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The Neighbor Favor
The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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A shy bookworm enlists her charming neighbor to help her score a date, not knowing hes the obscure author shes been corresponding with, in this sparkling and heart-fluttering romance by Kristina Forest. Shy, bookish, and admittedly awkward, Lily Greene has always felt inadequate compared to the rest of her accomplished family, who strive for Black excellence. She dreams of becoming a childrens books editor, but shes been frustratingly stuck in the nonfiction division for years without a promotion in sight. Lily finds escapism in her correspondences with her favorite fantasy author, and what begins as two lonely people connecting over email turns into a tentative friendship and possibly something else Lily wont let herself entertainuntil he ghosts her without a word. Months later, Lily is still crushed, but shes determined to get a hold of her life, starting with finding a date to her sisters wedding. And the perfect person to help her is Nick Brown, her charming, attractive new neighbor, who she feels drawn to for reasons she cant explain. But little does she know, Nick is an authorher favorite fantasy author. Nick, who has his reasons for using a pen name and pushing people away, soon realizes that the beautiful, quiet girl from down the hall is the same Lily he fell in love with over email months ago. Unwilling to complicate things even more between them, he agrees to set her up with someone else, though this simple favor between two neighbors is anything butnot when he can't get her off his mind...
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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I'm behind on reviews so time to catch up! It was the sheer amount of positive reviews on here that convinced me to take a chance with this, and I'm glad I did! Romance is not my fave genre, but after reading Get a Life Chloe Brown last year, I'm trying to branch out and read a bit more, especially the ones written by black authors with black characters. I loved how relatable the characters were and that the steamy scenes weren't over the top 🎧

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good 💛💜 5mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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I enjoyed reading this one with the #littensloveromance crew. I liked how Lily and Nick both have issues with self-esteem and setting boundaries with family, but each handles it differently and it was nice to see them work through it all while developing their friendship/relationship. I would also love to read Nick's book that he wrote, The Elves of Ceradon, it sounds so good lol
#SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Fabulous! 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Review: overall a good love story with likeable characters that grow a lot in the span of the story. I don‘t know that I‘m interested in Violet enough to continue with the series though. I didn‘t really care for her character in this book. But I liked Lily and am glad she got her HEA.

OriginalCyn620 I didn‘t know this was a series! But I feel the same way - I really enjoyed this book and the characters but I don‘t care enough about Violet to read her story. 7mo
LiteraryinLawrence This was fun! I didn‘t have enough discipline to stick to the pace of the group and instead I finished it early on. But I loved reading everyone‘s comments. I don‘t think I‘ll carry on with the series. 7mo
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BethM Overall this was light and fun, but a bit formulaic for me and I ended up skimming in favor of other reads. 7mo
peanutnine I really enjoyed this read! I definitely would have devoured it in a day or two if I had read it on my own. I think I'll pick up the next book when it comes out later this year. Honestly the fact that Violet was kind of unlikeable makes me more intrigued for her story, just to see her character growth 7mo
mhillis I enjoyed reading this book! Thanks for bringing us along on the reading journey!! 7mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I enjoyed reading along and this cute book! Thank you! 7mo
julieclair I enjoyed this book. Light and fun, but with character growth, too. I‘m undecided about reading the next book. I wasn‘t overly fond of Violet,but as @peanutnine says, it might be interesting to see her growth. 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest

The book is a comm. issue that'd be solved in five minutes. Both characters needed some gumption well before the 80% mark. The last 5% of the book felt very much like “well, I‘ve wasted 95% of the book with slow pacing and a bunch of filler, time to quickly wrap up the loose ends”. Hallmark writes better love stories. Save yourself ten hours of listening and go watch a Hallmark movie. You‘ll have more fun and you‘ll be done in 10% of the time.

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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2/5 ⭐️ I think I'm in the minority here, but I did not care for this book. I don't like when the majority of the book could have been solved if the characters just had an honest conversation. #littensloveromance

CatLass007 I didn‘t care for it either. I chose to bail, for many of the reasons you listed. 7mo
LiseWorks I agree, for me it was the MC and yes it was way too long. Conversations needed to be done for sure. The concept for the story was good though. 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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I had to finish this one. #LitsyLoveRomance Sorry guys. I had to read the last chapter
This book for me was just Meh. Maybe because I listened to it instead of reading. I found the female MC so annoying at times when she was Lily's sisters. And a male MC doing a sex scene was just awkward. It was way too long, just get things done already. Thanks to @StayCurious for hosting. I managed some readathons #Jumpstart2024 #ReadAway2024 @Lizpixie 👇

