Found this gem on a trip to San Fran in 2015 and have been loving it ever since. 😂🙌🏻
Found this gem on a trip to San Fran in 2015 and have been loving it ever since. 😂🙌🏻
An enthralling take on the myth—or, part of the Odyssey from the perspective of Circe w/ an extended intro & long epilogue 😂 however you look at it, Miller knows how to reel you in. I haven‘t obsessively read mythology since roughly 5th grade. When I heard about this book I had to read Song of Achilles first. After Achilles, I dove right in & enjoyed every minute. I wish more mythology tales of this breadth and dimension were available.
Dove in to a few old classics over the summer! Haven‘t read this one since grade school...
Another story told where the writer unveils the beauty in the mundane, a lovely retelling of an old tale. Even the most frigid of frosts eventually thaw.
Have you ever wondered how the world of computer science and programming was related to the manufacturing of complex textile patterns such as brocade, damask and matelassé? Probably not. If it weren‘t for this woman and her ability to apply existing technology to her visions of the future, computers...no, the world at large would not be what it is today. A great read full of “ah-ha!” moments.
I'm sitting here in Pages typing a physics essay in which I use Nathaniel York as my hypothetical astronaut, then this pops up as one of the random author quotes on the APA reference website I open to create my citations page. Serendipity or Big Brother? lol I guess we'll know if an Orwell quote pops up next 😂
Yes I'm binging on Oliver Sacks. So sue me. ? I will definitely be looking for the recordings for the interviews I've not yet heard. I'd love to get the "full experirnce," though if you've ever heard Sacks interview, then you'll hear his wise, enchanting warble echoing from the pages. ?"But there's something to be said for late blooming, because late blooming may be part of a continued bloom."?
"The peacock is a tasty creature with a giant target sprouting out of its bum, but it's also a sexy creature with a giant target sprouting out of its bum. "
Let it be known that I love the #snark ??❤️ Also, let it be known the illustrations in this book are hilarious, but also quite good! #sexycreature #tastycreature #mattsimon #bumtarget
If you think it simple, even ordinary, as it is merely a collection of stories, small snippets of people's lives shared, you'd be correct. But, if you were to say it was thought provoking, touching, even extraordinary, you'd also be correct. For, what is more extraordinary than life? Perhaps only our ability to share those experiences. #insomniaccity #billhayes
Some of my friends call me "but girl" (and not just on account of my gigantic derrière). I'd like to think I'm in good company... #butgirl #oliversacks #insomniaccity
Awesome talk with #cheechmarin tonight! Thanks #changinghands and #mesaartscenter #signedanddelivered #chicano #comedy
Med books! ❤️ lots of love to @Dolly for the lovely surprise all the way from gorgeous Massachusetts!thank you to @BookishMarginalia for hosting! #litsygoespostal #cupidgoespostal
Why yes...I am one of those people who stayed up and opened their #cupidgoespostal #litsygoespostal packages in the wee hours of the morn! ❤️ lots of love to @Dolly for the lovely surprise all the way from gorgeous Massachusetts! I hear you've gotten your fair share of snow, so I'll try to send some sunshine your way! 🌞 thank you to @BookishMarginalia for hosting!
Hilarious bookmark I picked up at my local indie bookstore #changinghands #mobywhat? #arizona any other Arizonans out there addicted to this store?? 📚📚📚
This is a great book for fans of the author Leonard Shlain and those interested in women's studies and anthropology.
Excellent for vegetarians and meat lovers alike! Please any diet-eclectic household with this fantastic cookbook. The pictures are lush, the cultural tid-bits add warmth, and the recipes are impeccable.
While it is the short film that is the award winner, this book is most definitely deserving of a medal itself, not only for the stunning illustrations, but also for the beautiful allegory behind William Joyce's words. This tale is a pleasure both for children and any adult who has the opportunity to share the joy of reading it with their kiddos.
Every little girl needs this silly, yet empowering fairytale in her library. I absolutely ADORE this book and specifically sought it out after randomly recalling bits of the story being told to me when I was a youngster. The story's motifs are wise tidbits all girls (and boys) should be privy to.
This book is an absolute necessity for both novice and expert. The text is clear and concise while the serial illustrations are exceptionally helpul in making more accurate identificaions.
Before this children's book arrived in the mail I don't think I had physically seen a copy since I was in primary school. I'm glad I rediscovered this classic!!!
While I find the recipes in Plenty a bit more to my taste than the ones in Plenty More, the book is still an exquisite collection of vegetarian meals that are sure to please. The ingredient lists may seem a bit intimidating at first, but generally any decent spice shop will carry everything you need (try Penzeys). I loved the three recipes I've attempted thus far and am anxious to try out the rest!
he Book of Answers is a great conversation starter/party coffee table book. It is such a simple idea, yet you'll get hours of fun and entertainment out of it.
This was the only standards book I used throughout my anthropology undergrad career and during post-graduation field work. It is well organized, informative and easy to use. While I do wish there was more information on pathology included in the text, this is the most extensive standards book you are likely to find.
While the stories were attention grabbing, the organization of the book left much to be desired. :(
I recommend this book for the curious, but not too research-oriented. It's a quick intro to the body &daily functions w/o much depth. It provides readers w/ fun tidbits in a "day-in-the-life-of" style w/ an autobiographical tone &leads to doors of fascinating investigations, but doesn't open them. One issue I have is there are a number of phrases such as "Studies suggest..." w/ no citation or clue where one might find the original study.
