I‘ve been fascinated by her story ever since I listened to a podcast about her years ago. This is a quick, easy read and includes a few details I didn‘t know. I enjoyed it. Well, other than a few creepy phrases that struck a chord in bizarro 2020.
I‘ve been fascinated by her story ever since I listened to a podcast about her years ago. This is a quick, easy read and includes a few details I didn‘t know. I enjoyed it. Well, other than a few creepy phrases that struck a chord in bizarro 2020.
Okay, I‘m hooked. Weird to be reading this in the midst of a pandemic, though. #PandemicReading
#DavidCat is ignoring me. I guess I‘m not petting her enough! #CatsofLitsy #PandemicReading #QuarantineLife
Presenting a stand alone #bookreport for His Elderliness @Cinfhen - he‘s been busy! He enjoyed all of these books but had a lot to say about Terrible Typhoid Mary so I think that was his favourite.
I got stranded at his house for an extra three hours when my car had to be towed (what a week it has been!) so I took the chance to take a photo of him as well.
A short but interesting read about the woman who came to known as Typhoid Mary. Fascinating to learn there were other known carriers, but they didn‘t get treated as Mary did. She was locked up, kept in quarantine, and subjected to forced medical treatment, even though an independent lab tested her and determined her specimens were clear of disease. Dr Sopher‘s journals indicated she wasn‘t demure, deferential, or feminine....according to him.
Very carefully researched story of Typhoid Mary. Written for middle grades it is a complete biography and an interesting read.
This is the nonfiction account of the woman that allegedly spread Typhoid Fever through New York City. She was a cook for upper class people and she was told to stop working once it was determined that she had the fever. But she was #busyearning a living and kept cooking, spreading the disease. Tragically, she ended up sequestered for most of her life. #aprella
This was difficult to narrow down #mostwantedtopfive
The Journals of Sylvia Plath
We Were Eight Years in Power
What Happened
Terrible Typhoid Mary
Dead Feminists
This was a short and informative read on the infamous case of Typhoid Mary. I liked that it gave a brief but detailed history. It also seemed very objective to me. I could see both sides. Public health is undeniably important, however I can also understand why Mary as skeptical of the claims made against her, not to mention the fact that being part of the lower working class didn‘t leave her many options.
Genevieve is sick today, poor baby, so between nursing her and cleaning up puke, I‘m having an impromptu readathon. Of course my husband is at the OSU game, so I‘m stuck in this puke house of horrors without adult support. 😂😩 He did buy me bagels and chicken salad though, so hopefully I survive. Praying no one else gets it. 🙏🏻 Hopefully I can at least get some good books read.
PER DAY!!!?! That‘s a lot!! 🐎 💩🤢
A brief account of Mary Mallon. She was a healthy carrier of typhoid whom infected many people with her cooking. Her unlawful detention/imprisonment and her infamy was sensationalized in the media and she was branded with the moniker of Typhoid Mary. The book was interesting yet I felt sorry for the despicable way in which Mary was treated.
After infecting an estimated 20 odd people, cook Mary Mallon bka Typhoid Mary, was quarantined for over two decades
A very brief overview of Typhoid Mary. I was torn between having empathy and being angry with her. It was a quick and interesting read.
This was an enlightening read. I didn't even know that people could be "healthy carriers" of horrible diseases! Poor Mary. She did not have a happy life once they figured out that she was a healthy carrier of Typhoid!
A very succinct history of a real-life woman who spawned a new expression of speech. (Minus the index, photo album, and reference notes, the text comes in at 155 pages.) The writing is good, though sparing in details about the woman herself. (Understandable, given the lack of surviving information.) Decent enough book for a light read.
My library #bookhaul today. Finished the Cursed Child already, about to start on Typhoid Mary, mostly because it's the shortest of the lot! I've got a reading list written up about notable women in history - the Michelle Obama book is from that list, but the rest are random finds from the biography shelf. #booktober #unforgettablewomen @RealLifeReading
I am officially in love with YA/middle grade nonfiction. 1) enough info on a subject so that you learn enough and can decide if you enjoy the subject or not 2) has to be engaging because of its target audience 3) so you aren't falling asleep bcz it's so dry and you aren't drowning in an information dump. It's great. Loved it. Watched a show on Typhoid Mary a long time ago and picked this up to learn a little more.
A quick and engrossing read into the life & times of house cook "Typhoid" Mary Mallon. Her life was a grave tragedy, shifting from thrift & hardship to confusing & unjust imprisonment. Women's identity, immigration, NYC at the turn of the 20th Century, & some history of the medical field, are covered at length. The person behind the notorious legend is powerfully revealed, & I'm so glad I read this. #PairWith: Kavanagh Irish Cream Liqueur, neat.
It's #recommendsday ! Coale the black cat is clearly riveted by this "true story of the deadliest cook in America." Appropriate for middle grade kids to adults, it's a very quick, interesting read, and includes antique photos. Engaging and reads like fiction. What a story! No one was safe from Terrible Typhoid Mary. ?
I had to read this book before putting it in my classroom library in the fall. I predict that it won't stay on the shelf for long!