DieAReader 🥳Great! 7mo
StayCurious Aw sorry you didn‘t enjoy it. Maybe it was the audiobook narrator that ruined it for you 7mo
LiseWorks @StayCurious yeah I don't usually listen to books, it was probably better to read it. 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance ch.26&27: Good for Nick (coming out so to speak to his public) and good for Lily (standing up to her boss and her family finally)! These two have definitely changed and grown throughout this book. I loved their declarations - very sweet. We‘ll finish up tomorrow!

tpixie I feel for sponge bob! 7mo
Roary47 Yay! 7mo
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LiseWorks Yes it's about time for Lily, living with overbearing relatives is hard, they mean well but .... 7mo
Read4life They‘ve both grown so much. 7mo
willaful I really like romance that has growth arcs for the characters. 7mo
peanutnine @willaful same! This one was really well done 7mo
mhillis Things coming together for both of them! 7mo
julieclair @willaful @peanutnine So do I, especially when they are characters I have been rooting for since page 1. 7mo
Skygoddess1 Lily telling off her boss is probably my favorite scene in this whole book. 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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Read this one with the #LittensLoveRomance group. I really enjoyed the story and seeing the main characters come into their own.


#BookSpinBingo #LittensLoveRomance #readyourTBR #Roll100 #ReadAway2024

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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.22-25:Sorry for the late post! So…Nick has made some progress in these chapters. At first, when his parents resurfaced, I was sure he was going to back-pedal and ruin things with Lily - and he almost proved me right. But I think he‘s on track now. And - thank the lord - he started writing! Deadlines always stress me out haha, especially because he was given a huge advance.

LiseWorks Yea me too! I know his situation with his dad was making him not have any way to know how to continue the story. 7mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m so glad that he back track and that he and Lily are ok! 7mo
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Roary47 I almost thought he was going to ruin it with Lily too. Whew… they are so awesome together. 🥰 7mo
julieclair Yes! We are nearing the end of the book and things are starting to come together. 😃 7mo
Read4life I thought he was going to implode their relationship. Glad they‘re on track. 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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“He‘d definitely popped up in her dreams dressed as an old school sexy elevator operator…” is HYSTERICAL to me for some reason 😂

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Lily and Nick are very sweet together and he‘s more open with her than he is with everyone (except Marcus). But he‘s still worried about his dad showing up. Who is the unknown caller? His mom, maybe? Now that he‘s with Lily, I‘m sure he‘s going to want to spend all his time with her. I sure hope he remembers to write his book! ⬇️

StayCurious I‘m glad that violet acknowledged that Lily won the bet. Although I have a funny feeling the wedding won‘t happen as planned. 7mo
LiseWorks Yeah I've been wondering about that unknown caller too 7mo
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Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m glad too that Violet said that Lily won! Maybe now her family won‘t be on her case. I wonder if it‘s Nick‘s dad or mom calling him. 7mo
willaful @StayCurious Right there with you! And I'm fine with that. 😁

@Graciouswarriorprincess I'm guessing his dad, though it'd be interesting if he got to confront his mom over her abandoning him, too.
Graciouswarriorprincess @willaful I hope it‘s not his dad! 7mo
mhillis My thoughts exactly!! When is he going to write The book?? 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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Really enjoyed this one! I don‘t want to say too much because I read it with the #LittensLoveRomance group. But nice character growth where the two MCs complemented each other so well!

#bookspinbingo - used a free space & got a 2nd bingo!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.18-19: I like that Lily is going to give it a try with Nick because she obviously is crazy about him. I‘m glad that her date with Oliver was drama free. Every time I think there‘s gonna be drama and angst in this book I am pleasantly surprised. I mean, Nick has his share of angst but Lily is mostly grounded. I think she‘ll be good for him. ⬇️

