What a badass!
What a badass!
Now I'm in a book slump after reading this entire series in the last 2 weeks. Now I have to wait for the next book, which is my least favorite thing to do.
@LouBeth what a wonderful Halloween box I got to open this morning. I love all the gifts and books! I especially love that mug!!
@4thhouseontheleft #screamathon #screamathonswap
@LouBeth I got the Screamathon package! It was such a nice thing to come home to after traveling all week! Yours is going out tomorrow.
@4thhouseontheleft #screamathon
This gave a good insight into a population we rarely think about. It was also a nice short read.
1. I know it's a classic but it's soooooo much longer than it needs to be! And a whole chapter about a turtle crossing the road!? Come on!
2. This is a tough one, but I'll go with Parks and Rec.
3. Lucky Charms and scrambled eggs with pepper Jack cheese.
4. Central
5. Blue Crawdads 🤣
I didn't think I'd like this one that much (I'm usually not about "self-help" books), but so far, so good.
1. Candy corn, Baby Ruth, or Milk Duds
2. Both!
3. Books and mugs
4. Sanderson Sisters
I feel like I need a relationship map everytime I start a new Liane Moriarty book. Anyone else?
Thanks so much for the wonderful box @Bookwormjillk ! It looks like we had the same idea with the stroopwafels. 😂 Thanks for organizing this fun #sits #staycationintimeswap @Chrissyreadit
My #staycationintime #sits package came today @bookwormjillk @Chrissyreadit! Your package will be going out in the next couple of days, Jill!
I guess that's any relationship. You start with nothing and maybe end with everything.
I did it!!
"Well, I would do anything it took to protect Beau from pain. Anything."
I'm not a parent but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works when your child commits a crime...
This was a delightfully good book! I am always in awe of all that Hamilton accomplished in his short life, but I loved reading about Eliza's part in that history even more. I cannot recommend this book enough.
"Our slaves must've wondered at men like my father, ready to die for his own freedom, while holding others in bondage."
I don't get the hype around this book. I couldn't get into it at all.
Woah, this book was amazing! I had my reservations because it was such a highly regarded book and those always make me nervous, but it lived up to the hype and then some!
What an emotional roller coaster ride! I definitely recommend this one!
What wonderful gifts from my #hometownswap! It was great to open these this morning before my work trip to Nashville. Thanks so so much @GoodForCirculation
@MicrobeMom @readinginthedark
I just got home from class and look what has arrived! My #hometownswap! @MicrobeMom @readinginthedark
@GoodForCirculation did you receive your package? It says delivered but the address on the tracking doesn't match what's on my receipt from the post office so now I'm worried.
I mean, there are quite a few of these, but when Sirius dies in OOTP I lose it!!! I do love a book that can make me cry, but usually I prefer a happy cry.
I love Maeve Binchy so so much! I need to find this movie so I can watch it. The writing and characters just drag you in with a unique way. As the review from the Washington Post wisely states, "Reading one of Maes Binchy's books is like coming home"
My #hometownswap is ready to send out tomorrow! I'm so excited and thanks so much for putting this together @readinginthedark and @MicrobeMom
Well that's a wrap, folks! I made it 14 1/2 hours, which is further than I was able to make it on my first readathon! 3rd time's a charm, so hopefully in January I can make the full 24 hours!
Finished A Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue at 514 pages and got through 302 pages of Circle of Friends. All around, not a bad weekend of reading!
Some of my oldest children's books I own are my Harry Potter collection. We used the library a lot of my childhood, so these were one of the first books that were mine. As you can see, the first few books are extremely well worn. #24in48 @24in48 #hour36 #childhoodreadschallenge
My nightstand is a mess. I actually just cleaned a bunch of books off it to make room for my #24in48 readathon stack. #hour18 #bookstandchallenge @24in48
I'm so ready for this #24in48 readathon! I'm skeptical about whether I'll be able to go for the full 24 hours, but I'm going to get some serious reading in this weekend regardless!
I've been reading this delightful series of books in the Chloe Ellefson Mystery collection. They were recommended to me by a coworker and gives a great glimpse into some interesting mysteries and some Wisconsin history. I recommend these as easy reads that still keep you captivated throughout.
Another amazing Backman book. I love these characters so much and I hope he continues the story!
I usually can't do audiobooks because I get too distracted, but this one is read by Lin-Manuel and so far, so good! I'm loving it so far!
This sequel was just as good as the original! I really love these characters and can't wait to see what she comes out with next.
This was a decent thriller. I liked the way they incorporated tweets and Reddit threads throughout the book. The ending was fairly predictable, but this was a pretty fast read, so it made up for it.
I freaking loved this book so much! I loved Simon and his friends. This book made me feel like I was back in high school, but in the best way. I totally would have been friends with Simon.
Really, though, there are only two kinds of weather: hoodie weather and weather where you wear a hoodie anyway.
The beginning of this book started really slow, but the last half made the book. I almost gave up on this one, but I'm glad I didn't. I loved the way this book ended.
I'm sure you all are sick of me talking about my love for Fredrik Backman, but this one didn't fail to amaze me as well as all the others. This might be my favorite of his so far, although it's hard to pick just one. Can't wait for the next book to come in June!
It's here! I can't wait to start reading!
Every time I think I can't love Fredrik Backman anymore, I read another book and fall in love all over again. What a brilliant storyteller!
My next #ravenmail book has arrived. This one has been on my list for forever so I'm pretty stoked about it! These stickers are also amazing!
@BooksForEmpathy @Little_Reader
Fredrik Backman has the most beautiful way of writing his characters. I cried in the best way throughout this book. This is one that you immediately want to start reading again!
Everyone needs to read this book immediately. This is something I didn't even realize was missing from my life until now. Such a great story that is wonderfully told!
I loved this book and can't wait for My Dear Hamilton! This was an interesting glimpse into our history from a very refreshing perspective.
Veronica Roth has really grown as an author since the Divergent series. I can't wait to read the next one in this series.
Interesting perspective of a person you think you already know from the headlines. Gives you some insight into the mind of a very troubled person before he became a killer.