It's always fun to see our books out in the wild, especially next to a book from our sister division, Bethany House. Spotted at a grocery store in northern Michigan!
It's always fun to see our books out in the wild, especially next to a book from our sister division, Bethany House. Spotted at a grocery store in northern Michigan!
Another lovely night. Spending the evening burning brush and reading. I just finished the Bishop series and wasn‘t sure what I‘d read next. Luckily! This new series starts off where the last one ended so I get to find out what happened to some characters.
I haven't breezed through a book this quickly in a long time. While being skeptical of a male main character and the cover image; in the end I absolutely loved how Fisher dealt with addiction, and incorporated more modern challenges in the Amish world. I highly recommend this book. Full review on #inspirationclothesline