#WinterGames #MistletoeManiacs
Family fun time!! #holidaycraft
spent day with family making gingerbread houses
#WinterGames #MistletoeManiacs
Family fun time!! #holidaycraft
spent day with family making gingerbread houses
So I seem to have done everything other than read today 😬. I made some gingerbread cookies for TBR first time ever. Apparently they are good...I‘m not really a cookie fan...but either way they made the house smell heavenly! +21 points #merryreaders #wintergames2020
What a fun read for a ginger, or even someone who loves a ginger. There is some depressing history in here, but the overall message at the end is so uplifting that it‘s worth it. I am a proud redhead. I wish I had this book when I was younger, when I wanted more than anything to be blonde or brunette so I could “be like everyone else.”
I don‘t know what book the other Liten read, but these are the closing words (literally the last words of the book) and they point blank differentiate between the minor issue of hair color prejudice, and other more dangerous forms of prejudice...and not one mention of Black Lives Matter. No one in their right mind, including this author, thinks ginger-hate is anywhere near racism!!!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead
Ginger in every shade.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #shadesofred
P.S. Now I want to write a book of satire called “50 Shades of Red” 🤣😂🤣
Are we talking red velvet or carrot cake? Done well, I‘ll take either!!! lol
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #gingercake #cake #redvelvet #carrotcake #everythingisbetterwithcake (and a ginger)
Gingers are more compassionate. Hm. Interesting observation.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #compassion #love #kindness
This would be a fun and interesting situation to find one‘s-ginger-self in. Bucket list, baby!!!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #redheaddays
Sadly, this wouldn‘t surprise me either.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #discrimination
Redheads, redheads everywhere. What do you call a group of redheads, anyway?!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #collectivenoun