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Joined August 2016

We are 33 strong. Hardcore Litsy-ers from Australia to Scotland! 2020 or Bust!
Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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#LitsyGoesPostalOG has gotten Rotation 6 underway! Congrats on the world-wide book tours thus far, there are plenty of postcard-worthy images to cherish from the journey already. And the notebooks are filling up fast. Impressive.

Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Hello #LGP-ers in #LitsyGoesPostOG! We have now officially begun Round 5!!! We hope you've enjoyed the first 4 and this next one continues to be incredible!

LukkiAnn I have read only 4 books. Did I miss something???)))🤔 8y
PatriciaU @LukkiAnn I just got my 5th book a couple days ago. I think sending out our own book counted as the first "rotation" or "round" which would make it 6. 8y
Peddler410 Right, I've mailed five books to Erin, one of which was my book. It is confusing, but we should all have a fifth book now. 8y
Dogearedcopy If you scroll through the #litsygoespostalOG hashtags, you'll see that last month was "Round 4!" And this is the fifth book we've received, so this round should be *5* @litsygoespostal 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @Dogearedcopy @Peddler410 @PatriciaU @LukkiAnn Thank you for the clarification, and sorry for the confusion. It was a rushed posting, our bad. 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Per @MrBook .... We at #LitsyGoesPostal can't wait to see who will join #LitsyGoesPostalOG!

Soubhiville @wanderful.books @Bookladylinda here's your chance! 8y
clutteredbooks I don't live in the US 🙈😭 8y
PomegranateMuse Oh so sad I missed this! I'd love to join the next go around! 7y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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To all Littens far and wide, #LitsyGoesPostal is pleased to announce another new edition into our ranks! Another one has been organized by the superb @Soubhiville , this one called #RestingBookFace! Congratulations to the participants, and may you have many great rotations ahead! 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Soubhiville @Bookladylinda watching @litsygoespostal is a good way to see new groups forming. 8y
elkeOriginal All hail, @Soubhiville! Thanks for organizing us! 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Litsyans all, #LitsyGoesPostal has a brand-new edition! Please give a warm welcome to: #QueerGoesPostal, or #QGP! Perhaps we should call this the "1st LGBTQ Edition" as others may very well form in the future. This edition has been organized under the able direction of organizer @Bibliogeekery . The book moniker for this edition is "Something Queer At the Library", for anyone wishing to keep tabs. Welcome to the family, new #LGP-ers!

TheLondonBookworm Sounds epic to me!!!! 8y
BookBabe Awesome! 🙌🏻 8y
Bibliogeekery Thanks for the shout-out! So excited for this! 📚🏳️‍🌈🎉 8y
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saguarosally Can't wait! 8y
Betty How funny! I was thinking about the Something Queer books when I got my listing yesterday. Great minds, @Bibliogeekery (edited) 8y
Bibliogeekery @wanderful.books this first two groups have already begun. I'll add you to a list for folks who are interested and see if we can create a third group! 8y
faelinwolf @Bibliogeekery I just found this & am sad I missed it! Can I get on the list for the next round? This is so cool! 8y
Bibliogeekery @faelinwolf sure thing! I'll add you to the list! ☺️ 8y
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Ummm.....okay....I "won't feed the" seagull's whatever. But....you have to tell me what it is I can't feed ?!!! And which seagull are you referring to in relation to me not being "not being allowed to feed" it's whatever ?? At least have the decency of completing the sentence first! ?

ErinC I'm alternating between 😂 at your commentary and 😡 at the stupidity of people! 8y
ApoptyGina69 When I see things like this (all too often), I remember it's at least 2 people-the submitter, and the printer. Probably even more: an approval committee, etc. Tattoos, menus, signage... 8y
Robothugs Oh this is just the best 😂 8y
Thenovellife 😂😂😂 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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#LitsyGoesPostal is excited to announce two new editions, organized by the incredible @Soubhiville ! They are aptly titled #CoverToCover and #GameOfTomes. Welcome aboard the #LGP train, Littens! Here's to great future reads and connections 👍🏻!

pppooraikul That's amazing! 🎉👏👏 8y
BookBabe 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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From us to you, may your 2017 be filled with joy and fulfilled wishes! May the books continue to flow and the travels continue to transcend time and place. We look forward to the new memories made. #HappyNewYear!

