"The note was there, lying beside her plate when she came down to breakfast.
"The note was there, lying beside her plate when she came down to breakfast.
Bad. I unknowing ordered the “updated” version where they have cell phones &the war a character is returning from is Iraq instead of Vietnam. But nothing was fixed with the rest of the book (can‘t call&warn bc a phone isn‘t installed, communal dorm phones, outdated slang)
But even without that -family drama & relationships dominate the story
The 4 MCs have the same essence as the film, but the movie made them (deservedly) suffer so much more.
I know the movie takes some liberties with Duncan‘s original novel, but this is peak 90s and I loved watching all of them! The movie obviously is partially based on “The Hookman” urban legend which has been scaring teenagers since the 1950s. #scarathlonphotochallenge #legend #blackcatcrew
Here's what I got done during the active readathons I'm participating in.
HHC #Scarathlon #HalloweenHexesCoven
#31by31 @catsandbooks
#littenlisten @aperfectmjk
#fridaythe13threadathon @BookwormAHN
#spookoween @TheSpineView
I had no idea that the movie was based on a book. It has been years since I've seen the movie but I have to say, this book is way tamer.
The characters are being hunted for something they did last summer. At first they don't want to accept what is happening to them, but they quikly learn that they can't escape their past.
The first part of the book was ok but the ending was pretty suspenseful. This version was updated from the original. 3.5 ⭐️
#bucketlist Halloween nails✔️
I tried the Halloween Glamnetic nails for the first time. Let's see how long these will last.
#HHC #Scarathlon #HalloweenHexesCoven
@dabbe @jessieKB @BookmarkTavern @Liatrek @JessClark78 @Chrissyreadit @TheDaysGoBy @LadyCait84 @Sresendez12 @Nessavamusic @kelli7990
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tag @Catsandbooks 😊
1. My sister made me watch I Know What You Did Last Summer when I was little and I was traumatized. Put me off scary movies for life
2. There are so many wonderful worlds to choose from! Lately I've been obsessed with Cemetery Boys - it's a lovely representation of Dia de Los Muertos that's queer and magical
3. Mustard yellow 💛
Wanna play? @Cazxxx @Kenyazero @bthegood
Haven‘t seen this one in a while but it‘s just as campy as I remember 🤣! Still enjoyable…I love me some good teen slashers! #scarathlon2022 #teamslaughter
New additions from the Book Outlet🤭
ILWYDLS is a favourite classic of mine! (The movie too - SMG & FP JR💕 are couple goals!)
And a second from the author of Baby Teeth!!! High hopes for that one👌🏻
This is one of the few cases where the book is better than the movie. The dialogue was stiff. The characters were unlikable and made the dumbest decisions, even for teenagers. The revisions for modernity actually made it worse to me.
Imagine if an elegant, eccentric aunt gave her nephew a hand-stitched one-piece made with a fine fabric and he made a nylon thong out of it and threw the scraps in her face.
Don‘t you just love when you are telling someone about a book you just read and suddenly you start crying? Was not prepared for that. Whew. Anyway. This was a surprisingly compelling examination of grief and guilt and I think my experience benefited from not having seen the movie. As mentioned in a previous post, the modernization attempts are unneeded & don‘t succeed, esp because the gender dynamics & Vietnam-era student unrest don‘t translate.
Making up some work hours I lost due to DRIVING from Cleveland to St Louis on Tuesday (thanks, omicron!). It‘s been….a little grim, but I have enjoyed listening to this today while I work. Duncan (?) tried to update this by throwing in cellphones (they‘re always dead, but she wants us to know the kids have them!) but everyone uses landlines and phone books. It‘s funny and more distracting than if they kept it set in the seventies. But I‘m charmed!
I loved this book and read it when i was in highschool and about a decade or so again. I loved the original movie with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jennifer Love Hewit. I even like I still know what you did last summer. Please do NOT waste your time on I'll always know what you did last summer. It was a waste ( I DNFed it).
I rewatched the moives after picking up the new Prime series. The 💝 of the story is still there, but it is so different.
Anyone else giving Amazon‘s new remake of I know what you did last summer a try? I wanted to rewatch the original but would have had to pay to rent it. It doesn‘t seem bad too far but the craft remake made me sooooo nervous about 90s reboots. I could have done without the long voice over about how you never really know who anyone is…….. including yourself….. but maybe I‘ll warm to it.
#scarathlon2021 #teamslaughter
I didn‘t buy any books last month and as a reward treated myself to a couple second hand reads today, one of them being I Know What You Did Last Summer. I had no idea the movie was based off a book and also had no idea about the author Lois Duncan who was apparently a pioneer in YA horror/thrillers.
One night, four friends make a fatal mistake. One year later, they have moved on with their lives, but someone knows what they did and intends to make them pay for it. Will they be able to go on living with what they did?? Will they be able to go on living??
I think this is one rare instance where the movie was farrrr better than the book!
The book was more focused on the parents, and family and personal issues than kills and chills. It was a lot of the four main characters struggling with coming of age issues like new careers, college, and making it on your own (with a murderous stalker in the background)
Glad I finally read it and now I need to go watch the movie again!
I‘ve seen this movie a hundred times but I‘ve never read the book so I‘m interested in seeing how they differ!
