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A Time to Kill
A Time to Kill: A Novel | John Grisham
Dont miss a sneak peek of Sycamore Row, John Grishams new novel inspired by A Time to Kill, in the back of the book.The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young men. The mostly white town of Clanton in Ford County, Mississippi, reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assault rifle and takes justice into his own outraged hands. For ten days, as burning crosses and the crack of sniper fire spread through the streets of Clanton, the nation sits spellbound as young defense attorney Jake Brigance struggles to save his clients lifeand then his own.
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#Wardens2024 #ReadAway2024

This was a great re-read in prep for ‘Sycamore Row‘🤓📚 It handled the test of time, for me - I enjoyed it😉

CoverToCoverGirl A great book and movie! 3w
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl Fantastic! I‘ve only seen parts of it but, still need to find it to watch it📺 3w
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#ScarathlonPhotoChallenge #Day24 #Kill My favourite Grisham novel was also his first. And has the most powerful story. #Scarathlon #SpookyGhostClub 6pts

A Time to Kill | John Grisham
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October 24 #ScarathlonPhotoChalange Kill One of my favorite authors, I'll have to check this one out. @StayCurious @Clwojick

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#AlphabetGame #letterT

For T I chose Grishams first novel, and his best IMO. It‘s a very powerful book & brings up a lot of questions that need answering still. In a southern town, a young black girl is raped, beaten & left for dead. When her attackers are put on trial, her father takes justice into his own hands & kills them in the courthouse. Put on trial himself, a white lawyer battles to save him & the south from boiling over into violence.

Andrew65 A great book! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice!! 2y
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A Time to Kill | John Grisham
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I‘m almost half way through this book and the storyline is now focused on the defence for Carl Lee Hailey, the man who killed his daughters abuser in cold blood. The main idea is the conflict between whether the circumstances justify Carl Lee‘s decision or if murder of any kind is inexcusable. The theme of this part of the book is morality, as the jury start to decide whether Carl Lee‘s actions are punishable.

marleed I read all 3 Jake Brigance books in summer ‘21. It really is interesting to see how John Grisham‘s writing of the Deep South changed over the course of 25 years. And by changed I mean the use of the N-word. Oh, and his newest book released this month includes Jake Bigance in a Novella. 2y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Lucas! I liked how you were able to provide context within your review due to your previous experience. As this post was on POV your mark is 4/6 2y
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A Time to Kill | John Grisham
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I‘m about a third of the way through this book and so far, it‘s a good read. The first part describes the abuse of a young African American girl by two white men, and the investigation into the incident. Eventually the young girls father decides to kill the men that abused his daughter. The theme in this story is justice, it‘s shown through the use of the courtroom, and the fathers decision to take revenge on the men.

Lucas.Authier If you like books about law and the judicial system, you‘ll like this book 2y
marleed Last year I read (and enjoyed) all three books in the Jake Brigance series essentially back to back. What I found fascinating in the near-20 year span of the writing is John Grisham‘s use of the N word. In book 1 the word is all over the place - and hard to read - by both good guys and bad. It‘s use in A Time for Mercy is very limited and only by the antagonist. 2y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Lucas! This looks like a thought provoking novel! 6/6 2y
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#SavvySettings @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

This month each prompt will be a book I've read that also has a movie. 😁

I was a big fan of early Grisham writing, and this book and movie are both favorites still. Of course, I think I was also 13 or 14 when I read this. I have not read any of his books published in recent years because everything started to feel repetitive. This book and The Client though are still great #Courtroom reads.

Eggs Great choice👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
fredamans Great film! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect!! This was the first one I thought about this morning 👩‍⚖️ 3y
vivastory Have you seen the documentary on Netflix based on his true crime? I thought it was fascinating 3y
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A Time to Kill | John Grisham
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It took me most of the month to get through this bit by bit because the graphic descriptions of rape of a child and the language were hard for me to take in large doses. There‘s no denying though that this is a great story, one of Grisham‘s best. That said I‘m on the fence about reading the rest of this series.

