Better than I was expecting. I feel a little like it was in medias res, so I was slightly lost there.
Better than I was expecting. I feel a little like it was in medias res, so I was slightly lost there.
Eh. It was okay -- maybe a little above average. But I'm not sure I'll move on to volume two.
It was okay. Definitely emotionally poignant, but also a little dull. 💁🏼
Pretty good. Listened to the audio and that's definitely the way to go or I think I would have missed some of the humor without his actual delivery.
One of my boyfriend's favorite books and the first time I'm reading something recommended by him. I don't do fantasy, but my God, look at how loved his copy is.
My God. I wish there were more books to this series. I'm not done with these characters yet.
Him. Her. Lips meeting without lies. It was the purest, strongest, most heart-clenching thing.
He loved her, too.
Schiesse, he loved her. It wasn't just a feeling, but a knowing, hot inside him. Love like burning.
Decent, but took a while to get through. Not happy about the citation style either.
I tried. Dull. But it could be the author's narration of the audio. His voice was pretty monotone.
Hypocrites always suspect hypocrisy in others.
Quick. Mostly lighthearted. I listened to the audio and the narrator was great.
He had given Strahan a blanket order to send him any book worth reading -- excepting theology.
Eerie. But good. And a more personal look at an individual who has been sensationalized.
Love. Funny. Accessible. I devoured it. Pun intended.
My heart didn't even write a farewell note... It was a goner.
I love books that make me uncomfortable. But this one was too much. Not really the subject matter, but it was far more focused on sex than plot. After less than 20%, I felt like I hadn't gotten anywhere with the story.
Amazing. Phenomenal. I'm floored. I couldn't even quote it because I would have quoted the whole thing. I had been putting this off under the pretense that it was possibly overrated. I was so wrong.
A little dull. Not as creepy as I was expecting.
I appreciated the decent attempt at a neutral stance from a German writer. The writing was rather dull, however. If I'm getting bored reading about the American Revolution, that's a problem. I felt like it was 400 pages of regurgitated facts with very little analysis or personal input to add some flair.
... [Washington] threatened Clinton: "To save the innocent, I demand the guilty."
Stories circulated of another British officer who trusted his men would rather overcome scruples against murder than forfeit alcohol: every soldier who took prisoners would lose his rum ration for two months.
Pertinent today. Not super riveting, but good enough to keep my attention.
This one is slow going. Interesting to me, but dry and probably not universally appealing.
Who exactly were the Americans? American identity was a complex matter, with constitutional, cultural, economic, ideological, and emotional dimensions.
I've had this for months, but grad school kept me from it until now. SO EXCITED to start.
Not quite as good as the first one, but still excellent. I sped through it.
I never expected to care for anyone,
period. I've worked very hard to
avoid it, in fact, which is why
everyone thinks I'm cold. Maybe
I am, but it's because I'm afraid
of getting hurt. Love wasn't meant
for people like you and me. You
have to be strong and brave to fall
in love. And maybe a little stupid.
There are more imperfect diamonds
than flawless stones. So, what
the hell? I'll give it a try, and do
my best to keep moving forward.
Just as good as the first one. I am going to eagerly and impatiently await more in this series.
But just because someone refused to see the truth didn't mean it ceased to exist.
Why did doing the right thing feel so awful? Did that mean it wasn't the right thing, or did right things always feel awful, which would in fact be a terrible deterrent to doing right?
"The dead do not frighten me. Takes the living to do that."
"We are made by what we are asked to bear..."
He shook out his umbrella.
"Don't open that in here, Doc," Sam cautioned.
"Why not?"
Sam shrugged. "It's bad luck. Everybody knows that."
"We make our own luck." Will released the black spiderlike canopy, angling its full bonnet through the door like a shield.
Boys were fun. Boys were playtime. Boys were distractions.
Decent read, though not as good as I was expecting with all the hype. Poetically written, but a little dull at times. Didn't tug at my heartstrings the way I was expecting based on what others had said.
If your same blood doesn't run in the arms and legs of the person you're next to, you can't trust anything.
...isn't life a kind of corruption? A child is born, and the world sets in upon it. Taking things from it, stuffing things into it. Each bite of food, each particle of light ending the eye -- the body can never be pure.
This, she realizes, is the basis of his fear, all fear. That a light you are powerless to stop will turn on you and usher a bullet to its mark.