Peddler410 🎩🎉Happy New Year 🎉🎩 8y
Donna_sBookMinute Happy New Year 🎆⏳🎉🗓 8y
BookBabe 🎉❤🎉 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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And here is the second group currently in formation! This will be the a #specialedition, and the first #LGBTQ one. Slots are still open, so if you want to join then be sure to inquire soon. A great way to start the new year is by joining a passionate group with similar interests. #queerbooks #transbooks #LitsyGoesPostal

Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Don't forget there are two new editions currently forming! Get a slot while they're still available. Joining one would be a great way to ring in the New Year. Here is the first one for your consideration... #owlpost #LitsyGoesPostal

BrainyHeroine How do you join? 8y
Soubhiville @BrainyHeroine send me an email: magicbelly@gmail.com. You've made it in just in time- last assignments go out tomorrow! 8y
BrainyHeroine Sent! 8y
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Faibka I've sent an email as well! 8y
tpixie @Soubhiville thanks for organizing these. I'm loving #covertocover! ( I'm scrolling thru all the #litstygoespostal posts!) 7y
Soubhiville @tpixie it makes me so happy to follow all of your reading adventures! I love my owl post group too, whoever first came up with the idea is a genius! (Was it @MrBook ?) 7y
tpixie @Soubhiville genius! Yes! 📚📫📚 7y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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#LitsyGoesPostalOG, you have begun Rotation #4! All the best to you on your continued interactive reading adventures! As we enter 2017, we can look back on the formation of an incredible group of bibliophiles that have inspired others to follow similar journeys. Congratulations on a very successful 2016!

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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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#LGP-ers! Time to ship out those packages for their Saturday dead-line 😊👍🏻! Mail delivery seems to be running at the same speed as usual despite the extra holiday burden. What a swell holiday treat, to open your #4thRotation package by Christmas Day! We hope you've enjoyed your first 3 rotations. We are an incredible group of talent and ability! FYI: the #1stEdition's new hashtag is #LitsyGoesPostalOG. Happy reading! #LitsyGoesPostal

PatriciaU Mailed mine today. 8y
KimM Mailed mine yesterday! 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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From @MrBook : "Yay! Shout-out to @bookriot for this great article. Well, every article on #BookRiot is great, but you know what I mean. #LitsyGoesPostal made the list of @Litsy biblio-fun! As did @BookishFeminist 's awesome bookclub and @BookishMarginalia 's magnificent Santa swap operation! ??????? Litsy is the best! I feel bad for all of the bibliophiles still lost out in the ether wandering the proverbial desert alone ?."

Robothugs How awesome!!! 😄 Yay for Litsy, its mentions, & the special shout outs! 8y
BookishMarginalia Yey! Thanks to @bookriot --and @mrbook -- for the mention of our #SecretSantaGoesPostal / #WinterSolsticeBookExchange 😍😍😍 Such great company in that list! And thanks to the 234 Littens who are participating in our inaugural effort! You rock! (edited) 8y
sprainedbrain Wandering the proverbial desert. 😂 8y
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readinginthedark It's our job to find them and help them see the water! 😊 8y
Theresa 👏👏👏👏👏 8y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 do you've the link for the article 8y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot Awesome article!! In love with this community. Thank you Todd and Matt for founding Litsy :) thanks @LitsyGoesPostal for the link 8y
tpixie Yay!!! Love Litsy!!! 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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A reminder that if you'd like to get your kids involved in a Postal Book Club, @Robothugs --organizer of the @LitMail edition--has notified us that slots are still available! Did you have any pen pals when you were a kid? Now's your chance to let yours have a whole bunch of them, talking about books and other fun stuff ☺️👍🏻! Feel free to reach out to RobotHugs or @LitsyGoesPostalJuniorEdition !!! #LitsyGoesPostal

Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Ladies and gentlemen of the #LitsyUniverse and #LitsyGoesPostal family! We are proud to introduce to you the latest edition of Litsy Goes Postal: @24HourReadingRoom !!! Organized by the extraordinary @andreadmw & @GirlMeetsBook !!! This edition spans the globe with members in 6 countries on 3 continents! Congrats to the latest edition as they begin receiving their First Rotation packages! Welcome aboard, we're overjoyed to have you among us 😊!

