I signed up for the Christmas cross stitch swap that @vkois88 is hosting! The swap sign up is open till July 31st head over to her page to find out more. I am still a beginner cross stitcher.
Thanks for the tag @ReadOrDieRachel
Turquoise & shades of blue/green
Fall 🍁🍂
Paranormal Romance, urban fantasy, Education & social change/feminism
Reading, going on long walks, yoga & cross stitch (I want to do this more)
Reese‘s peanut butter cups
☕️ & 🍷
My P&P shirt
Consider yourself tagged
Here‘s my first subversive cross stitch project. It‘s for a good friend for Christmas. Maybe she can put it in her office. 😬 Now it needs framing and off to Philly it goes! 🎄🎁
X-stitch project update 💁🏻
For a couple of years everyone in my life got a snarky cross stitch as a gift but I never made anything for myself so I have nothing to show you. Maybe I should #getcrafty try some audio-stitching. #riotgrams
And so begins another high quality cross stitch project. My dad has already contracted me to make him one that says "balls".
Guess who came out to their parents today 🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻 I deserve several cookies. And all the tissues I murdered because I was sobbing so hard deserve a special recognition. Ugh. I'm good, didn't get kicked out or anything, so it's all good. They were mainly super freaked out because I couldn't stop crying. #somanytissues #sorrytissues #sorryenvironment #iusedmyshirtasahankieforalittle #itsdisgustingnow
My first hold came in 😍😍😍 I'll show you guys some of the funnier ones I plan to stitch myself
Found on Pinterest, my next cross stitch project.
Sometimes you need a little motivation.
I couldn't agree more!!
A few of my favorite #funnybooks #RiotGrams
First try!
I'm hoping my fellow Littens can help me out. I've been promising myself for the past few years that I would learn how to cross stitch and this is the year! Can anyone recommend any good books for beginners? Thank you lovelies! 😘
#UniqueFact 2! I do sassy cross stitch, often feminist, bookish, cursing, or all three. It's the creative outlet I picked up during my treatment from my last post, & it's so fun! Here are some of my projects. As you can see I love stitching but HATE framing. I bribe people to frame for me. 😂
Also thank you all SO MUCH for your love & support on my first post. It means more to me than I can express & am floored by how caring this community is. ❤️