StayCurious Just like his friendship with Marcus is #Friendshipgoals. Still. I feel like something else has to go wrong. Right? Will Nicks parents show up? 7mo
OriginalCyn620 I feel like his dad would show up or contact him and cause problems for Nick! 7mo
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willaful It could be the rest of the book will be about Nick getting over his fear and acknowledging himself as the author. 7mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @OriginalCyn620 I totally agree! But, I also agree with @willaful ! We‘ll see. 😊 7mo
Catsandbooks Definitely hope we see Nick grow and become more confident in his work and himself! And I hope Lily gets the courage to ask for what she wants and deserves 7mo
julieclair I feel pretty certain that something is going to go wrong. Nick‘s parents showing up is an intriguing thought. 7mo
willaful @Graciouswarriorprincess @OriginalCyn620 It would make a lot of sense for both things to happen. 7mo
Skygoddess1 They definitely help balance one another out. Lily gives Nick the confidence he needs to deal with his family and work to be the type of author he‘s always wanted to be while Nick gives Lily the confidence to believe in herself and calm her worries. 7mo
mhillis @Skygoddess1 Yes, they are really good together!! It does seem like he should be working on the book more though lol 7mo
Skygoddess1 @mhillis Agreed, hopefully he‘ll get over his writers block if he can finally deal with his issues with his parents 7mo
LiteraryinLawrence I agree that it was nice that Oliver was so chill! 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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Cute and a good reminder that just because a guy has issues in his past, it doesn‘t mean he has to be a jerk!

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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.16-17: So Lily gets an interview (not a job offer) but decides to tell a bunch of coworkers and go celebrate. Considering the luck she‘s had so far with interviews, she‘s being a bit too hopeful I think. Wouldn‘t it be embarrassing to not get the job and have to tell everyone? God, what if Edith found out? Yikes! ⬇️

StayCurious Anyway…finally Nick spills the beans! He is Strick! I‘m impressed that the author had him tell the truth towards the middle of the story- not the very end. Will she be able to forgive him? I hope so - his groveling was sweet. 7mo
LiseWorks @StayCurious I'm with you with the celebration when she doesn't have the job yet 7mo
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peanutnine I'm glad she at least found out the truth from Nick himself deciding to confess. I was expecting it to come out another way and then she would have felt even more betrayed. 7mo
willaful The author's timing was perfect, because I literally was ready to throw the book... -- okay, figuratively, it's an ebook 😁 -- if Nick rejected her one more damn time.

I also had that thought, that telling your coworkers about an interview is not the best choice. Keep those things under your hat!

I think Lily overreacted, primarily for the sake of the plot. But I'm easy, a good apology will always win me over.
OriginalCyn620 I just said this yesterday, but like @peanutnine I thought Lily would find out the truth in some other, horrible way, but not from Nick himself. I was so (pleasantly) surprised today when Nick confessed! It took him a while, but he did the right thing. It would‘ve been so much worse for Lily to find out from someone else! And TBH, I‘m probably gonna finish this one tomorrow because I have to know what happens! 7mo
peanutnine @OriginalCyn620 yeah it was really hard to stop reading today 7mo
willaful @peanutnine @OriginalCyn620 I also expected that and I think it was really sharp to have Nick come clean after all, because the honest apology was really necessary for *me* to forgive him. So now I get to be annoyed at Lily for not forgiving him yet. 😂 7mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m glad that Nick told Lily. I can understand why Lily isn‘t forgiving yet but hope that she does. 7mo
Roary47 I‘m so glad he finally told the truth. 🥰 7mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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4✨ Lily is an amazing character that I absolutely adored. She on a whim emails an author of a book she really enjoyed, and gets a reply back! They message each other back and forth for months and really start to like each other and then he stops communication without a decent explanation. I liked almost everything about this story! I personally don‘t like details to the spice of the couple, but this was relatively mild. #Pemberlittens

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.14-15: Good for Lily for agreeing to go out with Oliver. Too bad her cat emergency caused her to cancel! At least she had Nick‘s help - which just again proves that Nick is a good guy. But he‘s still pining for her and there‘s no way these two can be just friends. I‘m curious to see what will happen with Edith‘s imprint. Maybe she‘ll be ousted and Lily will work with someone who actually can help her with her career goals.

LiseWorks One way to get over a fear of a cat is for that cat to be sick. 8mo
OriginalCyn620 I wonder if Lily will actually go out with Oliver, and if so, if that will coax Nick to confess the truth and his true feelings. I really just want these two to put the cards all on the table! 8mo
Roary47 I‘m so glad Nick was brave enough to help Lily. I‘m sure that was not easy. Oliver seems really nice. 🥰 8mo
julieclair I love that Oliver looks exactly like Lily‘s mental image of Strick. He seems like a nice guy and I hope he can be her date to the wedding. 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.12-13: Nick is such a goner for Lily, but his past is so heartbreaking that it‘s definitely holding him back in a big way. I was surprised he shared so much with her. When she finds out he‘s Strick she‘s going to be devastated.