Book 56🎧
Another one that I‘ve seen the movie for years ago!
Book kept me gripped and I didn‘t put it all together until very close to the end!
Great classic thriller! #1973
4 teenagers on a ride home from a party hit a young boy riding a bike in the dark. They call the cops after vacating the area. A few years later they start getting threats.
A PICK in its target audience, but a SO-SO for me, personally.
This is geared more towards middle-schooled age kids and for what it's worth it pulls that off wonderfully. I basically listened to this for Halloween Bingo 2020 and fulfilled the Fear Street Square with it. It was a quick listen and it was interesting to see how it differed from the movie...or what I remember of the movie, anyway.
Somehow I missed reading this in my youth. It‘s obviously been updated with modern references (I suspect that in the original 1970s version, the army vet had just returned from Vietnam rather than Iraq, for example). I liked it. Entertaining quick read, although I‘ve read enough mysteries at my advanced age that I pretty much guessed the villainous plot line right away.
Though it is not the most thrilling book I‘ve read, it keeps an excellent tone of suspense throughout. It is an entertaining read with interesting characters and a plot that will really make you think about the true meaning of justice.
Teenager‘s lunchtime movie choice.
#scarathlon #TeamStoker 2pts
Have you heard of that elusive, mythical beast - the movie that's better than the book? I found it!
That said, the book and the movie were completely different - the same characters but different plots, with just enough in common to vaguely resemble each other as distant cousins. If you can make it past the writing on the first few pages, you might as well stick it out, it's a quick and somewhat suspenseful read.
Loved the film, hated the book. Who else has read this?
This book was spine chilling! I couldn't put it down. I came across this book in elementary school but never got around to reading it; although, I've read some of Duncan's other works and enjoyed those. I know there are sequel movies that go along with this book and I'd like to see sequel books too! I strongly recommend this book. 📖📖📖📖📖
Let's start with a note about the book being updated. I was horrified when I realized I wasn't reading the original 1970s text. But it turns out the author updated it herself, happily (see pic)! So, I have to respect the update. But, it did muddle the story for me. It still felt dated, with the random mention of a cell phone.
Overall, the book was okay. Very different from the movie. The killer reveal was well done but the end was very abrupt.
It's incredibly sad that this is a shared experience for so many little girls (and probably some boys, too!) 😥
😱 shock and horror... why does this 1973 book mention a GPS system in a car? I just realized it's been updated and revised for today's reader.
Talk about a movie being different from the book! This book was written in 1978 and it was updated to fit in with our digital times. It's a shame because I would've liked to have read the original.
Before the ‘90s slasher flick I Know What You Did Last Summer, there was a 1973 YA thriller of the same name. There were **plenty** of book-to-movie changes, but the four core characters are the same, and we discuss each one in great detail on the new episode of my podcast! We also talk about hotness in YA (it‘s a thing!), discuss the roots of MeToo in chauvinistic literary characters, and LOL at ‘70s relics. click the link in my bio to listen! 🎧
Had to share this Halloween cuteness💕 🎃👻💕
From my tbr list. It's the book the 1997 movie was based on.
#SomebodysWatchingMe #OctoberXFiles
@Robothugs @Cinfhen
A short read to revisit my tween self. Lois Duncan messed me up as a kid. #reread #popsugar18 #abookmadeintoamovieyouvealreadyseen
Book 1 of the #screamathon it wasn‘t bad. Pretty short and I thought it was easy to predict who the bad guy was. This has been out for awhile and I finally read it tonight.
#MarchIntoOz sometimes when you panic a bad idea seems like a good idea...also agreeing to watch this movie with my son was additional #dumbthings I sometimes do😩🤬😳
#MarchIntoOz #HitAndRun ?All of these books I've read feature a hit-and-run--that if not the center of the story, impacts the book in some way. From the latest I recently finished, "I Let You Go" to the first I remember reading, Lois Duncan's "I Know What You Did Last Summer." (I love to show off that 70s cover!) "This is Paradise" is a book of Hawaii-set stories & has one about a family's grief at their son/brother's death from a hit-and-run.
“He knew the worst thing for me would be to stay alive in a world without you.” 🖤
I freely admit that I enjoyed this one more at 13 and this isn't my favorite Lois Duncan book but I still enjoyed rereading it.
Day 7 Skulls, Pumpkins, and Witches 💀
Day 8 Books I loved as a teen (I still love Lois Duncan's books) ❤
This is the reason that my book posts are less than usual. At least it's an interesting class... (Non-school related books, I miss you!)
I was a avid fan of Lois Duncan when i was young. I followed closely for years the search that Lois and her husband Don done to find the murder of their daughter Kait in 1989. I am saddened to know that she died in 2016 and I didnt realize it. It saddens me that she died without proving who killed her daughter😞😞
I listened to this for nostalgia's sake, and I'll just say some things are better left in the past.
#Day8 #SeptemberPhotoChallenge #uglycovers I struggled to find a cover on my shelves that I think is truly ugly, but this one came to mind. It's the 1975 edition & the one I remember checking out from the library as a preteen, so it has a cool factor, but the expressions & awkward poses of the models make me laugh. It was beat up when I bought it while rereading my Lois Duncan favorites a few years ago but I had to have it 📚❤️ #somethingforsept