Blair_Reads Yay!! 8y
BookBabe Yay! Welcome, congrats, have fun!😄👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Hello, hello, hello again, #LitsyUniverse! #LitsyGoesPostal has exciting news to share with you! 1. We have a new "edition" that has gotten underway! Over two dozen Litsyans have shipped out their First Rotation for @LitMail ! Follow their account for updates. 2. There's a new "special edition" forming! This one is for the kiddos: @LitsyGoesPostalJuniorEdition ! Now's the sign-up time. Contact info available on the profile. ???

BookBabe 🙌🏻📚 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Here it is, #LitsyGoesPostal #1stEdition Littens!!! Rotation #3 is officially underway! All of your posts have been amazing, and we look forward to see many, many more over the next days. Our books have already gone across the globe, and this is only the third stop of many more to come. So exciting! 😎👍🏻

Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Hello #LitsyFamily! Time for a special announcement: two new editions of Litsy Goes Postal are currently accepting new prospective members! If you wish to join one, feel free to contact @MrBook at his email, jasonvigorito at gmail. If you are an international Litsyan, meaning outside the US, only a couple more slots are available to you. This is first come-first serve. When all slots are full, another edition may begin organizing.

Lizpixie Email sent 8y
BookBabe 😁👍🏻 8y
maximoffs Is this a new one or just replacing people who dropped? 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @steverogers It was two new ones actually 😊. Both are filled though. Stay tuned for any others that may be forming soon 👍🏻. 8y
tpixie Ok!!!! 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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To all of our Litsy Goes Postal 1st Edition members, we have arrived at the halfway mark through our 2nd Rotation! This just gets better and better, doesn't it? And we've got some new editions getting ready to compile, to boot! Stay tuned, biblio-pioneers!

BookBabe 👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Our 2nd Rotation officially got underway on Saturday, October 1!!! Most all of you LGP-ers have received your second packages. If you don't by Wednesday, let @MrBook know. Love seeing all of your #LitsyGoesPostal posts! Keep up the great reads and writings!!!

BookBabe 😁👏🏻👏🏻 8y
Robothugs Let me know when I can get on the list & how! Not sure if someone responded to me before. 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @Robothugs Feel free to contact @MrBook for more info 😊👍🏻. 8y
Robothugs Thanks! 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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In the word's of the "Alice In Wonderland" Walrus, "The time has come!" Our first rotation draws to a close! If you haven't already #LGP-er's--and some of you have already received your 2nd Rotation packages--now is the time to mail them out to ensure packages arrive on the prescribed date of October 1. No later than Wednesday should they be leaving your local mail service shipping center. Our group runs smoothly thanks to you!

Jenni_Capps Yay yay yay!!!!! 🎉🎉 8y
LauraJ I've really enjoyed seeing all the reveal posts. 8y
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Chelsey Thanks for this brilliant idea! I just texted all my friends and now we have enough to do our own postal book club. We start on October 15th and I couldn't be more excited!! 8y
Chelsey Also, how do you engineer it to include more than 6 people? Or do you just keep it going longer than a year when you have more? 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @Chelsey That's fantastic!!! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻! It'll just be a longer time before everyone gets their original packages back. In our case, it'll be on June of 2020 😆😁! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @LauraJ Thank you! Have you joined one? There are some being formed through Litsy. 8y
LauraJ @LitsyGoesPostal I haven't run across any yet. 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @LauraJ I believe @theshrinkette may still be forming one 😊👍🏻. 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Another PBC is in the works! If you're interested in joining one, reach out to @theshrinkette , who is currently accepting responses. The #LitsyGoesPostal family continues to grow. We'll have to see which #LGPEdition this one will be, as @ramyasbookshelf and @BookishFeminist have been steadily creating editions themselves.

