it!! I didn't know about the movie, yay! ❤️ 8y
Sweettartlaura I read this in a single night while visiting a friend - couldn't put it down/didn't want to have to borrow it & mail it back 😂 8y
Shawna @Josie @Gayan I just found it on Netflix! I know what I'm doing tonight 8y
Gayan Okay, I'm in. I have a grandkids here tonight but tomorrow for sure. 8y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King

Ho faticato un po' a leggerlo... storia per me un po' piatta

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Day 23 of #SeasonsReadings2016

Here are some #RedsAndGreens from my shelves... a mix of books I love and books I still need to read.

Today is my last day of work until January, and tonight is our first family Christmas party. I'm not sure which I'm more excited about. ❄️🎄

Foragingfantasy Inkheart. ❤️ 8y
Bookladylinda Enjoy!!! 8y
saresmoore You have great taste in books! Enjoy your day! 8y
minkyb Happy holidays! 8y
vivastory Nice! Hope you enjoy your day! 8y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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This gem is for @Nazgul93. Not so much the horror king with this novel!

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Waiting to watch the movie

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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We're trekking through this one finally...finding the pace incredibly slow, but I need to know the final answers!🙈

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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I smile every time I walk past here, remembering how well King described this corner as the beginning of the end. [Dun, dun, DUN!]

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Two new babies. ❤️❤️❤️

Cell: A Novel | Stephen King

Now I definitely need to get my hands on Cell by Stephen King, since the movie for it is coming out soon. Here's the movie trailer for those of you who are interested. Looks good! 👍🏽 https://youtu.be/q3xaxa6rq-k

Jamesmelvinmitchell I really enjoyed the book I'm sure you will. 8y
TheBookAddict Awesome! I'm sure I will. 🤓📚 8y
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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King
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Guilty pleasure thrill seeking read hungover

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Cell: A Novel | Stephen King

It's hard to resist the impulse to comment that he phoned this one in. I get the feeling his publishers were urging him to get back to "old style King" and this was the result. Not dreadful but poor by his standards

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