Enchanting, whimsical, sentimental. Gorgeous art. Little bit of UP, little bit of Pleasantville in visual motifs.
Enchanting, whimsical, sentimental. Gorgeous art. Little bit of UP, little bit of Pleasantville in visual motifs.
This gave me Disney‘s “Up” vibes. Even more so because it‘s about books! First picture book of the year makes me happy and sad at the same time. 💗
Review to come.
This is an impulse read for #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious
#WrapItUpReadathon @keys_on_fire
5 ⭐️! This is THE book to introduce kids to the magic of reading, writing, stories and libraries. And it‘s filled with fantastic surrealist art. #BBRC Picture Book Letter F @LibrarianRyan #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious
In case you haven‘t seen this short bookish film ...there‘s a picture book too 😃 but here is a link to the video. It is beautiful.
This picture book brought tears to my eyes. This book is so sweet and tells the story of death in a child friendly and easy to understand way. Definitely would recommend this story
This picture book is one that genuinely touched my soul. It is a story of life and death and how through books we all can stay alive. We can live so many different lives through literature. The illustrations in this book were beautifully done and very colorful. The color scheme went with the emotions we are supposed to be feeling and when someone found a book they became more colorful. I loved this book so much
“Morris found great satisfaction in caring for books.“
I enjoyed this book, and while reading it, I felt like I was actually INSIDE of the story! The illustrations and interactive moments in the story is what really makes it such an incredible book to share with the kids in your classroom.
This is a creative story about a man's personal library that is blown away in a terribly strong wind. This book uses older literary references such as Shakespear which would be good in a classroom with older students such as second through fifth. They could use this book in the classroom when learning about old literature throughout the world that is very popular and common.
#30JuneBooks - Picture Books: Before I had a child I bought picture books for the days after that child‘s arrival when we would sit cuddled up together and read for hours on end. This is a delightful book about the power of stories. It opens as follows:
Morris Lessmore loved words. He loved stories. He loved books. His life was a book of his own writing, one orderly page after another.👇🏽
Modern Fantasy. This is a wonderful book to be read aloud. It‘s full of color and love and wonder and really gets across the love of reading children should have.
The Fantastic Flying Books if Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce, 2012. This is not only a fantastic picture book but a wonderful introduction into the world of modern fantasy. It is whimsical and fun but it also shows the power of reading and stories which, for young children, is such an important thing to learn.
“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.” – Jane Smiley
Awwwww. A tribute to books and imagination and everyone‘s story being important. The art is amazing, and the short film did this one justice. Can‘t wait to go watch it again.
LOVED this sweet book. My three-year-old has asked to read it every day since we got it. Such a lovely story and the illustrations are so beautiful and detailed. It‘s been a few years since I saw the short film it‘s based on, but it‘s still a delight.
Had to open Day 7 this morning since I'll be out shopping tonight. Flying Book Socks!! 🧦📚
I'm loving this advent calendar more and more with each gift I open. So much fun and the stories really bring it all together. This one was told from the dogs perspective 🐶🐾🎁🎄
#bookishadventcalendar #twelvedaysofbookclubmas
When you have to pick up your go-to teacher retirement gift for your Mom. 40 years of teaching middle school special ed.
Happy National Library Week! Here‘s a shout-out to the wonderful Libraries of Houston, especially those that had to rescue books and recover from Hurricane Harvey flooding! #lovelibraries #nationallibraryweek #houstonstrong
My latest #bookhaul thanks to @LitDrivenGirl thank you Mandolin for my lovely books!!!!! Goodness what should I read first?!?! 😆😆😆
Adorable children‘s book about the power of reading, books, and your own story.
This RF book is absolutely wonderful! It follows the story of a man who finds meaning in caring for books in a library after his books and words are blown away in a hurricane. The message it sends is that books care for those that care for them. Because this book was first an animated short, it covers UDL 1.2, 1.3, 2.5, 4.1, 4.2, 7.3, and 8.2.
For the last four years I've been doing a small YouTube show where I talk about books from all genres. Recently I looked back at the film and book that would inspire me to do the show and why I still want to continue doing it. https://youtu.be/a1wxHbWGjHo
What a beautiful book! Can't believe I never read this. An instant favorite. #picturebook #kidlit
Wonderful, fantastical tale of a young man who spends a lifetime caring for and enjoying books.
"It was filled with the fluttering of countless pages, and Morris could hear the faint chatter of a thousand different stories, as if each book was whispering an invitation to adventure."
Does anyone else have this problem? I finally got my bookcases pretty organized and I don't need anymore books. Yet all these books I have gotten immediately after organizing them. I have gotten then from all over, Amazon, the Christmas tree shop, Barnes and nobles, Harvard bookstore warehouse sale, Print (independent shop), MFA. I honestly have plenty of books to read without needing to buy anymore. I'm seriously running out of room!!!
This is an amazing SF book written by William Joyce about Mr. Morris Lessmore, who after a storm hits his house, wonders into a mysterious building where all the books are flying! He spends his life with the books reading every story and caring for each one. The book is so beautiful and creative, and great for showing how fun reading can be.
1. 10-15 hours
2. Print, but I like digital versions for books that have footnotes, extensive vocabularies, etc. for the ease of assistance offered
3. Magical realism & graphic non-fiction
4. Horror & sci-fi (I think I just need to read more of them?)
5. Movie covers! Stickers that won't come off completely!
6. It perfectly combines stimulation & relaxation.
7. I haven't read any Jane Austen. 🙊
#LitsyQuestions @GypsyKat
I loved this sweet book! I saw the short film version a few years ago and the book is just as good!
While it is the short film that is the award winner, this book is most definitely deserving of a medal itself, not only for the stunning illustrations, but also for the beautiful allegory behind William Joyce's words. This tale is a pleasure both for children and any adult who has the opportunity to share the joy of reading it with their kiddos.
Set in a library for #seasonsreadings. This is a tear jerker, but SUCH a great read with beautiful pictures. Any book lover cannot be called one without this in their library!!! #kidlit #picturebooks
I love reading this book to my daughter. #setinlibraries #seasonsreadings #photoadaydec16
Short, sweet, perfect. The power of story and literature, all rolled up in a beautifully artistic piece. I suggest this to children and adults alike. Makes me want to write my own story.
For #longtitle I decided to highlight this amazing children's book. This is one of my son's favorites along with a few other books by William Joyce. It's beautifully illustrated and is a great book for showing kids a love of reading. If you have young kids or know someone who does, I recommend this one to anyone who wants those kids to see the joy in books. #kidlit #recommendsday #booktober
Mama je ponosna! It's happening konačno! :)
Does my new bookcase look haunted to you?
Morris Lessmore loved words.
He loved stories.
He loved books.
But every story has its upsets.
The books I bought, both new and used, on vacation finally arrived! (Also, photo bombed by my son!)
"I'll carry you all in here," he said, and pointed to his heart. (For every book lover who ever loved a book, this one's for you)