Catsandbooks I keep seeing videos and memes of early 2000s fashion coming back and I just laugh 😂 8mo
OriginalCyn620 The meme is hilarious! 🤣 8mo
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OriginalCyn620 I‘m so glad Nick opened up to Lily! That‘s a big step for him for sure. This is agony waiting for the other shoe to drop! I also have a feeling that the truth is gonna come out in a really horrible way, not from Nick, which will make it even more difficult for Lily to forgive him. It would be easier (and best) if Nick told her himself. 8mo
LiseWorks Is it just me or do you find this book just goes on and on: like tell her already! 8mo
willaful @LiseWorks Not just you. @OrigianCyn620 That would be pretty typical of romance. 😳 8mo
Roary47 Oh man Nick you need to tell her. I‘m thinking that too @OriginalCyn620 I have a feeling it is either someone else, or he means well by showing her it‘s him. The cover though makes me think that he will give her his sequel to edit. If so, I hope it‘s the love story and apology. 🫣😬🥹 8mo
StayCurious @LiseWorks maybe you‘re not enjoying the audio version you‘re listening to. While I do find it‘s a bit slow paced, I think Nick needs time to come to terms with his feelings for Lily and her family 8mo
LiseWorks @StayCurious I am definitely not enjoying the audio version. The woman mc is so annoying with her sister voices 🙄 she makes them sound so immature. But I find describing clothes of every single person in the room also annoying. This book is 400 pages long. To me, for this type of story, there should have been more editing out that part. I don't need to know what everyone is wearing. 8mo
mhillis I was thinking the same thing @Roary47 Like eventually he is going to ask her for some kind of help with the book!! 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensloveRomance Ch.10-11: Lily and Nick are spending more time together and, because of her sister‘s meddling, he ends up going to her family bbq. So far he‘s making a good impression on everyone including Lily who, despite herself is falling even more, though she tries to deny it. I hope that Nick‘s discomfort around families doesn‘t cause him to spiral after this event. ⬇️

StayCurious Also, Eddy, Violet‘s fiancé doesn‘t make it. Who else thinks he is cheating with his client? 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I hope that things go well with Lily‘s family especially with Nick‘s past and how he feels anxious about family. I think there is more there with Eddy too. 8mo
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LiseWorks I somehow think chapter 11 should have been skipped. I was annoyed at the aunts. It may be that I'm listening to an audio instead of reading. I find the mc is so annoying with the voices of the sisters. Lol 8mo
OriginalCyn620 It does seem like Violet is rushing into marriage. I hadn‘t thought about Eddy cheating but that‘s possible! I kinda hope that Violet‘s family rubs off on Nick in a good way. Yes, they may be a lot, but they are there for Lily. What I‘m saying is, I hope by the end of the book, Nick has a “found family” in Lily‘s relatives. Her family needs to be the family he‘s never had! 8mo
willaful @StayCurious Most definitely. Pretty sure there's some sequel baiting there.... (edited) 8mo
StayCurious @willaful why else would they have mentioned Xavier her high school bf? 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I feel like we are definitely going to end up with sequels for both sisters 😂 8mo
peanutnine @OriginalCyn620 yes, I hope that this experience will show Nick that family can be supportive and not toxic but I think it will take him a bit to accept that he deserves that 8mo
peanutnine @StayCurious @willaful @TheAromaofBooks omg yes. Mentioning Xavier definitely seems like sequel material - second chance romance anyone? 8mo
julieclair I so want Nick to embrace the joy of a loving family. But I‘m not sure he‘s really ready for that. 8mo
Roary47 Okay, maybe it‘s just that I worked at Jack in the box, but they are only on the west coast…Nick traveled a lot so maybe it was them that he worked at one. Otherwise, oops 😬 That would be cool if they made books for the sisters. @willaful @peanutnine @TheAromaofBooks I didn‘t think about cheating, but rushing the wedding because she‘s pregnant? 8mo
peanutnine @Roary47 I live in NC and we have Jack in the Box here so it makes sense for him to have worked at one 8mo
Roary47 @peanutnine Yay! When I worked there they were strictly on the west coast. I‘m glad I can get my taco fix going other places. 🤩 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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January 20 #NewYearNewBooks SetInYrFaveSeason I don't really have a favorite season for reading, but this is what I'm reading now, and they are all set in summer. I also seem to gravitate to books set in snow lol. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs 🧡☀️🌺 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.8-9: we get to know more about Nick‘s difficult past and I do feel very sorry for him. Some parents shouldn‘t be parents. I like seeing his feelings for Lily spread across the page. It‘s sweet and sad at the same time. But he needs to get writing. His lack of progress on his book is making me nervous!