Owlizabeth @tracyramone another postal book club is starting up!! 8y
pppooraikul @TeR Here it is! :) 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Congratulations to @pppooraikul and @Varshitha for taking the co-organizing reins for a brand-new #LitsyGoesPostal group: the "1st International Edition"! Special shout-out goes to @ramyasbookshelf and @BookishFeminist for putting the group together! We at #LGP are looking forward to seeing subsequent editions start: "2nd Ed.", "3rd Ed.", etc. If you'd like to start one yourself, feel free to contact @MrBook at jasonvigorito at gmail. Congrats!

pppooraikul ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
Varshitha Thanks to @MrBook @ramyasbookshelf and @BookishFeminist for making this happen and guiding us through❤️❤️ 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett

Congratulations to @pppooraikul and @Varshitha for taking the co-organizing reins for a brand-new #LitsyGoesPostal group: the "1st International Edition"! Special shout-out goes to @ramyasbookshelf and @BookishFeminist for putting the group together! We at #LGP are looking forward to seeing subsequent editions start: "2nd Ed.", "3rd Ed.", etc. If you'd like to start one yourself, feel free to contact @MrBook at jasonvigorito at gmail. Congrats!

Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Two weeks to go left in our first rotation before the suggested mailing time for the beginning of #LitsyGoesPostal's second rotation date on October 1!!! So far, smooth sailing and enjoyable reads, making our operation a true success. Some packages have already gone out, and can't wait to see all the #LGP #bookmail postings!

Yournewfriendsams @LibrarianJen yours is otw ☺️ 8y
LibrarianJen Yay! Yours is...well you'll see 😉 8y
Robothugs I'd really love to be apart of this when a spot opens up - is there a waiting list or a way to be informed when one does? 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @Robothugs Sorry for the late response, our apologies. There are some new postal book clubs forming right now if you'd like to join one. @theshrinkette has begun forming one of you want to reach out to her! 8y
Robothugs I'd love to join! 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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2 weeks down & 4 weeks to go until we mail our packages for the 2nd rotation! Word on the street is that the #LitsyGoesPostal gang is having a grand time of things reading, taking notes, & taking pictures of books received in special landmark locations! Our logo is still in development, & the unveiling isn't far. And we want to send a shout-out to the other postal book clubs currently forming thanks to @Litsy @ramyasbookshelf & @BookishFeminist !

tpixie Man I've got to keep checking for your 3rd round!! 8y
Lizpixie I'm getting antsy waiting for my go!🙃 8y
Yournewfriendsams @misswendyd here are the people you can contact!! 8y
Faibka How can I participate on The next round?? 8y
LitsyGoesPostal Hi @Faibka ! Our next round won't begin until mid-2020 lol! However, there are some others forming. If you'd like to start your own, feel free to contact @MrBook at jasonvigorito at gmail. 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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The first packages should be arriving in our members' mailboxes!!! The first stop on an epic journey. Let the @Litsy Universe know you've gotten your first transient treasure troves! 😆

TheLondonBookworm Jealous! Hoping the international stuff gets worked out soon 😊😊😊 8y
Whatannareads So do I @TheLondonBookworm! Or we could team up and do uk one?! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal If you two team up, #LitsyGoesPostal would be happy to help you set one up. Feel free to reach out to @MrBook at jasonvigorito at gmail. 8y
TheLondonBookworm I'm up for that! :) 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Book Riot makes great boxes, don't they? And I hear there's over two-dozen packages of book mail on their way to places everywhere! By plane, by train, in the mountains, on the oceans. The most anticipated day has arrived! The official day for sending our packages is upon us, and they're already on their merry ways! Looking forward to seeing the first arrivals at their first destinations!!! Is it just me, or is the anticipation to die for?

