#Wardens2025 #Read2025
I could have learned more from a good Google🔎. The same canned advice as found everywhere🙄 Nothing particularly enlightening.
#Wardens2025 #Read2025
I could have learned more from a good Google🔎. The same canned advice as found everywhere🙄 Nothing particularly enlightening.
It‘s that time of the year - March Madness and reading. I always get so much read while having the games on in the background. I‘d picked this up as my mom continues to explore the more holistic approach to cancer treatment. I thought a lot of what he said was interesting but I think the chapter on faith could be problematic for some. I appreciate his messages of forgiveness and that was his experience but he shouldn‘t have pushed God so much
When I was growing up on a vegetable farm in Loudoun County, Virginia, we ate what I now call real food.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
The easiest way to describe this book is the say this is the specific ways everyday sexism is used against women and their bodies in the name of science. It‘s pathetic just how many doctors are, in fact, this bad. It‘s even worse to consider that many of these doctors are also women themselves.
I knew about some of the efforts to keep the public fit in WWII, but not the experimental basis behind them, and not all of the stuff discussed here. I found this very readable and interesting.
Warning: if you're phobic about insects (or at least biting ones), be careful. There's a whole chapter on them, and I definitely had some intrusive thoughts and a nightmare because of it.
Conversations about menopause are *finally* becoming more common, but we need more of a push in the medical community to study the effects and potential treatments for it, instead of writing off all the symptoms as "just something you have to go through." ⬇️
Starting this book today by recommendation. Hoping it‘ll help me sort through the mess that is my diet. #2025nfbookchallenge #tbr Has anyone here read it?
3 Stars • "Good Energy" by Casey and Calley Means argues that metabolic health is key to preventing and reversing diseases. They link modern lifestyle issues to metabolic problems and offer a practical four-week plan to optimize health through diet, sleep, exercise, and stress management. It's a blend of science and actionable advice for better health.
#GoodEnergy #CaseyMeans #CalleyMeans #Bookish
I loved the perspective of a 102 year old doctor who‘s focused on treating the whole person. Here, she focuses on what matters most in life, essentially how to be happy/content even when facing challenges like grief, illness, the breakdown of a marriage (drags her ex husband and I‘m here for it). I listened to the audio which featured a few clips from Gladys. The main problem for me was the “heal your cancerous tumor by fasting” vibes. Like what?
My library haul for today. I was there for the tagged book, which came in as a hold, but I grabbed a few others. The “blind date with a book“ ones had been set up for Christmas, and I felt bad that so many had been left unborrowed, so I scooped up any that were fantasy/SF.
They were Raymond E. Feist's King of Ashes, Karen Lord's The Blue Beautiful World, and Zen Cho's Spirits Abroad, which I miiiight have already read, I'll have to check.