Inspired today.
Inspired today.
“Sometimes the very best stuff can seem quite plain, until one examines it closely. It is only then that one sees its true quality.”
Lunch break. Enjoying this book so far!
Saw this at the library today. I loved his other books so I hope this is as good.
Stopped at BN on my brat to grab this book but saw a few more!
Finished Book of Life today. I loved these books! I‘m so glad I can continue with Marcus‘s story.
I made Millionaires Shortbread and it turned out pretty well. It‘s gooeyer than I thought it‘d be. But tasty. Oh and it‘s shortbread topped with a layer of caramel and chocolate.
Planning on making my first recipe from my new acquisition. Might have to rewatch the GBBS too.
Stopped by Bath and Body Works after work today. I couldn‘t help myself after smelling this. I had to get it! And I rewarded myself with a bath afterwards.
Things are getting more interesting in the book. I definitely will have to get the new one about Marcus after I finish.
Almost half way done with this book. Can‘t wait to be done with work so I can listen more!
Pippin was playing with yarn this morning. He‘s so cute!
Just had a big piece of information revealed in the book. I‘m really enjoying the world of magic in this series.
Just started this but I‘m really enjoying it. I had plans for yardwork but it‘s so nice out I think I‘ll just read for a bit instead. 🌞🌳🌼
Visited my nephew at day camp today. Rained this morning but turned into a beautiful day.
I only have a few discs left. I‘m questioning my decision to listen to another book before #2 in the All Souls Trilogy. Might have to change my mind!
Flowers are blooming! I‘m on disc 8 of the audiobook and still enjoying it. I keep picturing the actors from the show and they fit perfectly. Excited to see what happens next!
Another lovely night. Spending the evening burning brush and reading. I just finished the Bishop series and wasn‘t sure what I‘d read next. Luckily! This new series starts off where the last one ended so I get to find out what happened to some characters.
There‘s a film festival this week. My friend and I went out for dinner before seeing a documentary called Riplist. Super funny. This group in Fargo/Moorhead area make a list every year of famous people they think will die that year.
I‘m a few discs in now and I‘m hoping to catch up some on the tv series this week. So far so good!
Nice night for a fire. Just about finished with this book. I‘m enjoying this town and it‘s people so much. #amishfiction
Hiked up Enger Tower today and this view was worth it.
I‘m almost done with this book. I took it with me on my hike since it was a lovely day to read outside. #lakesuperior #liftbridge
So it snowed yesterday. Luckily it melted today and didn‘t kill my flowers.
I‘m on disc 14 of 15 and I stayed in my car after work to get past a good part where I FINALLY found out the big announcement in the book. Very good book and I‘m looking forward to seeing how it ends.
Getting some nephew time tonight. I‘ve got him watching the Great British Baking Show while playing Candy Crush.
I‘m listening to Origin and just over half way. Getting more interesting!
I‘ve been doing yard work all day but I‘ve stopped for a short reading break. Laying on the porch using a bag of soil as a pillow and resting my feet on the recycling bin. Spring is finally here! 🌞🌻🍃
It was a lovely day but I was inside working. I left for home and there was a neat sky. Some rain showers going by.
Dyed eggs today with my brother‘s family. My brother recently got an egg cooker so he made a ton of eggs for today. And I got to take home a dozen for myself. 😁
So far I‘m enjoying this book! Except I‘m heartbroken about the damage done by the fire. Made me cringe hearing about it. Ugh.
Taking a break from Vox to listen to this. Vox was making me upset but I also have been wanting to read The Library Book for awhile and my copy came in today.
I just barely started the audiobook today but I‘m thinking of reading it instead. I don‘t know if I can wait to listen to it to/from work. Has anyone read this one?
I finally have a free day off so I‘m working on finishing my last #covertocover book of this round. It‘s getting more and more interesting!
Welp, I thought I had another disc so now I‘m waiting for my class with no book left. *sigh* But I really enjoyed this book. I‘ll have to get the paper copy though so I can write down all the titles she mentions.
Flying to Philly today! I can‘t read on planes so I‘ve got an audio all set. ✈️
Yoga and Barre today! Still listening to Michelle but it‘s due Thursday! So I‘ll have to put it on hold again. 😢 But it‘s so good!
I went down to the lake today to walk on and among the ice chunks. Lake Superior is pretty amazing and I love living by it.
And I have reached the point where Michelle and Barack are dating in the book. They‘re so cute!
Broke down and bought book 2 after work yesterday. Now it‘s time for a snack and some reading.
Started this yesterday and I‘m half way through. I‘m still in a reading funk but this book I‘ve been reading and really enjoying. I‘m off today so I think I‘ll finish it but FIRST I‘m going to a barre class at noon. Yay!
Yeah...Drove my car today and will tomorrow as well so the battery gets going but otherwise I‘m staying inside.
Finally using my new candle from @Daisey ! I did lots of cleaning today so I‘m ready to relax. Plus I found out the #frostbeardstudio is near me so I want to visit it when have a chance!
I won this mug as part of the winter reading program! It‘s perfect for hot chocolate on this warm, above zero morning. #dpl #winterreading
So I just started a bible study with a couple friends. I also got two books by this author. I‘ve read his first book and have been meaning to read this one and the one he wrote with his wife. Now, I‘m not religious but I really enjoy his take on religion and the Bible.
It‘s a beautiful day...to stay inside! Luckily I‘ve got a few books to read. 🥶
This was such a good book! And I really liked the reader for the audio version. It follows Caroline from when they leave Wisconsin and settle in Kansas. Told from Caroline‘s view it gives a different look into the story.
I keep forgetting to do this. My December #fairyloot box. This one includes an Advanced Reader of The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson. And I excited for the reading journal which I need to update!
Do you ever see a word and just find it delightful? Today that word for me to Comestible. I see this word a lot since I read historical fiction but I don‘t think it‘s one we use today. Quite fun though.
Finished! It was actually quite good. It has a science fictiony feel to it. Reminds me of the movie A Quiet Place. But it has that twist of what will a person do in a situation. Now I have to watch the movie!
“Which is worse? Having him here, where we could keep an eye on him, or having him out there, where we can‘t?”
So this book has been on my to-read list for awhile and now that Netflix made a movie I decided its time to read it. I‘m about half way done so far. I haven‘t watched the movie yet so no spoilers. Anyone else read it? Thoughts?
Finished this book yesterday! It‘s such a weird but fun book and I enjoyed the reader for it too. Now I have to get the next one in the series. And Pippin is having a rough day so far. Poor thing. 😂
Received this bookmark from a friend recently. 🥰 I have great friends.
Forgot I finished this yesterday! Really enjoyable book and I look forward to reading the next one. If you enjoy smart and strong women going against society then this would be a pick for you!