LitHousewife I am so glad I'm on a staycation this week. I'm going to be watching the mailbox every minute until my package arrives. I'm just as excited to hear about the package I sent. 😀 8y
BookBabe 😁👏🏻📬📦📚 8y
LitsyGoesPostal "Going Postal" will be enduring a lot of searches for quite awhile @LitHousewife ???. 8y
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MeganAnn @LitHousewife me too!! This anticipation of waiting to get my package and waiting to hear about the one I sent is going to kill me! 📦📚😁 8y
LitHousewife @MeganAnn At least we have 32 other people in it together with us. 🎉📦🎉 8y
LitHousewife @LitsyGoesPostal We just might give that book new life. 8y
Cupofjo I can't tell you the last time I was this excited for a Monday!! 8y
MeganAnn @LitHousewife so true! 🎉 8y
Sue The anticipation is delightful! 8y
Wendirella So sad I'm not a part of this 😭 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @Wendirella 😕 Unfortunately, the nature of this type of club limits membership numbers 😔. There is one currently forming! @ramyasbookshelf & @BookishFeminist may still have some slots available if you want to inquire. And, please, feel free to follow along with us as the months and years goes by. Just because you aren't a direct member doesn't mean you can't still participate 😊. 8y
BethM @BookishFeminist what does this involve and how do I get in on it? 8y
BookishFeminist @BethM shoot me an email at s.flourance@gmail - I'm not sure if we have the space for more folks at the moment as I'd need to run it by the other cohost, but I can keep you posted that way 👍🏼 8y
audiothing So odd reading about something when I have no clue of what it's all about. 🤔 8y
Cathleennh Let me know if there room to join in the book mail program too! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @audiothing @Cathleennh Lol, a postal bookclub is like a chain in which every person selects a book & notebook and then mails the package on to the next link, & then everyone's package eventually comes back to them with all kinds of notes & mementos & the book well-read 😊. Hope that makes sense. Our particular group is full up, but there are others forming, unless you'd like to (co)organize one yourself. Message jasonvigorito at gmail. 8y
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Tomorrow--August 6--is the official day book packages get mailed out! A 3.5 year journey is ahead of them, across sea and shining sea. Are you ready for this? 😎

sprainedbrain Yes, I am. 🙋🏻 8y
Bookworm83 Absolutely! 8y
Sue Totally!!! Much squeeing is happening over this side of the Pacific :) 8y
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HollyB3 Can someone explain to me Listy goes postal? I'm still a little confused on how it all works. 8y
Lola @sprainedbrain Good thing because your first book is on its way! 😎 8y
LitsyGoesPostal Hi @HollyB3 ! Excellent question. "Litsy Goes Postal" is the name of our group, which is a postal book club (PBC). In structure it is a linked circular chain: everyone sends a package to the same person, and everyone received a package from another same person. Each participant puts together a package consisting of a book they loved and notebook for thoughts/reviews/ideas/reflections/etc. It passes through everyone hands, eventually back to... 8y
LitsyGoesPostal ...the original sender. A designated amount of time is determined for each participant to keep the package--reading the book, making notes, adding mementos--before re-packaging it and mailing it on to the next person. @HollyB3 if you're interested, @ramyasbookshelf & @BookishFeminist, I believe, are still currently accepting solicitations to join a PBC they are forming. Hope this explanation was helpful! 😊 8y
HollyB3 It was! Thank you! @LitsyGoesPostal 8y
Yournewfriendsams First thing that popped into my mind as I read this, was Destiny's Child singing, "I don't think you're ready for this jelly, I don't think you're ready for this jelly..." ??? 8y
LitHousewife I am so ready! I'm on staycation next week, so I'll be stalking my mailbox. 🤓 8y
MeganAnn @LitHousewife I will be too!! 8y
KimM Dropping off my package this morning. This will definitely make next week an automatic "good week". 8y
Nking5025 So mad I missed this!!! 8y
Blair_Reads Ready! And @Yournewfriendsams "my body too bootylicious" ?? 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @KimM 😁👍🏻 I agree! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal @Nking5025 We're sad you missed it too 😕. Are you interested in joining one? 8y
Nking5025 @LitsyGoesPostal Yes if that is a possibility I would love too!! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal Great! Reach out to @ramyasbookshelf & @BookishFeminist as they may still be organizing. 8y
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Dark Matter | Blake Crouch
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What are you reading before your next piece of bookmail arrives?

