I absolutely loved everything about this book. So different to anything I've ever read before, and there is a distinct heartwarming thread prevalent all the way throughout. Cannot recommend this enough❤️❤️
I absolutely loved everything about this book. So different to anything I've ever read before, and there is a distinct heartwarming thread prevalent all the way throughout. Cannot recommend this enough❤️❤️
A 1935 bestseller that tells the tale of a vain, outlandish, anti-immigrant, fear-mongering demagogue who runs for president. And wins. Who promises to make America proud and prosperous once more. 👀
If ever there was a time to call a book containing 867 pages, too short, this was it. I couldn't get enough of Isaac,Lin, Derkhan and Yag. Mievilles world gbuilding is flawless and his characters so unique. I can't wait to get Book 2 in the Bas-Lag series
Wtfending indeed, but not in a good way. I saw someone else describe themselves as being duped, and it's the perfect word for it-I got to the end of this and I was genuinely so annoyed! I can't write much without giving anything away which I'm loathe to do. The only character who was in any way intriguing get was Adele, and I would have liked to have seen more about what made her tick. A definite pan for me.
I should know by now that Sunday afternoon naps (while are so, so glorious), lead to difficulty sleeping on Sunday nights! It just means however that I can start this, rather than lugging two books with me on the bus tomorrow!
My very patient housemate is starting to get a bit browned off about having to answer the door every morning to the postman. Whilst in her dressing gown😂 (I'm normally long gone to work!). These are just a snippet of what's arrived over the last week 😇
SO EXCITED!!!! Work don't need me operational and pleasant tomorrow, I'm SURE of it!
I can't believe I forgot to share this AMAZING secret Santa gift! Ridiculously generous and has made me a v happy girl! Thank you secret benefactor #secretsantagoespostal 😊😊😊
I've been hearing so much about this in the last while, that I'm really excited to start this! Strangely enough however, I don't have the first idea on what it's actually about & I love that I don't! 😊
I just ADORE this series! This was my favourite one by far. More book puns, more Hamlet and an amazing game of croquet❤️❤️❤️
I am ashamed to say that this was much better than I was expecting! While it didn't blow me away, it was still a strong plot, strong character developments and some genuinely lovely and poignant moments. He depicts small Irish rural areas with spot on accuracy! 3star read, without a doubt!
Time to throw this bad boy into the mix😊 any chance of extending the Christmas break🙈
I need to start my book club book - I totally forgot😊 I really hate those stickers though😖
Another shaky bus trip - this bus is hauling my sick ass back to Dublin from a few days down home in Cork. Looking forward to some quiet time before getting back into work in a few days time!
Another jolly good tale about the precocious 11year old Flavia. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the series develops-do we see a little glimmer of humanity in Feely and Daffy?? Dogger is without a doubt my favourite character😊
About to start book#3 in the Flavia de Luce series. It may be time for a midnight snack first though:)
This one took a little longer to get going than the others in the Charlie Parker series, but still a solid pick from me! Time to dive into the Christmas stash now!
Mam felt sorry for my miserable face, so she gave me my Christmas present early😊❤️
I've been so ill (winter vomiting bug) and I missed all the secret Santa fun:( big thank you to my secret Santa! I will be opening the books when I get back to my house after this bout of illness ❤️ #secretsantagoespostal
Shaky bus picture! My skills just keep getting better😁 I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ John Connolly and his Charlie Parker detective series😊
I've had a hangover or two like this in my time! 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🤕😷
I love this feature on Goodreads! ❤️ a bit of stats!!
I love the synopsis for this book 'the romance novel that turns up to dinner drunk!😁
While not terrible, it was also not amazing. I found towards the end I was doing a bit of skimming. I have to say, it was a bit of a slog to get through that. I can see the appeal however and some parts of it are beautifully written
I've just realised I need to seriously up my photography skills. No effort put in whatsoever-99.9% of my shots are taken from me lying on my side on my bed, in the very bright light of my bookmark lamp!