Jeannineth I have read all of the Grisham legal thrillers and this is my favorite. If you do continue, I would recommend Pelican Brief. 3y
Prairiegirl_reading The second book wasn‘t that great. I felt that it was only related because of the name Jake Brigance but the main character could have been anyone. I wasn‘t impressed. I‘m a Grisham fan but I won‘t read the third one. 3y
marleed I‘m glad I read this even having seen the movie on multiple locations. The ubiquitous use of the n-word by both protagonists and antagonists was difficult for me. I‘m diving into book 2 of the series later this week. 3y
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What? A Time to Kill is finally toppled over to books I have read! The stars must be aligned anew and if I look into the night sky Matthew McConaughey has spelled all right, all right, all right.

5* = Loved It, want non-reader IRL friends to read. I do/will own a physical copy. A+
4*= I liked it, would love to discuss. Solid B
3*=Meh, no need to discuss. Average C
2*=Nope D
1*=DNF F

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great book and movie!!! 3y
Bookwormjillk Ha! I‘m hoping to finish A Time To Kill this weekend. I‘ve been working on it all month. 3y
marleed @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Bookwormjillk I have physical copies of books 2&3 in the series and thought it would be fun to read one each month. I‘m glad I read the book (but for the n-word) even though my memory of the movie is so strong. It‘s still my goal to find this as a thrifted book in the wild - the joy of book hunting. 3y
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My John Grisham stack is significant and I‘ve been waiting to read books 2&3 in this series until I read book 1. Having seen the movie several times, I hadn‘t read the book. I finally went for a library copy because it‘s comical how unsuccessful I‘ve been at hunting down a thrifted copy of this book. I liked it, I‘m glad I read it, but boy the frequent use of the N-word, even by protagonists, was hard to read.

Cazxxx I love Grisham! 3y
marleed @Cazxxx Over the years I‘ve read several John Grisham novels, but it‘s been in the last 3 years that I‘ve decided to read his full catalog, and it‘s been fun! I moved to an area where thrifted books are abundant so I pick an author and go down a rabbit hole with their books. It‘s become a hobby separate from reading. I‘m now hunting full collections of series for 2 friends (Harry Potter and Junie B Jones).
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I'm a John Grisham newbie and I've never seen the movie (😱) so for such a well-known book I actually went in blind. While I would have preferred that the n-word not be used *quite* so liberally, I can understand why this is a popular one! Although my other bone to pick might be the length, considering that the facts of the case are basically known and unrefuted from the beginning, and the only actual question is whether or not it was justified.

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#JumpStart2021 #FamousAuthorsDebutNovel I chose this prompt because it illustrates the start that famous authors came from. Not all debuts live up to their later heights, but I found in this case, it‘s actually my favourite Grisham novel. Much better than the Mathew McConaughey movie, though I did enjoy that, the book is much much better. Of course!

Clwojick I don‘t think I‘ve read anything from this author, so I‘ll have to see if I can get my hands on this book! 4y
Lizpixie @Clwojick it‘s brilliant but very confronting. It‘s about a young African American girl who gets raped by racists and the aftermath when her father takes the law into his own hands. I cried through a lot of it😢 4y
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A Time To Kill | John Grisham

It‘s been ages since I‘ve read a Grisham book but I thoroughly enjoyed this as I have all his work. Going to read sycamore row next

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Always wanted to read this as I thought the film was great. It didn't disappoint even though I'm not really a fan of Grisham.
#ReadtheUSA2020 #Mississippi (43rd state) #Murder2020 (book 81)

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I finally got a chance to stack all my legal fiction together. I haven‘t read one in a while but I plan on re reading some of these next month. I started reading legal thrillers in law school and became a Grisham fan. John Grisham‘s name is considered to be synonymous with modern legal fiction. Some of my favourites by him are A time to Kill, the Litigators and the Firm.