peanutnine I'm glad Nick's starting to share his ideas (however limited) with Marcus at least. Marcus has to know that Nick based a lot of the character on himself and hopefully can help him find his way in the story and his life. I also like that he talked to Lily about Nick even if he was vague about it 8mo
Roary47 Poor Nick. Every kid wants to be loved by their parent and made special. No wonder he doesn‘t want his dad to find him. He had another opportunity to tell her the truth. I just want that fall out to happen so we can move on from at least that. I‘m worried it will happen at a very special event. 😳🫣 8mo
OriginalCyn620 @peanutnine I totally agree! I‘m glad Nick has someone in his corner since his parents are such crap. And I hope that maybe Nick will get some writing inspo from Lily since they are spending a lot of time together! 8mo
julieclair I, too, am nervous about his writing. He believes his writing is no good, and he's doing his best to prove it. I wish he could gain more self confidence. 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch. 6-7: okay, now I‘m starting to feel sorry for Nick. He‘s obviously crazy about Lily and he thinks he can‘t have her. He really needs a self esteem boost - funny that on the outside people see him as confident when inside he‘s a mess. And good for Lily going to that party and getting dressed up - I‘m sure that‘s a big step for her. If she were to actually meet someone else, would Nick step up?

Graciouswarriorprincess I loved Lily‘s confidence in dressing up but also at the party and enjoying herself. Poor Nick, I agree he really needs to see what others see in him. 8mo
peanutnine He was so close to telling her the truth!! Like I know for the plot's sake it can't happen yet but jeez, the one time Lily can't shut up lol 8mo
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willaful Nick's hang-dog self is getting me down! But I'm in a bad mood anyway. 8mo
OriginalCyn620 Oh, I also liked how Lily stood her ground with her sister by not giving in and letting Iris set her up on a date. Lily is taking baby steps to building up her confidence! She‘s obviously coming into her own. And like @peanutnine said, Nick obviously can‘t come clean yet, but I am SO curious as to how the truth will finally come out! I am totally invested in these two characters! 8mo
julieclair Nick is a mess, and if he would only tell Lily the truth, it would do them both so much good. But the longer he hangs on to this secret, the angrier Lily will be when she does finally find out. 8mo
Roary47 @peanutnine Yes! 🙌 I was literally calling out to him to tell her the truth! Then when she kept talking… well… shoot. I loved that too @OriginalCyn620 flat out told her sister: No, the bets with both of you. I agree @julieclair the longer he waits the harder it will be for her to forgive him. Great chapters, I‘m excited for tomorrow. 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.4-5: Good for Lily for engaging in conversation with Nick and dropping some of her guardedness. Good for Lily for inviting him in and kissing him! That‘s a huge step for her! But the Nick started realizing that she is Lily G of email fame and started bugging out. It was almost like something you‘d see in a 90s romcom…⬇️

