#Wardens2025 #Read2025
I could have learned more from a good Google🔎. The same canned advice as found everywhere🙄 Nothing particularly enlightening.
#Wardens2025 #Read2025
I could have learned more from a good Google🔎. The same canned advice as found everywhere🙄 Nothing particularly enlightening.
Book #5 of 2025: “Stardoc” by SL Viehl
This book is one of my oldest possessions. I‘ve had it since 1999 or 2000. The first in a series that saved my life. I haven‘t read it in over a decade but it stood the test of time. I love rereading an old favorite ❤️
The easiest way to describe this book is the say this is the specific ways everyday sexism is used against women and their bodies in the name of science. It‘s pathetic just how many doctors are, in fact, this bad. It‘s even worse to consider that many of these doctors are also women themselves.
And don‘t insist we advocate for ourselves, then get pissy when we actually do, or we‘ve done our homework and know more about our symptoms and how they may tie together than you do. We are not deferring to “Dr. Google” more than to you. We are trying to get you to take us seriously.
#MayaDusenbery #DoingHarm #selfadvocacy #doctors #hysteria #weknowourbodies
18% into the book, I am not convinced this isn‘t still the case. Anything to get rid of women.
#MayaDusenbery #DoingHarm #audiobooks #depopulation
After watching every single season of Grey‘s Anatomy at least a half-dozen times over, I‘m practically a doctor myself, but Kay offers a very different view of working in medicine than Meredith Grey and her friends. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/this-is-going-to-hurt-adam-kay/
Dr Amanda Brown is a GP who has previously worked in a youth detention centre and Wormwood Scrubs and currently works at Bronzefield. This compassionate sequel to THE PRISON DOCTOR focuses on her work at Bronzefield and provides an interesting insight into what drives some women to crime and the role of homelessness but the tone of the anecdotes never quite rings true and you never find out what happens to the women after their diagnoses.
What an absolute triumph of a book. #wpnf25
In the summer of 2017, 9 year old Keira was killed in a tragic car accident. Her family's decision to donate her organs led to her heart being transplanted into Max, also 9. Dr Clarke writes the story of Keira and Max, their families, and all the incredible people who contributed to this heart's journey with such compassion and humanity.
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