Freespirit He‘s a great writer! 4y
BarbaraBB Great shelves 4y
Shaleen @Freespirit Yeah. Can‘t agree more. ☺️ 4y
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Shaleen @BarbaraBB Thanks😁 4y
Jess861 I love your shelves here! 4y
Shaleen @Jess861 Hey. Thank you so much☺️ 4y
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I‘m not sure Grisham‘s style is really for me, but I still quite enjoyed the story here! I was very anxious the last few chapters to see the end

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1. Tagged! It‘s all right so far
2. None on my immediate TBR, but I‘m sure there‘s one I‘m not thinking of right now.
3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers! A rewatch; extended edition of course. I love these movies.
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

Texreader I love the LOTR and Hobbit extended trilogies. I‘ve watched them so many times. 4y
wideeyedreader @Texreader I haven‘t seen the extended editions of the Hobbit, but we do have them! 4y
rachelsbrittain I really want to do a reread and then rewatch old LoTR and the Hobbit 4y
wideeyedreader @rachelsbrittain That is an awesome idea 4y
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“Billy Ray Cobb was the younger and smaller of the two rednecks.”
#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

A Time To Kill | John Grisham
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#Trial straightaway made me think of John Grisham and the tag would fit many of his books. However the stand out one has to be A Time to Kill, a great book and a great film!



Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You read my mind!!!! I was literally just about to post this one!! 5y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great minds think alike! 👍 5y
OriginalCyn620 Great choice! 5y
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No. 1, Done✔
Up next, Sycamore Row.

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I've not opened a page of my current read all day. On the bed listying on and on. Do say a prayer for my conversion.

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My next read. Actually I started reading it many years ago but abandoned it midway. But now I'm planning to read Sycamore Row which is a sequel to it, so I just need to read all over from the beginning and complete it this time.

Texreader I‘ve only read a few Grisham books but I remember really liking this one. 5y
tpixie @Texreader @typlax yes this is a good one! Maybe it‘s the right time for you to read it this time! (edited) 5y
Tripex @tpixie yeah I think it is. 5y
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Got about 18% into the book and just couldn‘t do it anymore. Gratuitous violence as well as liberal usage of the n word. Yes I understand it‘s the south but there is just so much of it. I do love crime novels but not like this.

Andrew65 I also struggle when the n word is used in books. 6y
RavensCarm I understand it here and there in historical context but it felt like far too much 6y
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Day 6: #movieadaptation

I couldn't choose just 1, so here's some of my favorite movie adaptations. I've only read a little over half of them.

#31bookpics @howjessreads

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In my opinion this is Grisham‘s finest novel.

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#ThrowbackThursday ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I believe this was one of the first John Grisham novels I ever read. I remember it being very readable, despite being set in the worlds of the legal system. Great tension, but not overwhelming. Great characters that you want to root for!
May need to reread this!

knittedgnome This is my favorite John Grisham! 6y
RebelReader I read this many years ago and this might be the rare instance when I like the movie better than the book! 😱 6y
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#HeyJune Back in the day I read a TON of legal thrillers and John Grisham was my go to #paperbackwriter 💙 I must have bought every book he wrote in the 80‘s and early 90‘s but I have no clue where they went🤷🏼‍♀️I won The Whistler from GoodReads last summer but it‘s still sitting on the TBR shelf 😕 His first book, A Time To Kill is still one of my favorites.