That was creepy as all hell! I was burning a candle in my room just as I was finishing the book, and the wick sputtered or spat or made some sort of a noise, I nearly choked from fear!! If that's not the sign of an excellent gothic horror, I don't know what is. Amazing. And also, with the finishing of that book, it heralded the finishing of my Goodreads reading challenge😊 (that doesn't mean I'm finished reading for the year though😂) ❤️
So much excitement. Not enough hours in the day 😍
Lazy, lazy, lazy. I think someone was trying to follow a prescribed recipe in how to write a Donna Tartt-esque novel, and instead of adding their own bit of flair...and a plot...a stale cookie cutter shadow was produced. I actually can't formulate a proper review with how annoyed this has made me. Pan pan pan.
This intriguing little beauty has been compared to Donna Tartt. Bellwether Revivals faltered at that comparison, here's hoping this one fares a lot better!
This man writes like no other. It is a beautiful and heart warming and at times horrifying tale of a young woman who has fallen pregnant toa young traveller who she is teaching to read. Once again Ryan encapsulates, perfectly, smalltown/rural Ireland. Where the scandal of something would knock ya sideways and the aul wans are only chomping at the bit to spread it! Fabulous. ❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️
Diving into this one! Donal Ryan is one of the most skilful storytellers I have ever had the pleasure of reading!
I went into this with high hopes, expecting the same witty biting novel that 'Where'd you go Bernadette' delivered in spades. Unfortunately though it was not to be, a very quick read and enjoyable in parts, but the last 50 or so pages jarred, and there was something off with them. Not a pick for me I'm afraid.
Very mixed reviews on this one...only one way to find out how I'll take to it😊😇🤓🤓
This was read with equal measures of 'GAH, no! Too scary...I can't read on! And '3am? F**k it, I need to read on - Work Aisling can just suffer on through the meetings while mainling all of the coffee. Reading Aisling is having far too much fun'. Loved the characters and the way the story wound its way through some interesting states. ❤️ Mr. Hill
Hoping to continue my current streak of amazing books! And technically it's still a good time of the year to get a little bit of a scare in!
I cannot put into words how much I bloody LOVED this. Nalo Hopkinson is amazing, I was totally engrossed in this, so much so that I went a good 6stops past my bus stop this evening. Worth it.
Utterly wonderful! A play within a play, within a play, within a play, within a play...oh dear I've lost track😇 and that is sort of how you feel when reading this, you're swept up and along in this madcap re-imagining, enjoying every last word! It is bittersweet, poignant and full of revenge all at the same time, with lovely sweet shining moments from the prisoners! Love love love❤️
This one is up next, signed by the lady herself! I thought I had a relatively ok working knowledge about Shakespeare, but I can barely spell his name in comparison to the eloquence and wit that is Margaret Atwood!
That was absolutely beautiful. A very quick and short read, and not one word is wasted, but there is plenty of emotion contained in the simple prose. Absolutely stunning
Reading this one for my book club. We're a year old this month:)
Wow. This is a disturbing, but amazing read. It's written in such a way that you feel like you are living the addled, crazed descent of Martin Johns mind. This is not for the faint hearted as there are many many triggers in here - there's a particularly harrowing scene in a dentists office, but this is a truly spectacular piece of work
This book has been on my radar for quite some time now - when I don't have work in the morning I welcome insomnia (current time 5:20am!)
A solid 3 out of 5 stars from me! It was well written and there was some absolutely gorgeous phrases (and obviously the title being taken from an Emily Dickinson poem means instant kudos from me), but unfortunately I'm a bit of a cynic, so I was a bit sceptical about some parts!
I started this book today, and let's face it - we are all going to be called to rise also, called to show love and compassion and to stand together to prevent racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted attitudes from gaining any more prevalence. To rise and stand together in the face of deeply uncertain and frightening times.❤️❤️