This book is hard to put down. Does bother me in some ways. I think its because in back of my mind I can see how America could turn in to this. Now in these times more than ever...
This book is hard to put down. Does bother me in some ways. I think its because in back of my mind I can see how America could turn in to this. Now in these times more than ever...
Listening to this on audible...touching and telling but a little sad considering where we are as a nation at this moment
Just wondering if anyone read this and your opinion of the book...#newseries
Already have my book ready to start early Sunday morning...
Pretty sure it was on here where I heard someone talk about this author so this will be my first read of this author#newauthorread
Reading on my Kindle and so far it's a pretty good read...
Ran across this book in my hundreds of books. Thought I might reread so I can laugh a little in all the craziness going on in the country. ❤️ 📚
Heard lots of people taught about this book so it is my Saturday read...
Every now then you need to read a little creepy...
Spent a rainy Saturday in Tennessee reading The Sleepwalker on my Kindle. I much prefer the book but had a friend recommend this one so I couldn't wait to get it. 💗☔ 📖.... Third book I have read by this author and they are amazing...
Wanted to give a shout out for this app. It has helped me keep up with the books I have. Now if only I could get a picture of all my books...
This is my $1 Goodwill find. I remember hearing of the book so I thought I would give it try. Love finding old books...
Little modern world reading on my ipad. I much prefer the feel of a paper book in my hands. Really not a fan of reading on a electronic device😕
Just finished this book on my kindle an really liked it.....
My Goodwill find today...not read this author before
I was a avid fan of Lois Duncan when i was young. I followed closely for years the search that Lois and her husband Don done to find the murder of their daughter Kait in 1989. I am saddened to know that she died in 2016 and I didnt realize it. It saddens me that she died without proving who killed her daughter😞😞
Thought I would go back and read again the book that sparked my love of suspense and thrillers.....
Wanted to share the letter of Coretta Scott King.....
After watching the documentary about Anderson Cooper and his mother Gloria Vanderbilt I would love to read this book. it was written by Gloria Vanderbilt's mother and her twin sister.
Going do something different today...read on my kindle. I have tried to learn to like reading on a tablet but have ever managed to like it. i just prefer the book and don't think that will change....
This author wrote The Face on the Milk Carton...so it might be a good read #notmyusualread #sundayread
My Saturday read...its not my normal kinda of book. Always good to try something different..
I am also a cookbook lover and this one is amazing. Its copycat recipes from resturant like Olive Garden, Outback, Cheesecake Factory and many more...
Thinking about getting my first tattoo ever...little nervous but this is what I have in mind. Just curious if anyone has any ideas for a book lover inspired tattoo
All thru this election i hear people say they are voting for the lesser of two evils. Is evil not evil...just one of the things I ponder on. Lol maybe someone knows of a book on the subject an I can understand it better...
This shall be my read for the day. Generally don't read on a kindle much prefer a book....
Enjoyed this read. Not my usual type of book but it was funny and easy with recipes also threw into the mix...