TrishB Great graphic 👍🏻 I read a load back in the day but they just don‘t attract me now! Changing reading tastes 🤷‍♀️ 6y
AshleyHoss820 My Mom had a TON of Grisham books too! 😊 Which makes it weird that I haven‘t read him yet! I didn‘t do it on purpose, I just haven‘t got around to it! 😄 I should fix that! 6y
CouronneDhiver I love him too. My guilty pleasure 6y
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Cathythoughts I don‘t think I ever read him. Maybe I‘ll try A Time To Kill !! 👍🏻 6y
Cinfhen Ha, so now im in the Mom book category @AshleyHoss820 😂😂definitely try A Time To Kill @Cathythoughts I wonder if it still stands the test of time... I agree @TrishB at some point his books became generic and I lost interest but he still was a suspenseful writer 💕💕 @CouronneDhiver im NOW tempted to pick up 6y
Cathythoughts Cindy the mom book category is great ! Wait till you hit the granny book ( back to childrens books again) category 😂( only joking ! I‘ve never been happier ! (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Ha, I can‘t wait!!! Granny category sounds wonderful 😁 @Cathythoughts (edited) 6y
AshleyHoss820 @Cinfhen 😂😂 If it helps, my Mom is pretty awesome and youthful! 😄😄😄 6y
BarbaraBB I loved A Time to Kill too, and The Firm. Then I bailed on The Pelican Brief and somehow never read him again. But he is a good #paperbackwriter for sure! 6y
Cinfhen Yes!!! That makes a HUGE difference 😘 @AshleyHoss820 6y
Cinfhen Oh, you bailed on Grisham early @BarbaraBB 😂😉I rode the Grisham wave for years!!!! 6y
Bourriquet76 Time to Kill is still on my top 10 list, since high school. 6y
Kimberlone I went through a Grisham and Chricton phase during high school 6y
Cinfhen I think that book is worthy @Bourriquet76 is it on the #GAR list!?!! It should be!! I wonder if Crichton is too @Kimberlone ?!? 6y
Kimberlone @Cinfhen I forget if it is but I wouldn‘t be surprised... 6y
SledgeReader #GAR!!! Aaahhh!! Missed the vote again yesterday. 😭 @Cinfhen I think A Time to Kill is his best one. The stories of him driving to libraries in the Southeast to sell copies from the back of his trunk are legendary That‘s exactly how we got ours!! 6y
SledgeReader @AshleyHoss820 @Cathythoughts @CouronneDhiver @TrishB @Cinfhen I loved his books when he was fresh and never missed one. Then they started getting a little formulaic - but not to the degree of Baldacci. Love them both but only pick them up when Im looking for a nostalgic reading experience. I spent a LOT of time reading them when my kids were younger. Ouch! Mom books! 6y
Cinfhen Yup!!! #MOMbooks but Grisham did satisfy my bookish wants when my kids were little and I needed a quick easy escape @SledgeReader I LOVE the Grisham story about selling personally to libraries!!! That‘s pretty awesome 💜😊 6y
alisiakae I liked him during the same phase that I read Crichton, Tom Clancy and Dean Koontz, all authors that I have not read in years, although two of them make it on to the #GAR list! 6y
Cinfhen So I know Koontz did, was Clancy the other?? @4thhouseontheleft 6y
SledgeReader @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft You guys just inspired me. Memory is Grisham is not on #GAR. But he is one of the highest circulating authors in our library system and we have the highest circ in the state. I‘ve got to figure out how these books were selected. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s a little disappointing NOT to have Grisham on the list @SledgeReader I think he earned a spot, more so than 6y
SledgeReader @Cinfhen I couldn‘t agree more! 6y
alisiakae @Cinfhen Jurassic Park by Crichton is on the list. 6y
CouronneDhiver Ha! Mom books. Maybe so. 😂 I just like that they‘re easy pallet cleansers. I read loads of them as a teen. 6y
Cinfhen I‘m looking at this collage and remembering how much I enjoyed his books @CouronneDhiver ❤️👍🏻 6y
Bourriquet76 The lack of Grisham on the GAR list is perplexing. Even the books that aren‘t my cup of tea are mostly logical. Except 50 Shades. If you tell me how great those are, I‘m silently judging. 😂😂😂 6y
Bklover I read so many Grishams back in the day that I burned myself out on them. Loved A Time to Kill! 6y
ValerieAndBooks My younger son likes Grisham, so I‘ve read a couple. Not bad! 6y
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#ReadingResolutions - Five Stack: So many different directions to take this prompt. Finally decided to go with a favorite author from back in the day when I had a thing for courtroom drama and legal thrillers.