StayCurious normally I‘m all for some silly hijinks but in this case I just felt bad for Lily because she felt embarrassed. Nick better man up and tell her the truth - but I feel like this will take awhile… 8mo
LiseWorks I am so glad she didn't take no for an answer 8mo
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peanutnine I'm so proud of Lily for taking initiative!! Especially after Nick ran away and rejected her! I hope Nick will handle things better once he has some time to process the revelation 8mo
OriginalCyn620 Oh, I felt so bad for Lily! She was on such a roll but Nick realized who she was and split, and she has no idea why. That is an awkward situation to say the least, so I kinda feel bad for Nick too. Some honest, sit-down communication is what‘s needed here, but if that were to happen now, then there wouldn‘t be much of a book! 😂 I can‘t wait to see what Lily‘s request brings to the story! 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I love Lily taking the initiative but poor Nick! How embarrassing for him to realize it but I hated how he ran out. I also feel for Lily for admitting that she isn‘t good at flirting and with guys. She is being so vulnerable! 8mo
Roary47 I agree with everyone Lily had no idea what was going on. I‘ll be honest I was laughing out loud as I was imagining this big strong cute guy freaking out. From Lily‘s view being afraid of cats. 🤣 Poor Nick he just needs to process, but dude if you would have owned up in the first place 🤷‍♀️ 8mo
willaful I am still really not feeling Nick. He had better do some serious making this up to Lily. 8mo
mhillis If these two found each other irl then it‘s meant to be! Such a cute story. But Nick 🤦🏻‍♀️ 8mo
julieclair I feel kind of sorry for Nick, since he seems to truly believe that he ruins everything good in his life. He‘s trying to protect Lily from that. But he‘s treating her so badly in the process. Poor Lily. 8mo
Catsandbooks Not a fan of Nick. It bothers me when the plot is based around lack of communication and all it would take is an honest conversation to work things out. Communication is key in any healthy relationship! 👏🏼 8mo
willaful @julieclair People who obsess over their own shortcomings often are really destructive. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I don't exactly dislike Nick, but his Eeyore-attitude is very wearing to me. 8mo
julieclair @willaful Agreed. So sad for all concerned . 8mo
LiteraryinLawrence Agree with everyone‘s points. It seemed to me that it took Nick juuuuuuust a beat too long to realize Lily was the same Lily from the emails. It seemed like him seeing the ankle tattoo was what made him know for sure… but there were like 4 clues before that when he should have known it. 8mo
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.2-3: I know Lily‘s family means well, but I hate the pressure they put on her, both about her job and about guys. Poor thing. And Nick‘s certainly got a lot going on that would contribute to writer‘s block. He feels guilty about ghosting Lily, he feels like a fraud in his new success, he feels afraid that he‘s become like his father, he‘s afraid his father will find him…⬇️

StayCurious it‘s a lot to unpack. Even though Nick only had one backpack to unpack haha. How will Lily fit into his complicated life? 8mo
Kshakal I love how awkward lily is! 8mo
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willaful I'm feeling annoyed with Nick. The lies pale in insignificance compared to the ghosting. He should have just confessed.

But at least my Marcus theory was wrong! 😂
peanutnine Gosh Lily's family is so stressful, just reading about their antics makes me anxious 😅 @Kshakal I do like her awkwardness and how it hasn't put off Nick so far. It's interesting that he's already picturing her as the Lily from the emails even though he knows nothing about her yet 8mo
peanutnine @willaful yeah I didn't really feel like he lied besides not correcting the info from his author bio. Otherwise he seemed to be truthful in his character as they chatted. The ghosting was definitely the worse crime 8mo
willaful @peanutnine They make me anxious too. 8mo
LiseWorks Nick feels like he should not have anything because of his father. But I think he's afraid of everything. Lilly s sisters are so annoying. I'm listening to the audio and the reader makes the sister sound immature 8mo
Catsandbooks Lily's family needs to butt out. It's hard to get into publishing and even though she's not doing children's books how she wants she still is in the field. Like stop comparing your children and each other. Also I don't like Nick. This could have easily been explained that Strick is his pen name and he has family history for wanting a different name. Also he's too woe is me. My life is shit and nothing will change. 🙄 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I feel for both of them with the family situations. Families are so hard. 8mo
OriginalCyn620 @Graciouswarriorprincess I agree! They have different family situations but both are difficult to navigate. And as someone with a horrible biological father, I can see where Nick is coming from…it does mess with your head. Lily and Nick seem like good people, but their situations are kinda messed up! I think they‘re both too much in their own heads. 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @OriginalCyn620 I agree with you. They are too much in their own heads and that is the worst. Sometimes, we are own worst enemies! 8mo
LiteraryinLawrence I‘m really glad that Nick didn‘t sleep with Yolanda. For a minute I was like, what?? But overall I‘m definitely drawn into the story. I like that Nick at least has Marcus and his fiancé. I don‘t feel like Lily really has anyone to talk to who isn‘t judging her or giving her unreasonable things to do (her boss). Where are her friends? 8mo
peanutnine @LiseWorks omg yes Violet seems so flaky 🙄 and how do they both not realize that Lily obviously has different taste in guys than themselves? @LiteraryinLawrence she has no one in her corner, which is so disheartening 8mo
mhillis I get it that if Nick just told the truth there would be no story, but why doesn‘t he just tell her what‘s going on?!! 8mo
LiseWorks @Catsandbooks I totally agree with the woe is me with Nick. 8mo
Roary47 I agree @Graciouswarriorprincess families are hard. While I don‘t agree with Nick‘s decisions regarding Lily. It‘s obviously his trauma with his family. Lily‘s sisters mean well to help her find someone, but stop pushing! @LiteraryinLawrence Yes! I was worried there for a minute in regards to Yolanda. 8mo
julieclair @LiteraryinLawrence I agree about Lily. I feel so sorry for her. She obviously loves her family, but they are so judgmental. She needs friends she can talk to. 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Prologue: is there anything worse than public transpo during a heat wave? Poor Lilly. How scary to faint in public like that. Not sure I like Nick yet. He seems very glass half empty. But perhaps he has good reason. I am Intrigued by his travelling job though. What a dream.
Ch.1: what an interesting way to meet these characters! Very You‘ve Got Mail - which just so happens to be my favourite movie. ⬇️

