Loved this book. I learned so much more about his life growing up. A really great book
Loved this book. I learned so much more about his life growing up. A really great book
Very interesting book. Found it in Waterstones and picked up on a whim. If you like interesting books about famous corpses this is the one for you!
Another amazing book that truly helps with anxiety
One of the best books for anxiety I have ever read. Challenges the norm and really makes you think. Explains things perfectly!
Not the best written biography. Goes off on a lot of tangents but fairly interesting
Hilarious how serious it‘s taken. Funny read
So different to the movie which I watched first and is one of my favourites but it‘s definitely a good read for any fan
Always LOVE these books!
Great book, very informative and comical.
Enjoyed this book after finally getting around to reading it after watching Harry Potter
Differs from the movie but I enjoyed it. It‘s heartfelt and has a lovely message
Fantastic book had me laughing and getting choked up from the amazing stories inside! Love anything like this!
Just could not get into this book at all. Im a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland but this one just wasn‘t my scene
Remember reading this book as a child, I love the poetry aspect Dr Seuss gave to his literary works! Really enjoyable
Such a lovely book. I‘ve always been a fan of the movie versions and have wanted to read the book for as long as I remember. Thoroughly enjoyed it
Amazing and Informative book. Thoroughly enjoyed it
Amazing book. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Disney world fans will know the existence of all the detail too which makes it even better. Adore her books
After loving the tv show I really enjoyed reading the original adaptation
This book was written in the most fun way as if she is actually telling you a story in person. Really interesting and funny
One of my all time favourite books! Very funny and informative
Really enjoyed this book. Jen writes In an informative and energetic way
Very informative book if you enjoy theme parks and the inside knowledge of how they bring them to life. And then moved onto the movie
Very informative book if you enjoy theme parks and the inside knowledge of how they bring them to life. And then moved onto the movie
Fantastically informative book about the behind the scenes of once upon a time
An extremely interesting look into the inside workings of a theme park
Love this book very informative and full of trivia and facts. Amazing for any bewitched fan
One of my favourite books! If you love hearing secrets and backstories about the theme parks then this is the book for you
I enjoyed this story it did differ from the Disney movie quite a bit, but this was a refreshing new tale on it
Rather underwhelming and was a take on the Disney tale we didn‘t need
This book was a delightful tale which was somewhat different to the film we all know and love
I really enjoyed this book. If you‘re a fan of the ride from the Disney parks you will pick up on lots of details from them inside the book. Can‘t wait to see what the other volumes have in store