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There are a number of literary redheads i could have chosen, but I decided to go with something a little different. Octavia Spencer is a graduate of #Auburn University, and from her film debut in A Time to Kill to her Oscar winning turn in The Help she has leant her considerable talents to a number of film adaptations of great reads. Which is your fave?

#OutlandishGiveaway @JulesG

julesG I like it when people think outside the box! 6y
Jess7 I love her! 6y
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I gave this book a So-So because many things in it made me feel uncomfortable. All the sexism and racisim made me want to stop reading and most of the characters had atleast one really annoying aspect in them (they made stupid decisions or said idiotic things or just were generally annoying). But the book was well written and easy to read. The story progressed easily and the plot was interesting. 📚

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This is starting to get REALLY ANNOYING! This part when translated says:

"He wanted a beautiful wife who stayed at home, had children and didn't want to "wear the pants in the family". It was love at first sight." ?

Tough read for a feminist. ?

SandyW You are reading a period piece. You just have to keep telling yourself, things were different back then. 6y
Martta @SandyW That's true! Although racism combined with casual sexism is a bit strong combination. I've decided to read this through because it's an image of its time. I'm so happy I didn't start with this when I read my first Grisham. 6y
SandyW I know what you mean. I just finished "The Other Boleyn Girl." Mary was married off at 12, and they just keep giving eligible daughters to the king for their own social positioning. We may still have a long way to go, but even with all the inequities and craziness today, I'm glad I live in this century. 6y
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There is a lot of sexism in this book. Some I think are unintentional. The men in families order the women to be quiet, not to take part in family's money issues, to stop asking questions and to follow orders and so on. This is so annoying because the book itself is really interesting! It's just that there are no not-sexist male characters around!!!! 😠

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Even though John Grisham is entertaining to read it is a pity how rarely he has strong female characters in his books. I know he has some stories that have a female lead or strong female personality otherwise but it's still sad how often he writes the women as wifes, steady girlfriends, grieving mothers or just victims.

ReadingSusan So true. 6y
callielafleur That's why I loved The Client, an amazing female lead. 6y
Martta @callielafleur I haven't read it yet but it's in my TBR pile. I think The Pelican brief has a female lead as well but haven't read that one yet either. I think I've read now around 7 John Grisham books and most of them had really interesting male characters but only a few good female characters. Should really read one of those two next. 🤔 6y
callielafleur @Martta I will be totally honest and say that it has been a really long time since I've read these, and I've seen the movies more recently. From memory, The Client has a really good female lead, where the Pelican Brief has a good female assistant. It would be interesting to revisit them! 6y
Martta @callielafleur I think I've seen the movies as well. I really loved the Client as a movie! Good point about the Pelican brief. I was remembering that there probably was a female character but wasn't sure in what sort of part. 6y
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John Grisham don't fail me now! Be something easy, fun and entertaining please! 😖

Nute A Time to Kill is neither easy or fun. It broaches an act of violence during a deplorable time period. He has other books that are more palatable and might be more suitable for the type of read that you are desiring right now. I think that you will find this book unsettling. 6y
Martta @Nute Yep, this wasn't exactly what I was expecting. It has way more difficult themes than many of his other books. It is a difficult read in subject wise but I decided to read it through. The writing is still his usual style eventhough many of his plot and character choices makes me mad. 6y
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My incredible husband built me bookshelves for Christmas!! I‘m the luckiest! ❤️❤️❤️ #Books #bookworm #booknerd #reading #bookish #reader

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Racism, violence, rape, police violence, discrimination, prejudice, murder and ignorance... All of these books broke my heart 💔 and made me so angry that people were and still are treated this way!!!