I'm always pleased w/ Roach's fascinating &humorous writing. She's the author who adventures into terrain where others have never gone, where others refuse to go. She manages-through a combination of a strenuous amount of footwork& a bit of serendipity-to interview experts of the unusual. If you're looking for a quick, yet engrossing read I recommend you pick up this book and take a leisurely journey with Mary Roach through the alimentary canal.
In the Illustrated Man, Martian Chronicles continues, just as the Illustrated Man himself continues on in Something Wicked This Way Comes. Bradbury walks you though a ceaseless spectrum of emotions lightly framed in the motif of a nameless protagonist who has come upon the Illustrated Man, a circus performer haunted by his mutable, premonitory tattoos. Like Martian Chronicles, though not all Martian themed, this collection is expertly spun.
This tale is full of mundane-turned-monumental moments. As you harvest grapes, tree climb, &story tell about the Lonely One w/ the boys, you have the opportunity to relive childhood. You can savor the jokes, superstitions, broodings, daydreams &watch these winks of time whittle the boys into finely carved youth. You'll be reminiscing about the taste of dandelion wine &the crisp scent of a sharpened Ticonderoga long after you turn the last page.
After reading Intern, Transue‘s On Call was refreshing. Typically I measure books against my own expectations rather than against others in the genre, but reading these two within days of each other I cannot help but make comparisons. Transue delivers with the graciousness and tact that so egregiously eluded Jauhar. It is a patient-centric account & it is immediately clear to the reader the white coat most certainly suits her.
Intern will leave you with a sense of dread-not fear of entering medical school-rather fear of being a patient. I commend Jauhar for his honesty & did enjoy the inclusion of familial context, & his candor in admitting his weaknesses. While it's fairly well written, the voice is whiney, entitled, & chauvinistic. The book would have been just as swell w/o the recurring descriptions of “beautiful brunettes” “good looking blonds” and “nice breasts.”
Final Exam is a call to action in an effort to rectify the dysfunctional relationship we have with death. While physicians are charged with saving lives, most are uncomfortable when handling end-of-life. Death is seen as the result of failure rather than the natural culmination of life. The true final exam is how doctors will come to balance the detachment needed to preserve their sanity with the compassion & required to be an exemplary physician.
Melinek is catching flak. 1)Gore: given the subject I'm baffled this is a problem. If it gives you the willies, not for you! 2)involvement in 9/11 aftermath: deemed insensitive. Would it have been better if she excluded carnage &replaced it w/ vagaries that left readers removed from the shared consciousness she was attempting to instill? Balancing autobio, science, reverence, &comedy, Melinek gives a glimpse into a profession hedged by death.
Quammen slays myth while offering a probable narrative for the origins of AIDS in humans as the result of the spillover of SIV (HIV) from non-human apes into the human population. Him writing is clear, concise, and he makes every effort to guide readers through the phylogeny and microbiology minutiae to the “AH-HA!” moments. At only 139 pages it is easily tackled and serves as either a great prequel OR sequel to Quammen‘s Spillover.
Harvey focuses on art, symbolism, touches on genetics, religion, ethnicity, perceptions of the redhead, &the gender dichotomy between how redhead males &readhead females are perceived. It would have been nice to see a more extensive anthropological/ethnographic section. That being said it was a swift read free of the jargon that deters people from science books. Thankfully, Harvey includes a list of references for those who wish to delve deeper.
To be sure, there are many historical aspects of both anthropology and psychology that were questionable at best and destructive dehumanizing at worst, but like all disciplines they have grown and evolved into commendable, empirical lines of scientific inquiry. The author seems to downplay their significance and devalue their contributions to the field of medicine. Otherwise, this was an interesting and informative book.
The photographs in this book are both haunting and serene. As a psychiatric healthcare worker I found myself contemplating the drastic difference between the abandoned hospitals-what life must have been like there-and how behavioral/psychiatric units are today. In some aspects patient care has significantly improved; awareness is on the rise, stigma is dissipating...unfortunately, there is still much work to be done.
Because grammar and punctuation are important. At Changing Hands bookstore Tempe, AZ
I read this just as I was beginning my academic career in biopsychology & anthropology. I can tell you, despite my college's assertion there was no link between the two sciences (What?!?!?!?), Sacks' coining of the term "neuroanthropoligist" inspired me to push forward with pursuing my two most loved disciplines. This book is a gem, a collection of case studies that will make you reflect on disability, brain function, and consciousness itself.
#Halloween #throwback to 2014 when I was #Ylla ❤️️👽#Martianchronicles #raybradbury #scifi Why, yes I did cover my body in copper paint, thanks for asking 😂
Some seasonal favorites on #death & #dying to assist your contemplations on #mortality. #allhallowseve #diadelosmuertos #thanatology #spooky #halloween #spookyreads
Do YOU have candles that match YOUR books? This girl does! I ❤️️ @FrostbeardMPLS !!! Here's a shot of some favorites plus some new scents I'm uber excited to try!
A beautifully bound, brilliantly illustrated, thought provoking anthology of vanitas, anatomical plates, ephemera, & contemplations on mortality. Memento vivere, memento mori! #death #thanatology #vanitas #mementomori