StayCurious But how much of what they‘re saying is true…I say this more abt Strict - he seems more guarded than Lily. And what happened at the end? How mysterious! I‘m looking forward to the in between that we‘ll get in “Real Life”. 8mo
julieclair This has me hooked already! I can‘t wait to find out why in the world he cut off all communication. That totally took me by surprise. 8mo
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OriginalCyn620 I liked both characters right off! Their back and forth is adorable! I don‘t think Strick is lying but he definitely isn‘t as forthcoming with details about himself and his life as Lily is - he definitely has a wall up. I can‘t wait to see why that is! I was not expecting the first chapter to end that way - I‘m listening to the audiobook and I expressed my surprise out loud, which earned me quite the look from my husband! 😂 8mo
Julsmarshall I like them both too! Books meant so much to me growing up that I always love seeing characters with that experience too 😍 8mo
LiseWorks Isn't it interesting how we tend to spill our whole life to strangers? lol. This is so online dating tonics fullest. 8mo
Roary47 Oops I read a little ahead. The end of chapter 1!? Dude! He went as far as deleting his email too. How heartbreaking. 😭 8mo
willaful I'm very fond of what I, an old-fashioned girl, call a “Shop Around the Corner“ plot. 😂

My heart was wrung by that ending! Are we sure she's really been talking to Nick? Could it be his friend who set up the website impersonating him? Maybe there's been interest in the book and that's why he can't do it anymore. But that would be kind of a meh plot, so I hope that's not it. But what could have gone wrong?
tdrosebud @StayCurious please tag me in this one? I really enjoyed the emailing between Nick and Lily but was surprised by his ghosting her. This has definitely pulled me in. 8mo
peanutnine This is so good so far! I really like the characters, they have some flaws they need to work on but overall I'm rooting for them! Lily needs some confidence and to learn how to face confrontation, which is so relatable. And I can't wait to find out what happened to cause Nick to bail on their relationship. Clearly he has some childhood issues to work through 8mo
mhillis Please tag me too! I started reading because of your posts. I‘m really enjoying listening to the audiobook. The premise is so interesting, and I loved their email exchange!! 8mo
Catsandbooks I hate that he just ghosts her and doesn't give an explanation! 8mo
LiteraryinLawrence I agree that the end of the email section surprised me! What does he mean that he‘s not who she thinks…? I thought the way they got to know each other over email felt very organic and real. It was cute how they supported each other even though they‘d never met. Now on to the next part! 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I love You‘ve Got Mail and the Shop Around the Corner with Jimmy Stewart. This reminded me of it. I didn‘t like how he just disappeared/ghosted her. Especially after the New Year‘s message! 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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Started this bad boy this morning… so far it seems super fun! #littensloveromance @StayCurious

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Just a reminder that tomorrow we start our January buddy read with the prologue and Ch.1: the Emails. Looking forward to starting the New Year off with this one!

LiseWorks Yep I've got my copy ready to go 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I'm excited for this one!! 8mo
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Kshakal Can‘t wait! 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Hurray! Can‘t wait!! 8mo
OriginalCyn620 Yay! This one sounds cute! 8mo
julieclair Yay! Looking forward to this one! 8mo
LiteraryinLawrence Thanks for the reminder! 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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I enjoyed this one, pretty good on #audio though it felt quite a bit like a dozen others I‘ve read. My favorite parts were the publishing industry elements and Nick‘s book. #BookspinBingo #littensloveromance @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks This one just came in at the library for me!! 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LitsyLovesRomance I thought this sounded like a fun rom com. I think I just may be too old for rom coms about twentysomethings. I enjoyed it at first because I lived and worked in NYC for eight and a half years and it was somewhat nostalgic. But I couldn‘t wrap myself around the idea of being that age anymore. I don‘t think this is a book without merit, it just isn‘t for me anymore.