aprilpohren Loved Small Great Things! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @aprilpohren I love everything she writes! 7y
Lmstraubie All fantastic books - powerful and meaningful 7y
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MyNamesParadise The Hate U Give is so good!! I listened to the audio and Bahni Turpin was phenomenal!! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MyNamesParadise I have never listened to an audiobook 🙊🙈 7y
MyNamesParadise @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I didn't before this calendar year!! Sadly with work taking over my life, listening to books on audio in my car is the way I get most my reading done. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MyNamesParadise I should start!!! I'm behind with the times!! Lol 7y
aprilpohren @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite authors! 7y
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Finished in one night. Sleep is overrated 😁
#bingereads #autumnreads @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

monkeygirlsmama Loved this when I read it eons ago. 7y
Sarah1960 I Loved this book 📚 it may be time for a reread! 7y
Lmstraubie @monkeygirlsmama @Sarah1960 It was riveting! Also, it's one of the few movies I thought was as good as the book. 7y
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A Time To Kill published in 1989 and The Handmaid's Tale published in 1985... As far as I know these are the only #bookspublishedinthe1980's that I own...

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The setting of A Time To Kill is Clanton, Ms which actually does not exist... John Grisham is from Oxford, MS and Clanton is inspired by any small town in MS that has a square... such a great book about a horrible thing that still goes on today-racism 😡

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One of the few books in which I enjoyed the movie as much as the book. #bookintomovie #splasintosummerreads @Tiffy_Reads

LadyPotterHead Is this the movie with Samuel L Jackson, about his daughter? 7y
Pelican71 Still my favorite of his. I'm going to a reading soon. I wish that he would sign any book of your choosing, but he'll only sign 7y
Lmstraubie @Pelican71 Interesting. I wonder why??? 7y
Pelican71 I'm not sure @Lmstraubie There are a list of rules on the ticket. They capped it at 200 people. 7y
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Blinded with anger & certain the law will not be on his side, Carl Lee takes justice into his own hands, killing the white men who raped his 10-yr-old black daughter. Young Jake Brigance strives to keep his client from the gas chamber during a criminal trial that pits white against black & draws out the scuzziest members of the rural South. A compelling & cringeworthy read, filled with enough misogyny to last me a lifetime. ⭐️⭐️⭐️


Then came Carla…She was a Dean's List scholar in liberal arts with no intention of ever doing more than teaching school for a few years. Her family had money, and her mother had never worked. This appealed to Jake – the family money and the absence of a career ambition. He wanted a wife who would stay home and stay beautiful and have babies and not try to wear the pants. It was love at first sight.

Well. 🙃

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Just started a re-read of this before I move on to Sycamore Row. I hadn't recalled how pervasive the racial language is. It's making it a difficult read quite apart from the subject matter.

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This was my first John Grisham and I really enjoyed it! I never saw the movie so I'd like to watch that now and compare to the book. And since it's Easter, I took the picture with my Easter flowers!

LaraReads Lovely! 💕🌸 7y
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Amazing. Couldn't put it down. I've always been a law and order fan. This is the original Law and Order- except with the twist of taking place in the Deep South.

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I've been dragging this book around for 20 years and I've read it about once a year for that 20. For #recommendsday I say this is the best Grisham book available.

Gayan My favorite Grisham. 8y
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"A Time to Kill" was my first adult book. I was around 8 years old, when I started reading it. However... The last forty or fifty pages were torn out of it. Fun fact: Even though the pages were missing, I read what was there several times, over and over. Yep, it was that good. #FunFridayPhoto

BooksTeasAndBookishThings This is my favourite Grisham! 8y
KennethTolesJr It really is an awesome book. It's the only Grisham I've ever read. 8y
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For #funphotofriday, I'm sharing what is probably not exactly my #firstadultnovel but one of the first I can remember that's not VC Andrews. I was probably about 14 when I read it and while I always was drawn to these kinds of books, it set me on a path that I'm still on today (with slightly better taste. A little more variety, too). P.S. I realize this is a terrible picture.