"Know your own happiness. You want nothing but patience- or give it a more fascinating name, call it hope."
#janeausten #senseandsensibility #mozaikknjiga
"Know your own happiness. You want nothing but patience- or give it a more fascinating name, call it hope."
#janeausten #senseandsensibility #mozaikknjiga
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever.”
#anthonydoerr #profil #allthelightwecannotsee
"What does that mean?" he demanded.
She smiled sadly. "You'll figure it out. And when you do..." She shook her head, knowing she shouldn't say it, but doing it anyway. "When you do, I want you to remember that it wouldn't have made any difference to me. It's never made any difference to me when it came to you. I‘d still pick you. I‘ll always pick you."
#sarahjmaas #crownofmidnight #throneofglass #celaenasardothien #fokus
"And that's how you go on. You lay laughter over the dark parts. The more dark parts, the more you have to laugh. With defiance, with abandon, with hysteria, any way you can."
#lainitaylor #strangethedreamer #lazlostrange #museofnightmares
"Truth didn‘t mean anything without someone to share it with; you could shout truth into the air forever, and spend your life doing it, if someone didn‘t come and listen."
#naominovik #uprooted #magic #fantasy
"It is foolish to wish for beauty. Sensible people never either desire it for themselves or care about it in others. If the mind be but well cultivated, and the heart well disposed, no one ever cares for the exterior."
#classics #annebronte #agnesgrey
My Harry Potter mugs and the latest addition to my Harry Potter books...Fantastic Beasts- the original screenplay :)
#harrypotter #jkrowling #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem
"The first gift of Christmas was love. A parent's love. Pure as the first snows of Christmas. For God so loved His children that He sent His son, that someday we might return to Him."
#christmas #thechristmasbox #richardpaulevans
"The waltz held the feeling you get when you finish a well-loved book. It left me longing for something I couldn't name."
#country #applepie #tart #bakery #louisemiller
Just started this one. I've heard it's great, so I can't wait to read it. :)
#wonder #rjpalacio #fokus
Considering that I have a twin sister, I'm really interested in this story. Has anyone read the book?
"Libraries were full of ideas- perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons."
#sarahjmaas #throneofglass
"Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark."
#goldenson #piercebrown #redrising
I liked this book! Perhaps it's even my favorite of her other books.
#monicamccarty #theviper #scotland
"Imperfect understanding is often more dangerous than ignorance."
I should refresh my memory about fantastic beasts before the movie comes out...
#harrypotter #jkrowling #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem
Just starting this one. Any thoughts, comments, suggestions? Has anyone read the book?
#letters #vintage #theilluminator #autumn
"You that seek what life is in death,
Now find it air that once was breath."
#paulkalanithi #whenbreathbecomesair #books