StayCurious Fair enough! Thanks for your review! 8mo
CatLass007 @StayCurious Thanks for hosting! (edited) 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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“New Yorkers are not always nice but they‘re always kind.” #LittensLoveRomance

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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Repost for @StayCurious

#LittensLoveRomance Our January read is scheduled for mid-month! This one looks fun - here‘s hoping we‘ll start off the year with a good one. Please let me know if you‘d like to be tagged in my daily posts. All are welcome to join in!

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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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#LittensLoveRomance Our January read is scheduled for mid-month! This one looks fun - here‘s hoping we‘ll start off the year with a good one. Please let me know if you‘d like to be tagged in my daily posts. All are welcome to join in!

gossamerchild Oh, this was such a fun book! I hope y'all enjoy it. 8mo
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OriginalCyn620 Cool! I‘ll see if I can find a copy of the audiobook! 😊 8mo
Kshakal Can‘t wait to read this one!! 8mo
CatLass007 This looks like a fun book. Could you please add me to your tag list. I think I already am overextended when it comes to #BuddyReads, but I‘d like to know more about what y‘all are reading. 8mo
peanutnine Yay I was hoping for this one! Please tag me, looking forward to it ☺️ 8mo
Read4life I‘ve got my copy 🤓 8mo
willaful Please keep me tagged! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! I have it on reserve at the library!! 8mo
julieclair Yes! Please tag me. 😁 8mo
LiteraryinLawrence Could you add me to your tag list, please? I think I‘d like to join in this month! 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Yes, please tag me. Thank you. 😊 8mo
PageShifter Please tag me, I'll join if I find the book! 8mo
Catsandbooks Please tag me! 8mo
Roary47 Please tag me as well. 😍 8mo
BethM Library actually had this one today! 8mo
CatLass007 Is there a master list for the year or do you vote every month? 8mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 we vote every month 8mo
CatLass007 Okay, that works. Thank you. 8mo
Skygoddess1 This sounds cute, please add me to your tag list 8mo
LiteraryinLawrence I have a logistical question. Do people usually read along at the same pace (so not starting til the 15th) or do they read it before the 15th? I know there‘s not one “right” way to participate, but I‘ve never done #littensloveromance before and am curious! Thanks! 8mo
StayCurious @LiteraryinLawrence hi! You can read it however you choose! But if you want to read at the same pace as me, I‘ll be starting Jan 15. There may be spoilers in my posts so if you‘re not caught up, best to avoid the daily posts. 8mo
Julsmarshall I finished this early because my library hold came in. Fun on #audio ! 8mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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Snuck away from work for a bit to read.

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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest

Only a 70% rating on here? Please. I give “ The Neighbor Favor” a 100%! This is one of the best romantic comedies I‘ve ever read. The sweet yet sizzling chemistry between Lily and Nick is undeniable and I just enjoyed them so much! I also loved the bond that Lily and her sisters share. Those who have a good relationship with their sister will find this relatable. Looking forward to Iris‘s story! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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Not sure what is going on this month but I‘ve bailed on 6 books!!

The tagged - I was kind of just bored (nothing wrong with the book but wasn‘t in the mood for a straight romance, wanted more magic, there is none 🤣)

🐺Too gruesome
🧛🏼Too much sex, not enough story
🐙Just so weird and boring
🧙🏻‍♀️Did not care for the characters and was not interested in what I was reading, was literally skimming half the book
🧛‍♀️ posted about this one

marleed Good for you - I need to bail more often. 13mo
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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This was super cute. Both are slightly damaged adults who figure out their shit by actually having conversations....y'know, eventually. Miscommunication and blatant lying are part of the growing phase, but they did end up actually talking about their issues, which is always a relief.

Can't wait to read Lily's sisters' stories.


The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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May 2023 Wrap Up
- The Neighbor Favor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- All Systems Red ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Artificial Condition ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Not So Perfect Strangers ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- The Writing Retreat ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Rogue Protocol ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Akata Witch ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Exit Strategy ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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This was a cute romance novel with a couple endearing, book-loving main characters. It‘s probably not one I‘ll remember the details of for long & I probably won‘t seek the author out again, but it‘s a quick, fun read.

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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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I loved this! Nick and Lily both felt realistic as characters, and I loved the concept behind how they first met. They also made each other better, which is something I love to see in romance. Can't wait for Violet's book! #contemporaryromance

Kerrbearlib Listening to the audiobook now. Sooo good! 1y
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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest

A love story with bookish Black characters working on themselves and building a relationship? Yes, please!