Blair_Reads I'm currently reading Bone Clocks, Perfect Days, and A Little Life 😊 8y
sprainedbrain I'm reading Shrill, Anne of Green Gables, Long Gone, and River of Ink (2 of those are serials, so it's not as crazy as it seems). Also, listening to The Narrow Road to the Deep North on audio when I'm working out or driving. 😜 8y
marixa The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Eligible is next. 8y
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Sue So much stuff!! Netgalley is like crack and I can't give it up. Knocked over Nevernight yesterday (amazing!!) Reading Spaceport West, and have Spinster on Overdrive . 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings No One Knows, Trust No One, Mortal Fall, and In A Dark, Dark Wood. 😊📚 8y
Annl I am reading Mycroft Holmes by Kareem Abdul-jabber 8y
[DELETED] 3323341091 i am reading maps (i am in the middle of flipping nowhere, yet i have cell service) and nearing the end of 8y
Twocougs I'm reading HotMilk and then on to Dark Matter. So excited to kiss and mail my book and notebooks away until 2020🤗 8y
BooksForEmpathy I am reading Listen to Me (so tense and great) and Milk & Honey (stunning)!!! Cannot wait for this weekend!! 8y
Ashley31 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for me 8y
PatriciaU To theBright Edge of the World, then HP and the CursedChild 8y
MeganAnn Just received HP and the Cursed Child so I'm going to dive in! 8y
callunakeep Beside Myself and The Rook...unusually read three at a time, but I am holding a space for the upcoming book mail!! 😊 8y
Dogearedcopy 'It Can't Happen Here' (by Sinclair Lewis) - The narrative doesn't flow lyrically; but the messages are loud and clear! 8y
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Dark Matter | Blake Crouch

What are you reading before your next piece of bookmark comes?

Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Hello, Litsy Universe! This is the official debut of the "Litsy Goes Postal Book Club"! A big thank you to @Litsy for making this incredible group possible. Stay tuned for loads of bookish adventures to come! We're full up, but we'd love for you to follow along, and if you'd like to start your own, contact @MrBook via email at JasonVigorito at gmail for friendly advice!

Blair_Reads Yay!!!! 2020 or bust! This is so awesome! 8y
Sue Woot!! 8y
Peddler410 Yay! Can't wait for my first book! Getting everything set to send off asap. 8y
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BooksTeasAndBookishThings 👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🎉🎉🎉 8y
Bookworm83 Yay!!!!! Prepping my notebook as we speak. 8y
Jenni_Capps I almost fell out my chair when I saw @LitsyGoesPostal!!! Woohoo!!! 8y
callunakeep Woohoo!!! Prepping has begun and I will be ready to go postal on Saturday!! 8y
DiruVamp YAY!! I am almost ready for shipping on Saturday and cannot wait to begin this amazing adventure with a fantastic group of people! 8y
Lacythebookworm Yippee! 8y
Eyelit Huzzah! 8y
BookBabe Yay! This is gonna be awesome! 8y
MeganAnn @Jenni_Capps I did the same thing!! Working on my notebook and packaging ideas now. Yippee!!!! 🎉 8y
sprainedbrain We are official!! 😃 8y
Owlizabeth 💃🏻Yay yay yay yay yay!!! 8y
LibrarianJen Woohoo!!!! 8y
LitHousewife This is fantastic! I'm so excited that we have an official home on Litsy. 8y
BooksForEmpathy Yay!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️. 8y
LitsyGoesPostal Always feel free to drop our handle into your posts and comments! 😎👍🏻 8y
Twocougs This is the coolest picture! So excited to start! 8y
TeR This sounds like so much fun! 8y
tpixie Snap missed this! 8y
BethFishReads Crap I wonder how o missed this. Hope a spot opens up soon. If love to join this particular group 8y
BethFishReads See I was so sad my comment was full of typos 8y
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